Fire Commision Minutes 12.12.2011

Campton – Thornton   Fire Commission Meeting Minutes       December 12, 2011

Meeting Called to order By Chairman Jim Demeritt at 1600 hrs.

Members present= Jim Demeritt, Lou Klotz, Dick Giehl, Niles Downing, Kelly Bolger.     Also present Chief David Tobine

Reading of the minutes of 11-14-2011 and 11-28-2011 were read and approved as read  unanimously.

Old Business- Chief Tobine reported that he spoke with the property owner where the ambulance accidently clipped an overhang bringing it down. The owner  will not file a claim against the department but instead, made a donation.  Thank you .

Kelly reported that due to computer issues, he was unable to get out a draft letter to the Selectboards  that addresses a concern of the Commission.

Chief Tobine reported that there may be funds available to cover the renovations to the Campton Station through the Durgin Trust. The Campton Selectboard will vote at their next meeting.

Ambulance income For November… Campton   $2907.90,  Thornton  $1905.17, Ellsworth  200.54   Total, $5013.61.

New Business:

Chief Tobine gave a breakdown of the Fire and EMS call volume for the year.  52.2% Campton, 38.09% Thornton and the remainder divided between Ellsworth, Ashland, Lincoln, N.Woodstock, Waterville Valley, and Plymouth.

Lou reminded the Board of the meeting with the Thornton Selectboard on Wednesday night 12-14-11 at 1900 hrs. to discuss the budget.

Niles brought up Thornton’s new policy on equipment procurement and asked how that affects the Commission and the Fire department day to day operations.  Jim will write up what our current policy is.

A motion to adjourn was made by Lou, 2’nd by Dick. Vote to adjourn was unanimous at 1645 hrs.

Respectfully submitted,

Niles Downing


Fire Commission Minutes 01.09.2012

Campton-Thornton Fire Commission  Meeting Minutes   January 9, 2012

Ambulance income from December 2011
Campton-  $7283.16
Thornton $ 4771.73
Ellsworth- $502.29
Total  $12,557.18

The January 2012 scheduled meeting of the Fire Commission was restricted due to a lack of a quorum.
Chief Tobine advised that there were no urgent matters pending  and that he would go to Thornton to get the third required Commissioner signature on the manifest as Commissioner Klotz was working at the town office there.
Respectfully submitted
Niles Downing

PB Minutes 01.17.2012



The Planning Board met this date with Stuart Pitts, Chairman, Chris Kelly, Kelly Bolger,

and Tim Scanlon.

Stuart Pitts opened the meeting at 6:30 PM.

First on the agenda, the minutes for the December l3, 2011 Planning Board Meeting.

Chris Kelly made a motion to approve the minutes for the December l3, 2011 meeting.

Kelly Bolger seconded the motion.  The Planning Board voted in the affirmative, unanimously.  The Planning Board did not meet on January 3, 2012 for a Work Session.

Next on the agenda, Bruce Bond, Site Plan Review, for 1289 NH RT l75.

This will be continued until February 14, 2012.

Next on the agenda, the Public Hearing on the Zoning Amendment, proposed by the Planning Board. This amendment to Article IV, Section 7, would add the language as follows:(New language has been underlined.) The Planning Board wanted this Article IV, and Section 7 to specify it as the Approved Bed and Breakfast section, as it was intended.

The renting of up to four rooms to no more than ten people and furnishing of meals to the residents in whole or in part shall be permitted only in an approved Bed and Breakfast.

A Bed and Breakfast may rent more than four rooms only upon receipt of a Special Exception.

Next on the agenda, Jeff Andrews, regarding his property in Beebe River, had an inquiry about rebuilding a bay that has been damaged in the storm last year.  Jeff wanted to know if he could still use the approved Site Plan Review from Albert Nault. Stuart Pitts said that he would have to re-submit a new Site Plan Review.  Beebe River is zoned for related Wood Products business.  Chris Kelly said that he would have to go to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for a Special Exception.  Chris also said that the Zoning Board meets on demand.  The board told Jeff Andrews that they would like to see business in Beebe River.  Tim Scanlon said that the Planning Board tries to encourage and help business with the process of Site Plan Review. Stuart Pitts said that the Site Plan Review that Albert Nault did was approved in error, he should have gone to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for a Special Exception.  Stuart said that Beebe River is not straight commercial, and that is the problem.  Kelly Bolger said that the Planning Board is trying to do the right thing, by giving you the guidelines for the Special Exception.  Jeff Andrews thanked the Planning Board for the information.

Page 2

The Planning Board went over the correspondence and mail.

The Planning Board adjourned at 7:20 PM.


Respectfully submitted,




May Brosseau

Planning Board Clerk





Minutes Public Hearing 01.30.2012



JANUARY 30, 2012

 The Board of Selectmen met for their weekly meeting at 6:30 p. m. at the Campton Historical Society Building.  Present were, Selectmen, Sharon Davis, Charles Cheney, Charles Wheeler, Craig Keeney and Marsh Morgan.  The Board signed the manifest and reviewed the bills.  They signed 1 Notice of Intent to Cut, and 1 Veteran’s Exemption.


Members of the public who were present at the meeting, but not on the agenda were Sandy Morgan, Carol Andrews, Patrick Miller and Jim Aguiar.


At 6:45 p.m. Chair Davis called the meeting to order and called on Shelley Thompson and Priscilla Carr Whitney to revisit their 2012 Proposed Library Budget.  Shelley explained the wage increase and the fact that there are 53 pay periods in 2012, which increases the budget; however she discussed the necessity of increasing the assistant’s hours and director’s hours.  Shelley explained that the bookkeeper’s fee has been agreed to and increased by $100.00 for the year.  The programs line was increased since last year there was only one special program offered and this year they would like to participate in the NH online down load system at a cost of $800.00.  After discussion, the Board agreed with the bottom line figure of $40,861.50.


At 7:00 p.m. Chair Davis opened the Public Hearing and turned the meeting over to Jane Kellogg representing the Campton Conservation Commission (CCC).  Jane introduced Carol Andrews, Director of the NH Association of Conservation Commission.  Jane stated that the CCC invited Carol here this evening to assist in answering “any technical questions”.  Jane explained that the CCC would like to give a presentation regarding the Warrant Article RSA 36-A:4-a 1(b) which will be brought to vote at Town Meeting and needs some clarification.  Jane explained that approval of the Warrant Article will authorize the CCC to expend funds for contributions to “qualified organizations” for the purpose of property interests, or facilitating transaction related thereto, where the property interest is to be held by the qualified organization and the Town will retain no interest in the property.  Jane explained the benefits of allowing the CCC to expend funds to enable property owners to enter into a Conservation Easement, those being:


  • Encourages property owners to consider and follow through with a Conservation Easement whereas they may have not been able to fund the expenses on their own;
  • Stewardship fees would enable the formation of a Land Trust; hence, no responsibility to the Town;
  • The property remains in the present owners’ name so it remains on the tax roll;
  • Allows the CCC dollar leverage to assist property owners in expenses of doing a Conservation easement;
  • Helps landowners keep their land an “open space”.


Jane expressed how important it is that the Warrant Article passes in order for the CCC to have this added tool to continue their goal of conserving land in Campton.


Selectman Morgan agreed that the main focus to look at for the Article to pass is the fact that the land would not be owned by the Town (remains the present owner’s name); therefore, the Town has no responsibility or liability; however the Town will still benefit from taxes and the CCC will have accomplished their goals.


Selectman Cheney mentioned concerns that the distribution of monies would be at the sole discretion of the CCC.  Selectman Keeney inquired if there were any guidelines in place for the CCC to follow before expending funds to property owners.  Carol Andrews confirmed there were no guidelines; however, the goal of the CCC is to conserve land, not to qualify the property owner, and this legislation would assist them with their goal.


Jim Aguiar inquired if there was any process that was followed in order for the organizations to become “qualified organizations”.  Carol Andrews indicated that the NH Association of Conservation Commission could provide information to the CCC pertaining to specific organizations if the CCC was unfamiliar with certain organizations.  Also, she stated that there is IRS documentation recognizing the organizations as non-profit organizations.


Again, Jane Kellogg reiterated that the Warrant Article (passed) would give the CCC

the opportunity to help landowners make a decision to move forward with a Conservation Easement thereby creating a win situation for the CCC, the Town and the landowner.


Chair Davis then thanked the Jane Kellogg for her “good job” on the presentation and explained that the Board now needed to adjourn to the Campton Town Office to continue their meeting.


At 8:10 p.m., at the Campton Town Office Chair Davis continued the Selectmen’s Meeting by calling on Police Chief Warn regarding the Police Department’s 2012 Budget.  Chief Warn explained that the prosecution duties have added 25 to 30 hours a week to his duties and he wanted to get the Board’s thoughts on possibly hiring a part time attorney for 16 to 20 hours per week.  After discussion concerning the actual hourly rate and training another person, it was agreed that it was too late this year for making a decision on a part time attorney position, but the Board will revisit this issue next year.


Chair Davis indicated that questions by the Board have been raised regarding Janet Woolfenden’s merit percentage raise.  Chief Warn explained that while Janet received a raise mid-year, last year to compensate for the added duties she has taken on.  The percentage raise he established for her for the year 2012 was 3.75% (the maximum allowed by the Board), which reflects Janet’s excellent job performance in carrying on the added tasks.  Selectman Craig Keeney expressed that he felt the raise approved mid-year, last year was a very substantial amount.  Selectman Charles Cheney also expressed that it was a “significant jump” and asked that Chief Warn hold off on giving a merit raise this year, or at least consider lowering the percentage.  No action was taken.


At this point, Chief Warn continued on to what he described as “another heads up” regarding the 2012 Budget.  Chief Warn allowed for an increase in compensation for the Corporal Officer position.  The increase accounts for the added responsibility of being in charge of all training; hence, the increase is justified.  Chief Warn explained that this figure is calculated in the Proposed Budget.  This may or may not be used if the potential is seen in one of his officers.  It is not set for one particular individual, but gives each of the officers a goal to try and reach. The Board then thanked Chief Warn for coming.


Chair Davis then called for a Motion to approve the Minutes of the January 26, 2012 meeting and the Minutes of the January 23, 2012 meeting.   After revisions made, Selectman Morgan made a Motion to approve the 2 sets of revised Minutes.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Wheeler and the revised Minutes were unanimously approved.


Chair Davis then called on Ann Marie to review other Town Budgets.  Ann Marie distributed the 2012 Proposed Budget to the Board and proceeded to go down line for line on items not previously discussed with the Board.  Ann Marie indicated that Hannah Joyce, Town Clerk/Tax Collector requested an increase in the Moderator’s fee from $50.00 to $100.00.  The Board agreed to leave the amount at $50.00.  Some significant decreases that the Board agreed upon were:  Mitchell Municipal Group from $15,000 to $10,000; Perambulation from $100.00 to $1.00; Contingency from $20,000.00 to $15,000.00; Forest Fires from $1,600.00 to $700.00; Welfare from $45,000.00 to $40,000.00; the Municipal Building Capital Reserve Fund from $100,000.00 to $30,000.00.  Ann Marie acknowledged and thanked the Board for their gracious 3.75% contributing to her compensation increase.  Ann Marie also acknowledged that she allowed for the maximum 3.75% increase for her staff, which reflects the added tasks taken on by both May Brosseau and Ellie Dewey and calculation for some overtime.  Ann Marie indicated an increase in mileage needed for additional meetings from $385.00 to $600.00 to compensate for additional training meetings with DOT for the Blair Bridge Project.  Ann Marie also addressed the cost of water supplied to the various departments and although suggestions were made on how to cut costs, no decisions were made at present.  The Board agreed to $2,500.00 for Signs and Posts as the Road Agent is in the process of replacing road signs with the new larger required signs.


Ann Marie announced that the Princ-LTB for the Fire Department Sub-Station will be paid up in 2016; the LTB for the Covered Bridges (Article 3, 2009) will be paid up in 2014 and the Betterment for Kati A/Millie’s Circle will be paid up this year.


Chair Davis then proceeded with Other Business – Selectmen’s Input as there was no correspondence.  Ann Marie indicated that Ellie calculated the operating costs for the Town Office building for 2011 and the total figure came in at over $34,538.02.

The Building Committee asked for this figure.


Selectman Wheeler asked Ann Marie to calculate the actual figure, which accounts for the extra pay period for the year 2012. The Board agreed that this figure would be helpful for Town Meeting.


Selectman Cheney inquired about the flow of tax payments being received.  Ann Marie indicated that so far it was going very well.


Chair Davis distributed to the Board copies of an example of an Annual Repayment Schedule for the proposed Town Office Building Bond with a 3% interest rate at 10 years and also at 15 years.


Chair Davis declared the meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Eleanor M. Dewey,

Office Assistant to Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator