BOS Meeting Minutes 10.24.2011


The Board of Selectmen met for their weekly meeting at 6:30 p. m. at the Campton Town Office.  Present were, Selectmen, Sharon Davis, Charles Cheney, Marsh Morgan, and Craig Keeney.  Selectman Wheeler was not present due to a conflict in schedule.  The Board signed the manifest and reviewed the bills.  They signed 3 Building Permits, 2 Tax Agreements, and MS-1 for NH DRA.

At 6:30 p.m. Chair Davis called the meeting to order and called on Police Chief Warn who introdued Andrew Strickland and his wife Kerrie. Chief Warn explained that Andrew had applied for both the full time Police Officer position and the part time position.  Chief Warn also stated that Andrew came highly recommended by Officer Colby Morrision and Selectman Wheeler.  Chief Warn also stated that Andrew is a 1998 Plymouth High School graduate and has served time with the US Air Force.  Chief Warn informed the Board that Andrew has successfully passed all background and psychological testing and Chief Warn stated that Andrew portrays the image of wanting to be the best at everything he does.  Chief Warn expressed that he would like to send Andrew to the academy the next scheduled session available (after the January session), because the Police Department is presently short staffed.  Chief Warn expressed, that with the Board’s approval, he would like the Town Clerk/Tax Collector to swear in Andrew Strickland as a full time Police Officer.  The Board concurred and Hannah Joyce, Town Clerk/Tax Collector swore in Andrew Strickland.

At 6:50 p.m. Chair Davis then made a Motion to go into Non Public Session under RSA 91-A, 11(b) regarding a personnel matter. The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan, and with a roll call vote:  Selectman Morgan – aye, Selectman Davis – aye, Selectman Keeney – aye, and Selectman Cheney – aye, the Board went into Non public Session.   The Board came out of Non Public Session at 6:53 p.m.

Chair Davis continued the meeting by calling on Paul Yelle, President of the Campton Historical Society.  Paul introduced Sandy Decarie as their contact person and a very responsible individual who has been as asset to the Historical Society.  Paul presented the scenario to the Board that if the Historical Society had bike swaps at the Campton Historical Building, (CHB) would they be able to charge a fee of $10.00, which fees would benefit the Campton Historical Society.  The Board concurred.  Also, Paul inquired about liquor being brought (by individuals) to movie nights at the CHB.  The Board explained concerns and legal issues, and it was recommended that it not become a practice.  Paul had one more inquiry and that pertained to clarification about scheduling meetings at the CHB.  It was agreed that if Paul or Sandy had any questions pertaining to allowing access to the CHB for requested meetings to be scheduled, that the inquiry be presented to the Board of Selectmen for their input.  Chair Davis explained that the new proposed office building will have a meeting room and this will take the pressure off the Campton Historical Society regarding scheduling problems.   Paul and Sandy also encouraged the Board to view their new Carriage Shed exhibit and then thanked the Board for their time.

Chair Davis then called for approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting and Non Public Minutes.  After revisions made by Selectman Davis and Selectman Morgan, Chair Davis made a Motion to approve the Minutes as revised and Non Public Minutes as written.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan, and the revised Minutes and Non Public Minutes as written were unanimously approved.

Chair Davis then called on Butch Bain, Road Agent regarding property owned by Kevin Rogers on Eastern Corners Road.  Butch proceeded to explain that the culvert (previously discussed with the Board) consisted of erosion and silt buildup issues.  This had been brought to his attention by Jane Kellogg of the Conservation Commission. Butch did acknowledge the ongoing problems but he also acknowledged that storm Irene made the situation even worse.  Kevin Rogers stated that he felt he has complied with suggestions made by the Planning Board and the Campton Conservation Commission in resolving the problems.  Mr. Rogers also presented pictures of the area and what he has done to try to alleviate the problem with less sloping, fabric and stone, etc.  After questions presented by the Board and discussion, it was decided that Butch Bain, Charlie Brosseau, Compliance Officer and Kevin Rogers would meet on the property on Friday to view the problems and then report to the Board.

Chair Davis then proceeded with another issue to discuss with Charlie Brosseau.  Chair Davis explained that the Board agreed that it has become necessary to have Charlie make follow-up visits for Driveway Permits after the driveway is installed.  Charlie agreed to this procedure and discussed some problems that he has encountered with the driveway inspections concerning lack of knowledge of boundary lines.  After discussion, the Board agreed the fee for the Driveway Permit will be increased to $50.00 and Charlie will be compensated hourly for the additional visit. Ann Marie will put a notice in the newspaper reflecting the increase.  The Driveway Permit approval will also have an expiration date and a notation will be added to the permit that the owner notify the Town Office when the driveway has actually been completed.  There was also discussion about the requirement of a 12” culvert as opposed to a 15” culvert.  It was agreed that Charlie Brosseau would confer with Butch Bain, Road Agent if questions arises whether a 12” culvert vs. a 15” culvert be installed.  The standard requirement presently in existence is a 15” culvert.

Also, another issue was brought to Charlie Brosseau’s attention by Selectman Cheney that a particular home off Ellsworth Hill Road possibly is too close to the road and Selectman Cheney will further investigate regarding the boundary lines.

Chair Davis then called on Ann Marie to review correspondence.  Ann Marie indicated  that a letter from Cathy Bentwood, Director of Bridge House Homeless Shelter was received describing the program and the goal to partner with Grafton County municipalities in becoming a Grafton County (only) shelter.  Veterans would be the only exception.  Cathy Bentwood also expressed the need for monetary support for the shelter and hopes funding from the Town of Campton will continue.

An update e-mail was received from Sean James regarding the Blair Bridge Project, which Ann Marie has already forwarded to the Board.  Also, a bill was presented from Sean James, which Ann Marie has given to Matt Moore to review before payment.

A thank you note was received from the Piazza family pertaining to donations made on behalf of their late wife and Mother, Deb Piazza.

Ann Marie distributed to Selectman Keeney with a copy available for Selectman Wheeler (as they are the Human Resources Committee members), various examples of employees’ evaluation reports used by surrounding Towns.

There being no further correspondence, Chair Davis moved on to Other Business – Selectmen’s Input.  Chair Davis inquired about the progress of approval for TANS.  Ann Marie indicated that they were very close, and it is hoped funding would be available by the end of the week.

Ann Marie indicated that Stan Graton started the work on the Blair Bridge from storm damage approximately 2 weeks before he received a down payment check from the insurance company.  Selectman Keeney indicated that he felt Stan would be finished with the storm repairs in approximately 2 weeks.

Selectman Keeney asked for clarification of the discussion the Board had at last week’s meeting with the Conservation Commission regarding the Warrant Article to be brought to vote at Town Meeting. Chair Davis then briefed Selectman Keeney regarding the presentation given by the Conservation Commission.

Chair Davis then called on Tara McKenzie, Librarian.  Tara expressed a thank you to the Board for their support of the library and also acknowledged that a grant was received for children’s books and invited the Board to the presentation of the new books.


There being no further business, Chair Davis declared the meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Eleanor M. Dewey,

Office Assistant to Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator

Public Notice Blair Bridge 11.3.11






ZBA Meeting Minutes for 09.01.2011




The Zoning Board of Adjustment this date with Sam Plaisted, Chairman, Paula Kelly, and Martha Aguiar.

Sam Plaisted opened the meeting at 7 PM.

First on the agenda, the minutes for the August 25, 2011 meeting.  Martha Aguiar made a motion to approve the minutes, as amended.  Paula Kelly seconded the motion.  The Zoning Board of Adjustment voted in the affirmative, unanimously.

Next on the agenda, Dick Topham, representing Herbert Karsten Jr. for a 2.5 foot variance, for a garage. Charles Brosseau, the Code Enforcement Officier, made a second site visit, and found that the frost walls were 2.5 feet too close to Beech Hill Road. Dick Topham said that during the foundation construction they found boulders/ledge material and the foundation was moved 2.5 feet closer to Beech Hill Road.

The Zoning Board went over the criteria, and found that they could grant the 2.5 foot variance.  Martha Aguiar made a motion to grant the 2.5 foot variance for Herbert H. Karsten Jr., of 126 Beech Hill Road.  Paula Kelly seconded the motion.  The Zoning Board of Adjustment voted in the affirmative, unanimously.


The Zoning Board adjourned at 7:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

May Brosseau

Zoning Board of Adjustment Clerk



BOS Meeting Minutes 10.03.2011


The Board of Selectmen met for their weekly meeting at 6:00 p. m. at the Campton Historical Society Building.  Present were, Selectmen, Sharon Davis, Charles Wheeler, Craig Keeney and Marsh Morgan.  Selectman Charles Cheney was not present due to a conflict in schedule.  The Board signed the manifest and reviewed the bills.  They signed 1 Tax Agreement, and 2 Building Permits.

At 6:00 p.m. Chair Davis called the meeting to order and called on Hannah Joyce Town Clerk Tax Collector who was present to review deeding of properties.  Chair Davis called for a Motion to go in to Non Public Session under RSA 91-A, 11© for purposes of deeding properties.  Selectman Morgan made the Motion and it was seconded by Selectman Wheeler, and with a roll call vote:  Selectman Morgan – aye, Selectman Davis – aye, Selectman Wheeler – aye, and Selectman Keeney – aye, the Board went into Non public Session at 6:00 p.m.   The Board came out of Non Public Session at 6:30 p.m.

Chair Davis then called for approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting and Non Public Minutes.  After one revision made by Selectman Davis to the Minutes, Selectman Wheeler made a Motion to approve the Minutes as revised and Non Public Minutes as written.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan, and the revised Minutes were unanimously approved and the Non Public Minutes were unanimously approved as written.

Chair Davis then called on Ann Marie to review correspondence.  Ann Marie indicated that a copy of a letter was received from Fire Chief Tobine responding to Harry Pettit’s request to check the condition of the Whitehouse Road to see if emergency vehicles could drive the route.  Fire Chief Tobine explained in the letter that he found the road to be passable.  He acknowledged that he encountered a couple of rough areas, but none that would prevent emergency vehicles from access.  Chief Tobine also noted that the road sign was missing and only the post remained. He confirmed this should be replaced as soon as possible in the event an emergency should arise.

North Country Council sent an announcement of their annual meeting scheduled for Thursday, October 27, 2011, starting at 4:30 p.m., at Omni Mount Washington Hotel, Bretton Woods, NH.  RSVP’s are needed by October 18, 2011 and the cost is $28.00 per person.  The Keynote speaker will be Commissioner Christopher Clement.

A copy of a letter was received from NH DOT addressed to Ms. Maundy Mitchell, owner of Comfort Keepers regarding her request for a traffic signal in the vicinity of NH Route 49 at Vintinner and Southmayd Roads.  The request was denied by the State.

Notice was received from Pemi-Baker Regional School District and Plymouth Regional High School of a Public Hearing to be held on October 17, 2011, at 6:00 p.m. in the Bobcat Café of Plymouth Regional High School for the purpose of soliciting opinions on alternative school calendars such as beginning school in mid August and concluding around Memorial Day will be discussed.

Ann Marie indicated that she distributed to the Board an update of the Budget for the period of January through September, 2011 and confirmed a correction on the last page or receipts being the title of the second column of figures should be for the period January 1 to September 2010, not 2011.  Ann Marie also stated that she will calculate and update for the last quarter on a monthly basis and she also mentioned that the GMI paving invoice had been received and a check cut.

Ann Marie stated that Matt Moore indicated that he will work closely in conjunction with Sean James regarding formulating the Prequalifications for the Blair Bridge Project.  The Board concurred.

Ann Marie passed on information to Selectman Keeney concerning a class offered by the University of NH Cooperative Extension pertaining to “Trail Mapping with GPS”.

There being no further correspondence, Chair Davis called on Selectman Keeney to discuss Other Business – Selectmen’s Input.  Selectman Keeney expressed that Butch Bain, Road Agent had started work on Eastern Corners Road and he is doing an excellent job.  Selectman Keeney stated that Butch’s plans for the road are perfect; however will require a lot of money, but once done it will be completed correctly.  Selectman Keeney also stated that he discussed with Butch a problem concerning culvert work on the Kevin Rogers property driveway culvert.  The Board concurred that a certified letter be sent to Mr. Rogers to come in and discuss the problem with the Board.  In the meantime, the Board would like Charles Brosseau to go out to the property to take pictures of the problem.

There being no further business, Chair Davis declared the meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Eleanor M. Dewey,

Office Assistant to Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator