Planning Board Minutes for 4.10.2012


The Planning Board met this date with Stuart Pitts, Chairman, Greg Jencks, Secretary, Charles Brosseau, Chris Kelly, Kelly Bolger, Tim Scanlon, Alternate and Marsh Morgan, Ex-Officio.

Stuart Pitts opened the meeting at 6:30 PM.

First on the agenda, the Work Session Notes for March 6, 2012.  Greg Jencks made a motion to approve the Work Session Notes for March 6, 2012.  Marsh Morgan seconded the motion.  The Planning Board voted in the affirmative, unanimously. The Planning Board did not have a meeting March 20, 2012.  March 13, 2012 was the town election.

Next on the agenda, the Work Session Notes for April 3, 2012. Charles Brosseau made a motion to approve the Work Session Notes for April 3, 2012.  Marsh Morgan seconded the motion.  ThePlanning Board voted in the affirmative, unanimously.

Next on the agenda, the election of officers, Chairman and Secretary.  Charles Brosseau made a motion to continue with the same Chairman, Stuart Pitts and Secretary, Greg Jencks.  Kelly Bolger seconded the motion.  The Planning Board voted in the affirmative, unanimously.

Next on the agenda, Bruce Bond, Woodpeckers for an inquiry for a site plan review.  Mr. Bond

Proposes to enlarge the outside seating capacity from the current 16 by adding an additional 7 tables and 22 seats to be located on the existing concrete deck on the side of the adjoining colonial house. The wheelchair ramp entrance will be gated and locked.  The key to unlock the wheelchair ramp gate will be located at the outside wait station.  Stuart Pitts said that he will need a letter from the Fire Chief regarding the fire exits.  Tim Scanlon said this would be considered by the state as temporary outside seating.  The Planning Board said that he will not need a Site Plan Review, as he is not changing the use.

Next on the agenda, Pete Hickey had an inquiry about selling cars off his property on US RT 3.

Pete has been selling cars, but the state has told him that if he selling 3-5 cars he has to apply for a dealers license. Stuart Pitts said the he needs a Site Plan Review.  Pete said that his property is in the commercial zone, and he would not need signage. Pete will come in and get the Site Plan Review paperwork.

The Planning Board went over correspondence and mail.

The Planning Board adjourned at 7:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,


May Brosseau

Campton Planning Board



BOS Meeting Minutes for 4.30.12


The Board of Selectmen met for their weekly meeting at 6:30 p. m. at the Campton Town Office.  Present were Selectmen, Charles Wheeler, Charles Cheney, Craig Keeney, Marsh Morgan and Sharon Davis. The Board signed the manifest and reviewed the bills.  They

signed 1 Building Permit, 1 letter to Adam White, and 2 Driveway Permits.

At 6:45 p.m. Chair Keeney called the meeting to order and called on Jane Kellogg of the Conservation Commission.  Chair Keeney explained that the Board has concerns about the Conservation Commission (CC) expending funds to the Rey Center since it is not a Town organization.  Jane explained that the Rey Center approached the CC concerning sponsoring an educational program centered around families and nature consisting of 8 programs that would be held at the Blair Woodlands and would be free to Campton residents.  Jane explained how impressed the Rey Center was with the Blair Woodlands and felt it was a perfect area for the outreach educational programs.  Jane explained that the programs might target on the wetlands, trees and animal habitant.  Jane stated that the CC voted in favor of contributing $500.00 to these sessions and the contribution would also cover printing costs for some brochures.  She also explained that the CC has sponsored other outreach nature programs in the past.  After further discussion, the majority consensus of the Board was that they were not supportive of the $500.00 expenditure.  The Board felt that CC funds are to be used for property purchase and/or easements, and they would like Jane to inform the CC members about their concerns before expending the funds.

Jane also expressed enthusiasm about the CC planning some work sessions with the NH State Action Plan involving the Bog Pond and Perch Pond areas which will involve reaching out to property owners making them more aware of what is available in the two areas.

Chair Keeney then called on Ann Marie regarding the Fire Commissioner candidates.  Ann Marie explained that Will Lambert wrote an e-mail explaining that because of family commitments he would not be able to be a candidate for the position, but was going to personally thank Kelly Bolger for the recommendation.  Ann Marie also stated that Paul Blondin was still on vacation and he expressed to Ann Marie to go forward with the Board’s appointment process without him.  Selectman Sharon Davis then made a Motion to appoint B.G. King as Fire Commissioner. The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan, and the appointment was unanimously approved.  The appointment was then signed by the Board this evening.

Chair Keeney then called on Matt Moore regarding the Blair Bridge Project.  The Board brought Matt up-to-date on the easement being considered with a property owner (known as Hudson Odd Fellows Association) and it was confirmed that Sean James would be meeting with Jim Quinn (one of the owners in the Association) to discuss.

Matt Moore updated the Board as to where they are at present on the project and explained that the Construction Phase Services document has been received by Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. and the document has been reviewed by him. Matt discussed with the Board some additions to be added to the document and he will discuss them with Sean James.  Chair Keeney stated that he would like to review the document more thoroughly and would call Matt Moore on Monday to discuss further.  Matt also indicated that he could not be available on a full time basis as the Clerk of the Works for the Project as he cannot be at the site every day.

There was also discussion about entrance signs pertaining to the height restriction at the Blair Bridge that the State of NH has recently installed.  The Board agreed that the Highway Department replace the State of NH signs with the signs that the Town originally installed to eliminate any liability issues.

At 7:35 p.m. Chair Keeney then declared the meeting temporarily adjourned to consult with Town Counsel.  At 7:45 p.m. the Selectmen’s Meeting reconvened.

Chair Keeney moved for a Motion to go into Non Public Session under RSA 91-A: 3 ll(c) regarding a personnel matter.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan and with a roll call vote:  Selectman Morgan – aye, Selectman Davis – aye, Selectman Wheeler – aye, Selectman Cheney – aye, and Selectman Keeney – aye, the Board went into Non Public Session.  At 8:12 p.m. the Board came out of Non Public Session.

A Motion was then made by Selectman Wheeler to seal the Minutes of the Non Public session under RSA 91-A: 3 ll(c).  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan and with a roll call vote: Selectman Morgan – aye, Selectman Davis – aye, Selectman Wheeler – aye, Selectman Cheney – aye, and Selectman Keeney – aye, the Non Public Minutes were sealed.

Chair Keeney continued the meeting by calling for a Motion to approve the Minutes and 2 set of Non Public Minutes of the previous meeting. Selectman Davis made a Motion to approve the Minutes and two sets of Non Public Minutes as presented.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Wheeler and the Minutes and 2 sets of Non Public Minutes were unanimously approved as presented.

Chair Keeney then called on Ann Marie to review correspondence.  Ann Marie indicated that the Notice for bids for removal of the salt shed has been placed in the Penny Saver and the deadline date is 5/2/12.  The Board agreed that Butch Bain should be the contact person regarding this project.

A letter was received from Hannah Joyce, Town Clerk/Tax Collector with the copy of Robert Burhoe, Sr.’s request for the recount from the March, 2012 election.

Ann Marie also informed the Board that there has been an annual inspection of the Corner Cupboard Food Pantry and the inspector indicated that the pantry was one of the best they have inspected for setup and cleanliness.  The inspector was also impressed with the Christmas Tree Festival and she thought it was a good idea for promoting the pantry.

Ann Marie also informed the Board that Thomas Wagner from White Mountain National Forest will be at the Selectmen’s Meeting on May 7, 2012, at 7:00 p.m.  The Thornton Police Chief, Aimee Moller and the Thornton Selectmen have also been invited.

Ann Marie stated that we received notice from Laura Spector-Morgan, Town Attorney that she has filed the Town of Campton’s Objection to Motion to Intervene regarding Beebe River Village District.  The Board further discussed concerns that may arise if the District is dissolved.  Ann Marie informed the Board she did speak with a new property owner in Beebe River Village District who also expressed concern and she supplied him with copies of documents pertaining to the dissolution.

Ann Marie also read an e-mail from David Abjornson regarding the Campton Dam/Pond.   His request was to pave the section of road (100’ to 500’) as it is in poor condition, and he feels the area is a focal point for tourists to take pictures  Also, he suggested that there be  white painted “STOP” lines on NH Route 49 (at the intersection of Route 49 and NH Route 175).  After discussion, the Board agreed to have the 100’ to 500’ section swept; however, they confirmed there were no funds available for paving that section of road at this time as the Highway Department budget has been strained with unexpected dirt road expenses.  The Board also indicated that the white painted “STOP” lines would be a State issue, not a Town issue.

Ann Marie also mentioned that Paul Hatch, from the NH Department of Safety requested  a revision to the Selectmen’s Minutes dated February 13, 2012.  After discussion, the Board agreed to the revision and the revision will be made.

Ann Marie indicated that a memorandum and a Resolution was received from David Barnes and Renelle Huillier of Devine, Millimet & Branch, Professional Association regarding adopting the Post-Issuance Tax Compliance Policies and Procedures, (for Bonds), and naming a “Coordinator” under said polices and procedures.   Ann Marie indicated that she inquired if Selectman Sharon Davis would be interested in becoming Coordinator.  Selectman Davis accepted; however she is going to discuss some small changes as they relate to the Coordinator and she will present the Resolution to the Board next Monday for voting to approve the Resolution.

Chair Keeney declared the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. since there was no Other Business or Selectmen’s Input.
Respectfully submitted,



Eleanor M. Dewey,

Office Assistant to Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator



The Board of Selectmen met for their weekly meeting at 6:30 p. m. at the Campton Town Office.  Present were Selectmen, Charles Wheeler, Charles Cheney, Craig Keeney, Marsh Morgan and Sharon Davis. The Board signed the manifest and reviewed the bills.  They signed 3 Building Permits and 1 letter to Hannah Joyce, Town Clerk/Tax Collector.

Two members of the public who were present at the meeting, but were not on the agenda were Gregory Jencks and B.G. King.

At 6:45 p.m. Chair Keeney called the meeting to order and asked Ann Marie if there were any agenda changes.  Ann Marie indicated the addition of letters from interested candidates for the Fire Commissioner position and possibly the appointment of a candidate this evening.

Chair Keeney then called on Kelly Bolger who proceeded to update the Board on the new Town Office Building Project.  Kelly distributed a Preliminary Time Line received from Dennis Mires, P.A., the Architects which tentatively schedules releasing documents for bidding to Conneston Contractors, Inc. (CCI) for 4/27/12; receive bids by 5/16/12; starting construction by 5/28/13 and construction complete by 1/30/12.  Kelly also presented an offer of proposal from Dennis Mires, P.A. for their office to provide comprehensive construction administration services through the construction of the project.  The proposal fee for such services is $16,000.00.  Selectman Davis explained that Kelly was able to reduce this figure from $22,500.00 as he felt 2 site visits per month would be sufficient rather than 4.  It was also noted that additional site/civil fees in the amount of $1,500.00 and $300.00 for septic filing fee would bring the total proposal from Dennis Mires, P.A. to $17,800.00.  The additional fees are to update the septic design to current rules and filing with the NH Department of Environmental Services.   Chair Keeney then called for a Motion and Selectman Morgan made the Motion to accept the proposal from Dennis Mires, P.A. in the amount of $17,800.00 and also for the Board to authorize Selectman Sharon Davis, as Vice Chair of the Board of Selectmen to sign the proposal on behalf of the Board.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Wheeler and the Motion was unanimously approved.

Kelley Bolger stated that he would like CCI to come in to speak with the Board after all bids are in and the Board agreed to set the date for May 21, 2012, or May 23, 2012 if the 21st date could not be met.  Kelly also indicated that any interested contractors who would like to place bids should be referred directly to CCI.  The Board then thanked Kelly.

Chair Keeney then proceeded with discussion concerning the removal of the old salt shed.  After discussion, it was agreed that a notice be placed in the newspaper for bids to remove the knee wall, foundation and entire structure of the salt shed, to be completed by May 18, 2012.  It was also agreed that the proposals would be due by May 4, 2012.

Chair Keeney then commenced discussion regarding the policy for removal of fill from road projects.  After discussion, the consensus of the Board was to keep the same policy which is presently in effect.  The policy followed presently is that Butch contacts property owners in the area (close to the site work – to save on hauling cost) to inquire if anyone is interested in the fill and the Board felt this was a fair approach. Selectman Cheney did inquire as to how Butch Bain handles any possible liability issues (before they might arise) when delivering the fill material to property owners.

Chair Keeney then called on Ann Marie regarding candidates for the Fire Commissioner position.  She indicated there were 3 candidates:  Paul Blondin, Will Lambert and B.G. King.  B.G. King was present at this meeting and Chair Keeney called on Ms. King to speak to the Board this evening.  Ms. King introduced herself by stating that she has already worked with Chief Tobine dealing with hazardous situations and she had been in to speak with Kelly Bolger and Chief Tobine regarding the position.  She explained that although she has worked with budgets and understands budgets, she is better at operations and has worked for the past 20 years for NH Electric Co-op and has a great deal of training/experience in safety procedures and regulations and feels she would be an asset to the Fire Department.

It was noted that Paul Blondin and Will Lambert were on vacation this week and therefore, did not have the opportunity to come in to speak to the Board.  After discussion, the Board explained to B.G. King that they felt that she is very well qualified; however, to be fair to the other candidates, they felt that Paul Blondin and Will Lambert should have the opportunity to meet with the Selectmen on Monday night.  At this point, B.G. King thanked the Board for their time.

Chair Keeney then continued the meeting by calling for a Motion to approve the Minutes and Non Public Minutes of the previous meeting.  After revisions made by Selectman Davis to the regular Minutes, Selectman Morgan made a Motion to approve the revised Minutes and to approve the Non Public Minutes as presented.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Wheeler and the revised Minutes and Non Public Minutes as presented were unanimously approved.

Chair Keeney then called on Kelly Bolger who requested the Board go into Non Public Session.  A Motion was then made by Selectman Davis for the Board to go into Non Public Session under RSA 91-A: 3ll(c) regarding a personnel matter.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan, and with a roll call vote:  Selectman Morgan – aye, Selectman Davis – aye, Selectman Wheeler – aye, Selectman Cheney – aye, and Selectman Keeney – aye the Board went into Non Public Session.   At 7:18 p.m. the Board came out of Non Public Session and the Minutes were sealed.

Chair Keeney then called on Ann Marie to review correspondence.  Ann Marie indicated that Jane Kellogg, of the Conservation Commission responded by e-mail regarding the Margaret & H.A. Rey Center and the proposed sponsorship of the Campton Conservation Commission to a family nature exploration program.  After discussion, the Board agreed to invite Jane Kellogg in to speak to the Board and instructed Ann Marie to request (by e-mail to Jane Kellogg) that the Conservation Commission wait to expend funds for the proposed sponsorship until Jane has the opportunity to speak with the Board.

Ann Marie indicated that notice of pre-qualifications was received regarding the Blair Bridge Project and all the changes had been made.  Matt Moore reviewed the pre-qualifications and he has approved the notice.  Chair Keeney then made a Motion to accept the Pre-qualifications as revised, the Motion was seconded by Selectman Davis, and the Pre-qualifications were unanimously approved.

Ann Marie indicated that the Final Design and Bid Phase Engineering Services document has been approved by Matt Moore.  Selectman Morgan then made a Motion to authorized Chairman Craig Keeney to sign the Final Design and Bid Phase Engineering Services document on the Board’s behalf.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Wheeler and the Motion was unanimously approved.

Ann Marie indicated that Tammie Beaulieu, Thornton Town Administrator forwarded a copy of a three-year contract with Emery and Garrett for the monitoring, sampling and reporting of the Campton/Thornton Landfill.

Ann Marie stated that Companion Life Dental has sent notice of the group dental insurance rates increasing 7%, becoming effective 7/1/12. The Board of Selectmen agreed to stay with Companion Life Dental. Ann Marie informed the Board that R.J. Dragon is now running some quotes for health insurance.

Ann Marie indicated that an e-mail was received from Laura Spector-Morgan concerning Beebe River District.  It was explained that Mr. Robert Welch is not in favor of dissolving the Beebe River District and he is intervening.  Laura Spector-Morgan inquired if the Board would agree to her filing an objection to Mr. Welch’s intervention.  The Board agreed.

Ann Marie indicated that Mr. Thomas Wagner, of the U.S. Forest Service forwarded a letter regarding the decision of the Forest Service to change the use of the Campton Group Campground to day use rather than overnight camping.  It was agreed that a letter of objection to the decision should be forwarded to Mr. Wagner.  Also, the Board would like to invite the Forest Service and the Thornton Board of Selectmen (or their representative) to come in to discuss this matter.  The Board agreed that the invitation would be for 5/7/12.

The Board also confirmed their approval for Ann Marie to draft a letter for the Board to sign congratulating Adam White on becoming an Eagle Scout.

Chair Keeney then called on Butch Bain, Road Agent who requested the Board go into Non Public Session.  Chair Keeney then moved for a Motion to go into Non public Session under RSA 91-A: 3(c) regarding a personnel matter.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan and with a roll call vote:  Selectman Morgan – aye, Selectman Wheeler – aye, Selectman Davis – aye, Selectman Cheney – aye, and Selectmen Keeney – aye, the Board went into Non Public Session at 7:45 p.m.  The Board came out of Non Public Session at 8:02 p.m. and the Minutes were sealed.

Chair Keeney continued the meeting by calling on Butch Bain, Road Agent.  Butch expressed that he wanted to know the Board’s feelings on his “future with the Town” (looking aside from the fact that he is an elected official).  The Board reassured Butch, and confirmed that they felt he is doing a fine job as a road agent and the Board supports him 100%.  However, the consensus of the Board was that the day-to-day business of operation of the Highway Department needs to get back to normal and past events left behind.  The Board also encouraged Butch to manage his staff in the supervisor role that he holds as Road Agent and Department Head. The Board expressed that they do not want to “micro-manage” the Highway Department.  Butch expressed that he felt it takes a team effort (with his crew) and suggested that his staff and Human Resources meet to hopefully resolve any issues.


There being no Other business or Selectmen’s Input, Chair Keeney declared the meeting adjourned at 8:03 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Eleanor M. Dewey,

Office Assistant to Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator


Conservation Commission Minutes 03.21.2012

Campton Conservation Commission Meeting minutes For March 21, 2012; 7pm


Members Present:  Jules Doner, Jane Kellogg, Lea Stewart, Tammy Wooster

Lea called the meeting to order and made a motion to accept the February meeting minutes. Jane seconded the motion and all were in favor.


1)      Town Meeting Recap:

Jane mentioned that she watched the town meeting on television and only recalled seeing one vote of opposition for the CC warrant article. The CC is grateful to the Select Board and to Patrick Miller for expressing support. All were pleased with the outcome of the vote and agreed that the take home message is that our work must continue to focus on the public education of conservation issues.

2)      Next steps:

The CC will get to work trying to encourage Campton landowners to engage in the conservation easement process.  A discussion of how to focus these efforts was had and Jane recalled a previous conservation informational session for landowners held a few years back, which was conducted by two state conservation specialists, Phil Auger and attorney Alexander Breed who specializes in Conservation easement and estate planning work.  Tammy suggested that the State Wildlife Action plan would be a useful tool in identifying which areas to target, adding that the plan was devised for use in conservation projects such as this. The plan identifies and ranks lands according to habitat value and Campton contains lands within the highest ranking, in particular Bog Pond. Lea suggested that the Forest Society might have some ideas of how to approach and engage landowners in easement option discussions. Jane suggested we hold a work session to study the tax maps and draw up a list of people who own land around high conservation value areas. A work session was scheduled for April 25th @ 7pm in the town office. Jane will speak with Ann Marie about using the tax maps and resident address book for this project.

3)      Land Management Meeting:

For the past few years the month of April has been designated as our annual land management meeting. Tammy will ask Jess to put a notice in the Record Enterprise inviting the public to attend our meeting. A task list for each property was discussed which will set the course for the year’s work.

  1. PCP :

This is an off year for mowing of the PCP field, aside from the perimeter walking trail which Jules agreed to mow. Jules suggested we recheck the poison ivy situation and re-herbicide if necessary.  Jane said that we should contact the Garden Club to ask if there is work needed this year at the elm tree site. Jules asked what the status of a community garden idea was and suggested that the flat behind the Lane’s might be a good location.

Jane disagreed, saying that the soils were poor in that area and that the area adjacent to the Blanchard house was previously identified as having fertile soils. All agreed that it would be worthwhile to mention to the garden club that the PCP could be a future place to grow flowers for town plantings.   Tammy will ask Jess to contact the Garden Club and invite their members to our next meeting. The last PCP item discussed was the pumpkin patch project proposed by the Campton A+ after school program. Tammy will contact Arianne Fosdick and ask if there is still interest. All agreed that the abovementioned ideas are all exciting but the lack of a water supply continues to be a problem. 

  1. BWNA:

Jane said that she had just walked the BWNA trails and they are in great shape. Former CC member Lisa Doner had recently expressed concerns to Jules about two potential BWNA issues. Lisa had observed some gulley washing along the river bank that she thought was posing a threat to a small unknown structure.  She also thought that the back side of the newly constructed Whitten house was too close to one of the BWNA small wetland streams.  Jane said that a building permit note detailed that in January 2011 Charlie Brosseau had looked at the setback from the river but there were no comments relative to the wetland stream. Jane will try and locate the Whitten wetland permit paperwork to determine if the house dimensions are true to permit specifications.

Japanese Knotweed was discussed next and Lea mentioned that she had recently read about an effective method of knotweed control which involves cutting the plants in July followed by herbicide treatment when new growth emerges. Jules said that there was still some Roundup left from the PCP poison ivy project that could be used. Jane recalled learning of a permit requirement for herbicide use near a wetland. Tammy read aloud the knotweed control recommendation provided last year by DOT invasive plant specialist Christine Perron. The e-mail confirmed that a permit is required from the NH Pesticide Division, and Jane will look into how to go about acquiring one.

Tammy asked where the Rey Center BWNA nature walk proposal stood and it was recollected that Melissa was the last one in contact with the Rey Center on this project. Lea offered to reconnect with Audrey Eisenhauer from the Rey Center to follow up and determine interest.

The Adopt a Highway cleanup was discussed next and all agreed that April 22nd which is Earth Day would be an appropriate date for our first cleanup of the year.  Jess has renewed the required DOT paperwork for the year, and Tammy will ask her to include this work date in the Record Enterprise posting.  Jules will take care of picking up the vests and bags from  the Ashland shed.

The last BWNA item discussed was the parking lot. Jane thought the lot could be re-opened any day since there is only a tiny patch of ice left, and Jules offered to do this.

4)      FYI:

  1. Owl’s Nest

Jane reported that the Owl’s Nest is moving ahead with plans to construct a hotel conference center and indoor water park in town and reiterated that CC members should be attending Planning Board meetings.  The meeting room calendar was consulted and April 3rd and 10th are reserved as PB meeting dates. Tammy will review Town website minutes for any mention of the project, and Jane will try and find out which PB meeting is designated as a work session.

  1. Upcoming events:
  1.   The 2012 Saving Special Places Workshop will be held Saturday April 14, from 8am-3:45pm, at the John Stark Regional High School in Weare NH. Jane plans on attending this workshop with funds from the CCC budget.
  2.   The Drinking Water Source Protection Workshop will be held on Wednesday May 2, from 8:30am-4pm at the Grappone Conference Center in Concord. Tammy will be attending compliments of her employer.
  1. Town Report Error:

Jane noted that Jules name was left off of the CC member list in the 2012 Town Report. Jules thought that maybe this was because his term was about to expire and all agreed that this would not occur until April and so his name should have been included.


Meeting adjourned 8:20pm

Next meeting April 11th 7pm