BOS Work Session 10.03.11


OCTOBER 3, 2011

The Town of Campton Board of Selectmen met at the Campton Historical Society Building at 7:00 p.m. with the Thornton Board of Selectmen, Ellsworth Board of Selectmen and the Campton and Thornton Fire Commissioners.  The following is a list of the individuals present:  Selectman Davis, Selectman Wheeler, Selectman Keeney, Selectman Morgan, Selectman Tyler, Selectman Burbank, Selectman Joyce, Selectman Sabourn, Selectman Benton, Selectman O’Brien, Fire Chief Tobine, Fire Commissioner Halm, Fire Commission Klotz, Fire Commissioner Giehl, Fire Commissioner Downing, Fire Commissioner Demeritt and Fire Commissioner Bolger.

Chair Sharon Davis of the Campton Board of Selectmen opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and explained that this meeting was a work session for the 3 Boards of Selectmen (Campton, Thornton and Ellsworth) to review the updated Intergovernmental Fire/Rescue Service Agreement and the Intergovernmental Agreement for Disposal of Solid Waste.  Chair Davis stated that the first agreement reviewed would be the Fire/Rescue Service Agreement and would be reviewed paragraph by paragraph and she would do her best to recognize Board members who wished to speak and try to keep the meeting running in an orderly fashion.  After the Boards completed their reviews, then members of the public and the Fire Commissioners can make their comments.  Chair Davis then explained that there would be a short dinner break with sandwiches, snacks and beverages that Ann Marie and Ellie arranged after review of Fire/Rescue Service Agreement.  After the break, the meeting would continue on reviewing and discussion of the Intergovernmental Agreement for Disposal for Solid Waste.

Chair Davis then proceeded with going down the Intergovernmental Fire/Rescue Service Agreement with all individuals present having a copy to review and insert changes.  On Page 1 there is a zip code change for the Town of Thornton.  Also on Page 1 there was some additional wording in paragraph 3, 3rd line adding the words “hereinafter Selectmen” after the word Selectmen the Term of the Agreement was established for 1/1/2012 through December 31, 2014 (3- year term).  Under #3 Administration it was decided to take the 1 Ellsworth representative out for this term.

Page 2, Section “d”, Chair Davis suggested the title of the RSA be added, “Access to Governmental Records and Meetings” and Section “b” 8 was to remain with the word “monthly” deleted and quarterly inserted in its place.  #6 under Budget change, the word December 1 changed to November 1 (line 2).

On Page 3, second paragraph.  There was discussion concerning clarification of this paragraph concerning the mediator issue. Clarification and proper language will be discussed with Attorney Laura Spector.  Also, at end of sentence add RSA 31:b.

On Page 3, #8 it was agreed to get Attorney Spector’s clarification on the words “Action to be taken” in RSA 31:95-b 111-a.  Could “action to be taken” be determined to be “acceptance of grant” only, and not apply to apply.

Does the title of the agreement have to conform to Fed I.D. regulation name.  On Page 4, #12, first line, it was agreed to keep the word “excluding”.  Also Attorney Spector is to be contacted to find out if the Town of Ellsworth should be taken out of the title to read the Campton, Thornton Fire and Rescue affect the Federal I.D. number.   #13, 5th line adding the words “and apparatus” (after the words personal property).

At this point the review of the Fire/Rescue Service Agreement was complete and Chair Davis asked the Fire Commissioners if they had any questions or comments. Commissioner Kelly Bolger inquired about approval of grants of under $500 needing both Boards’ approvals.  Mr. Bolger expressed that in some instances the grants do not have a long time span processing and he felt too much time could possibly lapse with this procedure.  Chair Davis read the process required under RSA 31:95-b III (a) and (b) with regards to receipt of unanticipated moneys, and suggested that Attorney Spector be contacted with regards to the meaning of “action to be taken”.

There being no further questions or comments on the Fire/Rescue Service Agreement, Chair Davis stated they would now take a dinner break and all was welcomed to join.

At 8:00 p.m.  Chair Davis proceeded to continue the rest of the work session meeting by reviewing the Intergovernmental Agreement for Disposal of Solid Waste.

Page 1 the zip code of Thornton needs to be corrected to 03285.  Chair Davis stated that the title of the Transfer Station needed to be consistent throughout the document and it was determined that it would be “Recycling Center/ Transfer Station” together with consistency of the title of the Manager of the Transfer Stations to be designated as “Transfer Station Manager”.  Also Page 1, #3 Duration to be a 3 year term (with the same dates as the Fire/Rescue Service Agreement).   All other typed changes were to remain as written on Page 1.

Page 2, Section B3 change to Transfer Station Manager (delete the rest).  Section C, the word General was to be changed to “Specific”.  Section D, was reworded as follows:  “Contracting – The Selectmen may outsource services to perform work in connection with the operation of the Recycling Center/Transfer Station.  All other typed changes are to remain the same on Page 2.

Page 2 the mediator issue needs to be addressed with Attorney Spector as was the case in the Fire/Rescue Service Agreement.  All other typed changes remain the same; however the consistency issue of the Transfer Station Manager is to be corrected as mentioned.

Page 5, typo #9, 7th line after the words, “in accordance with” add Chapter 7.  All other typed changes remain the same.

Page 6, paragraph 6, second line, delete the words “real and personal” after the word property.

Page 7, the initial R. is to be added to the beginning of Marsh Morgan.

Page 8, the Ellsworth Board of Selectmen need to be added along with Leonard Clayton, as Chairman.

At this point, Chair Davis stated the review of this document is complete.  Ann Marie indicated that Selectman Keeney had another issue to review with the Thornton Board of Selectman.  Selectman Keeney indicated that he witnessed an individual bringing a bed, a couch and TV to the Transfer Station and unloaded it at the Mall rather than paying a fee.  Selectman Keeney expressed concern that revenue was being lost by these actions, money was being spent for disposing of these items and traffic jams were created.  Selectman Keeney stated that he discussed this issue with Kevin and he was in total agreement with the possibility of eliminating the mall because of these issues.  After discussion, the Thornton Board of Selectmen and the Campton Board of Selectmen agreed to place this issue on their agendas for their next meeting for a vote.  There was also some discussion about a problem with tire disposal.

There being no further discussion, Chair Davis declared the work session adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,




Eleanor M. Dewey

Office Assistant to Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator



Conservation Commission Minutes 09.14.11

Campton Conservation Commission

Meeting Minutes

September 14, 2011; 7:30pm


Members present: Jess Halm, Melissa Greenawalt-Yelle, Jane Kellogg, Jules Doner, Lea Stewart, Tammy Wooster


Others present: Liara Goldman, Perri Morgan

The meeting opened with introductions all around to Liara and Perri, who are from Alexandria and Bristol. They explained that they came to the CCC meeting on a fact finding and networking mission  to begin fulfilling a dream they have together of one day opening an animal sanctuary in Campton. They further clarified that they are contemplating purchasing a farm property in Campton which they hope to use as a wildlife rehabilitation facility. They admitted that they are only in the beginning stages of learning what they need to do to achieve their goal.


CCC members wished the women luck in their endeavor. Jess added that the CCC’s mission is to conserve land and could assist them in placing an easement on their property in the future if they decided to do so. Liara and Perri thanked the CC and said that they would like to stay for the remainder of the meeting.


1) August Minutes:

Jane made a motion to accept the August minutes. Melissa seconded the motion and all were in favor.


2) Land Management:

a. PCP:

The field mowing has been completed to the commission’s satisfaction and Jess will be in touch with Mike Rej to arrange for payment. The money will come out of the Conservation fund this year, and we will need to budget for mowing every 2 years beginning in 2013.

Land use policy signage is ongoing, with a goal of having it up before the ground freezes. Jules has located a post for the sign and Melissa will paint the lettering. Jane will drop off brown and white paint at Melissa’s.

There is still some blow down clearing work needed on the trails, mainly using a handsaw and loppers. Jess and Lea will meet on Tuesday Sept. 20, 9:00 to begin this work.

The poison ivy eradication effort seems to have been successful, as dead foliage has been observed along the stone wall. Jules reported that we have some leftover Roundup which can be used on any missed plants in the spring.  Jane asked whether Roundup could be used on the Japanese knotweed at BWNA. Jess said that she has had conversations with DOT invasive specialist Christine Perron who determined that the knotweed is too well established for herbicides. Additionally, mowing/cutting will only spread the problem and removal is only effective for very young plants. Jane asked if Christine could take a look at a newly discovered knotweed patch south of the driveway entrance. Jess said she would ask her.

The next PCP item discussed was the Sept. 13 Planning Board meeting recap. CCC members along with Anita and Clint Lane attended the meeting to request a boundary line adjustment approval. Jess explained the history leading to the request which originated from a survey of the entire PCP to identify an unknown NW corner marker. The survey was paid out of the Conservation fund and revealed that the property line behind the Lane’s house was closer to their house than originally thought and did not meet the well setback stipulated in their loan agreement.

In working with the Lane’s the CC thought it would be mutually beneficial if the line were redrawn to include a line of trees as part of the Lane’s lot since the trees were also very close to their house.  This new configuration would net 0.29 acres to the Lane’s. Marsh Morgan asked if there was any money exchanged as part of the deal to which Jess responded no, it was a good faith measure on the part of the CC. The Board approved the boundary line adjustment and signed copies of the new maps. May will take care of registering the new maps. The Planning Board recommended that the CC come to the PB at a future date to have the line separating the woodland from the field removed. The concern is that the lot is currently landlocked. All agreed that this will be a future consideration.

Finally, a discussion of how to most effectively delineate PCP property lines was had. It was decided to walk the boundaries on a yearly basis and re-flag as needed. We will also place ground flags in a line along the former Lee and Donna Kidney property in preparation for sale of the land so that it is clear to the new owners that their property does not extend to the current mowed portion.

b. BWNA:

Jane gave a post T.S. Irene damage report and said that she had expected more blow down and trash than she observed. Jane also said that the water had risen over the top of the large flat-topped rock near the swimming area and came within about three feet of the bench. She said that some stream redirecting work needs to be done at the second walking bridge, as debris has caused the stream to undercut the bridge on the parking lot side. The concern is that further scouring could compromise the bridge supports. Some rubber boots and shovels is all that is needed to complete this work.

Jules noted that a pine tree fell on the power lines along Route 3 and was removed after the storm. The cut pine tree sections were placed along the BWNA road shoulder and should be moved. It was decided to move the pieces to the parking area. Jules also noticed a large maple tree in bad shape adjacent to the road which should be brought to the attention of the power company. Finally the parking area still needs some weeding which will require a weed whacker since raspberry canes have grown in. Jules, Jane, and Lea will meet on Friday, Sept. 23, at 9am to complete stream redirection, tree and weed removal work. Jules will provide his trailer and all will bring hand tools.

3. Groundwater:

Groundwater brochures have been distributed to area businesses. Jess did not have enough for the Chamber of Commerce and so Jules will bring some more. Tammy mentioned that there was only one left at Handyman Hardware and all were pleased to hear that the brochures were being taken. Next year’s budget request will include expenditures for printing more brochures with one side in color.

4) Warrant Article:

The “Save the Date” invitation to attend the 2011 NH Association of Conservation Commissions conference was sent to the Select Board. The invitation was extended as an opportunity to learn about the many ways of putting land into Conservation, particularly in reference to the “conservation fund expenditures made to qualified organizations” warrant article [RSA 36-A:4a;I(b) and 36-A:4-a;II(b)]  coming before the town in 2011. No word to date as to whether Select Board members will be joining us.

Jane drafted a letter to the Select Board requesting that we resume conversation regarding the warrant article. The article was tabled in 2010 to allow time for clarification of the article and to prepare for a public hearing on the issue. The Select Board had some unresolved questions and it is our intent to begin answering these questions in preparation for a public hearing. CCC members reviewed the letter and added a request for return communication by our Oct. 12th meeting. Subsequently, we will request to be put on the Select Board agenda in late October at which time we hope to have open discussion with the board to clarify questions or confusion that remains, and to set plans for a public hearing on the question.


5) Flood related issues:

 Some sites prone to erosion at high stream flows/heavy rainfall around town have not been visited since T.S. Irene. In particular, the Eastern Corners Road steep driveway and the Eastern Corners Road bridge crossing the Beebe River should be checked.


6). FYI:

 Lea was congratulated by all on her recent appointment to the Squam Lakes Science Center Board of Trustees.

 Public meetings to discuss plans for the Pemi River corridor:

9/27; 7pm PSU Boyd Hall, and 9/29; 6:30pm Gordon-Nash Library, 69 Main St., New Hampton.

9/20/11; 2-5pm; NH Water Sustainability Meeting; (


Meeting adjourned: 9:04pm

Next meeting: October 12, 2011; 7:30pm

Respectfully submitted,

Tammy Wooster


Fire Commission Monthly Meeting 08.08.2011

Campton – Thornton Fire Commission  Monthly Meeting     August 8, 2011

Meeting called to order by Chairman Jim Demeritt at 1602 hrs.

Commissioners present-  Jim Demeritt, Niles Downing, Lou Klotz, Kelly Bolger.  Also present- Fire Chief David Tobine

Reading of the minutes of July 11, 2011 =  Approved as read- Unanimously

Ambulance income for July=  Campton  $4,375.73

Thornton         $2866.85

Ellsworth         $301.35

Old Business-  Kelly discussed his findings to date regarding portable office buildings.  Some discussion followed and suggestions for more references were offered. Research to continue.

The status of the Intergovernmental Contract  update was discussed. The Commissioners would like to be in on the meeting before final approval goes to the Attorney General’s office.

New Business:  Chief Tobine  reported that there are two firefighters enrolled in the Firefighter I class. One is attending at the Fire Academy in Concord, The other at an Outreach Program in Bristol.

Also, there are two full-time firefighters enrolled in a Haz-Mat  Technician course. This is  a four week 30 hr/week course that will certify them as Hazardous Materials technicians.  Their shifts will be covered by qualified Call personnel.

Two hardship case applications were reviewed for ambulance service.  Case #’s  10-172 and 10-367 were both approved unanimously after a motion to approve write-off was made by Jim and 2’nd  by Lou.

The fire dept. secretary spoke with the LGC regarding the progress of the pay and job description report. It should be ready by the next Commission meeting.  Maybe.

As  no further business was brought forward, a motion to adjourn was made by Lou, 2’nd by Kelly and approved unanimously at 1650 hrs.

Respectfully submitted,

Niles Downing

BOS 09.12.2011



SEPTEMBER 12, 2011

The Board of Selectmen met for their weekly meeting at 6:30 p. m. at the Campton Town Office.  Present were, Selectmen, Sharon Davis, Charles Wheeler, Charles Cheney, Craig Keeney and Marsh Morgan.  The Board signed the manifest and reviewed the bills.  They signed 1 Sign Permit, 2 Driveway Permits, 3 Notices of Intent to Cut, 8 Tax Abatements, 1 Beebe River Village District Feasibility Study invoice and 1 Employee’s Request for Personal Leave.


At 6:45 p.m. Chair Davis called the meeting to order, and she inquired if there were any agenda changes.  Ann Marie indicated that Charles Brosseau was added to the agenda and he is coming in at 7:30 p.m. this evening.


Chair Davis then called for a Motion to go into Non Public Session.  Selectman Morgan made the Motion to go into Non Pubic Session under RSA 91-A:3,II© regarding a tax matter.  The Motion was seconded by Craig Keeney, and with a roll call vote:  Selectman Davis – aye, Selectman Morgan – aye, Selectman Wheeler – aye, Selectman Cheney – aye and Selectman Keeney – aye, the Board went into Non Public Session at 6:50 p.m.  At 6:55 p.m. the Board came out of Non Public Session.


Chair Davis then called for approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting.  After revisions made by Selectman Morgan, Selectman Wheeler made a Motion to approve the Minutes as revised.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan, and the revised Minutes were approved.  A Motion was then made by Selectman Morgan to approve the two sets of Non Public Minutes. The Motion was seconded by Selectman Wheeler and the Non Public Minutes were approved as written.


Chair Davis then called on Ann Marie to review correspondence since there was time available before Matt Moore and Sean James arrived regarding the Blair Bridge Renovation Project.


Ann Marie stated that a letter was received from Flynn, Riedel & Young, Inc., Insurance Adjusters regarding the Blair Bridge and the recent storm damage.  Ann Marie confirmed that the insurance would cover the damage from tree and the hole in the roof caused by hurricane Irene; however, any water damage, was not covered by the insurance policy, nor would any future renovations be covered.  Ann Marie will contact Stan Graton regarding the repairs.


Ann Marie indicated that Steve Morton sent another letter to the Board regarding his continued efforts to investigate the Corcoran Pond Dam after hurricane Irene.  Mr. Morton expressed concerns about the fact that the flashboards did not work as designed and the importance of this information being passed downstream through the Corcoran Dam Emergency Action Plan directives.


Ann Marie indicated that FEMA has a scheduled meeting for September 15, 2011, at the Lincoln Town Office and she, Fire Chief Tobine and Butch Bain, Road Agent will be attending the meeting.  Ann Marie also indicated that she has placed information on the Town web site, in the Town Office and notified Six Flags residences about disaster assistance and where to call for help.


At this point in the meeting Chair Davis then called on Matt Moore and Sean James who arrived to discuss the Blair Bridge Renovation Project.  Chair Davis explained that the Board had reviewed the Final Design and Bid Phase Engineering Proposal submitted by Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. and she expressed the Board’s concern about additional costs (the Board viewed the additional costs as almost double) compared to the initial proposal prepared.  Matt Moore did explain that the actual additional cost was approximately $5,000 more than the previously quoted figures. The costs appeared larger because of the way the items were categorized differently on the final proposal.  The Board discussed their concerns pertaining to Design Build vs. Design Bid Build process;

the concern that more funds should be put into construction rather than engineering;

and the concern of lapse of time and the possibility of Federal funds no longer being available; and pre-qualification procedures.  Because of time lapse, Sean James indicated his willingness to start working with consulting parties while waiting for approval of his proposal from the State.  At this point, Chair Davis indicated that at the Board’s July 21st meeting with the State and Sean James, the Board agreed to go forward with Design Bid Build process as they felt they would get the most cooperation from the State.  With this being said, Chair Davis called for a motion to accept the Final Design and Bid Proposal from Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc.  The Motion was made by Selectman Cheney to accept and go forward with the Final Design Bid Proposal from Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. and the Board then unanimously approved the proposal.  The Board thanked Sean James and Matt Moore for coming.


Chair Davis then called on Charles Brosseau as the next appointment.  Mr. Brosseau expressed his concern about an issue this past weekend involving two Campton families and the State Police, and the manner in which the issue was handled.  Mr. Brosseau informed the Board that he has also discussed his concerns with Police Chief Warn and he is now waiting to hear from Chief Warn regarding his investigation of this matter.  The Board concurred that this was not a matter for the Board; however; they did thank Mr. Brosseau for informing them regarding the incident.


Chair Davis then requested Ann Marie to continue with the review of correspondence.  Ann Marie indicated that Townline Equipment in Plainfield, NH sent a letter regarding available rental equipment for hurricane Irene cleanup.  Ann Marie also indicated that Beech Hill Road detour (by the Bog Dam) had now been reopened; however there was additional work that needed to be done to be included in next year’s budget.


Notification was received from Jennifer Gilbert of the NH Office of Energy and Planning indicating the resources that are available to assist our community regarding floodplain management programs.


A letter was received from Beth Ann Finlay regarding the Emergency Watershed Protection Program.  She also indicated a willingness to come in and speak with the Board regarding this topic.


Ann Marie indicated that she has been contacted again about the possibility of holding the Flu Clinic at the Town Office.  The Board concurred.


A letter was received from Lloyd J. Willey, Waterville Estates Village District Commissioner (on behalf of all the Commissioners) concerning the District’s future plan of spending over $250,000 over the next three years on road paving and the District’s willingness to coordinate with the Town regarding “request for bids for paving” centering around Winterbrook Road.


Notification was received from Tammie Beaulieu, Town Administrator that the Groundwater Management Permit Renewal Application has been approved for the Campton/Thornton Landfill.


Another letter was received from Harry Pettit regarding issues of a motorcycle accident in Campton.  The Board requested that Ann Marie discuss this matter with Chief Warn and inform the Board of the status.


The Local Government Center (LGC) sent a response letter regarding the report of the Bureau of Securities Regulation issued August 2, 2011.  While the Local Government Center continues to respectfully disagree with many points made in the report, it was discovered that Delaware law was not, itself, the flaw; but LGC’s outside counsel skipped a step in the process in 2003 regarding corporations.  LGC is now using corrective measures to resolve the corporation issues.


Ann Marie indicated that she has placed information on the internet regarding soliciting interested parties to become a member of the Campton Cable Negotiation Committee to assist in negotiations in order to acquire extended services to areas in Town not being serviced (at present) by the cable company.  Any interested parties should contact Ann Marie at the Town Office.  The Board suggested contacting Dennis Prescott as he has no access to cable and may be interested in serving on the Committee.


There being no further correspondence, Chair Davis then called on Selectman Charles Wheeler regarding Other Business – Selectmen’s Input.  Selectman Wheeler indicated that there was no road sign designation on Old Waterville Road.  Ann Marie will contact the Road Agent to order and install a road sign.


Chair Davis indicated that the Building Committee will be meeting on September 21, 2011, at 6:30 p.m., at the Town Office.


Chair Davis then called on Selectmen Keeney who indicated he would like to go into Non Public Session under RSA  91-A:3 concerning a personnel issue.  A Motion was made by Selectman Keeney to go into Non Public Session, and with a roll call vote:  Selectman Davis – aye, Selectman Morgan – aye, Selectman Wheeler – aye, Selectman Cheney – aye, Selectman Keeney – aye, the Board went into Non Public Session at 8:20 p.m.  The Board came out of Non Public Session at 8:25 p.m.


There being no further business, Chair Davis declared the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.



Respectfully submitted,




Eleanor M. Dewey,

Office Assistant to Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator