Conservation Minutes 09.12.2012

Campton Conservation Commission

Meeting minutes September 12, 2012;7:30 pm


Members present: Jane Kellogg, Lea Stewart, Alisoun Hodges, Tammy Wooster


The CC did not meet in August, and a rotating schedule was set to determine who would serve as chair. Jane offered to chair this meeting and the order to follow will be Lea, Jess, and Alisoun. The person chairing the next meeting will be responsible for circulating the agenda before the meeting.  Jules was not included as he will be recovering from knee replacement surgery.

1)      July Minutes:

Tammy reviewed the edits  of the July meeting minutes and Lea made a motion to approve them. Alisoun seconded the motion and all were in favor.


2)      Campton Group Campground status:

On September 6th  the Forest Service held an informational meeting to discuss the future plans of the Campton Group Campground and to solicit input from area residents. Jess attended this meeting and gave Jane a summary to share. The campground sustained significant flooding damage during T.S. Irene and has since remained closed. The proposed plan is to convert the area to day use only with improved trails and possibly a covered pavilion. There is concern that the area could flood again and become unsafe for unprepared campers. Criticism expressed by those in attendance was that there were only 2 other sites available for group camping in the area. Alisoun mentioned that the Campton campground was used regularly by a large group of climbers from around the world who convened in Campton before climbing the Rumney rocks. The Forest Service will be exploring  an alternate site for group camping.

3)      Rey Center Nature Nights Program:

The Nature Nights program has ended  and the CC is looking for some detailed  feedback from the Rey Center. What we do know is that 24 residents participated in the program over the 8 week period. Alisoun, who was not a CC member when the Nature Nights program was conceived,  asked what the money raised from area businesses was used for. Jane explained how Audrey Eisenhauer came to the CC last fall to propose the Nature Nights idea and requested financial assistance to cover material expenses and staff time. The Rey Center  would promote the program using their own well established media outlets.  After the CC voted to make the requested $500 expenditure from the Conservation Fund, the Select Board weighed in as being in support of the program but not of the expenditure. Subsequently a fund raising effort lead by Lea was undertaken and the money was raised by area businesses and private donors.

Alisoun explained how she oversees a  well attended similar short term educational  program for the Forest Service and gets volunteers to present the program. She went on to say that she thought that the Rey Center should cover their own expenses since they are using our facility. Jane explained that the Rey Center is a non-profit organization and expressed a need for financial help and that the group   agreed that it was a legitimate use of the CF fund since it was an educational program. Since that time we have received a letter from the local Govt Center supporting this notion. Tammy said that the Blair Woodland is not our facility, that it belongs to the town and the Rey Center has been looking to expand their outreach efforts beyond Waterville Valley visitors and to tailor this program to Campton residents. The BWNA seemed to be  a perfect fit for this mission and we thought it would bring exposure to the area which is an underutilized town resource.  Lea agreed that it was great exposure and having the program run by volunteers would  be ideal but would require a huge time commitment. Alisoun said that we should request an accounting of time and expenses from the Rey Center.  All agreed that this information is needed in considering future programming options. Tammy will send an e-mail to Audrey requesting a  summary of the program and a breakdown of time and expenses. We will then incorporate this information into the letter that Jess drafted to the Select Board along with the Local Govt Center letter of advice.


4)      Livermore Falls Update:

Jane attended the August 23 Livermore Falls   meeting and updated the group on progress made toward resolving the ongoing public safety/littering issues. New signage has been installed at the Rte. 175 parking area detailing fines and penalties imposed for violations. Visitors are finding other places to park such as in the trailer park and across the street along the dirt road to the new power substation. Holderness Police reported that open container citations were down from early summer, perhaps due to the clearing of trees allowing for better visibility. Jane also reported that the idea of forming a “Friends of Livermore Falls “ group is gaining traction. The Plymouth Rotary will be discussing this at their next meeting. Additionally, DRED has a potential position which may devote some hours to working with the Friends group.

A man attending the meeting who was a prior Historical Society member mentioned that he thought there was some great historical photos of the area. Jane agreed it would be great to get some energy behind creating some sort of historical display especially after learning the importance of the only one of its kind in the world Pumpkinseed Bridge. Lea added that she believed the site is also part of the Plymouth Heritage Trail. Jane ended the discussion by saying  Shelagh Connelly is managing to keep the ball rolling on this project despite the number of entities involved. The next Livermore Falls meeting is on Nov 15th at 1:30 at the PSU library.

5)      Bog Pond Project:

The CCC has received three more Bog Pond response cards, bringing the total to 10. Tammy reported that three professionals will be coming to our work session next Wednesday, September 19th . Amanda Stone and Malin Clyde are from the UNH  Cooperative Ext. and are part of the Taking Action For Wildlife team. They will be bringing to the meeting some poster sized habitat maps and brochures for us to use in our landowner outreach work. Grafton County Forester Dave Falkenham will also attend our work session. Tammy reminded the group that we need to have our NRI at hand for the meeting and all should review the UNH Taking Action for Wildlife website. The meeting is at Jane’s house at 7pm and the UNH group is interested in seeing Ron Reynold’s GIS/tax map overlays. Tammy will e-mail directions to Jane’s house to Amanda.

6)      Other:

Jane suggested that we take a preliminary look at our  2013 budget at our October meeting and begin to generate some ideas. She also learned of a Lakes Region Planning Commission workshop on September 21st which she will try to attend. The workshop is called Making Progress to Protect Drinking Water Resources in the Lakes Region.  Mail opened included the 3 Bog Pond response cards, a pamphlet announcing a Municipal Law lecture series, and a DES Drinking Water Source Protection newsletter. The meeting was adjourned at 0853 pm


Next meeting : October 10, 2012;7:30pm





Planning Board Minutes 09.11.2012





The Planning Board met this date with Stuart Pitts, Chairman, Greg Jencks, Secretary, Charles Brosseau, Chris Kelly and Tim Scanlon, Alternate.


Stuart Pitts opened the meeting at 6:30 PM.


First on the agenda, the minutes for the August 14, 2012 meeting.  Charles Brosseau made a motion to approve the minutes for the August l4, 2012 meeting.  Chris Kelly seconded the motion.  The Planning Board voted in the affirmative, unanimously.


Next on the agenda, the Work Session Notes for the September 4, 2012 meeting.  Greg Jencks made a motion to approve the Work Session Notes for the September 4, 2012 meeting.  Charles Brosseau seconded the motion.  The Planning Board voted in the affirmative, unanimously.


Next on the agenda, Gordan Lasher & Jamie Beaux, Site Plan Review for 1322 NH RT 175.  They would  like to open a Hair Salon, part time with one hair station.  Stuart Pitts said that the Planning Board had received a letter from Any Oesch, the owner of the Campton Cupboard store.  He was unable to attend the Planning Board meeting.  The letter from Mr. Oesch stated that he has concerns over the parking. He said that he understands that the property they are renting has access to a few parking spaces on his property, but he would not allow any signage on his property.  The spaces were designed as overflow parking, and if they put signage on the lot “For Salon parking Only”, it would create longer parking time on my property than overflow parking would.  Chris Kelly said that they need to find out how many spaces they actually have to work with.  Terry Qualters who is representing the owner, Ron Smith, said that she would research the deed and get back to the Planning Board. Charles Brosseau asked if they had a letter from the owner, Ron Smith, giving them permission to operate the hair salon.  Gordan Lasher said that he has a letter from the Mr. Smith stating that he has permission to open the hair salon, if all permits, approvals and insurance coverage

would be obtained before operation of the commercial business.  The Planning Board has a copy of the letter.  Stuart Pitts said that the septic would be a state issue.  Charles Brosseau said that they would need a sign permit.  The Planning Board asked them to come back to the Work Session, October 2, 2012, with a sketch of the layout of the hair salon, and the parking spaces.


Next on the agenda, Paul Zimbone, Cetaz LLC, Site Plan Review, 24 Southmayd, formerly the GradyBuilt/Sherburn Building.  Mr. Zimbone would like to continue renting out the office and/or

Rental space.  Stuart Pitts said that he has plenty of parking.  Mr. Zimbone is trying to decide whether to have three apartments or one large apartment.  He is looking into the costs of engineering and septic. Stuart Pitts said that he should verify whether the lot would accommodate the septic for three units. Paul Zimbone said that there is no documentation on the second septic system, and he is trying to make a financial decision, and might leave the building as it is.

Stuart said that he should come back next month with the revised Site Plan.


Next on the agenda, Corey Smith, inquiry of 1994 US RT 3 , formerly the NH Homecraft schoolhouse building.


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Corey has purchased the property, and wants to put in a small scale ice cream and food service in the back of the building and bring the home crafters back to the front part of the building.  Charlie said that Corey has a Building Permit for a 16 x 16 porch, and it does not meet the setbacks.  Charlie told the board that Corey owns all around the homecraft building, and he could apply for a variance.

Chris Kelly said that is was an odd shaped lot.  Stuart said that he thought a Boundary Line Adjustment would be a better solution, as he owns all the land around the building.  Corey asked about the sign, and Charlie told him that it was a grandfathered sign, and he would be responsible for keeping it up. 

Corey said that he has spoken with the state about the driveway, and he will probably have to change it. Corey said that he will speak with Roy Sabourn about doing the Boundary Line Adjustment instead of the Variance.


Next on the agenda, Donald McAllister, JCM Auto Repair, has applied for a permit to operate an automotive inspection station at 1866 US RT 3.  The Planning Board will send a memo to the Town Clerk/ Tax Collector stating that this he is in compliance with the town zoning.


The Planning Board went over the correspondence and mail.


The Planning Board adjourned at 7:45 PM.


Respectfully submitted,



May Brosseau

Campton Planning Board







Hazard Mitigation Planning Update

Town of Campton commences hazard mitigation planning update

On August 28, the Campton Hazard Mitigation Team met with June Garneau, Mapping and Planning Solutions discuss and begin planning the required five-year update to the 2009 Campton Hazard Mitigation Plan.  As a result of these meetings, the Town of Campton will hold a series of Hazard Mitigation Planning meetings over the next few months.

As mandated by the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, all communities are required to complete a local hazard mitigation plan in order to qualify for FEMA funding should a natural disaster occur. The hazard mitigation plan format will cover a variety of natural hazards and also address the history and likelihood of wildfire disasters, man-made hazards and the risks of building in flood zones.

Campton’s Planning Team is currently being formed; all interested parties should contact David Tobine, Fire Chief & Emergency Management Director, by phone at 726-3300, if they wish to be included in the process. Through a series of public meetings, the Planning Team will establish priorities, collaborate on activities, and increase public awareness and participation to reduce the impact of hazards.  Discussion will address issues such as flooding, hurricanes, drought, landslides and wildfires; the planning processes are made possible through grants from the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA).

The next scheduled meeting of the Planning Team will be held on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 at 1:00 PM at the Campton Fire Station; the general public is encouraged to attend all meetings and to assist the Team with first hand knowledge of historic hazard events.

Hazard mitigation planning is a preparedness tool.  In an effort to reduce the costs of suppression and the incidence of potential losses, FEMA and New Hampshire Homeland Security and Emergency Management award local communities funding to assist in developing these plans.  If you wish to have your community participate in this process please contact June Garneau at Mapping and Planning Solutions, 603.846.5720.

Download full press release


Conservation Minutes 07.11.2011

Campton Conservation Commission

 Meeting Minutes

July 11, 2011; 7:30pm


Members Present: Jane Kellogg, Jules Doner, Alisoun Hodges, Tammy Wooster

1. June Minutes:

Jane made a motion to accept the June meeting minutes. Jules seconded the motion, and all were in favor.

2. Welcome Alisoun:

Jane took a moment to recognize and officially welcome our newest member Alisoun Hodges, who was sworn in by Hannah July 10th   , and to introduce her to Jules who had not yet met Alisoun. Tammy said that she was waiting for Alisoun’s membership to become official and will now contact Beverly to have Alisoun’s name and contact information added to the CCC Web page and to remove other outdated information.

3. Bog Pond Initiative:

Jane reported receipt of another Bog Pond outreach return letter. The respondent checked three of the four boxes on the return postcard. Jules was briefly brought up to date on the Bog Pond initiative since he was unable to attend the July 3rd work session at Jane’s house. Prior to the work session Tammy had spoken with NH Fish & Game Biologist Emily Brunkhurst about the possibility of speaking to a landowner group about the Wildlife Action Plan (WAP) relative to the Bog Pond area. Emily said that WAP workshops were typically tailored for conservation groups and town planners working on a full town conservation plan but did not rule out the possibility and would consider the idea after meeting with the CC to narrow its focus.

Emily inquired about Campton’s Natural Resource Inventory (NRI) and asked whether it incorporated the WAP to which we have since learned that it was completed prior to 2006. Emily suggested that reviewing Campton’s NRI together to see how it aligns with the WAP would be a good starting point. Emily also spoke of the Taking Action for Wildlife initiative which is a collaborative project between NH Fish & Game and the UNH Cooperative Extension to assist communities, conservation groups and landowners in conserving wildlife and habitats in NH. Emily will be meeting with this group in July and will mention the CC’s Bog Pond initiative. She said that she envisions someone from the group wanting to meet with us to help develop a Bog Pond conservation plan with a landowner outreach component. If successful this effort could be detailed on the Taking Action for Wildlife website for other towns to emulate. Emily asked the CC to come up with some potential meeting dates in late July or Early August and asked Tammy to forward the Bog Pond Outreach letter.

At the July 3rd work session the CCC met to review the WAP together and to view Ron Reynold’s successful attempt at downloading the Campton WAP GIS map and overlaying it onto the town’s tax map. Since that time Ron had requested a digital copy of the Campton maps which Jane reported she received along with the WAP data files. At the work session the group agreed that a meeting with Emily and/or a Cooperative Extension representative just prior to our regular Aug 8th business meeting would be ideal. Tammy left a message with Emily to propose this meeting date and we are awaiting a return call. In the meantime, the CCC hopes to meet informally with the landowners who responded to our outreach letter. Jane suggested we meet at Bog Pond to discuss past and potential wildlife sightings, and to provide an update of our WAP review and discussion with Emily. Jane added that Pat Barker stands ready to host a meeting at her house on August 17th but it seems unlikely we will be ready at that time.

Alisoun mentioned that she had just participated in a bat survey with Forest Service Biologist Clara Weloth who said she is willing to talk to a group about Bog Pond Biology. All agreed that this is an exciting new project which is likely to be long term and multi-phased.

3. BWNA:

a. Nature Nights:

E-mail feedback from Audrey Eisenhauer revealed a successful first Nature Night at the BWNA which was attended by a couple of families. Audrey said that the Rey Center press release announcing the program did not make it into the Record Enterprise in time for the first Nature Night but hopes the next publication will attract other attendees. Jane will e-mail Audrey asking for some brochures to post at the Town office and the BWNA kiosk. Tammy said she saw the program advertised in a Rey Center Summer Event booklet.

b. Bridge Repair:

Jules reported that he had noticed some bridge work needed on a recent visit to BWNA and subsequently returned and completed the repairs. The bridge had two missing and two cracked boards. Jules added that the bridge log underpinnings are pithy at the nail hole sites likely due to water seeping in and will eventually need replacing. Tammy said she would ask her husband to look into replacement possibilities. Jules wondered if this would be a potential high school woodshop project, and Jane recollected that a significant lead time was required the last time the school was involved. All agreed that it would be better to budget for the work and enlist volunteer help.

While at the BWNA Jules also noticed a tree overhanging the trail at the entrance and wondered if it should be cut. The tree is living and is hanging at a height that doesn’t block the trail so it will be left as is. Jane said there is another tree that does need addressing which is partially blocking the trail where it bends to the left just before the bench. Jane thought the crown could easily be lopped off and Jules offered to do the work.


c. Leah Gray:

Jane had a recent conversation with Leah’s neighbor Roger Demers who looks after Leah’s home and said that he was unable to reach Leah. Jane called Leah in Concord and learned that she was having health problems and is missing not being here for the summer. She may try to come up for a short visit and has had offers to facilitate this, including one from Jane. Leah asked how the Nature Night program was going and Jane filled her in on what she knew.

4. Mail

The CCC received a letter from the UNH Cooperative Extension seeking 25 applicants for the 2012 Coverts Cooperators Workshop. Jane highly recommended the 3 1/2 day program that she and Melissa have attended in past years where they were able to network and accumulate a large volume of resource materials. The program runs Oct. 3rd through Oct 6th and the application deadline remains open until full. For more information visit

5. FYI:

Jules got some groundwater brochures from the book shelf to restock the Mad River Tavern supply. Alisoun will be attending the next Livermore Falls Stakeholders meeting on July 18th. She sent an RSVP to Shelagh Conelly who asked if we would also invite Chief Warn to attend.   Jane said that she mentioned the meeting to a Campton officer who took down the information.

Meeting adjourned

8:45pm; Next meeting August 8, 2012, 7:30pm


Respectfully submitted,


Tammy Wooster