Conservation Minutes 10.12.2012

Campton Conservation Commission

 Meeting Minutes

October 10, 2012; 7:30pm


CCC Members Present: Jane Kellogg, Lea Stewart, Alisoun Hodges, Tammy Wooster

Others Present: Robin Adams, Ben Adams

Lea chaired the meeting and introduced  Campton residents Ben and Robin Adams. Ben was observing the meeting as part of a  PRHS civics class assignment.

  1. 1.      Minutes:

 Alisoun made a motion to approve the September meeting minutes. Jane seconded the motion and all were in favor.


  1. 2.      Bog   Pond Project:

 On Sept 19 the CC held a work session which was attended by County Forester Dave Falkenham, and Malin Clyde and Amanda Stone from the UNH Cooperative Extension. The focus of the meeting was to formalize an outreach program targeting Bog Pond Area landowners using the Wildlife Action Plan and Taking Action for Wildlife programs as a model.

Maps and supporting descriptive habitat materials were studied and a plan for how to best communicate with landowners was discussed. Subsequent to the work session Amanda and Malin have  provided a summary of tasks,actions, and a time frame to complete the projects discussed.  One project idea proposed at the work session was for the CC to host a Speaking for Wildlife event, possibly as part of the Historical Society’s programming. Jess spoke with program director Judy Landry who will reserve a 2013 date for us. Another project discussed was Jess’s idea to host a frozen bog walk this winter. The final project recommended by Malin and Amanda was to revise the Wildlife Chapter in Campton’s Natural Resource Inventory to include updated Wildlife Action Plan data. Extension staff will assist the CCC when we are ready to take this on. Additionally, Dave Falkenham is available as a free professional resource to consult interested Bog Pond area landowners on land management and conservation options.

The first outreach meeting with Bog Pond area landowners will be on October 28th and will include a pre-meeting paddle for those who wish to explore the bog as a group. Pat Barker has graciously offered her home for this informal gathering and Patrick Miller offered to share the trails on his land with anyone interested. The CC hopes the meeting will result in the exchange of wildlife sightings and Bog Pond knowledge while getting to know the Bog Pond residents over light refreshments. Landowners will have an opportunity to take a look at the Wildlife Action Plan Habitat map and will be provided with some conservation and wildlife information to take home. Lea shared a draft of a postcard invitation she has been working on which was reviewed and edited. Jane will complete the invitation and circulate the final version via e-mail. Alisoun and Jane will address and mail the invitations to Bog Pond area landowners by Oct 15th

A discussion of how to best handle RSVP’s was had and Lea asked whether the Town had an e-mail address for the purpose of receiving inquiries. The group thought it would be a good idea for the CC to have its own e-mail and Tammy said she would ask Beverly if this would be feasible.   Jane mentioned that she was continuing to make edits to the Campton Bog area contacts list and Lea suggested that it would be helpful to post the list on Dropbox.

Jane mentioned that the CC received an interesting  Bog Pond response letter  which she shared with the group. The letter was from a  Rumney resident who manages property around Bog Pond. The individual described the Campton Bog as a unique area with outstanding wildlife habitat, and confirmed the  importance of conserving the bog to maintain the pristine nature of this area. The letter went on to describe an earlier effort to place a conservation easement on several hundred acres surrounding the bog in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s. 2 to 3 landowners were involved in pursuing the easement and went as far as having a professional appraisal completed. Several months went by and there was limited or no communication and the landowners were informed that NH Fish & Game did not consider the area as important wildlife habitat area. The letter writer went on to say that this new high ranking habitat designation seemed contradictory to his past experience  and  that perhaps Fish & Game has had a change of interest.  Jane followed up by calling the landowner and thanked him for his letter. He will be invited to our gathering and the CC looks forward to further discussion with him.

Next the group discussed a plan and date for our October work session to prepare for the Bog Pond landowner meeting. We will meet at Jane’s house on Wednesday Oct. 24th at 7 pm to assemble informational packets and formalize a food list and agenda. The idea of having some kind of pushpin/stickers available for landowners to mark wildlife sightings on the habitat map was discussed and will be finalized at the work session. All agreed that this would be a great thing to display at future voting days, similar to our groundwater display.

Tammy reported that she called the Natural Heritage Bureau to request endangered, threatened, and special concern state listed species data specific to the Bog Pond area. She was told that the area hadn’t been surveyed and that any  rare species information acquired from our project would be valuable. The idea of completing a future  Bog Pond survey was discussed and all agreed that Rick Van De Poll would be a great choice of professionals. Tammy shared copies of a wildlife sightings reporting form she received from the Natural Heritage Bureau which we will include in our landowner packets. She was also told by the NHB Bureau that a botanist said to  keep an eye out for the rare plant Hippuris Vulgaris or Common Mare’s Tail. This species occurs in peat land habitat but the nearest sighting documented is in Pittsburgh. Alisoun added that she had e-mailed  Forest Service Wildlife Biologist Clara Weloth about the possibility of Wood Turtles at Bog Pond and was waiting to hear back.  A final Bog Pond discussion note was that Lea offered to lead a winter walk around the Bog with her Newfound tracking team which all thought was a great idea.

3. Rey Center Nature Nights Summary:

Tammy passed around a summary of the Nature Nights program provided by Leigh Ann Reynolds of the Rey Center.  The CC requested a summary including expenses to assist in future educational program planning. Total expenses including staff time, supplies, advertising and mileage were listed as $960.00.  The CC was able to raise $500 through donations and the Rey center covered the remaining expenses. Tammy will give the summary to Jess to  incorporate into the letter she drafted to the Select Board.

4. 2013 Budget:

 Lea passed out copies of last year’s budget for review. Jane said that she checked with Ann Marie and that we have a balance of $590 left for this year and have spent $495 to date. PRLAC dues, which are requested from each town within the watershed have gone up to $250 from $200. Tammy will check when dues are required for renewal of NH Assoc. of Natural Resource Scientists membership. Next year is a PCP mowing year so we will budget accordingly. A quick count revealed that none present plan on attending the NHACC conference this year. Jane recommended we all think of potential upcoming needs perhaps relative to providing storage for CC materials at the new Town office.

5. FYI:

Jane shared some information she learned while attending a recent Lakes Region Planning Commission workshop titled “Making Progress to Protect Drinking Water Resources in the Lakes Region”. One session she attended reported an increasing occurrence of salt in groundwater. Jane was alarmed to learn that the town well in Ashland had been contaminated by salt  due to its proximity to I-93. Ashland hired an engineering firm to come up with ideas to resolve the contamination problem. The town, along with the DOT has now designated the roads surrounding the wellhead protection area as a low salt zone. In realizing that Campton’s aquifer is similarly located adjacent to I-93 , Jane e-mailed Gary Benedix asking what the salt levels in Campton ‘s wells are showing. Jane has not heard back from Gary to date.

Another story  Jane shared from the workshop detailed  an outreach program undertaken by the town of Tuftonboro to motivate  and assist residents to test their own wells. Residents were educated through a town newsletter and the Town provided sample bottles acquired through DES. Test results revealed high arsenic levels in several cases.

The meeting was adjourned at 9pm and Ben and Robin were thanked for attending Alisoun asked Ben if he would send us a copy of his civics assignment when completed to which he agreed.

Respectfully submitted,


Tammy Wooster

 Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 14, 2012






Fire Commision Minutes 10.15.2012



OCTOBER 15, 2012



Fire Commissioners in attendance:  Jim Demeritt, Lou Klotz, Kelly Bolger, Niles Downing, B.G. King

Also present: Chief Tobine, Julie O’Neill

Meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm.

Minutes of September 10, 2012 Fire Commissioner’s meeting were read.  Jim Demeritt motioned to approve minutes as written, seconded by Kelly Bolger. Voted 5-0.

Manifest: Reviewed and accepted.

Old Business: Truck inspections were completed with no major issues to report. One engine needed batteries replaced this week.  An exhaust manifold gasket was replaced on the ambulance because of the smell of diesel in back compartment.  The Rescue truck has had an oil pan leak and after tightening bolts the leak seems to be better.


As of January 2013 the trucks are going to be inspected once a year instead of every six months.  Preventive maintenance will continue with company that does inspections. Chief doesn’t foresee any change in budget.  B.G. King inquired about the cost of an inspection and currently it is approximately $120 for each truck inspection.  “Burn-off” is a new problem for trucks in fire service. If a truck needs to be burned off during operations at a fire it takes over and burns off the carbons inside the exhaust system.  Chief said there is an override thru NFPA for trucks at a fire scene as a safety issue.


Jim Demeritt discussed Thornton Fire Dept. furnace being cleaned November 1st.  

New Business:

Kelly made a motion to enter nonpublic session per RSA 91-A:3 III – seconded by Jim @ 4:50 pm.  Voted 5-0 all in favor.


Motion to exit non public session made by Jim, seconded by Niles. Voted 5-0 all in favor. The board exited nonpublic session at 5:10 pm.

Kelly Bolger motioned to Seal the minutes of nonpublic session per RSA 91-A:3, III  as divulgence of information contained in the minutes would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person other than  a member of this board. The board voted 5-0 to seal the minutes.

Chief’s Report

LGC Board of Directors have announced they will return 20.8 million in surplus back to the risk pools for property liability trust in the form of a contribution holiday.  This is similar to the contribution holiday from Primex we received few months ago. The Fire Department is with the SAU 48 risk pool.  On the health insurance a contribution holiday of 1.7 million is being given back.  As of today, we do not know the exact figures.

Lou asked if we can get numbers for insurance increases.  Chief responded yes, hopefully for next FC meeting we will have those numbers.  Chief distributed budget worksheets to the Board for review.

The account for “Special detail” will remain as is (same as 2012)  Lou asked how that number remains the same throughout year end.  Jim Demeritt inquired about line item for support staff.

Chief has completed worksheets for budget.  Fire commissioners discussed pay increases for 2013. Chief said the average pay for full-time fire fighter is $22.00 an hour and we are nowhere near that.  Lou asked about the policy implemented for steps.  Niles said that if they do well in the evaluation then there will be a step process, but on top of that we vote for a cola increase for employees.  Lou said it is reasonable to accept the 2% step and then a cola.   The cola would be retroactive to January but the step wouldn’t be implemented until review is completed.  Chief explained that at some point you have to do a cola because otherwise salaries are not keeping up with other departments.

Lou asked if Chief could do a justification line for the next meeting for each line item on worksheet.

Decision to change name of Line Item .02 to Off Duty Ambulance Coverage instead of weekend call.

Chief said to keep in mind of the increase in the call company.  The largest increase in the payroll portion of budget will be that.  If we increase the full-timers pay it will add roughly to the budget with the steps and the cola.

If we look at other items that need to be increased in the budget we would be looking at ambulance revenue – 72% return on billing. Insurance is medicare plus 35%.  We have a lot of elderly patients.

Chief reported we are meeting weekly on web design with Ron Reynolds.  Ron is donating his time for this project and hopefully the web site will be up and running by year end.  The Fire Commission agreed to do a group picture to add to the web site.  Next monthly meeting the picture will be taken.  Caption could include name of each commissioner and year appointed.

A brief discussion about the figures within the CIP in Thornton.  There may be changes made to the CIP which may involve the plans for the Fire Department.   Chief mentioned that Engine 5 is due for replacement in 2015 and needs to fit in the building in Thornton.  Lou Klotz said the Fire Commissioners need to do the right thing for the Fire Department.

As there was no other business to discuss, a motion was made by Kelly to adjourn, seconded by Jim Demeritt.  Voted 5-0 in favor.  The meeting concluded at 5:50 PM


Respectfully submitted,

Julie O’Neill

Administrative Assistant

BOS Meeting Minutes 10.15.2012


OCTOBER 15, 2012

The Board of Selectmen met for their weekly meeting at 6:30 p. m. at the Campton Town Office.  Present were, Selectmen, Craig Keeney, Charles Wheeler, Sharon Davis and Marsh Morgan.  Selectman Cheney was not present due to being out of State. The Board signed 2 Building Permits, 1 Driveway Permit, 1 Warrant for General Election and 1 Abatement.

Members of the public who were present at the meeting, but not on the agenda were Peggy Rosen and Josh Rosen.

At 6:45 p.m. Chair Keeney called on Kelly Bolger to give an update on the new Municipal Building.  Kelly indicated the stud walls are up and an inspection of all utilities has been made.  It was determined that the Executive Secretary’s work area is too small; however, Kelly is working through a plan regarding a different filing cabinet system to resolve space and convenience issues. Kelly stated that the propane tanks will be set tomorrow.  The Selectmen’s Office staff will view work areas and electrical outlets at the Municipal Building on Wednesday.  Kelly also presented three proposal scenarios for the alarm system.  After the Board reviewed, it was suggested that Kelly discuss the proposals further with the contractor directing concerns of the Board regarding use of some of the now existing alarm system presently in the Town Office and a total bottom line figure for the project.  Kelly also informed the Board that the catwalk will have handrails and they will do away with the lateral braces.  Kelly stated that there is some material left to complete the catwalk so there will not be a huge additional expense.  Kelly also wanted the Board to be aware that the Fire Department has been nominated as volunteers of the year by the Waterville Valley Regional Chamber of Commerce and the awards banquet will be held on November 2, 2012, at 6:00 p.m. at the Waterville Estates Community Center.

At 7:00 p.m. Chair Keeney made a Motion to go into Non Public Session under RSA 91-A: 3 ll(c) regarding a tax matter.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan and with a roll call vote:  Selectman Morgan – aye, Selectman Wheeler – aye, Selectman Keeney – aye and Selectman Davis – aye, the Board went into Non Public Session at 7:00 p.m.  The Board came out of Non Public Session at 7:10 p.m.

Chair Keeney then called on Butch Bain, Road Agent to discuss winter highway issues.  Butch stated that the highway staff will be short staffed for winter plowing and recommended that the Board agree to hire Derek Todd for 30 hours a week during the winter months to fill the gap.  Butch explained how this would be the most economical solution.  After discussion, the Board agreed to hire Derek Todd for a 30-hour workweek.  Also, Butch stated that the paving will be finished tomorrow and the Board agreed that the paving project went very smoothly and they were pleased with the workmanship.

At 7:20 p.m. Chair Keeney made a Motion to go into Non Public Session under RSA 91-A: 3 ll(c) regarding a tax matter.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Davis and with a roll call vote:  Selectman Davis – aye, Selectman Morgan – aye, Selectman Wheeler – aye and Selectman Keeney – aye, the Board went into Non Public Session at 7:20 p.m.  The Board came out of Non Public Session at 7:25 p.m.

Chair Keeney then called for approval of the Minutes of the October 1, 2012 Meeting.  Selectman Morgan made a Motion to approve the Minutes and 3 sets of Non Public Minutes as written.  Selectman Wheeler seconded the Motion, and the Minutes and 3 sets of Non Public Minutes were then unanimously approved as written.

A Motion was then made by Selectman Wheeler to seal the Minutes of the October 9, 2012 Non Public Meeting that was held by the Board.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Davis and with a roll call vote:  Selectman Davis – aye, Selectman Morgan – aye, Selectman Wheeler – aye, Selectman Keeney – aye, the Non Public Minutes of October 9, 2012 were then sealed.

Chair Keeney then made a Motion to go into Non Public Session under RSA 91-A: 3 ll(c) regarding a tax matter.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Davis and with a roll call vote:  Selectman Davis – aye, Selectman Morgan – aye, Selectman Wheeler – aye, and Selectman Keeney – aye, the Board went into Non Public Session at 7:45 p.m.  The Board came out of Non Public Session at 8:00 p.m.

Chair Keeney continued the meeting by calling on Ann Marie to review correspondence. Ann Marie indicated that a notice was received from the Local Government Center regarding the Annual conference which is scheduled for November 14-15, 2012, and she suggested that she and Selectman Davis attend the conference on November 14th as they will be having a Post Issuance Tax Compliance session that we need to be trained in for when the Town applies for bonding.

A thank you note was received from Christine Dole regarding the Town’s donation to the Campton Congregational Church in memory of John Dole.

Ann Marie indicated that a Notice was received from Grafton County Superior Court that the appeal had been declined regarding the Town of Campton v. Beebe River Village District.  Discussion then continued with ongoing issues; i.e. Attorney Conklin’s decision not to allow the Board of Selectmen authority to pay remaining bills and disburse the remaining funds of the District to the property owners without a Court order.

A letter was received from M.A. Bean Associates in Sanbornton, NH expressing their experience with bridge repairs and how they could possibly save the Town money on repairs.  Ann Marie indicated that M.A. Bean Associates is not on the State list of qualified contractors and the Town now has approved State and Federal funds available for the Blair Bridge Project.

The Local Government Center sent a letter informing the Town that Campton is eligible for a “Contribution Holiday” (a credit on premium payment).  After further discussion by the Board it was suggested that Ann Marie contract Primex for a quote regarding property liability and bonding of Town officials.

NH DOT sent a letter regarding specific streetlights that will be discontinued by the State (unless the Town chooses to take the responsibility over).  A meeting will be held on October 25, 2012, at 2:00 p.m., at Pease Public Library in Plymouth to discuss.  Chair Keeney made some suggestions to discuss with the State; however, the Board agreed not to take on any responsibility for continuing the street lighting that the State is going to eliminate.

A notice was received of a meeting to be held on October 25, 2012, between 8:00 and 10:00 a.m., at the Holderness Town Hall to discuss “Private-Public Partnerships”.

Ann Marie indicated that the Biennial Inspection of Municipally Owned Bridges was received from the NH DOT indicating “no action” needed on postings of all bridges inspected.

Ann Marie reminded the Board of the meeting at Waterville Estates Community Center, on October 24, 2012, at 6:30 p.m. regarding the property owned by Lewis and Christine Matson on Goose Hollow Road, in Thornton.

Ann Marie informed the Board that she forwarded a memo to Mr. Mullen (with documentation) regarding Owls Nest taxes and possible options regarding a tax agreement.

Chair Keeney then continued the Meeting with Other Business – Selectmen’s Input.  Chair Keeney called on Selectman Davis who informed the Board that Northway Bank is doing a fine job sponsoring collecting canned goods at the bank for the Campton Food Pantry located at the Town Office. Selectman Davis indicated there will also be a can collection drive sponsored by the Boy Scouts.  At this point, the Board discussed shelving for the pantry at the new Municipal Building.  The Board agreed that new shelving would be the best solution; however, the center island counter (presently in the pantry) could be used in the new building.

Selectman Davis continued with Other Business by recommending that the Board adopt a Limited Access Policy to Town Attorneys and to LGC Legal Services Attorneys.  After discussion, the Board agreed and a Motion was made by Selectman Davis to adopt a Limited Access Policy to Town Attorneys and LGC Legal Services Attorneys.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan, and with a roll call vote:  Selectman Davis – aye, Selectman Morgan – aye, Selectman Wheeler – aye and Selectman Keeney – aye, the Motion to adopt the Limited Access Policy was adopted.  The Board then signed a memo addressed to Town Officials and Town Employees notifying individuals of the adopted policy. A letter was also signed this evening and will be sent to Attorney Laura Spector-Morgan and Judy A. Silva, Director of Legal, Advocacy, and Communications Services, NHMA/LGC notifying them of the Limited Access Policy adopted by the Board.

At 8:30 p.m. Chair Keeney made a Motion to go into Non Public Session under RSA 91-A: 3 11(c) and Ann Marie Foote and Ellie Dewey were excused from the meeting.  At 8:35 p.m. the Board came out of Non Public Session and the Minutes were sealed.

There being no further business, Chair Keeney declared the meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Eleanor M. Dewey,

Office Assistant to Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator


BOS Meeting Minutes 10.01.2012


The Board of Selectmen met for their weekly meeting at 6:30 p. m. at the Campton Town Office.  Present were, Selectmen, Craig Keeney, Charles Cheney, Sharon Davis, Charles Wheeler and Marsh Morgan. The Board signed the manifest and reviewed the bills.  They signed 1 Appointment to Parks and Rec., 8 Abatements, 1 Supplemental Warrant for collection of taxes, 1 Notice of Intent to Cut and 1 Building Permit.

Members of the public who were present at the meeting but not on the agenda were:  Sandy Morgan and Michael Wilson.

At 6:45 p.m. Chair Keeney called the meeting to order indicating the additions to the agenda are:  Hannah Joyce, Town Clerk Tax Collector at 7:45 p.m. and Butch Bain, Road Agent would follow right after the Town Clerk Tax Collector. Chair Keeney then called on Kelly Bolger as the first appointment regarding updates on the new Town Office.  Kelly indicated the roof shingles have been completed and commended the contractor for a great job.  Kelly stated that Fire Chief Tobine had viewed the catwalk in the new Town Office, and (for safety reasons), Chief Tobine recommended the open space of 18 inches on both sides of the catwalk be enclosed.  Kelly suggested to the Board that they wait and see as to what materials will be left available to do this project, or possibly a kick plate could be installed to remedy the problem.  The Board concurred.  Kelly also presented the color schemes that the Interior Designer at the Architect’s office had recommended for the walls, floors, carpet and ceramic tile for the restrooms together with grout colors.  The Board concurred with the color schemes.  The Board then thanked Kelly for coming.

At 7:00 p.m. Chair Keeney called on Tom Mullen as the next appointment for the evening.  Kelly Weiser also arrived at the meeting later to accompany Tom Mullen.  Chair Keeney made a Motion to go into Non Public Session under RSA 91-A: 3 ll(c) regarding a tax matter.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Wheeler, and with a roll call vote:  Selectman Morgan – aye, Selectman Davis – aye, Selectman Wheeler – aye, Selectman Cheney – aye and Selectman Keeney – aye, the Board went into Non Public Session at 7:00 p.m.  The Board came out of Non Public Session at 7:25 p.m.

Chair Keeney then continued the meeting by calling on Police Chief Warn who requested that the Board go into Non Public Session under RSA 91-A: 3 ll(c).  The Motion was made to go into Non Public Session by Chair Keeney and was seconded by Selectman Morgan, and with a roll call vote:  Selectman Morgan – aye, Selectman Davis – aye, Selectman Wheeler – aye, Selectman Cheney – aye and Selectman Keeney – aye, the Board went into Non Public Session at 7:30 p.m.  The Board came out of Non Public Session at 8:00 pm. and the Minutes were sealed.

Police Chief Warn again requested that the Board go into Non Public Session under RSA 91-A: 3 ll(b).  Selectman Wheeler made the Motion to go into Non Public Session and the Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan, and with a roll call vote:  Selectman Morgan – aye, Selectman Davis – aye, Selectman Wheeler – aye, Selectman Cheney –aye and Selectman Keeney – aye, the Board went into Non Public Session at 8:05 p.m.  The Board came out of Non Public Session at 8:08 p.m.

Chair Keeney then continued the meeting by calling on Hannah Joyce, Town Clerk/Tax Collector as the next appointment for the evening.  Hannah expressed to the Board that the reason she was here this evening was that the Department of Motor Vehicle posed the question as to whether or not the Board was going to pursue changing the vault combination or if “all is good” and it was going to be left as is.  Hannah also informed the Board that she needed to report the Board’s decision to the Department of Motor Vehicle in the morning.  Hannah stated to the Board that the contract with the Town and the Department of Motor Vehicle could be in jeopardy. The Board stated that they have not made a decision as yet and they would like to speak with the State.  The Board requested the names of the individuals at the Department of Motor Vehicle that Hannah spoke with so that the Board could contact them.  Hannah stated a few names that were Heads of Department, but she added that she would have these individuals call to speak to the Selectmen’s Office.  There was discussion concerning secured items of supplies (provided by the Department of Motor Vehicle) and also Vital Records that needed to be secure by the Town Clerk/Tax Collector, as agent for the State.  Attorney Spector-Morgan posed the question to Hannah, “What is the extent of items that need to be secured?”  Hannah expressed that she will need to do an inventory of items to answer the question.  The Board expressed the need to have clarification as to what extent needs to be secured so that they can resolve the vault issue.  Hannah reiterated the fact that she needs to report back to the Department of Motor Vehicle in the morning.  The Board again stated that more information was needed before they could make a decision and the discussion ended.

Chair Keeney then called on Butch Bain, Road Agent.  Butch indicated that Rines Paving contacted him and stated that their reclaiming equipment needed to be repaired and they could not start the road paving tomorrow.  Butch indicated to Rines that if they could not start on time, another proposal would have to be considered.  Rines then informed Butch that they would have to back out of the proposal.  Butch stated that GMI (one of the contractors who also submitted a proposal) has now matched the price that Rines presented and they would be able to start within Butch’s schedule.  It was recommended by the Board and Attorney Spector-Morgan, that Butch contact Bryant Paving to also give them the opportunity to submit another proposal. The Board would then review and make a decision between GMI and Bryant paving.   The Board then thanked Butch for coming this evening.

Chair Keeney then called for approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting.  After revisions made by Selectman Wheeler and Selectman Davis, a Motion was made by Selectman Morgan to approve the revised Minutes.  Selectman Wheeler seconded the Motion, and the revised Minutes were then unanimously approved.

Chair Keeney then called on Ann Marie to review correspondence.  Ann Marie stated that a copy of the Notice of Decision was received from Attorney Spector-Morgan (from the Superior Court) regarding the Town of Campton vs. Beebe River Village District stating that the Motion to Stay filed by the Partnership (which is not a party to this proceeding) was denied by the Grafton Superior Court.

Alisa Clary from the Local Government Center e-mailed a copy of the suggested communities to be used for comparables for the Town’s Pay Study.  After discussion the Board agreed to the following communities:  Ashland, Bristol, Canaan, Gilmanton, Warner, Holderness, New Hampton, Thornton and added Sanbornton.

Ann Marie indicated to the Board that a letter was forwarded to taxpayers regarding properties that owed back taxes and urged the individuals to contact the Town Administrator to discuss a possible tax agreement.  Ann Marie indicated that as a result of this letter, one person, so far, has contacted her and discussed a tax agreement.   The Board was pleased with the present results.

Ann Marie was also happy to report that the Note in the amount of $75,017 for the betterment for Kati Lane, Millie’s Circle and Vivid Lane has been paid in full.

Ann Marie reported that Hannah Joyce provided a copy of a letter that she forwarded to Kofile Preservation commending them on such a spectacular job the company did on the preservation of Town records for the years 1862-1868 and 1869-1875 Inventory and 1995-1999 Marriage, Births and Deaths books.

There being no further correspondence, Chair Keeney proceeded with Other Business – Selectmen’s Input. Chair Keeney called on Selectman Wheeler who indicated that a letter was sent to the Record Enterprise by Joel Freeman concerning the dissolution of the Beebe River Village District and expressed her dismay with the Town and erroneous facts were presented as to how the Town of Campton proceeded with the action concerning the dissolution.  Selectman Wheeler informed the Board that he felt compelled to respond to Mrs. Freeman’s letter published in the Record Enterprise.  Selectman Wheeler explained that he forwarded a response to Mrs. Freeman (by e-mail) and he provided a copy of the response to the Board this evening.  Selectman Wheeler assured the Board (as witnessed in the copy of the response) that he responded to Mrs. Freeman as an individual, not in the capacity as a Selectman.  Selectman Wheeler expressed his disappointment with the way Mrs. Freeman  “painted the Board as doing this behind the backs of the people of Beebe.”  Selectman Wheeler proceeded to express that the Board followed the advice of Town Counsel.   Selectman Wheeler also discussed with Ann Marie questions that arose in Mrs. Freeman’s correspondence concerning a conversation that Ann Marie had with Mr. Freeman regarding a letter being forwarded to Beebe River property owners (from the Selectmen) explaining that a meeting would be scheduled (comprised of the Selectmen, Town Council, MRI and the property owners) to discuss how the dissolution of the District would take place to assure an easy transition for Beebe River property owners. Mrs. Freeman indicated that the letter sent to property owners did not have a scheduled meeting set; in fact, she expressed (as her interpretation of the letter) that the letter clearly says: “The Town has abandoned us.”  Selectman Wheeler discussed this matter with Ann Marie this evening to get clarification on this issue.  Because of the discrepancies, it was suggested by Selectman Cheney that a letter be forwarded to the editor of the Record Enterprise addressing the facts and that Selectman Wheeler invite Mrs. Freeman to a Selectmen’s Meeting to further discuss.  Selectman Wheeler will arrange to invite Mrs. Freeman to a Selectmen’s Meeting.

Chair Keeney then called on Charles Cheney who expressed that there are two companies (that he is aware of) offering electrical rates and he suggested that the Board research the companies for comparison purposes for the new Town Office Building. The Board concurred.

The Board also agreed that the Town Assessor be made aware that abatements would be coming forth from Owl’s Nest Associates.

There being no further business, Chair Keeney declared the meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Eleanor M. Dewey,

Office Assistant to Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator