BOS Meeting Minutes 11.05.2012

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
November 05, 2012

The Board met at 6:30 p.m. for their weekly meeting. Present were Selectmen Craig Keeney, Sharon Davis, Charles Wheeler, Charles Cheney and R. Marsh Morgan, Jr. There were three young high school boys present as part of a school assignment. Their names are Connor Davis, Chris Clarke, and Noah Bigl.

The Board first reviewed and signed the manifest. They also approve some State DOT forms for the Blair Covered Bridge and Chair Keeney signed on behalf of the Board.

The first person on the agenda was Kelly Bolger, Clerk of the Works for the New Municipal Building. Kelly gave his weekly progress report first discussing the security system for both the Selectmen’s Office and the Police Department. He also discussed some elevation issues that the Civil Engineer had assumed, and had a meeting scheduled the next day to meet with him and the architect. Working with L.E. Johnston both Kelly and Ray Breton had discussed a plan that they felt would work. Kelly was going to Ossipee Mountain later in the day to get a bracket for the antenna which will be on the side of the building rather than on the roof. The Board and Kelly also discussed a flag pole and proper lighting for it. Kelly also advised the Board that they will have a florescent light in the cupola as the LED lights will cost much more in electrical costs. They also need to have some heat in the building to work on the inside. CCI will be bringing in big heaters. Kelly also indicated that the two propane tanks need to be filled as well. The plans for the renovation of the existing PD also needs to be decided upon very quickly. Later this week, two concrete slabs are being poured this week, one for the dumpster. The Board also looked at the paint samples for the accent walls. The Board thanked Kelly for his time.

The Town Administrator went over the correspondence with the Board. We received an email from Attorney Laura Spector-Morgan that the Court granted the Town’s motion for access to the bank accounts and allowing the Town to sell the truck and distribute the proceeds. She also told the Board that she did not think that the Court would approve the motion to appoint Don Jutton as a trustee which was a second motion, and the Court allowed the first motion for the Town to pay out the outstanding funds. She suggested that the Town pay Don Jutton for one meeting to meet with residents, and if they wanted to keep Mr. Jutton on that the residents would pay for his services going forward.
The Board also discussed the construction phase contract for Blair Bridge.

The Town Administrator had received a preliminary tax rate from Michelle Clark, our Department of Revenue Administration’s auditor. The first calculation showed no overlay or fund balance used. The second calculation showed an overlay of $50,000.00 and using a fund balance of $326,000. This lowered the rate to an acceptable amount for the Board to concur with. The official rate will be set within the next few days, and can be announced at next week’s meeting.

The Town Administrator then read to the Board an email from Town Clerk/Tax Collector Hannah Joyce about postponing the work that our IT Tech would be doing on the computers tomorrow. She wanted the Board to postpone it until Department of Motor Vehicles had an answer. The Board agreed that the work should be done tomorrow so Kurt Smith could get things done without interrupting any office business, and also so he could work without any interruptions himself. Also both Selectmen Keeney and Davis agreed that when they spoke with Department of Motor Vehicles the week before, they indicated that they had no concerns about the Town’s computers, just their State computer which Kurt will not and does not work on.

Selectman Keeney mentioned that he had spoken with Road Agent Robert Bain, and he had been approached by Steve Shaughnessy about going over the bridge on Miclon Road for a logging job on land owned by David Avery. There was some confusion at first because we had replaced a bridge out there with a huge culvert, but there is apparently another small bridge out there that he is talking about using. The Board agreed that there should be some kind of agreement in writing about the bridge being used and holding the logger responsible for any damage that could possibly happen.

With no further business, Chair Keeney signed the students’ paperwork that verified they attended tonight’s meeting. A motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 8:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator