Board of Selectmen’s Agenda 12/18/17


Town of Campton Board of Selectmen

Regular Meeting

Monday December 18, 2017 at 6:30 pm

To expedite consideration of business at the meeting, persons wishing to speak need to contact the Town Administrator no later than the Thursday before the next scheduled meeting to be placed on the Agenda. Persons who are not on the Agenda will be able to address the Board under specific agenda items or during Privilege of the Floor, but are limited to no more than 5 minutes on any topic except as may be permitted by the Board.


1.) Selectmen’s Work Session

  • Review Manifests, Sign Permits & Warrants

2.) Approval of Minutes

  • December 4, 2017 Public & Non-Public Minutes

3.) Privilege of the Floor

  • Dean Johnston-Central NH Snowmobile Club
  • Genesis Behavioral Health 2018 Funding Request

4.) New Business

  • 2018 Budget Discussion-Planning/Zoning/ Welfare
  • 2018 Budget Discussion- Library/Conservation/Trustees of the Trust Funds/Historical Society
  • 2018 Budget Discussion- Board of Selectmen/General Operating

5.) Old Business

6.) Correspondence

7.) Non-Public Session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, II

8.) Board Concerns and Directives

9.) Adjourn