Notice to the Tax Payers of Campton

Notice to the Tax Payers of Campton

From the Campton Board of Selectmen:

March 4, 2013

The Board of Selectmen made a decision last year, after careful consideration and advice of counsel, to switch out the Town Clerk/Tax Collector’s Office and the Police Department based on facts and needs of town departments.  Please click here to view a PowerPoint presentation that was made at a public session last June to explain the decision that the Selectmen made.  That decision saved the Town of Campton upwards of $500,000 to $1 million so that the town will not have to build or construct additions to town facilities for a very long time.  If the Board of Selectmen did not make the decision it did, the town would have had to had built another building or construct an addition onto the Fire Department to accommodate the Police Department.  By making the tough decision that the Board had the courage and authority to make, the Selectmen have been able to keep the town’s tax rate stable for the foreseeable future.

Speaking of tax rate, your 2012 tax bill revealed a $.46 tax decrease in your town portion of your tax bill.  That could not have happened if the Selectmen were not on their game and making sure every department was kept within budget.  Yes, the tax rate went up overall but that was forced by increases in the school and the county tax rates – not the town.

You should also be aware that the construction of the new Municipal Building is within budget – there will be no tax increase because of the construction of this building.  However, if the Town Clerk/Tax Collector’s office does not move into its renovated space on Gearty Way in a timely manner, the tax rate could eventually be affected as expenses could be more than what is budgeted by being forced to support the old town office building which is far from being energy efficient. It costs more to heat and have the lights on at the old town office building than it does at the new 8,500 square foot Municipal Building!

The renovated police department space is very nice, professional work space, and has more efficient shelving and storage then the present old office building.  The new space is more than adequate for that Town Clerk/Tax Collector’s office needs (3 employees) and there is no wasted space like there is at the old town office building.  The cost of the renovations and remodeling of the new Town Clerk/Tax Collector’s office was generously donated by the George Durgin Trust so there is no tax impact to the town.  How better can this get?  Great space – energy efficient – professional – no tax increase!

The deliberative session of the Annual Town meeting is on Wednesday, March 13, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. at the School.  The elections portion of the meeting is from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the new Municipal Building on Gearty Way

Road Ban




Effective March 1, 2013 until further notice, traffic is limited on any posted road according to the Load Limits as follows:

Vehicles whose gross exceeds 10 tons are prohibit  the use of this highway until further notice.

If weather conditions allow, and a road is solidly frozen, an exception may be allowed with written permission from  the Road Agent by calling him at 254-4557.

Refer to RSA 236:3, 266:17-26 231:191




Town Election Location Change

Public Notice

*Town Election Location Change*

Town of Campton, NH


Annual Town Meeting & Election Schedule

March 12th, 2013 – Town of Campton Elections

Location:  12 Gearty Way
(New Municipal Building Behind the Old Police Station)

Voting Hours:  10:00am to 7:00pm

March 13th, 2013 – Annual Town Meeting
Location:  Campton Elementary School Gymnasium
Time:  6:30pm


2013 Budget Hearing

TOWN OF CAMPTON -  2013 Budget Hearing

The Campton Board of Selectmen will be holding a public hearing at the Campton Municipal Building in the Community Room, located at 12 Gearty Way (the road beside the Fire Station and former Police Building) on February 13, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. to present the proposed 2013 Town Budget.

In the event a second hearing is necessary, it will be held on February 20, 2013 at the same location.

All interested citizens are encouraged to attend.

Campton Board of Selectmen