Building Committee Meeting 11.3.2011

Town Building Committee Meeting

November 3, 2011, 6:30 p.m.

Campton Town Office

In attendance:  Kelly Bolger, Sharon Davis, Marsh Morgan, Cliff Barber, Dan Bergeron, Martha Aguiar, and Dede Joyce

Kelly opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m.  The minutes of the previous meeting were approved at written.  Kelly noted that he and Sharon had visited the offices of Dennis Mires after our last meeting to discuss potential changes to their original proposal.  Dennis and Steve Peach were present to review possible revisions.  Dan Bergeron asked if any structural changes could be made during construction.  We could make recommendations.

It was noted that there’s currently a half million dollars in the bank for this project.  The bond rates are at an all-time low.   It’s a good time to move forward with this project.

Dennis and Steve reviewed some of the proposed modifications to their original architectural drawings.  They do not want to lose any critical elements.  Doing away with the geothermal option will eliminate the need for additional wells.  A boiler will need to be added.  They noted the market is somewhat stable but the bidding process is still about 4 months out.  It would be great to bond under a million dollars.  There’s not just one big thing that will bring the total cost of the project down.  We’re looking at many little things.  The project would still qualify for energy grants—rebates on light fixtures, etc.  The meeting room area was discussed.  The size should remain as is with a moving dividing wall ($15,000 approx. cost).  This space will be for town use as well as the fire department meeting needs.

Other smaller items to change could include:

–changing the vestibule mat from recessed to flat

–decrease the number of kitchen cupboards

–eliminate the cupola shaft; keep a false cupola on top with an LED lamp

–roof options—shingles/metal/copper

–pantry shelving—do ourselves (do not include in construction)

–linoleum vs. composition tile—could be downgraded but could result in more maintenance

–ceramic tile in bathrooms—maybe use VCT and semi-gloss paint on walls

–reflected ceiling plan—acoustics–tile prices vary dramatically.  Sound blocking, etc.  We could save money here as the original plans were specified on the higher end.

–wrapping the building—cement clapboard vs. vinyl siding—life expectancy is still good

–asphalt shingles—50-yr vs. 30-yr shingles

–reduce size of windows—not recommended; changed to made-in-America window package

–wall assembly—high performing shell—could reduce some costs here

–there could be some savings in the truss system

–full slab insulation—delete under slab

–vault—on-site vs. off-site discussed

The mechanical and electrical plans were reviewed in relation to some of the proposed changes.

Getting a construction manager (CM) on duty early was discussed.  The CM would be selected based on fees, references, etc.  The architects would work with the CM to put the project out to bid.  The pre-construction process was reviewed.  Firms to participate in the bidding may include Dullemack, Cobb Hill, CCI, Milestone, Northbranch, etc.  Interview those who look good on paper.  Dennis will get a letter of invitation sent to Kelly then they would send it out with a set of drawings to potential firms to be due back before Thanksgiving.

The committee will plan to meet again on Nov. 22nd.

This meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.


Dede Joyce


BOS Meeting Minutes 12.12.2011


The Board of Selectmen met for their weekly meeting at 6:30 p. m. at the Campton Town Office.  Present were, Selectmen, Charles Wheeler, Sharon Davis, Craig Keeney, and Marsh Morgan.  Selectman Cheney arrived shortly after the meeting began.  The Board signed the manifest and reviewed the bills.  They signed 1 Notice of Intent to Cut, 1 letter to Grafton County Commissioners and 1Tax Abatement.

Members of the public who were present at the meeting, but not on the agenda were Marie Hixson, Lucy Burton, Heather Mclean, George Wright and Kelly Bolger.

At 6:45 p.m. Chair Davis called the meeting to order and called on Mike Scala, U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte’s Special Assistant for Casework and Projects.  Mr. Scala explained that Senator Ayotte has elected to have a representative visit every Town in New Hampshire on her behalf to get feedback from the public.  The Board voiced their opposition to Northern Pass and discussed with Mr. Scala the issues concerning their objection which centered on eminent domain, the route of Northern Pass going straight through the Landfill and the fact that the economy has not recovered in New Hampshire. The Board expressed that the Northern Pass Project would delay recovery even further.

Chair Davis then opened the discussion with Mr. Scala to the public.  George Wright further discussed issues concerning Northern Pass and legislation centering on eminent domain.  Heather Mclean discussed the importance of objecting to Northern Pass and stopping this project; however she expressed a general feeling of the public losing faith in government when the issues of Northern Pass are presented. Mr. Scala explained that Senator Ayotte is opposed to Northern Pass and he assured the Board and the public that Senator Ayotte would be made aware of concerns discussed this evening and he would get back to George Wright on specific issues that he discussed.

Chair Davis then called on Marie Hixon who explained that she was here this evening representing Grafton County Snowmobile Club, (GCSC) a non profit organization.  Marie stated that the GCSC is asking for continued financial support from the U.S. government and she is specifically presenting this request this evening to Senator Kelly Ayotte for support. Marie explained that she has previously discussed the importance of continued financial support with Senator Ayotte while she was recently in Washington.  Marie explained if government support is discontinued, the organization will be crippled.  Marie explained that the GCSC brings recreation and a large amount of revenue to the State of New Hampshire; however the expenses are numerous for equipment to maintain the trails throughout the area; hence, the need for continued government support.

Ann Marie expressed to Mr. Scala the importance Senator Ayotte’s support for the proposed bill to lower the payroll tax.  Ann Marie expressed her concern that working individuals cannot afford any more tax increases out of their paycheck.

The Board thanked Mr. Scala for coming, and Mr. Scala expressed his appreciation for the “good feedback”.

Chair Davis then called for a Motion to approve the Minutes of the last meeting and the Emergency Meeting on December 6, 2011.  After revisions made by Selectman Morgan to the regular Meeting Minutes, a Motion was then made by Selectman Wheeler to approve the Minutes as revised, and the Emergency Meeting Minutes as written.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan and both sets of Minutes were unanimously approved.

Chair Davis then called upon Ann Marie to review correspondence.  Ann Marie stated an October 2011 Nor’easter booklet was received from Public Service of NH informing the public about the work they performed during the October storm.

The Campton Historical Society (CHS) provided a copy of the Articles of Agreement which were prepared by the CHS and Ann Marie commented on how well organized the document was written and that the CHS need to be commended for a job well done.

The Town of Sugar Hill sent a letter acknowledging their opposition to the Northern Pass Project (NPP).  A survey was also sent pertaining to what has been done in our area to oppose the NPP; any future plans and information about how future plans would be instituted.

Dennis Mires, P.A. sent an updated bill for services regarding the proposed new Town Office Building.  Ann Marie indicated that she would like someone to review the bill for approval before it is paid.  It was decided that Kelly Bolger, Chairman of the Building Committee will review the bill.

Ann Marie indicated that the Community Action Report was received from State DRA Monitor, Sam Greene.  It was reported to Ann Marie that Commerford Nieder Perkins LLC did a good job and there were “no substantive error rates” reported by Sam Greene.  Ann Marie also expressed that it was indicated that Jason Bickford is doing a fine job collecting data.

Plodzik & Sanderson, PA, Town Auditors forwarded information pertaining to “Fund Balance Policy” and Ann Marie proceeded to read to the Board the five categories of Fund Balance classifications in accordance with the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 54, “Fund Balance Reporting and Government Fund Type Definitions”.

A copy of a letter was received from the NH Local Government Center to 3-G Construction enclosing a check in the amount of $29,367.50 which serves as the final payment for all services rendered regarding the repair of the Blair Bridge from damage caused by storm Irene.

Ann Marie indicated that the Conservation Commission has requested to have a Public Hearing on January 30, 2012, (along with the Board’s regularly scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting) to present the Conservation Easement to the public which was previously discussed with the Board.  The Board agreed to the January 30, 2012 date and Ann Marie will see if the Campton Historical Society building is available.

Additional information and a bill were received from Hoyle, Tanner Associates, Inc. regarding the Blair Bridge Project.  Ann Marie will submit to Matt Moore for review.

Ann Marie indicated that she was able to determine that funds from the George V. Durgin Trust may be used from the Trust for the Fire Department renovations and she discussed this option with Mary Durgin.  Mary Durgin expressed that she has no problem with that being done.  The Board then discussed the fact that they would like Laura Spector, Town Attorney’s opinion on labor law with reference to whether or not Firemen sleeping at the Station rather than waiting for a call at home have to be paid. The Board assured Kelly Bolger, Fire Commissioner that they were unanimously in support of the renovations; however, they did not want to have any issues arise involving the Labor Department.

Hannah Joyce, Town Clerk Tax Collector provided a copy of a letter she sent to Brown’s River Marotti Co. commending the company on the spectacular job done restoring Town Reports and Inventory.

Ann Marie indicated that she received her Certificate of Completion from the Local Government Center Academy for a course pertaining to “Financial Account Reconciliation” that she attended.  She also indicated that she will be able to get Town reimbursement for the $100.00 book that was purchased for the course, but not used.

Ann Marie distributed to the Board ballots and encouraged the Board to vote for the Campton Corner Cupboard Food Pantry Christmas tree which is on display at the “Festival of Trees” at the Common Man Inn & Spa.  Voting ends January 1, 2012 and the public is also invited to vote at the Common Man Inn & Spa, in Plymouth.

Ann Marie indicated that the class presented by Chief Warn with the Heads of Departments went well and Chief Warn did a good job.  Chief Warn will also be providing Ann Marie with Self Evaluation forms.

Ann Marie distributed to the Board updated 2011 Budget information to be placed in the Board’s notebooks.  Certain line items were discussed pertaining to fuel and the need to increase the amount for road signs as size specifications are being revised so all road signs will need replacing.  There was discussion concerning radio communication equipment and Ann Marie stated that Butch Bain will be coming in to discuss this issue with the Board.  The approximate figure for this equipment is $8,000 to $10,000 as quoted by Butch.  Selectman Cheney suggested that Butch get a quote from Lily Ponds Communication as the Board felt the $8,000 to $10,000 figure was high.

Chair Davis then continued the meeting with Other Business – Selectmen’s Input.  Chair Davis distributed to a Board a spreadsheet on estimated 2012 Salary Percentage Increases to help assist in budgeting.  After review and discussion, Chair Davis called for a Motion to vote on the maximum percentage increase of Town employees, (after the Performance Evaluation is completed) to be no higher than 3.75%.  The Motion was made by Selectman Wheeler, and seconded by Selectman Morgan, and the maximum percentage of 3.75% was unanimously approved for the 2012 budget.  It was agreed by the Board that the Performance Evaluation be completed by January 16, 2012.  The Board also agreed to instruct Heads of Departments, while preparing their budget, to keep their payroll figures flat until after evaluations.

Chair Davis inquired if the Board would like to keep the payroll period weekly or to change to bi-weekly.  The Board unanimously agreed to keep the payroll period weekly.

Chair Davis called on Selectman Keeney who inquired as to how the four contractors were selected for interviewing for the Construction Manager position.  Chair Davis explained that two of the contractors were picked by the architect.  The other two contractors were contractors who applied when the original bid was put out in 2009.  Chair Davis stated that no public notice was put in the newspaper.  Selectman Keeney suggested “transparency” on all selection procedures regarding the new Town Office Building.  Chair Davis informed the Board that there will be a Building Committee Meeting at the school on Wednesday, at 6:30 p.m. and everyone is welcome.

There being no further business, Chair Davis declared the meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Eleanor M. Dewey,

Office Assistant to Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator


BOS Meeting Minutes 11.14.2011


The Board of Selectmen met for their weekly meeting at 6:30 p. m. at the Campton Town Office.  Present were, Selectmen, Charles Wheeler, Sharon Davis, Charles Cheney, Craig Keeney, and Marsh Morgan.  The Board signed the manifest and reviewed the bills.

A member of the public who was present at the meeting and not on the agenda was Will Lambert.

At 6:40 p.m. Chair Davis called the meeting to order, while waiting for some other people to arrive, Chair Davis called for a Motion to approve the Minutes and Non Public Minutes of the previous meeting.  After revisions by Selectman Morgan and Chair Davis, Selectman Morgan made a Motion to approve the Minutes as revised and approve the Non Public Minutes as written. The Motion was seconded by Selectman Wheeler and the revised Minutes and Non Public Minutes as written were unanimously approved.

Upon the arrival of an additional guest to take part in the Campton Farmers Market presentation (CFM), Chair Davis explained that the Campton Farmers Market was formed in 2010 with each vendor paying a vendor fee and having the understanding that if there were any monies available at the end of the season a donation would be contributed to the Campton Resource Center and the Campton Corner Pantry.  Chair Davis was happy to present a check in the amount of $100.00 to the Campton Resource Center and another $100.00 check to the Campton Corner Pantry. Present for this presentation were May Brosseau, representing the Campton Corner Pantry and Michelle Betts and Michelle Bilodeau, representing Campton Resource Center.  Chair Davis also introduced Steve Nelson who was a loyal vendor participant for the entire 20 weeks at the CFM and also owns a pastry business.  Chair Davis also introduced Martha Aguiar who worked hard as a volunteer at the CFM assisting in set up and breakdown.  Chair Davis also stated that Jim Aguiar was a very much-appreciated contributor to the CFM with his music and singing.  Pictures were taken this evening of the presentation and will be published in the newspaper.

Chair Davis then called on Tom Jantell of Squam Trail Busters who requested permission for Squam Trail Busters to have snowmobile access to the bridge on Eastern Corners Road.  After discussion by the Board and concerns resolved, it was agreed by the Board to authorize Squam Trail Busters access on to Eastern Corners Bridge. A Motion was then made by Selectman Wheeler to authorize Chair Sharon Davis to sign a Permission Form to provide Squam Trail Busters access commencing December 11, 2011 and end April 9, 2012. The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan and authorization was given to Chairman Sharon Davis to sign the Permission form was unanimously approved.  Tom Jantell also provided a signed agreement to the Town acknowledging that Squam Trail Busters will be responsible for any repair if damage is caused by snowmobiles or grooming equipment during the riding season.

Chair Davis then called on Ann Marie to review correspondence.  Ann Marie indicated that she received two quotes from W.B. Mason regarding a replacement copy machine for the Selectmen’s Office since the old copy machine (which was donated to the Town) is not repairable. Ann Marie explained that a color copier would be too costly to operate.  The black and white copier will accommodate 11” X 17” paper and has maintenance and supply costs of only $.02 per copy.  W.B. Mason has available a used copier for $750.00, or a new one could be purchased for $3,100.00.  The Board agreed to purchase the used copier for $750.00.

Ann Marie indicated that at the recent Loss Safety Meeting that Ellie attended, Butch Bain, Road Agent inquired if the Board would agree to pay for his staff to receive hepatitis shots.  Ann Marie is waiting to hear from R.J. Dragon as to possible insurance coverage for the shots, and she will check with Fire Chief Tobine as to how the Fire Department handles this issue.  It was also suggested by the Board that the Highway Department have gloves available to be used as precautionary measures.

Ann Marie reported that Butch Bain calculated approximately 20,000 miles of driving on the white Town truck and that approximately 5,000 of those miles were used for errands.  The Board previously discussed the possibility of having a small used vehicle available to the Highway Department to save on gas rather than using the large equipment all the time.  Selectman Morgan pointed out 5,000 miles are not enough miles to offset the cost of an additional vehicle.  After continued discussion, it was then agreed by the Board to have Butch Bain inquire about prices and availability of a vehicle at the White Farm.

Ann Marie explained that a letter was received from Flynn, Riedel & Young, Inc., Insurance Adjusters authorizing the second payment to 3-G Construction in the amount of $30,367.50 for the repair work to the Blair Bridged caused by Storm Irene.

Ann Marie also explained that she received a posting that will be placed in the newspaper by the Town of Thornton regarding recruitment for a committee to be formed (made up of volunteer residents from Thornton, Campton and Ellsworth) to be able to offer new ideas and recommendations for improvements and the possibility to continue service of the Mall at the Transfer Station.  Ann Marie explained that the goal of the committee would be to report to the Public on Town Meeting Day, 2012 ways the service could possibly remain in existence to the communities of Thornton, Campton and Ellsworth.   Any interested person who would like to serve on the committee should contact the Thornton Town Hall at 726-8168.

Ann Marie also discussed with the Board the “Unofficial” tax rate computations provided by NH DRA, and she will contact NH DRA concerning the Board’s goal in keeping the tax rate down to a minimum.

Ann Marie also discussed the calculated repurchase that she computed for property to be repurchased as a result of tax deeding.  Ann Marie indicated that she was able to calculate a monthly payment figure below $1,000 a month (as agreed upon by the buyer) for a period of 18 months.  The Board also made suggestions to Ann Marie as to what figures should be upfront costs and what figures needed be calculated into the total purchase price for amortizing.

Chair Davis then called on Ann Marie for discussion on the 2012 Budget.  Ann Marie explained that she would like to go over budget figures that stay consistent and discuss any necessary increases or decreases.  She indicated an interpreter fee for Town Meeting needs to be added to the Executive section, the Property, Liability, Auto & Bond line was increased to $32,000.00 and Worker’s Comp increased to $15,459.00.  Advertising & Regional the Board agreed to hold to the 2011 Budget figures with the exception of $500.00 to Mid-State health Center and the Chamber Dues to $795.00.  The PBSWD dues, line 4324.1 was reduced to $3,112.66.  Other figures that were agreed to be held to last year’s figures are Health Officer, Voices against Violence and Bridge House.  The Board agreed that they will focus on a high and low range figures to be set for employees’ compensation within the specific designated positions. Ann Marie indicated that COLA is set at 3.6 by the Social Security Administration for the coming year.

Chair Davis then proceeded with Other Business – Selectmen’s Input. Chair Davis indicated that she would be out of state for Thanksgiving and would not be able to attend the November 28, 2011 Selectmen’s Meeting.  The Board will make a decision next week as to whether or not they will actually schedule a Selectmen’s Meeting on November 28, 2011 due to holiday conflict schedules.

Chair Davis discussed moving the Boards mail boxes to the Selectmen’s Office rather than keeping them in the present space.  The Board unanimously agreed.

There being no further business, Chair Davis declared the meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Eleanor M. Dewey,

Office Assistant to Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator


BOS Meeting Minutes 11.07.2011


The Board of Selectmen met for their weekly meeting at 6:30 p. m. at the Campton Town Office.  Present were, Selectmen, Charles Wheeler, Sharon Davis, Craig Keeney, and Marsh Morgan. Selectman Cheney was not present due to a conflict in schedule.  The Board signed the manifest and reviewed the bills.  They signed 1 Building Permit, 1 Tax Agreement and 3 tax exemption applications.

Members of the public who were present at the meeting, who were not on the agenda were:  Juliet Bolia and Kelly Bolger.


At 6:45 p.m. Chair Davis called the meeting to order and made a Motion to go into Non Public Session under RSA 91:A,ll© regarding a tax matter.  (This matter was an addition to the agenda).  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan and with a roll call vote:  Selectman Morgan – aye, Selectman Davis – aye, Selectman Wheeler – aye, and Selectman Kenney – aye, the Board went into Non Public Session at 6:45 p.m.  The Board came out of Non Public Session at 7:05 p.m.

Chair Davis continued the regular meeting and there was discussion regarding tax deeding under RSA 80:89. It was determined that at any time during the three-year period, any former owner can repurchase tax deeded property by paying “back taxes, interest, costs and penalty.” A Motion was made by Chair Davis that the Board waive imposing the additional penalty of 15% of the property’s equalized assessed value seconded by Selectman Wheeler and with a roll call vote:  Selectman Morgan – aye, Selectman Davis – aye, Selectman Wheeler – aye and Selectman Keeney – aye, the vote was unanimous.

Chair Davis then called on Kathy LeBlanc, President of Voices against Violence (VAV) and Peter Pettengill, who is Vice President.  Ms. LeBlanc stated that the organization has provided 220 hours of service to Campton residents this past year, which equals out to approximately $6,000 in costs and it was hoped that the Town of Campton could increase funding support to $3,000 this year. It was also confirmed that VAV’s funding has drastically been cut and the organization is feeling this crunch.  Chair Davis explained that the Board is sensitive to VAV’s needs; however she explained that the Town also has  areas to address that need attention in the budget such as building issues and raises to employees as there has not been an increase in compensation for the past two years.  With that in mind, the Board confirmed that they could not increase funding beyond the $2,000 (as previously contributed).  Selectman Wheeler, at this point volunteered his services to arrange a fund raising golf tournament through Owl’s Nest Golf course to help support VAV.  Ms. LeBlanc and Mr. Pettengill were enthusiastic about this idea and will be contacting Selectman Wheeler to arrange it.  There was also discussion about the process of reporting of residency of individuals getting support from VAV, and Ms. LeBlanc will check further into this and notify Ann Marie of her findings.  Ann Marie indicated there have been problems in the past regarding this issue.  Ms. LeBlanc and Mr. Pettengill thanked the Board for their support, time, honesty and Selectman Wheeler’s assistance.

Chair Davis called for a Motion to approve the Minutes and Non Public Minutes of the previous meeting. Selectman Morgan made a Motion to approve the Minutes and two sets of Non Public Minutes as written.   Selectman Wheeler seconded the Motion and the Minutes and two sets of Non Public Minutes were unanimously approved.

Chair Davis then called on Ann Marie to review correspondence.  Ann Marie indicated that Robert Durfee sent an e-mail giving an update of the progress of repair work from storm Irene on the Blair Bridge.  Mr. Durfee stated that he approved one new work item regarding sistering of two roof rafters and as of November 1, 2011 (in the afternoon) the Blair Bridge has been reopened to traffic.  Mr. Durfee inquired if a final bridge inspection would be required by the Town, and if so, he suggested the meeting be held at the bridge site.

Ann Marie indicated that Beverly Chappell has provided the statistics on the Town web site for the month of September and October, which reflected an increase in use by viewer.  Also, Beverly indicated that Hannah Joyce, Town Clerk/ Tax Collector has indicated that she would like to post things on her own “blog” page; however, Beverly indicated this could be done but she would need approval from the Board of Selectmen to make that available to Hannah.  The Board agreed that they would like Hannah Joyce to come in to discuss this issue further.

Ann Marie indicated that Hannah Joyce, Town Clerk/Tax Collector provided notice to the Board of 4 properties that have been deeded to the Town and refunds that were made to two homeowners as partial payments are not accepted after a property is tax deeded.

NH DOT has sent notification of two “wrap up meeting dates” to finalized the adoption of the draft of the Governor’s Advisory Commission on Intermodal Transporation 2013-2022 Ten Year Plan.  The dates are:  November 15, 2011 at 2:00 p.m., at the JO Morton Building at NH DOT and November 30, 2011, at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the State House.

Nancy Mayville of NH DOT provided a notice of a workshop on Historic Bridge Preservation, which is scheduled for December 8, 2011, from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., in the NH DOT large conference room at 7 Hazen Drive, Concord.  Selectman Davis expressed an interest in attending the meeting.

Ann Marie indicated that Fire Chief, David Tobine provided the Pay and Classification Study by the Local Government Center.  Ann Marie explained that Chief Tobine indicated that the Thornton Board had already received their copies and he felt the Campton Board also needed to be provided a copy of the study.  Ann Marie distributed copies to each Board member.  Fire Chief Tobine also indicated that the Board of Fire Commissioners has not yet reviewed the study.  Kelly Bolger confirmed that the Fire Commissioners will be reviewing this document at their next meeting and will report their recommendations to the Board.

At this point, Selectman Keeney indicated that he had an aerial view of property owned by Kevin Rogers pertaining to previous discussion regarding a silt issue resulting from disturbance of soil on Mr. Rogers’s property.  Butch Bain, Road Agent and Charlie Brosseau, Compliance Officer viewed the property with Mr. Rogers recently.  After discussion, the Board agreed to consult with Town Attorney, Laura Spector regarding the RSA pertaining to more than 100,000 square feet of soil disturbance.  The Board would like clarification as to whether or not a permit is needed if soil disturbance exceeds 100,000 square feet.

Chair Davis then called on Juliet Bolia, of Channel 3, cable TV.  Ms. Bolia inquired if the Board would give permission to the taping of the Board of Selectmen’s meeting and to place the tapings on Channel 3 cable TV.  She also expressed the public’s interest in this procedure and mentioned other Towns that already participate and some that are checking into participation.  Ms. Bolia expressed that it would not have to be every meeting; perhaps the Budget Hearing or just a few Board of Selectmen’s Meetings.    The Board agreed to discuss this further before making a decision.

Chair Davis then called on Ann Marie to discuss the update of the Town Budget.  Ann Marie reviewed the updated budget with the Board and explained for the most part, the Town was in good shape.  Some items Ann Marie pointed out that needed increasing were Consortium/Misc., and Property Liability Insurance.  There was also discussion about a figure allocated for Unemployment Compensation; however it was decided it was not necessary as the issue presented this year, (the Board felt) was an isolated incident.  There was also discussion pertaining to acquiring mileage calculations from the Road Agent for use of the Board in deciphering whether or not the purchase of a used vehicle would be appropriate for the Highway Department.  The used vehicle could accommodate the Department rather than using the heavy equipment trucks for certain trips back and forth, therefore reducing fuel consumption.  Also, Ann Marie stated that Police Chief Chris Warn would provide her with a sample evaluation form that he uses to evaluate his secretary.  (Chief Warn uses a separate evaluation form for the Police Officers.)  Ann Marie also mentioned that Fire Chief Tobine mentioned a stipend allowance of $1,000 to be added to the Emergency Management line for labor for processing documentation.  Kelly Bolger suggested that the Fire Commissioners review this item first.  The Board agreed.

Chair Davis then proceeded with Other Business – Selectmen’s Input and called on

Selectman Keeney who inquired about the policy regarding dogs in the cemetery.  It was confirmed that there is a leash law in Town and Ann Marie will confer with the cemetery Sexton regarding this matter.

Chair Davis called on Selectman Wheeler who indicated the first Cable Committee meeting was held today and there will be another meeting on November 28, 2011.  Chair Wheeler inquired if Ann Marie could arrange for a cable representative to meet with the Committee.  Ann Marie will arrange the scheduling.

Selectman Wheeler also stated that he had received complaints from upset parents regarding the short notice of the closure of the school in connection with the work being performed for the Campton Village Precinct.  Also, parents were concerned about the water not being tested before the school was reopened.

Chair Davis indicated that the Building Committee met last Thursday with the architect in order to cut costs, yet still maintain the integrity of the new building.  Chair Davis called on Kelly Bolger, (who was present at that meeting) to comment this evening.  Kelly informed the Board that 5 contractors will be chosen to establish a guaranteed maximum price.  Kelly stated that once the 5 contractors names are selected, and prices are agreed upon by the Board, it is the hope of the Committee that the process will then go before the Town for vote.

Chair Davis then expressed to the Board that in order for this project to move forward it is important for the Board to be in agreement with the project and she needed to hear from the Board whether to go forward with the project, or if they were not in favor, then what their alternative would be.  Selectman Keeney questioned whether or not there was any possibility of keeping the figure down below one million dollars.  Kelly and Selectman Davis emphasized again that the committee was looking at all ways to cut corners without putting the integrity of the building at risk.  Kelly expressed that obviously once the contractors are selected and quotes are in, they will have a better idea of the bottom line.  Selectman Keeney also questioned the rafter situation that Dan Bergeron previously discussed with the Building Committee.    Selectman Morgan expressed that he felt it is time to do this project and it would be a savings to get out of the present building because of high-energy costs and repairs.   Selectman Wheeler was in favor; however he expressed that some comments made by taxpayers is that the present situation “is working”.  Chair Davis indicated that more discussion would continue regarding pros and cons of the new building.  Chair Davis also distributed to the Board a sheet listing pros (which out weighted the cons) favoring a new building.

There being no further business, Chair Davis declared the meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,




Eleanor M. Dewey,

Office Assistant to Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator