Town of Campton

    To the inhabitants of the Town of Campton, in the County of Grafton, in said State, qualified to vote in Town Affairs:

You are hereby notified to meet at the Campton Municipal Building at 12 Gearty Way, Campton on Tuesday, the 14th day of March, 2017 from 8:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. to act on Articles 1 -3. The Business Meeting will reconvene at the Campton Elementary School at 1110 NH Rte. 175 on Wednesday, the 15th day of March, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. to consider the remaining warrant articles.

Art. 1:  To choose all necessary Town Officers for the ensuing year: Selectmen for Three Years – One Position, Supt. & Sexton of the Cemeteries for One Year – One Position, Town Treasurer for Three Years – One Position, Town Clerk/Tax Collector for Three Years – One Position, Trustee of the Trust Funds for Three Years – One Position, and Library Trustee for Three Years-One Position.

Art. 2: Zoning Ordinance Amendment Question #1:

Are you in favor of the adoption of the proposed amendment by the Campton Planning Board to the Campton Sign Ordinance as follows: Will the Town vote to amend the sign ordinance under Section M-Residential and Subdivision Signs to read:

  1. Residential signs (signs which name a residence or farm, such as “Lazy Acres”) can contain no more than 10 square feet of sign surface area. Permitted Home Occupancy signs can contain no more than 3 square feet and must be mounted on the residence.

Art. 3: Zoning Ordinance Amendment Question #2:

Are you in favor of the adoption of the proposed amendment by the Campton Planning Board to the Town Zoning Ordinance as follows:  Will the Town vote to amend the zoning ordinance by additional criteria to Section C- Cluster and Multi-Family Dwellings by adding paragraph 4 to read:

  1. 4. The following standards apply to Accessory Dwelling Units:
  1. “Accessory dwelling unit” means a residential living unit that is within, or attached to, a single-family dwelling, and that provides independent living facilities for one or more persons, including provisions for sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation on the same parcel of land as the principal dwelling unit it accompanies.
  2. One accessory dwelling  unit  shall  be allowed  without  additional requirements for lot size, frontage, space  limitations,   or other  controls  beyond  what  would be required for a single-family dwelling  without  an  accessory  dwelling unit.
  3. An interior door shall  be provided  between  the  principal   dwelling  unit  and  the  accessory   dwelling unit, but the Town of Campton shall  not require that  it remain
  4. Any municipal regulation applicable to single-family dwellings, and multifamily dwelling  shall  also apply  to the  combination of a principal   dwelling   unit   and   an   accessory   dwelling   unit   including,   but   not   limited    to   lot   coverage standards and  standards for  maximum  occupancy  per  bedroom  consistent  with  policy  adopted  by  the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Town of Campton requires two additional parking spaces to accommodate an accessory dwelling unit.
  5. The applicant for a permit  to construct an  accessory  dwelling  unit  shall  make  adequate  provisions for water  supply  and  sewage  disposal  for  the  accessory  dwelling  unit  in  accordance  with  RSA 485-A:38,  built separate systems shall   not  be required  for the   principal   and   accessory  dwelling     Septic Approval Number required.
  6. The Town of Campton requires owner occupancy of one of the dwelling units. The Town of Campton requires that the owner demonstrate that one of the units is his or her principal place of residence. The Town of Campton reserves the right to establish reasonable regulations to enforce such a requirement.
  7. Accessory dwelling units shall not exceed a maximum of 900 square feet.
  8. The Town of Campton does not require a familial relationship between the occupants of an accessory dwelling unit and the occupants of a principal dwelling unit.
  9. The Town of Campton limits an accessory dwelling unit to two bedrooms and no more than two adult occupants.
  10. An accessory dwelling unit may be deemed a unit of workforce housing for purposes of satisfying the municipality’s obligation under RSA 674:59 if the unit meets the criteria in RSA 674:58, IV for rental units.
  11. Accessory Dwelling Units do not qualify for a home business use.
  12. Detached Accessory Dwelling Units. The Town of Campton permits detached accessory dwelling units. Detached accessory dwelling units shall comply with the requirements of the Town of Campton ordinances or regulations adopted pursuant to, RSA 674:72, IV through IX.The Town of Campton will permit detached accessory dwelling units that meet the following requirements;
    1. A minimum of a five acre lot size, or 100% increase of lot size for the zone it’s in whichever is greater.
    2. Conditional use permit & subject to Site Plan Review.
    3. RV’s and Mobile Homes not allowed.
    4. Must use a single common driveway.         

      The following articles will be taken up during the Deliberative Session beginning at 6:30 p.m. on the 15th of March, 2017 at the Campton Elementary School.

Art. 4: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of

$1,170,150.00 for general municipal operations during the ensuing year. This sum does not include amounts set forth in individual or special articles contained in the warrant. The Selectmen recommend this article 5-0. Majority vote required.

Art. 5: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $730,063.00 for the operating budget of the Police Department. The Selectmen recommend this article 4-1. Majority vote required.

Art. 6: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $15,000.00 for the purpose of funding Police Details.  This amount will be offset by revenues received for these services. The Selectmen recommend this article 5-0.  Majority vote required.

Art. 7: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $45,000.00 for the purpose of purchasing a new cruiser for the Police Department and further to fund this appropriation by authorizing the withdrawal of this amount from the unanticipated and undesignated fund balance as of December 31, 2016. No amount to be raised by general taxation. The Selectmen recommend this article 5-0. Majority vote required.

Art. 8: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $729,618.00 for the maintenance of highways  and bridges, said sum to be offset by approximately $125,000.00 from Highway Block Grants and the remainder to come from general taxation. The Selectmen recommend this article 5-0. Majority vote required.

Art. 9: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of    $205,394.00 for the operating budget of the Town Clerk-Tax Collectors Office. The Selectmen recommend this article 5-0. Majority vote required.

Art. 10: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $112,469.00 for the operating budget of the Recreation Department. The Selectmen recommend this article 5-0. Majority vote required.

 Art. 11:   To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $436,160.00 for the support and maintenance of the Fire, Rescue and Ambulance Departments. The Selectmen recommend this article 5-0.  Majority vote required.

Art. 12: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $32,002.00 for fire dispatch services and dues provided by the Lakes Region Mutual Fire Aid Association. The Selectmen recommend this article 5-0.  Majority vote required.

 Art. 13: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $500.00 for fighting forest fires. The Selectmen recommend this article 5-0.  Majority vote required.

Art. 14:  To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of  $57,230.00 for the maintenance of Blair and other cemeteries in Town and to fund this appropriation by authorizing the withdrawal of  $800.00 from the Cemetery Trust Funds for Perpetual Care with  $56,430.00 to be raised by taxes. The Selectmen recommend this article 5-0.  Majority vote required.

Art. 15:  To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $15,545.00 for the Town’s share of services provided by Pemi-Baker Community Health, formerly known as Pemi-Baker Home Health Agency.  Selectmen recommend this article 5-0. Majority vote required.

Art. 16:  To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $13,995.00 for Advertising and Regional Expenses.  Selectmen recommend this article 5-0.  Majority vote required.

 Art. 17:  To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $126,100.00 to be placed in the designated Capital Reserve Funds previously established and further to fund this appropriation by authorizing the withdrawal of $66,100.00 from the unanticipated and undesignated fund balance as of December 31, 2016 with $60,000.00 for the Fire/Rescue Capital Reserve Fund to be raised by taxes. Selectmen approve this article 5-0. Majority Vote Required:

Highway Equipment Capital Reserve Fund         $ 10,000.00

Bridge Construction Capital Reserve Fund          $   2,000.00

Road Construction Capital Reserve Fund             $ 10,000.00

Town Records Archive Capital Reserve Fund       $   4,100.00

Campton Historical Building Capital Reserve Fund     $   2,500.00

Office Technology Capital Reserve Fund                $   2,500.00

Fire/Rescue Capital Reserve Fund                           $ 60,000.00

Fire Equipment Capital Reserve Fund                    $ 15,000.00

Municipal Buildings Capital Reserve Fund            $ 10,000.00

Waste Disposal Capital Reserve Fund                     $ 10,000.00

Art. 18: To see if the town will vote to establish a Dam Reconstruction Capital Reserve Fund under the provisions of RSA 35:1 for reconstruction and improvements to the Alden Pond Dam and other dams throughout the Town and to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000.00 therefor, and to fund this appropriation by authorizing the withdrawal from the unanticipated and undesignated fund balance as of December 31, 2016 available on January 1, 2017.  No amount to be raised by general taxation. Further, to name the Selectmen as agents to expend from said fund. The Selectmen recommend this article 5-0. Majority Vote Required.

Art. 19: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $20,000.00 for the purpose of supporting Campton’s 250th Anniversary Celebration; said funds will cover costs associated with events and activities planned to celebrate the anniversary and further to fund this appropriation by authorizing the withdrawal of this amount from the unanticipated and undesignated fund balance as of December 31, 2016. No amount to be raised by general taxation. The Selectmen recommend this article 5-0. Majority vote required.

Art. 20: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $30,000.00 for the creation of a Library Capital Reserve Fund for the purpose of building and furnishing a new public library. The Selectmen do not recommend this article 0-5.  (By Petition) (Majority Vote Required)

Art. 21: To see if the Town will vote to change the Road Agent position from elected to appointed. This change will be effective at the end of the 2018 Town election in accordance with RSA 669:17-b. The Selectmen recommend this article 5-0. (Majority Vote Required)

Art. 22: To see if the town will authorize the Board of Selectmen to appoint a capital improvement program committee, in accordance with RSA 674:5 to prepare and amend a recommended program of municipal capital improvement projects projected over a period of at least 6 years. Selectmen recommend this article 5-0. Majority Vote Required.

 Art. 23: To see if the town will vote to discontinue the Campton Radio Capital Reserve Fund created in 1999. Said funds and accumulated interest to date of withdrawal, are to be transferred to the municipality’s general fund. Selectmen recommend this article 5-0. Majority vote required.

Art. 24:  To see if the Town will vote to accept the reports of agents and officers hereto chosen.  Selectmen recommend this article 5-0. Majority vote required.

Art. 25:  To transact any other business that may legally come before said meeting. Selectmen recommend this article 5-0. Majority vote required.

Given under our hands and seal this 13th day of February, 2017.


Peter A. Laufenberg

Karl E. Kelly

Sharon L. Davis

Charles W. Cheney

Charles D. Wheeler

Polls will open at 8 a.m. on March 14th, 2017 to vote on Articles 1-3, Town Officers and Zoning Ordinance Amendments at the Campton Municipal Building, 12 Gearty Way. The other articles to be taken up on Wednesday, March 15th, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. at the Campton Elementary School at 1110 NH Rte. 175.