BOS Meeting Minutes 06.04.2012


The Board of Selectmen met for their weekly meeting at 6:30 p. m. at the Campton Town Office.  Present were, Selectmen, Charles Wheeler, Charles Cheney, Craig Keeney, Sharon Davis and Marsh Morgan.  The Board signed the manifest and reviewed the bills.  They signed 9 Timber Tax Warrants, 2 authorization letters to NH State Liquor Commission regarding Waterville Estates Village District and 1 Building Permit.

At 6:45 p.m. Chair Keeney called the meeting to order, and it was agreed that the Board would handle their Non Public Session – Personnel matter first rather than at 7:15 p.m.  Chair Keeney called on Selectman Davis who made the Motion to go into Non Public Session under RSA 91-A: 3, ll (a) regarding a personnel matter.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan and with a roll call vote:  Selectman Davis – aye, Selectman Morgan – aye, Selectman Wheeler – aye, Selectman Cheney – aye and Selectman Keeney – aye, the Board went into Non Public Session at 6:50 p.m.  At 7:15 p.m. the Board came out of Non Public Session.

Chair Keeney continued the meeting by calling on Kelly Bolger and Bryant Lehr of Conneston Construction, Inc., the Contract Manager for the new Town Office Building.  Kelly called on Bryant to review certain items on the Budget Spreadsheet, which needed to be addressed.  Some of these items being:  well system site work allowance was added; (after discussion) the Board eliminated the landscaping water sprinkler system; the Board also agreed to change the ceramic tile in the bathrooms to a 4 foot height rather than an 8 foot height.  Bryant will make all the necessary changes on the Spreadsheet and also on the contract. The Board agreed to have Laura Spector-Morgan review the contact before signing.  A Motion was then made by Selectman Davis for the Board to authorize Chairman Craig Keeney to sign the contract after Bryant makes the revisions to the spread sheet and revising the contract to reflect the changes discussed this evening.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Wheeler and the Motion was then unanimously approved.

There was also some discussion regarding a possible simple cartridge water filtering system to eliminate any possible mineral deposit problems.  The Board also agreed, after reviewing comparisons of oil, propane and heat pump systems, that the best choice was to go with a propane heating and air conditioning system rather than the suggested air source heat pump.

The Board also discussed the possibility of the “repurpose” of the current Police Department and the new Town Office Building presenting the practicality and economic pros for such repurposing.  After the Board’s discussion, Selectman Davis made a Motion to approve the “repurpose” of the current Police Department and the new Town Office Building.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan, and the Motion was unanimously approved.

Chair Keeney then called on Ann Marie regarding a tax matter that was originally scheduled on the agenda for a Non Public Session.  Ann Marie stated that it was not necessary to go into Non Public Session.  Ann Marie informed the Board that a property in Waterville Estates was tax deeded to the Town last fall; however, after the out of state owners were in contact with Ann Marie, she was able to work with them to buy back the property and the Town received in return $37,808.50 (in back taxes and costs) and the Town issued a Quit Claim Deed back to the original owners.    The Board was pleased with the results.

Chair Keeney then called for approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting.  After revisions were made by Selectman Morgan, Selectman Wheeler made a Motion to approve the Minutes as revised.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan, and the revised Minutes were unanimously approved.

Chair Keeney then called on Ann Marie to review correspondence.  Ann Marie previously indicated that the School Administrative assessment schedule had increased and she inquired as to the reason for the increase. She found there was a $198,000 increase in the operating budget for health insurance and retirement.  Also the revenue is down by $200,000.00.  Also, there was a $76,000 increase for a new teachers’ agreement. Last year $112,000 was taken from Capital Reserves for special education and building needs.

An e-mail was received from Attorney Spector-Morgan regarding the Sexual Predators’ Ordinance.  It is Attorney Spector-Morgan’s advice to wait on adopting this ordinance as there is an appeal before the Supreme Court regarding these issues and she indicated that RSA 31:39 allows towns, which means town meetings, to adopt ordinances.  Attorney Spector-Morgan confirmed that the Selectmen have very limited authority to adopt any ordinances or bylaws.

Ann Marie indicated that she received a call from Pauline of NH Public Services regarding Broomstick Lane.  Pauline wanted confirmation as to the road classification.  After discussion with Selectman Cheney and confirmation of a Quit Claim Deed it was determined that Broomstick Lane is a privately maintained road with a 20-foot width right of way.  Ann Marie will provide a copy of the Quit Claim Deed to NH Public Services.

Ann Marie reminded the Board that a memorial celebration is scheduled for Lester Mitchell on June 10, 2012, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m., at the Common Man Inn in Plymouth.

A price quote was received from R.J. Dragon for health insurance.  After discussion, the Board agreed to the same health insurance plan.  Even with a 9% price increase in premium, with no change in the deductible or co-pays Ann Marie stated the increase was still within the budget amount and if the Board went with any other plans the deductible and co-pays would increase.

An e-mail was received from Sean James regarding the Blair Bridge Project and items requiring Town attention.  One item of attention was the easement to the river.  Ann Marie indicated she would be in contact with Jim Quinn tomorrow regarding the easement.  The other item of attention concerned prequalification direction.  Chair Keeney suggested the Board think about the prequalification scoring system so that it can be determined at the next Selectmen’s Meeting.

Alain Bennett provided a letter directed to the Board stating that March 31, 2012 was the last day of his term as Commissioner of the Beebe River Village District.  Mr. Bennett also stated in the letter that he was relinquishing possession of all known District files, property, keys, maps, financial records and instruments and placing these documents in the District well-pump house as, the Town of Campton, under advice of counsel, refused custody of the items and the District does not have a physical office.  Mr. Bennett also mentioned that the plow-truck and mounted equipment will be parked on common District property off Tie Street and the keys will be included with the other keys.

A response letter was drafted by Attorney Spector-Morgan to Stanley and Joel Freeman regarding Beebe River Village District which Ann Marie distributed to the Board.  The Board agreed to forward the draft letter to Stanley and Joel Freeman.

Hannah Joyce, Town Clerk sent a memo regarding property owners that have not kept up their tax agreement with the Board.  Ann Marie indicated that follow-up letters have been sent out to the applicable individuals.

A thank you letter was received from Anne and Rick Formalarie commending the Road Agent and the Highway Department regarding fixing the culvert at the intersection of Parker Road and Donovan Farm Road.  They also commented on the positive remarks heard about the paved section of Winterbrook Road and the extensive work done on Hodgman Hill Road and the ability of the Town being able to find the funds knowing that budgets are tight and resources are stretched.

A notification was received from the Local Government Center of a two-part Certification Program for Administrators, Manager and Supervisors.  The Board suggested passing this information on to Butch Bain to review for his possible interest in attending.

Lisa Ash of Parks and Rec. sent an e-mail to share with the Board that the Arts Alliance of Northern NH has been selected to receive a grant from the Kennedy Center’s VSA MetLife Foundation Arts Connect 2012 program.  The award will fund A+ with artists attending the after-school programs in Plymouth, Campton and Rumney.  The art sessions will focus on creative movement, puppetry and visual arts and will include training in Universal Design for Learning for A+ staff.

Jane Kellogg of the Campton Conservation Commission (CCC) wanted the Board to know that the CCC has forwarded letters to Campton Bog area landowners informing them that the Campton Bog was identified as one of the highest ranked habitats in New Hampshire.  The CCC is reaching out to landowners to begin conversation about learning more regarding the Wildlife Action Plan, sharing Bog Pond wildlife sightings, attending workshops to learn about land protection measures such as conservation easements and meeting neighbors to discuss common interests.

A notice was received from North Country Environmental Services indicating that there will be a 2.531% increase in the transportation rates only, (not disposal) for the Campton Thornton Transfer Station.

Ann Marie distributed an updated 2012 Expense spreadsheet to the Board.  She indicated that the allowance for legal and highway contractors is over budget and also routine random drug testing.  Ann Marie also indicated that she has recently become aware that any remaining library funds are suppose to be returned to the Town; however, based on advice from our auditor, last year’s balance can remain with them and will be applied to unemployment compensation expenses incurred by the library.

A copy of the Risk Pool Groups revision to the Local Government Center (LGC) Property Liability Trust Coverage and Coverage Limits Agreement has been received for review and notice of a June 12, 2012 hearing before the Board of Directors of LGC, at 25 Triangle Park Dr., Concord.

There being no further correspondence, Chair Keeney then called on Selectman Davis regarding Other Business – Selectmen’s Input.  Selectman Davis distributed an invitation from Communities for Alcohol and Drug-free Youth (CADY) regarding their Regional Prevention Summit for anyone who is interested in attending on June 6, 2012, starting at 8:00 a.m. at Prospect Hall, Plymouth State University Campus.

The Board discussed their summer schedule for meetings and it was agreed the Board would meet again on June 11, 2012, and skip June 18, 2012, have a meeting on June 25th and then continue every other week thereafter through Labor Day and then return to regular meetings once a week.

Chair Keeney called on Selectman Morgan who suggested that the Board consider going with “Resident Power” concerning the electrical power for the new Town Office Building.  Selectman Davis indicated that this would save on energy charges; however it will increase other charges.  The Board (however) did agree to research this suggestion.

There being no further business, Chair Keeney declared the meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Eleanor M. Dewey,

Office Assistant to Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrat

Planning Board Minutes 05.08.2012


The Planning Board met this date with Stuart Pitts, Chairman, Greg Jencks, Secretary, Charles Brosseau, Tim Scanlon, Alternate and Marsh Morgan, Ex-Officio.

Stuart Pitts opened the meeting at 6:30 PM.

First on the agenda, the Minutes for the April 10, 2012 meeting. Marsh Morgan made a motion to approve the minutes for the April 10, 2012 meeting.  Charles Brosseau seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in the affirmative, unanimously.

Next on the agenda, the Work Session Notes for the May 2, 2012.  Marsh Morgan made a motion to approve the Work Session Notes for the May 2, 2012 meeting.  Charles Brosseau seconded the motion.  The Planning Board voted in the affirmative, unanimously.

Next on the agenda, rescission of the Voluntary Merger for 50 Bog Enterprises LLC, Greg and Cindy Jencks. The Planning Board will appoint a Secretary for this application. Greg Jencks will step down for this application. The Planning Board appointed Charles Brosseau, as Secretary, for the 50 Bog Enterprises LLC application.  The Voluntary Merger process for 50 Bog Enterprises LLC was not completed.  Charles Brosseau made a motion to rescind the Voluntary Merger for 50 Bog Enterprises LLC.  Marsh Morgan seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in the affirmative, unanimously.

Next on the agenda, Dave Levin for the Mad River Coffee Roasters Site Plan Review.  Dave Levin said that they would be renting a space in the Chamber of Commerce building. The space will be the 26×26 foot office space adjacent to the Visitor Information Center, which was occupied by Waterville Estates Realty from January l, 2010 to October 15, 2011.  The space will consist of a coffee bean roaster, storage of both un- roasted and roasted beans, and some office furniture for administrative use. The Mad River Coffee shop will be staying at the King Realty building. The Fire Chief came by, May 7, 2012, and inspected the site, and did not have any problems.  Charles Brosseau asked about signage.  Dave Levin said that he wasn’t sure he was going to put up a sign, if he decided to, he would complete a sign permit application.  Marsh Morgan made a motion to approve the Site Plan Review for the Mad River Coffee Roasters, as presented.  Stuart Pitts seconded the motion.  The Planning Board voted in the affirmative, unanimously.

Next on the agenda, Charles Brosseau brought up a request for signage for New Hope Fellowship.  New Hope Fellowship would like to put up temporary A frame signs for their church service Sundays at the Days Inn. They will put the signs up Saturday afternoon and take them down after the church service Sundays.  The church will be filling out a Sign Permit.  The Planning Board did not see any problem with the temporary signage.


The Planning Board went over correspondence and mail.


Respectfully submitted,

May Brosseau

Campton Planning Board








BOS Meeting Minutes 5.21.2012


The Board of Selectmen met for their weekly meeting at 6:30 p. m. at the Campton Town Office.  Present were Selectmen, Charles Cheney, Craig Keeney, and Marsh Morgan. Selectman Davis and Selectman Wheeler were not present due to a conflict in schedule. The Board signed the manifest and reviewed the bills.  They signed 1 Radio Recipient MOU Certificate, 1 tax abatement, 2 denials of tax abatement, 1 thank you letter to Dick Giehl, 1 letter to Premiere of Quebec, 1 revised Shoreland Water Quality Protection Act Permit by Notification Application, 1 commitment letter from Northway Bank re: new Town Office Building, 1 Notice of Intent to Excavate, 1 Notice of Intent to Cut, 1 Sign permit, 1 Building Permit, and1 letter to Trustee of the Trust Funds.

At 6:50 p.m. Chair Keeney called the meeting to order and called on Kelly Bolger regarding updating the Board on the new Town Office Building.  Kelly indicated that not all the price evaluations are in as yet, but there will be a meeting on Thursday, May 24, 2012, at 6:30 p.m., at the Town Office for the Board to review the bids.

Ann Marie then asked Kelly to update the Board regarding the Fire Department’s budget.   Kelly informed the Board that the Fire Department’s budget was on target.  He did explain to the Board that they did encounter a vehicle that needed brakes within the next 5 or 6 months so they went ahead and had the brakes fixed to make sure the vehicle passed inspection.  This however, was not anticipated in the budget, but they allocated $20,000.00 in maintenance so there is now approximately $5,290.00 remaining in maintenance. Kelly assured the Board, (despite the fact that issues were discussed to the contrary), that the Fire Department’s current budget is not over budget.

Kelly also informed the Board of a recent three-alarm fire in Campton and explained the excellent procedure taken to contain the fire in a reasonable amount of time.

Kelly informed the Board that Chief Tobine has met with Emergency Management regarding a grant for a generator for the new Town Office Building which will also have the capacity to handle the Fire Department, Police Department and the new Town Office Building.

Chair Keeney then called for a Motion to approve the Minutes of Meeting of May 7, 2012.  Selectman Morgan made a Motion to approve the Minutes as presented. The   Motion was seconded by Selectman Cheney, and the Minutes were unanimously approved as written.

Chair Keeney then called on Ann Marie to review correspondence.  Ann Marie was happy to inform the Board that Campton Parks and Rec and A+ just won an excellent program award (given by the governor) and a ceremony will be held in June.

Police Chief Warn provided to Ann Marie a suggested Ordinance relative to registered sex offenders, which Ann Marie distributed to the Board.  After discussion, the Board agreed to have Laura Spector- Morgan review the Ordinance before proceeding.

Ann Marie informed the Board that the tax liens were completed on Friday; however, the good news is the amount was down from last year.

Ann Marie indicated that an e-mail was received from Attorney Laura Spector-Morgan regarding the application for a charitable exemption regarding the new elderly housing facility.  Attorney Spector-Morgan recommended that the Board deny the application since the owner is a management corporation and for this reason is not eligible.  There were also concerns voiced regarding a previously denied charitable exemption, which the DRA became involved in.

Ann Marie informed the Board that a letter was received from JFF/SWF LLC concerning Beebe River Village District.  The requests in the letter were for the Town to assume Class V maintenance of Beebe River Road, a refund of taxes and interest to JFF/SWF LLC paid to Beebe River Village District since 2005, attorney’s fees currently totaling $225.00 and a refund to JFF/SWF LLC for $43.00 from the Town for copying costs per JFF/SWF LLC’s right to know request.  After discussion, the Board agreed to have Attorney Laura Spector-Morgan review the letter for further discussion.

A copy of a letter was received from Headwater Hydrology, PLLC regarding Blair Bridge’s report survey on invasive species.  All areas were clear except one plant of Japanese Barberry in the Southwest quadrant (adjacent to a footpath leading from the parking area to the river).

An e-mail was received from Tammie Beaulieu, Thornton Town Administrator giving notice of a public meeting to be held May 31, 2012, at 6:00 p.m. at the Thornton Town Hall to allow the Department of Environmental Services’ Dam Bureau to present information and findings related to flows in the Mad River during tropical Storm Irene.

Ann Marie also wanted the Board to be aware that the estimated assessment schedule for the School District payment is $300,000.00 for July and August is $600,000.00.  Ann Marie will discuss the high estimates with Selectman Davis.

Ann Marie indicated, after exhausting all avenues to find a volunteer, they have no one to speak at the Memorial Day ceremony. Chair Keeney will speak to the Boy Scouts; however, Chair Keeney stated he would volunteer to be the speaker if the Boy Scouts were available.

There being no further correspondence, Chair Keeney then proceeded to Other business- Selectmen’s Input and called on Selectman Morgan.  Selectman Morgan indicated that the Board needs to make a decision on the removal of the salt shed.  After discussion, it was agreed by the Board that Butch could take the wood down and burn it on the premises. This was already discussed with Chief Tobine.  Also, Greg Jencks would see if he could break up the foundation.

Chair Keeney inquired if Selectman Cheney had reached Jim Quinn regarding the Blair Bridge Project easement.  Selectman Cheney indicated that he informed Mr. Quinn that he could add his requests to the easement that was previously sent to him; however, he has not heard back from him.  Ann Marie indicated that she would try to reach Mr. Quinn and Chair Keeney suggested she speak with Sean James to inquire if he has been in contact with Mr. Quinn.

There being no further business, Chair Keeney declared the meeting adjourned at 7:43 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Eleanor M. Dewey,

Office Assistant to Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator


Conservation Commission 4.11.2012

Campton Conservation Commission  Meeting Minutes For April 11, 2012

Since 2009, April has been designated as our annual land management meeting month.  A notice was posted in the Record Enterprise inviting all interested in hearing about BWNA and PCP property work to attend and provide input.  CCC members in attendance were Jane Kellogg, Lea Stewart, and Tammy Wooster. Audrey Eisenhauer from the Margaret and H.A. Rey Center also attended.

Jane offered to run the meeting and suggested that we cover BWNA business first since Audrey came to provide an update on the new Rey Center program.




1) Margaret & H.A. Rey Center/BWNA project update:


Jane asked Audrey to re-summarize the project she proposed involving the BWNA. Audrey had attended a CCC meeting last winter to propose a family nature exploration program at the BWNA to be conducted by Rey Center staff. She had also requested financial assistance from the CCC to cover the costs of the program. Audrey explained that the program will be called Nature Nights and run Wednesdays  from 6-7:30pm beginning the last week of June and running for 8 weeks. The program will be designed for families and will explore a different nature theme each week using the variety of habitats at the BWNA. Audrey recommended that the program be free for Campton residents and that a fee be charged for non-residents. Jane explained that the CCC could not charge a fee but a suggested donation could be made. $10.00 per family was the agreed upon amount for a non-resident suggested donation.


Lea asked whether reservations would be required and Audrey said that would be preferable especially for the purposes of material preparation. Audrey explained that there will be some method of tracking attendance such as a punch card. Jess has offered to donate a nature themed book to be given to a family who attends all 8 evenings.


How to best promote the program was discussed next and Audrey suggested that she and the CC co-write a press release. Audrey will draft the release and circulate it to the CC for input. Audrey said that she will also develop a flyer and a list of appropriate places to post the flyer was brainstormed.  Jane will check with Ron to see if he has an electronic copy of the town logo with the Blair Bridge to be printed on the flyer. Tammy will e-mail Audrey a contact for Campton area homeschoolers


Lea made a motion to expend $500.00 from the Conservation Fund to assist with the costs of the Rey Center Nature Nights program. Jane seconded the motion and all were in favor. Audrey will create an invoice to submit for payment, which is requested by the end of June.


2) Trail Conditions/Parking Lot:


Jane had recently walked the trails which she declared to be in good shape. Jess recently reported via e-mail that she and Ian had removed a tree.  Jane mentioned that the parking area will eventually need weeding which Lea offered to do.  The condition of the lot is fair and the likely future problem area will be the entrance where we had dumped some fill of mixed sizes. Jane mentioned to Audrey that if more parking is needed for the Nature Nights program, Leah Gray’s driveway can be used.


3) Japanese knotweed:


The CCC continues to research ways to deal with the exotic Japanese Knotweed problem. Lea shared a copy of an article describing a control method employed by the WV watershed Assoc. called herbicidal mowing. All recognized that any control method would require a multiple year commitment. Jane suggested that the first step should be an effort to reach out to all of the abutting landowners and begin a conversation to see how they all feel about different control measures, and willingness to help with the work. In the meantime The CC will take a look at the knotweed after the April 22nd roadside cleanup.




Pattee Conservation Park:



1) Liberty Elm tree:


Jess contacted the Garden Club to invite their members to our annual land management meeting. She asked whether any Elm Tree related issues need to be discussed and also extended the offer of using the PCP for garden club planting projects. Jess was told that the garden club would be meeting on April 10th and that they would report back to us if needed.


2) Mowing:


This is an off mowing year for the PCP field, but Jules will be mowing the walking path.



3) Pumpkin patch project: CES A+program


Jess met with Arianne Fosdick at the PCP and a suitable site for the afterschool pumpkin patch project was chosen. Tammy said that she recently had a brief conversation with Paul Yelle who mentioned that the Historical Society is potentially interested in using the PCP trails this fall as part of their haunted historic walk. Tammy encouraged Paul to attend a CC meeting when plans are more definitive.


4) Poison Ivy Watch:


The CC will continue to keep an eye on the poison ivy and will retreat the area if necessary.


5) Property boundary


The CC will walk the entire PCP property annually to ensure that all abutters are recognizing the boundary lines. Tammy will ask Jess if she wants to join Jane in putting in the ground flags between the PCP field and the Kidney properties.

As a final land management discussion point Jane added that we will continue to be open to other PCP property uses that would be of benefit to residents such as a community garden. Leadership and water are the limiting factors in making this a reality.

Audrey thanked the CC and left the meeting.

Other business:

Jane made a motion to accept the March meeting minutes. Lea seconded the motion and all were in favor. CC mail included a wetlands application for the Blair Bridge project. Our next meeting will be a work session on April 25th at 7pm where we will begin work identifying landowners near high natural resource value areas in town. Jane said that she will be attending a “Reaching Out to Landowners” workshop this weekend as part of the Saving Special Places conference. She hopes to come away with some useful information to help with our project.

Meeting adjourned 8:30 pm

Next business meeting: May 9, 2012

NOTE 7:30 time change