Blair Bridge Press Release



The Campton Board of Selectmen received notification on Wednesday,  September 28, that the Town’s insurance company has approved the repairs to the Blair Covered Bridge as proposed by Bob Durfee, Engineer with Dubois & King .  The contractor, Stan Graton of 3G Construction, has advised that he has ordered the timbers and it will be a couple of weeks before they are received.  Once received, the contractor has assured the Selectmen that he and his crew will work diligently to get the bridge repaired and reopened as soon as possible.  With good weather, it should take about one month to complete the repairs from the time they are started.

BOS 09.12.2011



SEPTEMBER 12, 2011

The Board of Selectmen met for their weekly meeting at 6:30 p. m. at the Campton Town Office.  Present were, Selectmen, Sharon Davis, Charles Wheeler, Charles Cheney, Craig Keeney and Marsh Morgan.  The Board signed the manifest and reviewed the bills.  They signed 1 Sign Permit, 2 Driveway Permits, 3 Notices of Intent to Cut, 8 Tax Abatements, 1 Beebe River Village District Feasibility Study invoice and 1 Employee’s Request for Personal Leave.


At 6:45 p.m. Chair Davis called the meeting to order, and she inquired if there were any agenda changes.  Ann Marie indicated that Charles Brosseau was added to the agenda and he is coming in at 7:30 p.m. this evening.


Chair Davis then called for a Motion to go into Non Public Session.  Selectman Morgan made the Motion to go into Non Pubic Session under RSA 91-A:3,II© regarding a tax matter.  The Motion was seconded by Craig Keeney, and with a roll call vote:  Selectman Davis – aye, Selectman Morgan – aye, Selectman Wheeler – aye, Selectman Cheney – aye and Selectman Keeney – aye, the Board went into Non Public Session at 6:50 p.m.  At 6:55 p.m. the Board came out of Non Public Session.


Chair Davis then called for approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting.  After revisions made by Selectman Morgan, Selectman Wheeler made a Motion to approve the Minutes as revised.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan, and the revised Minutes were approved.  A Motion was then made by Selectman Morgan to approve the two sets of Non Public Minutes. The Motion was seconded by Selectman Wheeler and the Non Public Minutes were approved as written.


Chair Davis then called on Ann Marie to review correspondence since there was time available before Matt Moore and Sean James arrived regarding the Blair Bridge Renovation Project.


Ann Marie stated that a letter was received from Flynn, Riedel & Young, Inc., Insurance Adjusters regarding the Blair Bridge and the recent storm damage.  Ann Marie confirmed that the insurance would cover the damage from tree and the hole in the roof caused by hurricane Irene; however, any water damage, was not covered by the insurance policy, nor would any future renovations be covered.  Ann Marie will contact Stan Graton regarding the repairs.


Ann Marie indicated that Steve Morton sent another letter to the Board regarding his continued efforts to investigate the Corcoran Pond Dam after hurricane Irene.  Mr. Morton expressed concerns about the fact that the flashboards did not work as designed and the importance of this information being passed downstream through the Corcoran Dam Emergency Action Plan directives.


Ann Marie indicated that FEMA has a scheduled meeting for September 15, 2011, at the Lincoln Town Office and she, Fire Chief Tobine and Butch Bain, Road Agent will be attending the meeting.  Ann Marie also indicated that she has placed information on the Town web site, in the Town Office and notified Six Flags residences about disaster assistance and where to call for help.


At this point in the meeting Chair Davis then called on Matt Moore and Sean James who arrived to discuss the Blair Bridge Renovation Project.  Chair Davis explained that the Board had reviewed the Final Design and Bid Phase Engineering Proposal submitted by Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. and she expressed the Board’s concern about additional costs (the Board viewed the additional costs as almost double) compared to the initial proposal prepared.  Matt Moore did explain that the actual additional cost was approximately $5,000 more than the previously quoted figures. The costs appeared larger because of the way the items were categorized differently on the final proposal.  The Board discussed their concerns pertaining to Design Build vs. Design Bid Build process;

the concern that more funds should be put into construction rather than engineering;

and the concern of lapse of time and the possibility of Federal funds no longer being available; and pre-qualification procedures.  Because of time lapse, Sean James indicated his willingness to start working with consulting parties while waiting for approval of his proposal from the State.  At this point, Chair Davis indicated that at the Board’s July 21st meeting with the State and Sean James, the Board agreed to go forward with Design Bid Build process as they felt they would get the most cooperation from the State.  With this being said, Chair Davis called for a motion to accept the Final Design and Bid Proposal from Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc.  The Motion was made by Selectman Cheney to accept and go forward with the Final Design Bid Proposal from Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. and the Board then unanimously approved the proposal.  The Board thanked Sean James and Matt Moore for coming.


Chair Davis then called on Charles Brosseau as the next appointment.  Mr. Brosseau expressed his concern about an issue this past weekend involving two Campton families and the State Police, and the manner in which the issue was handled.  Mr. Brosseau informed the Board that he has also discussed his concerns with Police Chief Warn and he is now waiting to hear from Chief Warn regarding his investigation of this matter.  The Board concurred that this was not a matter for the Board; however; they did thank Mr. Brosseau for informing them regarding the incident.


Chair Davis then requested Ann Marie to continue with the review of correspondence.  Ann Marie indicated that Townline Equipment in Plainfield, NH sent a letter regarding available rental equipment for hurricane Irene cleanup.  Ann Marie also indicated that Beech Hill Road detour (by the Bog Dam) had now been reopened; however there was additional work that needed to be done to be included in next year’s budget.


Notification was received from Jennifer Gilbert of the NH Office of Energy and Planning indicating the resources that are available to assist our community regarding floodplain management programs.


A letter was received from Beth Ann Finlay regarding the Emergency Watershed Protection Program.  She also indicated a willingness to come in and speak with the Board regarding this topic.


Ann Marie indicated that she has been contacted again about the possibility of holding the Flu Clinic at the Town Office.  The Board concurred.


A letter was received from Lloyd J. Willey, Waterville Estates Village District Commissioner (on behalf of all the Commissioners) concerning the District’s future plan of spending over $250,000 over the next three years on road paving and the District’s willingness to coordinate with the Town regarding “request for bids for paving” centering around Winterbrook Road.


Notification was received from Tammie Beaulieu, Town Administrator that the Groundwater Management Permit Renewal Application has been approved for the Campton/Thornton Landfill.


Another letter was received from Harry Pettit regarding issues of a motorcycle accident in Campton.  The Board requested that Ann Marie discuss this matter with Chief Warn and inform the Board of the status.


The Local Government Center (LGC) sent a response letter regarding the report of the Bureau of Securities Regulation issued August 2, 2011.  While the Local Government Center continues to respectfully disagree with many points made in the report, it was discovered that Delaware law was not, itself, the flaw; but LGC’s outside counsel skipped a step in the process in 2003 regarding corporations.  LGC is now using corrective measures to resolve the corporation issues.


Ann Marie indicated that she has placed information on the internet regarding soliciting interested parties to become a member of the Campton Cable Negotiation Committee to assist in negotiations in order to acquire extended services to areas in Town not being serviced (at present) by the cable company.  Any interested parties should contact Ann Marie at the Town Office.  The Board suggested contacting Dennis Prescott as he has no access to cable and may be interested in serving on the Committee.


There being no further correspondence, Chair Davis then called on Selectman Charles Wheeler regarding Other Business – Selectmen’s Input.  Selectman Wheeler indicated that there was no road sign designation on Old Waterville Road.  Ann Marie will contact the Road Agent to order and install a road sign.


Chair Davis indicated that the Building Committee will be meeting on September 21, 2011, at 6:30 p.m., at the Town Office.


Chair Davis then called on Selectmen Keeney who indicated he would like to go into Non Public Session under RSA  91-A:3 concerning a personnel issue.  A Motion was made by Selectman Keeney to go into Non Public Session, and with a roll call vote:  Selectman Davis – aye, Selectman Morgan – aye, Selectman Wheeler – aye, Selectman Cheney – aye, Selectman Keeney – aye, the Board went into Non Public Session at 8:20 p.m.  The Board came out of Non Public Session at 8:25 p.m.


There being no further business, Chair Davis declared the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.



Respectfully submitted,




Eleanor M. Dewey,

Office Assistant to Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator