Town of Campton

Notice of Town Meeting Dates & Times


Election of Town and School Officers and voting on Zoning Ordinance amendments will be held on Tuesday, March 8th, 2016 at the Municipal Building located at 12 Gearty way from 8:00am-7:00pm.


Town Meeting Deliberative session will be held on Wednesday, March 9, 2016 at the Campton Elementary School in the gymnasium at 6:30pm.


Town of Campton

Notice of Public Hearings-2016 Proposed Budget

The Campton Board of Selectmen will hold public budget hearings at 6:30PM on Monday, January 25th and 6:30PM on Wednesday, February 10th  in the Community Room located at 12 Gearty Way, Campton NH 03223 for the purpose of discussing the proposed 2016 Town of Campton budget and warrant articles.



PUBLIC NOTICE – Campton’s 250th birthday


The Town of Campton will be celebrating its 250th birthday in 2017.  The Town’s Selectmen would like to plan some special activities to commemorate this special time, but we need your help to come up with some ideas, volunteer to organize some games, music, parade, crafts, whatever.  We need your time and talent.  If interested, please contact the Selectmen’s Office and we will start a list of names. Please call 726-3223, ext. 101. 

Notice of Non Public Session Board of Selectmen


The Campton Board of Selectmen will be meeting on October 1st from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. and October 2nd from 8:00 a.m. until noon for Non Public Sessions under RSA 91-A:3, ll (b) – Consideration of the hiring of any person as a public employee.