BOS Meeting Minutes 12.07.2011

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes for  December 7, 2011


The Selectmen met for an emergency meeting on the above date at 10:45 a.m. to discuss the general contractor for the proposed Town Office building.  Present were Selectmen Sharon Davis, Charles Wheeler, Craig Keeney and R. Marsh Morgan, Jr.  Also present was Chair of the Building Committee Kelly Bolger.

Chair Davis explained that the Building Committee met and interviewed four companies to be considered as the Construction Manager for the Town Building.  Cobb Hill Construction, Inc., Conneston Construction, Inc., Milestone Engineering & Construction, Inc, and North Branch Construction, Inc.  The Committee unanimously voted in favor of giving the position to Conneston Construction, Inc. (CCI)


Kelly Bolger explained that some of the reasons for picking this company were that they did not ask for any funding for pre construction services, and were looking at an overhead profit on the project of 4.7%.  Some of the applicants were looking for a higher percentage, and fees for pre construction plans.  One applicant dropped out because they were maxed on their bonds due to the amount of work they have scheduled.


Other reasons cited for picking them was that they have been the Construction Manager for the Campton School, the Thornton School and the Lamson Library for PSU.  They are also well known for hiring local sub-contractors.  Fire Chief Tobine has done inspections on these buildings and according to Kelly was impressed with their work.  DeeDe Joyce, who is on the Building Committee, indicated that they were very good when working on the school.  She is the Campton Elementary School’s secretary and CCI always gave them advanced notice of any work that they were doing on the building that might disrupt the school day and kept the days the school was closed due to this to a minimum.  Thornton School had an issue with their addition last winter, and CCI responded within a half hour.  The committee was looking to get approval  from the Selectmen as soon as possible as they are hoping to meet again next Wednesday with CCI to get this project set up and ready for presentation at Town Meeting.  The Committee was also looking at holding an informational meeting before Town Meeting.  With the clock ticking, they need to get CCI to work at once.


With a motion from Selectman Wheeler, and seconded by Selectman Morgan, the Board agreed unanimously to hire CCI as the general contractor.


This decision will be announced at the regularly scheduled meeting on Monday night as well.

The meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m.


Respectfully submitted



Ann Marie Foote

Town Administrator

BOS Meeting Minutes 12.05.2011


The Board of Selectmen met for their weekly meeting at 6:30 p. m. at the Campton Town Office.  Present were, Selectmen, Charles Wheeler, Sharon Davis, Charles Cheney, Craig Keeney, and Marsh Morgan.  The Board signed the manifest and reviewed the bills.   They signed 1 Purchase Order for the Police Department, 2 Warrants for Collection of Real Estate Taxes, 1 General Assessing Contract, 3 Pole Permits, 1 Notice of Intent to Cut, 1 Intergovernmental Agreement for Disposal of Solid Waste and 1 Campton-Thornton-Ellsworth Intergovernmental Fire/Rescue Service Agreement and 1 Tax Anticipation Note.


At 6:50 p.m. Chair Davis called the meeting to order, while waiting for some other people to arrive, Chair Davis called for a Motion to approve the Minutes and Non Public Minutes of the previous meeting.  After one revision made by Selectman Morgan a Motion to approve the Minutes as revised and approve the Non Public Minutes as written was made by Selectman Morgan. The Motion was seconded by Selectman Wheeler and the revised Minutes and Non Public Minutes as written were unanimously approved.


Chair Davis, on behalf of the Board, thanked the Campton Thornton Fire Commissioners and Fire Chief David Tobine for coming this evening to review the 2012 Campton Thornton Fire Department Budget.  Present at this meeting representing the Fire Commissioners were:  Jim Demeritt, Kelly Bolger, Niles Downing, Ian Helm, Lou Kotz and Dick Giehl.  Fire Chief Tobine explained that he would like to begin by presenting a floor plan to renovate areas of the fire station.  Chief Tobine distributed to the Board the proposed plan which included a bunk area for the staff, expanded storage area, securing the office area, a garage door being replaced, a shower installed (that has already been purchased) and a stairway.  Chief Tobine explained in detail to the Board the necessity of these improvements.  Chief Tobine explained that he received price quotes from Stuart Pitts and Roberts and Gooch and all materials for the renovation totaling $11,783 (plus a 3% increase for any changes).  Chief Tobine explained that the Town has a lot of public talent who has offered their assistance in this project and he will approach the school for student assistance.  Chief Tobine stated that he was asking the Board this evening for support in the funding of this project.  The Board unanimously agreed to support the funding; however there was concern about where the funding would come from.  Selectman Davis was particularly impressed with the fact that the renovation plan did not expand the footprint of the fire station. Ann Marie will contact the auditors regarding the possibility of funding coming out of the contingency fund.  Selectman Cheney (after reviewing the 2011 Budget) pointed out that there might possibly be funds available from the 2011 budget to fund 50% of the project. The Fire Commissioners and Chief Tobine thanked the Board for their support on this project.


Chief Tobine then proceeded to distribute to the Board the Campton Thornton Fire Department preview of the 2012 Budget.  Chief Tobine proceeded to go down the budget pointing out that there is a payroll increase, which is a reflection of the wage study done and was previously presented to the Board.  Chief Tobine also pointed out that overtime had increased and this figure is driven by the amount of calls and getting multiple calls that they obviously have no control over.  Some other increases were fuel, retirement and

health insurance. Chief Tobine explained that 7% of the health insurance would be paid by employees, and Ann Marie informed Chief Tobine that there was concern by the Thornton Board (brought to her attention by Thornton Town Administrator, Tammie Beauleiu and also mentioned at last year’s Budget Hearing) that the Fire Department’s health insurance and Town of Thornton’s plan have lower deductions than Campton’s employees who put 7% and Thornton employees put 15%.


An additional item that Chief Tobine wanted to discuss is the possibility of the Board agreeing to a percentage from the ambulance revenues being put into the capital reserve account for another ambulance.  Chief Tobine acknowledged that a warrant article would have to be written and he would be glad to prepare the article.  After discussion of the pros and cons and the possible percentage to be determined to be set aside, the Board (while acknowledging the pros) was not ready to make a decision on this issue until they were further into the budget process.


Selectman Wheeler (on another issue) wanted to express to the Fire Department and Chief Tobine that a friend of his had to call 911 recently, and his friend commended the Fire Department for their professionalism.  Chief Tobine expressed his appreciation.


The Fire Commissioners and the Fire Chief then thanked the Board for their time and the Board expressed appreciation for the opportunity to review Campton Thornton Fire Department budget at this time.


Chair Davis then called on Ann Marie to review correspondence.  Ann Marie indicated that the 2011 tax rate has been set and calculated as follows:


Town rate                       $ 5.03

Local School rate            10.15

State School rate               2.31

County Rate                      1.50


TOTAL TAX RATE     $18.99

The 2010 tax rate was:


Town rate                         5.23

Local School rate             9.62

State School rate              2.36

County rate                      1.34


TOTAL TAX RATE     $18.55





The 2010 tax rate was:  $12.98 (plus:  local & state school and county rate)


The 2011 tax rate is:      $13.34 (plus:  local & state school and county rate)




The 2010 tax rate was:  $8.23 (plus:  local & state school and county rate)


The 2011 tax rate is:      $8.01 (plus: local & state school and county rate)   :




The 2010 rate was:   $.51 (plus: local & state school and county rate)


The 2011 rate is:       $.57 (plus: local & state school and county rate)


The old County Jail was then discussed.  It was agreed by the Board that a letter be drafted by Ann Marie to the County expressing that the Board is not in favor of preservation of the old County Jail if the preservations affect an increase in the tax



Plymouth Regional Clinic sent a thank you letter for the Town appropriation and also a request letter for an appropriation for their 2012 budget.  Ann Marie provided copies to the Board to put in their Budget Notebooks.


A copy of a letter was received from NH DOT responding to Lee Freeman’s inquiry about Beebe River Road.  The State confirmed that Beebe River Road is a private road and is not a town or state road.


A copy of a letter from Stanley Freeman was also received which was addressed to the NH DRA expressing his concern and his inquiry regarding taxes collected for the Beebe River Village District and collected by the Town of Campton.


A letter was received from Reverend Bayard Hancock expressing his opposition to the Thornton Mall closing and he urged the Board to reconsider their vote to close the Mall.  Reverend Hancock also stated that he planned on attending the meetings of the committee being formed regarding this issue and he urges other to also attend.


Dennis Mires, P. A. and the Building Committee have now scheduled interviews (for the proposed new Town Office Building) for requests for Construction Manager Proposals on Tuesday, December 6, 2011, at the Campton Town Office. The companies scheduled are:  Cobb Hill Construction, Inc., Conneston Construction, Inc., Milestone Engineering & Construction, Inc. and North Branch Construction, Inc.


Ann Marie indicated that she recently attended a class regarding accounting which she did not find as helpful as she hoped.  However, she met a woman (Patricia Sarcione) who is willing to assist Ann Marie once every quarter.  Patricia is a certified Quick Books instructor and Deputy Treasurer in Danville.  Patricia’s fee is $45.0 0 an hour, plus mileage.  Ann Marie felt Patricia would be very beneficial to her and her assistance would entail approximately 8 to 10 hours every quarter.  The Board unanimously agreed to have Patricia Saricone assist Ann Marie.


DuBois & King, Inc. forwarded drawings depicting the completed repairs to the Blair Bridge, which she will forward to Sean James.


North Country Council, Inc. forwarded their invoice for 2012 dues.  The Board suggested that the invoice be sent back indicating that the Town of Campton is no longer a member of North Country Council, Inc.


A letter was received from Northern Pass with an update on recent landowner outreach efforts and other ongoing project activities.


Ann Marie informed the Board that Chief Warn will be meeting at the Town Office with heads of departments on Wednesday for training pertaining to performance evaluation procedures for Town employees.


Chair Davis then proceeded with Other Business – Selectmen’s Input.  Chair Davis called on Selectman Keeney who stated that there was only one change on the performance evaluation form that the HR Committee requested and it pertained to the wording, “appropriate attire” instead of “general appearance”.  Also, it was acknowledged that a pay range with a cap needs to be designated, and Chair Davis stated that she would work on different ranges to present to the Board.  It was also acknowledged that a wage study would be beneficial and that once acquired, it needed to be followed.


Chair Davis distributed a Table of Contents for the Budget Notebooks for the Board to place in their books.


Selectman Cheney expressed concern regarding the Beebe River Village District issues and he felt the Public Utilities Commission might be helpful for assistance with the issues.


There being no further business, Chair Davis declared the meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Eleanor M. Dewey,

Office Assistant to Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator

BOS Meeting Minutes 11.21.2011


The Board of Selectmen met for their weekly meeting at 6:30 p. m. at the Campton Town Office.  Present were, Selectmen, Charles Wheeler, Charles Cheney, Sharon Davis, Craig Keeney, and Marsh Morgan.  The Board signed the manifest and reviewed the bills.  They signed 3 Notices of Intent to Cut, and 1 Purchase and Sale Agreement regarding tax deeded property.

Members of the public who were present at the meeting, but not on the agenda were Savannah Arnold, B.J. Foster-Zelm and Kelly Bolger

At 6:45 p.m. Chair Davis called the meeting to order and called for a Motion to approve the Minutes of the last meeting.  After revisions made by Selectman Morgan and Chair Davis, Selectman Wheeler made a Motion to approve the Minutes as revised, the Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan and the Minutes were unanimously approved.

Chair Davis then called on George Wright and Heather McLean regarding Northern Pass.  Mr. Wright distributed to the Board an Ordinance that has been drafted and distributed to Towns throughout New Hampshire in order to protect citizen’s rights under the U.S. Declaration of Independence with reference to the disapproval of the general public to the Northern Pass Project.  Mr. Wright explained that it is hoped that the Board would support the ordinance presented.  Selectman Morgan explained that the Campton Zoning Board approved a zoning ordinance to require that all high voltage direct current transmission lines must be buried.  Mr. Wright and Ms. McLean explained that the Zoning Board ordinance would not be enough to protect our citizens’ rights and gave a contact person’s name to come to discuss (with the Board, in more depth) the proposed ordinance which was distributed to the Board this evening.  The Board did acknowledge their interest and would definitely like to have further discussion after the holiday.  Mr. Wright and Ms. McLean thanked the Board for their time.

Chair Davis then called on Ann Marie for further discussion regarding the tax rate for 2011.  Ann Marie presented three scenarios as to the possible proposed amount to retain in the fund balance.  She explained that NH DRA recommends that at least 5% be retained and if the Board determines that they will agree to less than the 5%, the NH DRA will note that it was not recommended by NH DRA.  Ann Marie explained that it was her obligation to point out to the Board some facts, which would substantiate at least a 5% retainage.  Some facts pointed out were: more and more State funds which were previously provided to the Town are being cut; constant additional financial burdens are being added to the Town by the State; the economy (jobs being lost, foreclosures, etc.) and the fact that because of these issues it could affect the tax rate next year at possibly a considerably higher rate; hence, her reasoning for a gradual increase each year rather than the possibility of a large increase all in one year.  Selectman Cheney stated that over the years the average retainage figure has been between $420,000.00 to $500,000.00.  The Board thanked Ann Marie for her excellent presentation.  After careful consideration by the Board in trying to keep the tax rate down   (and in light of future projects that Board has agreed to go forward with in 2012) it was unanimously agreed to have a retainage figure of $456,248.00 as compared to $551,259.00 if 5% was retained.  This figure will keep the tax rate below $19.00.

Chair Davis then called on Ann Marie to review correspondence.  Ann Marie indicated that Stan Graton received the second payment from the insurance company regarding repairs to the Blair Bridge resulting from storm Irene.  Ann Marie also stated that Stan Graton acquired some additional costs, above what he quoted; however, Mr. Graton waived those additional costs.

Ann Marie indicated that Hoyle, Tanner & Associates forwarded a Contract Amendment and Bond and Insurance Coverage information regarding the Blair Bridge Project.  The Board agreed to discuss after Matt Moore reviews the documents.

Ann Marie indicated that a meeting has been scheduled with Police Chief Warn to meet with department heads regarding training for Performance Evaluations. Chief Warn graciously agreed to provide training since he has experience using the evaluation process in his department for a long time.  The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 30, 2011, at 4 p.m.  Ann Marie indicated that Hannah Joyce, Town Clerk/Tax Collector requested (through an e-mail that was read to the Board) that she would like to utilize her training that she received from Primex in the evaluation process rather than attend the meeting schedule on November 30, 2011.  Hannah indicated her work schedule is extremely busy this time of year together with the additional task of training her new hire. The Board acknowledged Hannah’s position and suggested that Hannah schedule a meeting with Chief Warn, solely, at a mutual agreeable time.  There was some discussion pertaining to the procedures that will be in place for evaluating heads of departments and who will actually perform the evaluating.

North Country Council (NCC) sent notification of a Solid Waste Technical Assistance Grant that they are applying for and requested the Town’s support.  Ann Marie pointed out that the Town is no longer a member of NCC.  The Board agreed that since they are no longer a member, they would not send a letter.

Ann Marie reviewed the Equalization Summary that May Brosseau prepared.  The Summary revealed that Single-family homes are now at 100% ratio; however the manufactured housing came out at 166.0%.

Ann Marie indicated that the NH Department of Environmental Services suggested that a complaint form be submitted to DES regarding Kevin Rogers’s property and a form is being completed.

Ann Marie indicated that the hepatitis shots that Butch Bain requested for his staff would be covered by insurance.  The Town will only have to reimburse the employees their co-payment of $25.00.   The Board agreed.  Ann Marie will inform Chairman Patrick Payer of the Loss Safety Committee.

Ann Marie inquired (for the Road Agent) about the potential construction of the overhang roof system over the power vent at the Highway Department garage.  Selectman Keeney stated he would contact Butch Bain regarding this issue.

Ann Marie indicated that a citizen (again) expressed concern about a vehicle that appears to be hanging over the edge of private property and the fear that the vehicle may fall into the road.  The Board agreed, as they did previously when it was discussed, that the vehicle was on private property and they could not do anything about it.  The Board suggested the citizen contact the state regarding their concerns since it is off a State road.

Ann Marie distributed additional documents to be placed in the Board members’ Budget Notebook regarding Advertising and Regional.  The Board again agreed that all non-profits organizations appropriations would remain the same with no additional organizations added.

Ann Marie distributed information regarding unleaded fuel pricing for filing in the Budget Notebooks which came from the State of NH for their pumps which the P.D. uses.

Ann Marie stated that Mary Durgin turned in her final Campton Historical Society Treasurer’s Report as she has served the maximum allowed term as Treasurer for the Campton Historical Society.

Chair Davis then moved for a Motion to go into Non Public Session under RSA 91-A:3II© regarding a personnel matter.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Wheeler and with a roll call vote:  Selectman Morgan – aye, Selectman Davis – aye, Selectman Wheeler – aye, Selectman Cheney – aye and Selectman Keeney – aye, the Board went into Non Public Session at 7:28 p.m.  At 7:33 p.m. the Board came out of Non Public Session and the Minutes were sealed.

There being no further correspondence, Chair Davis inquired as to the Board’s decision as to when the next Selectmen’s Meeting would be held.  The Board agreed the next meeting would be on December 5, 2011.

There being no further business, Chair Davis declared the meeting adjourned at 7:34 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Eleanor M. Dewey,

Office Assistant to Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator

Fire Comission Meeting Minutes 9.12.2011

Minutes of the Campton-Thornton Fire Commission Meeting, 12-Sept.-2011

Commissioners present- Jim Demeritt, Lou Klotz, Kelly Bolger, Dick Giehl. Also present- Chief David Tobine    Excused, Niles Downing

Meeting Called to order at 1601 by Chairman Demeritt

Minutes of Aug. 8 2011 were read by Jim. Motion to approve by Kelly, 2’nd by Dick- Unanimously accepted.

Ambulance income for August

  • Campton   $1462.70
  • Thornton  $958.32
  • Ellsworth  $100.88

Old Business:     Kelly had passed thoughts on expansion to Ann Marie and Selectmen who in turn did not like the ideas. They suggested the Chief might spend more time at the Blair Bridge facility. All Commissioners and the Chief felt this to be very impractical for numerous reasons- The Chief should be in Campton!  The Chief displayed a resurrected 18’X12’ proposal to create a privacy office area. We need to decide the next steps.

Chief noted pay Class/job descriptions will be done by next  month.

New Business: Two trucks need exhausts- Will wait until December time frame.   Engine 2 needs rear springs, Double frame showing rust, Estimate=  $400 – $500  per vehicle before winter.

FEMA grants are due Sept 23.  Could use  funds to upgrade electric/generator ($24,432) and alarm system ($19,588) (up to $100,000 grant would require 5% match.) All agreed to proceed.

Pagers need to change to narrow band. Chief Tobine is looking into possible grants.

Air packs will reach 15 year shelf life in two years @ $6,500 each. Again, Chief Tobine will look into possible grants.

Chief Tobine noted the meeting with the Selectmen regarding the Inter-Governmental Agreement will be in Campton at the Historical Society building on Oct 3, 2011. A plethora of discussions around a broad array of subjects then ensued with a common theme that the Chief and budgets report to the Commissioners. Lou agreed to attempt to summarize these thoughts to be passed on to the joint Selectmen for discussion at the Oct. 3 session.

Lou motioned to adjourn at 1708 hrs and Dick 2’nd.  All agreed and meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Lou Klotz