Fire Commission Meeting Minutes 03.12.2012

Campton – Thornton Fire Commission Meeting  Minutes  March 12, 2012

The meeting was called to order at 1555 hrs. by Chairman Jim Demeritt.

Present were Commissioners Demeritt, Niles Downing, and Kelly Bolger.  Lou Klotz was working, and Dick Giehl  was in earlier to sign the manifest but was not able to make the meeting. Also present – Chief Tobine and Deputy Chief Halm.

Ambulance income after collection fee  for Feb. / March 2012 was:  Campton : $ 6,501.00 ;  Thornton: $4259.27 ; Ellsworth $448.34… Total   $11,208.61

The minutes of February 13, 2012  were  read. A motion  to accept the minutes as read was made  by Jim, 2’nd by Kelly   Approved unanimously.

Old Business:  Chief Tobine gave a progress report on the station renovations. The offices and Day room, the bathrooms and shower are now in service . The remainder of the work should be wrapped up by next meeting.

Chief Tobine reported that the number of cardiac arrests continue to climb.

Chief Tobine reported that an important piece of equipment used for assisting with the cardiac arrests is out of service due to battery issues. The batteries, though properly maintained , have failed. The equipment  dealer will be replacing them at company expense asap.  A new lithium battery is still in the development phase apparently .

Engine 3 went for its’ State inspection last week and hasn’t returned. It needed brake work and a needed part was unavailable and had to be ordered.

The bid process for the Fire Commission was discussed and some issues were explained and more thought will be given and then if needed, a brief work session will be held.

As there was no new business at hand and no other items for discussion, a motion was made to adjourn by Niles, 2’nd by Kelly and approved unanimously at 1425.

Respectfully submitted,

Niles Downing


BOS Meeting Minutes 04.09.2012


The Board of Selectmen met for their weekly meeting at 6:30 p. m. at the Campton Town Office.  Present were Selectmen, Charles Wheeler, Charles Cheney, Craig Keeney and Marsh Morgan.   Selectman Davis was not present due to not feeling well. The Board signed the manifest and reviewed the bills.  They signed 1 Notice of Intent to Excavate, 2 Appointments to the Zoning Board, 2 Building Permits, 1 Highway Safety Grant Application, 1 Veteran’s Exemption, and 1 Disabled Exemption.

At 6:40p.m. Chair Keeney called the meeting to order and made a Motion for the Board to go into Non Public Session under RSA 91-A: 3 ll © regarding a tax matter.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan and with a roll call vote:  Selectman Morgan – aye, Selectman Wheeler – aye, Selectman Cheney – aye, and Selectman Keeney – aye the Board went into Non Public Session.   At 7:45 p.m. the Board came out of Non Public Session.

Chair Keeney then called on Omer Ahern, Jr., Grafton County Commissioner as their next appointment for the evening.  Commissioner Ahern commenced by sharing portions of the Grafton County proposed budget figures with the Board.  He indicated there is a proposed 5% increase in operating expenses.  There has been a request for 6 ½ new full time employees which will result in approximately $354,831.00 in wages.  The first payment on the bond for the new Correction Facility will come due in the amount of $800,000.00.  The only good news he expressed was that they have a heath insurance quote from the Local Government Center which is 2% less for a one year term.  Overall, he expressed that they would be looking at a 10% increase in the County tax if the proposed budget passes.  Commissioner Ahern indicated that the demolition of the old Correction Facility will cost $400,000.00.  His feelings were that a “study” needed be performed to see if the building was actually in need of demolishing as the sections of the building built in 1986 appear to be in better shape than the older sections of the building.  Some suggestions for the old building were a technical center for students and possibly a bistro.  He is encouraging “due diligence” on the study and then a decision made as to whether or not to save it or demolish it.  Commissioner Ahern was also enthusiastic about the possibility of a biomass heating plant for 3.2 million dollars; however, with this plant heating all the buildings, the County would be looking at a positive cash flow the first year of $23,000.00.   Selectman Morgan suggested that the County look at the Forestry Service’s system as they are pleased with the system.  Other accomplishments were the farm is doing well with egg and milk sales and 98% of the food will come from the farm for feeding inmates.  Commissioner Ahern also stated that he wanted to share one more cost figure of “unfunded liabilities” which total approximately $1,295,000.00 which is comprised of earned time, bonus for 100% attendance, and vacation time for employees.  He then thanked the Board and encouraged all to attend the Open House of the new Correction Facility on May 6, 2012.

Chair Keeney then distributed to the Board the bids for the Bond Proposals for the Municipal Building received from Northway Bank, Woodsville Guaranty Saving Bank, Laconia Savings Bank, Community Guaranty Savings Bank and Meredith Village Savings Bank.  After the Board reviewed the proposals and rates, and the fact that Selectman Davis expressed a desire to review the proposals before a decision was made, it was decided by the Board to narrow the bids down to Northway Bank and Meredith Village Savings Bank (Northway Bank proposing an interest rate of 2.06% and Meredith Village Bank proposing 2.07% on a 10 year term).  The Board concurred to now request Northway Bank and Meredith Village Savings Bank to resubmit their proposals for the interest rate on a term of 15 years so the Board can compare a 10 year term with a 15 year term.

Chair Keeney then continued the meeting by calling for a Motion to approve the Minutes and Non Public Minutes of the previous meeting.  After one revision made by Selectman Cheney, to the regular Minutes, Selectman Morgan made a Motion to approve the revised Minutes and to approve the Non Public Minutes as presented.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Wheeler and the revised Minutes and Non Public Minutes as presented were unanimously approved.

Chair Keeney then called on Ann Marie to review correspondence. Ann Marie reminded Selectman Wheeler to get sworn in by the Town Clerk/Tax Collector.

Ann Marie informed the Board that the NH DOT has approved the Final Design for the Blair Bridge Project.  Ann Marie stated that Sean James indicated that the Shoreland Permit will have to be resubmitted with only one means of access to the river.  At this point, Selectman Cheney reviewed with the Board his conversation with Mr. Jorgenson pertaining to the possibility of an easement to access the river from his property. Mr. Jorgenson addressed concern regarding terrain issues and mentioned the fact that he would like to be compensated $500.00 a month for loss of business due to the closing of the bridge while it is being repaired.  There will be a value placed on the easement itself for compensation to be paid; however, Mr. Jorgenson was inquiring about the possibility of additional compensation for loss of business.  Selectman Cheney will be meeting with Mr. Jorgenson on Thursday for further discussion.  It was suggested that Mr. Jorgenson come in to speak with the Board of Selectmen.

Sean James also forwarded the Notice of Pre-qualification revisions that were discussed at the previous Selectmen’s Meeting and Ann Marie distributed the revisions to the Board.

Ann Marie indicated that the Road Agent would like to take the road bans off.  The Board agreed.

A complaint letter was received from Rosario Beninati, who resides at 264 Lower Beech Hill Road concerning the conditions of the road and he mentioned that he was told back in 2004 that Lower Beech Hill Road was on the list to be paved.  He also mentioned his recent surgery issues and how difficult it was to travel on the road.  The Board acknowledged that the Road Agent has arrangements to rent a sheep’s foot/pad foot roller which will be available on Wednesday.  Selectman Cheney also suggested that the gravel be pulled out of the ditches to be an addition to the top dressing material.  It was also suggested that the Road Agent get a price quotes from Leigh Johnston and Dirt Design for top dressing after the sheep’s foot/pad foot roller is used.

Ann Marie distributed to the Board the draft Petition for Dissolution of the Village District prepared by Laura Spector, Town Attorney.  After review of the Petition, the Board agreed to go forward with the submission to the Court.

A note was received from Rita Mitchell’s daughter thanking the Board for the sympathy card signed by so many friends that were present at the Annual Town Meeting.  She also invited Town employees to a memorial celebration for Lester Mitchell that will be held at the Common Man in Plymouth on June 10th from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.

A letter was received from the Forestry Service informing the Board of their decision to only allow day camping and not overnight camping in the Campton Group Campground.  Their decision is based on significant damage to the area by Tropical Storm Irene and the possibility of recurring flooding and concerns of public safety and long term infrastructure costs.    Selectmen Keeney expressed his opposition to the decision and felt that the Town should express their concerns to the Forestry Service.  One particular concern is that local businesses would suffer from this decision.

Ann Marie informed the Board that Paul Blondin has expressed an interest in filling the Fire Commissioner position that is now available.  Kelly Bolger also expressed that there is another individual that is interested and she will be sending a letter to that affect.

A sealed letter was received that was delivered to the Board from Karl Kelly which Ann Marie distributed to the Board for review.  The Board acknowledged that the issues presented in the letter have already been addressed.

Also, Hannah Joyce indicated that the postage funds need to be updated in the postage meter and is requesting the Selectmen’s Office do this.  Ann Marie indicated that Karen Rienzo volunteered to do this task and has been doing this task for two and one-half years (out of courtesy) since, if handled by the Selectmen’s Office; it involves carrying the cumbersome and rather heavy postage meter over to the trailer and then returning.  The Board suggested that the postage meter be permanently moved to the Selectmen’s Office if the Town Clerk’s Office feels it necessary to stop performing this task.

Chair Keeney then called on Kelly Bolger regarding Other Business – Selectmen’s Input.  Kelly informed the Board that the rough draft of the contract from Conneston Construction, Inc. (CCI) has been completed and will be submitted to the Board shortly.  Also, in approximately two weeks he should have a full set of engineering plans to submit to the Board.

Kelly requested an additional letter be drafted designating him as the “owner’s representative” for the Municipal Building project.  The Clerk of the Works for the Municipal Building project letter is for Kelly’s and the Board’s use for clarifying his responsibilities.

Chair Keeney then moved for a Motion to go into Non public Session under RSA 91-A: 3: ll© regarding a personnel matter.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan and with a roll call vote:  Selectman Morgan – aye, Selectman Wheeler – aye, Selectman Cheney – aye, and Selectmen Keeney – aye, the Board went into Non Public Session at 8:18 p.m.  The Board came out of Non Public Session at 8:28 p.m. and the Minutes were sealed.

There being no further business, Chair Keeney declared the meeting adjourned at 8:28 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Eleanor M. Dewey,

Office Assistant to Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator


BOS Meeting Minutes 04.02.2012


The Board of Selectmen met for their weekly meeting at 6:30 p. m. at the Campton Town Office.  Present were, Selectmen, Charles Cheney, Craig Keeney, Charles Wheeler and Marsh Morgan.  Selectman Sharon Davis was not present because of a conflict in schedule. The Board signed the manifest and reviewed the bills.  They signed 1 Notice of Intent to Cut, 1 Application for Current Use, 1 letter to the Clerk of the Works for the new Town Office Building, 2 Elderly Exemptions and 1 Building Permit.

Members of the public who were present at the meeting, but not on the agenda were James McGarr and Kelly Bolger.

At 6:45 p.m. Chair Keeney called on Senator Jeannie Forrester as their first appointment for the evening.  Senator Forrester explained that she wanted to give the Board an update on State issues and encouraged any thoughts or questions from the Board.  The big challenge she explained was balancing the budget the first session then focusing on jobs and assisting businesses with ideas for more cost effective methods for operating their businesses.  Also, a Certification Program has been established in an effort to assist Road Mangers whereby individuals are trained and certified to perform certain road repairs (such as culvert work) and at no charge to the Towns.

When the Senator asked if there were any concerns, the Board expressed the on going concerns of Northern Pass.  Senator Forrester expressed that this is her #1 priority as it will affect 60% of the communities she represents.  She did indicate that the State did block the eminent domain issue and they are working with an Energy Task Force on issues such as underground portals.  Senator Forrester encouraged the Board to discuss with their State representatives as to where they stood on the Northern Pass issue.  Senator Forrester also informed the Board to feel free to call her with any issues or concerns.  The Board thanked Senator Forrester for coming.

Chair Keeney then called on Sean James of Hoyle & Tanner and Matt Moore regarding the Blair Bridge Project.  Sean brought the Board up-to-date as to what has been accomplished so far and that everything is on schedule.  He did state that the Shoreland Water Protection Act Application has been rejected and he is working with the State and didn’t feel that it was going to be a problem.  Sean also stated that the Final Design approval has been received from the State and the DES Wetlands Permit is “all squared away”.

Chair Keeney explained that the Board had concerns about grouping the pre-qualification process with the Bath Village Covered Bridge Project.  The revised pre-qualification documents (which eliminated the Bath Project) were distributed to the Board this evening.  After discussion with Sean James, Matt Moore and the Board it was agreed that Sean would take out the sub contractors, add Matt Moore’s changes (which were e-mailed to Sean and distributed to the Board) and make additional changes pertaining to experience of potential contractors.  Sean will then, once again, present the revised pre-qualifications to the Board for their review.

Ann Marie indicated that at the Certification class that she attended, it was noted that a State Certified Appraiser needed to be hired concerning the value to be calculated for the easement.  Sean James explained that if the Town of Campton is willing to pay the minimum value, then an appraiser was not necessary; however, the property owner should be made aware that an appraiser could be used.

Chair Keeney then called for a Motion to approve the Minutes of the last meeting.  Selectman Morgan then made a Motion to approve the Minutes as presented.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Wheeler and the Minutes were approved as presented.

Chair Keeney then called on Ann Marie to review correspondence.  Ann Marie indicated that a notice was received from St. Jean Auctioneers regarding a NH Surplus Property Auction scheduled for Saturday, May 19, 2012, at the White Farm, 144 Clinton St., Concord.

An Open House invitation was received from the Grafton County Department of Corrections inviting the Board to the ceremony of the new corrections facility to be held on Sunday, May 6, 2012 from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

David Tobine sent a copy of a letter he sent to the Campton Water Precinct regarding the flow test results for the new hydrants for precinct insurance classification purposes. Mr. Tobine explained that this information was first requested last year at the Precinct Pre-construction hearing and he still does not have the results.  At this point, James McGarr, (a member of the public attending this meeting), also expressed concerns about the Precinct’s project with regard to quality of the water at the school, and when the sidewalk and entrance way will be completed.  The Board acknowledged that they need to get a completion date from the Precinct and confirmation that all hydrants are in working order.

Ann Marie indicated that Attorney Walter Mitchell responded to the Board’s question on the snow plow bidding question and whether the town was tied to a three year obligation.  It is Attorney Mitchell’s believe that the town is bound for the three years, “… as long as the contractor continues to perform his contract duties adequately.”   Ann Marie further read to the Board Attorney Mitchell’s complete explanation.

Ann Marie stated that a letter was received from Dr. Tracy Robinson-Wood, a property owner at 182 Windmill Road who expressed her concerns about the disrepair of the dirt roads this spring.  She specifically stated in the letter the following problems:   emergency repairs that needed to be done to her husband’s automobile due to navigating the dirt roads; noted problems that visiting friends had with two small children in the car when attempting to get to her home; her recent experience of trying to get her sick child to the doctor forcing her to add 15 minutes to her travel time in an emergency situation.   Dr. Robinson-Wood concluded that “every single year” they have to contend with difficult road conditions, and she requested that Windmill Road and Lower Beech Hill Road be paved.

At this point, Butch Bain, Road Agent, presented a letter from the McGrath family, property owners at 203 Windmill Road who commended the Highway Department for the excellent job performed during the recent mud season.  The McGrath’s also commented that this was their first experience with mud season in New Hampshire.

Ann Marie informed the Board that May Brosseau approached the Zoning and Planning Board members regarding their interest in continuing in their capacities as some member’s terms are expiring this year.  All three individuals expressed their desire to remain Board members.  After discussion, the Board agreed that they would like Ann Marie to only advertise for the 1 Fire Commissioner position and 2 Conservation Commissioner positions and the Planning and Zoning Board members will remain the same with alternates in place.

Ann Marie indicated that she had two versions of the new Personnel Policy on Visitors in the Workplace for the Board to review.  (One version that she drafted and one version that Laura Spector, Town Attorney drafted).  After review by the Board, a Motion was then made by Selectman Wheeler to adopt the Personnel Policy on Visitors in the Workplace presented by the Town Attorney.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan and the policy was unanimously adopted.

Ann Marie also stated that Hannah Joyce, Town Clerk/Tax Collector requested the extra key be returned to her. Ann Marie has had the key for past few years so Kurt could obtain access to server plus phone and alarm boxes are in her office.  The Board agreed that they are responsible for all Town Offices and need access to all of them, and therefore, will keep the key for that purpose.

Chair Keeney then called on Butch Bain, Road Agent to review costs pertaining to the mud season.  Spreadsheets were distributed to the Board by Ann Marie.  Butch explained that it would cost $32,000.00 to top dress Bog Road down to Sugar Bush with 6 inches of material.  Selectman Cheney suggested that a roller be used first to work in the stone as much as possible before applying the top dressing.  Butch will get a quote on renting a roller.  Butch also indicated that sections of Windmill Road will also need to be done bringing the cost up to almost $50,000.00.  Selectman Morgan asked Butch which roads he planned to pave this year.  Butch stated that he planned on paving Colonel Spencer Road, Beaver Brook Road and Parker Road.  The Board discussed and arrived at a solution to use funds out of the Highway Department Budget (even though it is over budget in some areas due to the mud season) and the Capital Reserve account.  The mud season this year caused an unexpected expense of almost $80,000.00 in the Highway Department budget.

Chair Keeney then proceeded to Other Business – Selectman Input.  Chair Keeney called on James McGarr who expressed his concerns about the high cost of the voting machine (which he was initially not in favor of purchasing) and high costs of printing of the ballots for the machine.  Mr. McGarr also questioned the procedures concerning the recent re-count of the election of the Road Agent.  He stated, and Kelly Bolger confirmed that the RSA’s state that a written request is required to be submitted by the requesting party and that the party had to pay for the re-count.  Also, Mr. McGarr inquired about his understanding that a Selectman was not allowed to count the votes because she arrived late and was not sworn in and that the Town Moderator had to appoint someone else to take her place.  The Board confirmed Mr. McGarr’s inquiries and he questioned the legality of the re-count under these circumstances.  Selectman Morgan stated that it was Attorney Spector, Town Attorney, who confirmed that another individual would need to be appointed.    Chair Keeney stated that the Board would look into all of Mr. McGarr’s concerns.

Kelly Bolger also presented to the Board thoughts on when they would like to schedule a groundbreaking ceremony for the new Town Office as he will make the necessary arrangements.

At 8:15 p.m. Butch Bain, Road Agent requested that the Board go into Non Public Session.  Selectman Wheeler made the Motion to go into Non Public Session under RSA 91-A: 3ll© regarding a personnel matter.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan and with a roll call vote:  Selectman Morgan – aye, Selectman Wheeler – aye, Selectman Cheney – aye and Selectman Keeney – aye the Board went into Non Public Session at 8:15 p.m.  The Board came out of Non Public Session at 8:25 p.m. and the Minutes were sealed.

There being no further business, Chair Keeney declared the meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Eleanor M. Dewey,

Office Assistant to Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator


BOS Meeting Minutes for 03.26.2012


The Board of Selectmen met for their weekly meeting at the Campton Town Office.  Present were, Selectmen, Charles Cheney,  Sharon Davis, Craig Keeney and Marsh Morgan.  Selectman Charles Wheeler was not present due to a conflict in schedule.  The Board signed the manifest and reviewed the bills.  They signed 1 Purchase Order for the Police Department, 1 Disability Exemption, 1 Veteran’s  Exemption , 5 abatement denials,  1 Report of Appropriation Actually Voted, and 2 Appointments of part time Police Officers.

A member of the public who attended the meeting was Robert (Butch) Bain.

At 6:45 p.m. Chair Keeney called the meeting to order and called on Ann Marie to discuss the Blair Bridge Project.  Ann Marie indicated that Sean James had forwarded the draft pre-qualification documents for the Blair Bridge Project (which documents have been provided to the Board and a copy was sent to Matt Moore).  After review of the documents, the Board expressed their concerns that the Bath Village Covered Bridge Project was included by Sean James as a joint pre-qualification with Campton’s Blair Bridge Project.  Sean James stated in his e-mail, “Since these projects are so similar and will likely involve many of the same contractors, we are conducting a joint pre-qualification.”  The Board agreed that Sean James and Matt Moore be invited to the Selectmen’s Meeting on April 2, 2012 to give the Board an opportunity to discuss their concerns and have Sean explain what benefit a “joint pre-qualification” would be to the Town of Campton.

Chair Keeney signed the Shoreland Water Quality Protection Act Permit and Wetlands Permit Applications this evening that have been drafted by Hoyle & Tanner.

Selectman Cheney indicated that he had spoken to Mr. Jorgenson and again confirmed that Mr. Jorgenson is willing to grant an easement to the river regarding the Blair Bridge Project.  Ann Marie indicated that she spoke to Mark Nieder, Town Assessor regarding an abatement for loss of business while the Blair Bridge is closed for restoring.  Mark indicated that the home business is not treated as a commercial property and any abatement would be very minimal and would not affect his taxes this year because what is there as of April 1st applies.  Selectman Davis stated she was in favor of a reasonable easement fee, but not an abatement.  Selectman Cheney stated again that Mr. Jorgenson is willing to do the easement and his willingness is not contingent upon his getting an abatement.  Selectman Cheney did indicate that Mr. Jorgenson would like to speak to Chair Keeney.

Chair Keeney indicated that there was an addition to the agenda and he called on Kelly Bolger who was the appointment added this evening.  Mr. Bolger, Clerk of the Works for the Town Office Building indicated that we are looking at 4 to 5 weeks before any work begins and Conneston Construction, Inc. (CCI), the Contract Manager will be advertising in the local newspapers for contractor bids.  Mr. Bolger also indicated that there will be weekly construction meetings held once the work begins.  Mr. Bolger expressed that he would like a letter signed by Chair Keeney acknowledging his position as Clerk of the Works; however, he expressed to the Board that they were fully in charge of this project.    There was also some discussion again about the salt shed being removed.

Ann Marie indicated that she drafted a letter for proposals regarding the loan for the new Town Office Building.  The Board agreed that the letter should be sent to Laconia Savings Bank, Meredith Village Savings Bank, Northway Bank, Community Guaranty Savings Bank and Woodsville Guaranty Savings Bank.  The deadline for a response will be April 9, 2012.

On another note, Kelly Bolger asked permission to retain the old camera system in the Town Office (which has recently been replaced) to be used at the Fire Station.  The Board concurred.

Chair Keeney then continued the meeting by calling for a Motion to approve the Minutes and Non Public Minutes of the previous meeting.  After revisions to the regular Minutes, Selectman Davis made a Motion to approve the revised Minutes.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan and the Minutes were unanimously approved as revised.  Selectman Davis then made a Motion to approve the Non Public Minutes as presented.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan and the Non Public Minutes were unanimously approved.

Chair Keeney then called on Ann Marie to review correspondence.  Ann Marie indicated that Laura Spector, Town Attorney, inquired if the Board was interested in the Town petitioning the Superior Court to schedule the Beebe River Village District (BRVD) Annual Meeting.  After discussion, rather than petition the Superior Court to schedule an Annual Meeting, Selectman Cheney made a Motion to Petition the Superior Court to Order the BRVD to disband.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan, and the Motion was unanimously approved.

Ann Marie indicated that the Town is eligible for State of NH contract benefits through U.S. Cellular and an e-mail was received from U.S. Cellular (Aaron Hammond) explaining the benefits to the Town if the switch was agreed upon.   After discussion, the Board agreed to switch as long as there were no cancellation fees.  Ann Marie confirmed that no cancellation fees were mentioned.  Selectman Davis made a Motion to switch the cell phone service to U.S. Cellular with State of NH contract benefits.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan and the approval to switch was unanimously approved.

A notice was received from Antioch University regarding a program they are offering to Select Board members for a 4 full day session.  Ann Marie read the itinerary to the Board.  The registration fee is $100.00 for any interested Selectmen.

Ann Marie indicated that a request was received from SNHS Management Co. (the new elderly housing facility on Owl Street) for a Non Profit property tax exemption.  After discussion, the Board agreed that Ann Marie should discuss with Town Assessor, Mark Nieder.

Chair Keeney then called on Butch Bain, Road Agent, to bring the Board up-to-date on the dirt roads due to the extensive mud problems.  Butch indicated that Dirt Design will come back (when the weather permits) to put a top dressing on the roads (with the Board’s permission).  Butch confirmed that in order to finish the job properly (and with the money that has already been invested) the top dressing is necessary.  However, a determination needed to be made on the depth of the dressing.  The Board concurred that a 6 inch dressing was needed in light of future grading.   The Board agreed to have Butch get a proposed cost from Dirt Design and the possibility of getting another proposal from another contractor.  The Board will then further discuss the budgeting for this cost.  The Board also inquired as to what sections of roads were problem areas.  Butch indicated that the section of road on Lower Beech Hill (by the Campbell property) was the worst problem area.

Butch Bain indicated that he had some additional items to discuss pertaining to allegations brought against him.  He would like to know who his accusers are. He felt his accusers should be recognized and anyone not identifying themselves should not be considered creditable.  There were some other questions concerning where the chains for the grader are and Chair Keeney acknowledged to Butch the individuals who were inquiring.  Butch confirmed where the chains were.  A letter was also received by the Board (unsigned) concerning allegations pertaining to a Highway Department staff individual and it was the Board’s consensus to not involve Human Resources to pursue the matter without knowing who was presenting the allegations.

Chair Keeney then continued with Other Business – Selectmen’s Input.  Selectman Davis mentioned going forward with the wage study.  Ann Marie suggested holding off on this matter since there is so much activity going on at present.

Also, Selectman Davis inquired if the Town should seek a proposal for the Bond for the Blair Bridge Project.  Selectman Keeney indicated that Matt Moore felt confident that a Bond may not even be needed and didn’t feel the need at this time to get a proposal for the Bond.  Selectman Morgan expressed concerns about up-front cash flow monies being needed. The Board was willing to take their chances without getting a proposal at this time even though Selectman Davis mentioned that loan rates seem to be going up.

Chair Keeney indicated that the cameras were completely installed and explained some of the features on how the system is set up.  Chair Keeney explained that he had a conversation with Hannah Joyce, Town Clerk/Tax Collector regarding the location of the cameras and her security concerns.  J.S. Adams Security System (the installers) met with Hannah and reviewed the positions of the cameras and her concerns about confidentiality issues and it appeared that she was fine with the system.  However, Chair Keeney received a call on his cell phone from the State of NH, Department of Safety regarding the system and confidentiality concerns that were expressed to them by Hannah Joyce.  Chair Keeney stated that he spoke with Laura Spector, (Town Attorney), the NH State Department of Safety and also Police Chief Warn addressing the matter and some concerns Chair Keeney had through the course of his conversation with Hannah Joyce.  After his discussion with all the parties mentioned, Chair Keeney was assured the camera system was in compliance with confidentiality issues.

Chair Keeney also stated that Hannah Joyce asked if the Board would allow her to have the password to the monitor so that she could view the recorded security information on her computer.  The Board unanimously agreed not to release the password.

Lastly, Chair Keeney presented forms drafted by Human Resources to be signed by the Board members and then placed in employees’ files regarding a personnel matter.

There being no further business, Selectman Davis moved to adjourn, seconded by Selectman Morgan, the meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Eleanor M. Dewey

Office Assistant to Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator