We continue to actively monitor the COVID-19 situation, which is rapidly evolving. The Town is committed to the continued health and optimal safety of our residents as well as our employees, and we intend to do our part to “flatten the curve” of the COVID-19 pandemic. To that end, we have decided that effective Wednesday, March 18, 2020, the Town Offices will be closed to the public until further notice. The Board of Selectmen will continuously monitor developments in the COPID 19 situation and keep the public informed of decisions made with regards to the opening of town offices to the public.


However, we will still be working to serve the residents of Campton. We intend to do our best to operate as a “VIRTUAL TOWN HALL.” In today’s world, most of the transactions for our residents can be done online or arranged via phone or email. Resident questions can and will be answered via phone or email. And as a last resort, you may schedule an appointment in the Town Office with the appropriate Town personnel to complete your transaction. Our Town employees will be working both remotely and on-site (in limited numbers as necessary)—but we will continue to be at your service. Please click this link to see the full press report.

Emergency Selectmen’s Meeting 3/16/20

The Board of Selectmen will hold an Emergency Selectmen’s Meeting via Conference Call on Monday March 16th at 4:30 pm for the purpose of discussing preparative measures against the COVID-19 outbreak.  The public is encouraged to access  the minutes electronically when available. A Selectboard member will be on site in the conference room of 12 Gearty Way for any resident who would like to listen in on the call. 

Campton Conservation Commission Public Hearing 4/1/2020

Campton Conservation Commission

Notice of Public Hearing


Wednesday, April 1, 2020 at 6:30pm

The Campton Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing in accordance with NH RSA 675:7 on Wednesday, April 1, 2020 beginning at 6:30 PM in the Community Room located at 12 Gearty Way, Campton NH 03223 to share information about the Town of Campton’s proposed purchase of 152 wooded acres (Tax map lot 9-1-1) for conservation purposes, with the Conservation Commission acting as stewards.       

Board of Selectmen’s Meeting 3/9/20-Cancellation

The Board of Selectmen’s Meeting scheduled for Monday, March 9th, 2020 has been canceled.