BOS Meeting Minutes 11.01.2012

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
November 1, 2012

The Selectmen met on November 1, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. in the lunch room of the Selectmen’s Office.  Present were Selectmen Craig Keeney, Sharon Davis, Charles Wheeler, Charles Cheney, and R. Marsh Morgan, Jr. and myself.

The Board began the meeting by going over the preparations for Tuesday’s Presidential Election.  Selectman Keeney wanted to know if we had all the signs necessary.  I went back into my office to get the box of materials that we have assembled.  The Board decided among themselves who would be at the polls at what time.  Selectman Davis indicated that we needed to have some signs with black arrows on them as well as signs designation A-L and M-Z.  There will be some extra people helping out the Town Clerk and her staff for this election so we need to plan on more food.  Selectman Keeney indicated that he had not heard from the Moderator yet if the counting could take place in the art room. At this point, the Board will assume that they cannot, and handling things accordingly.  I wanted to know what the Selectmen would like me to do as far as after the polls closed.  The Board agreed that I did not need to stay, but if I wanted to check to see if they needed anything that would be appreciated.

Attorney Laura Spector-Morgan had emailed over two emails during the day that needed the Board’s attention.  The First one was in regards to a motion that the Town would file to have Don Jutton serve as trustee of the former Beebe River District.  The Town also respectfully suggest that an order allowing for Mr. Jutton to arrange a meeting of the residents of the former District to assist them in organizing so they are prepared to assume the duties of maintaining the former BRVD roads and the water and sewer system, and allowing Mr. Jutton to be paid from former BRVD accounts for his services in connection with arranging such a meeting, although not for any subsequent services Mr. Jutton might provide to the residents of the former BRVD, for which they should be responsible.   The Board agreed with the motion that Attorney Spector-Morgan proposed.  Selectman Wheeler requests that Lee Freeman be included in being copied on the motion.  I will check with Attorney Spector-Morgan.

The second email from our attorney need to be discussed in Non- Public Session.  Selectman Wheeler made a motion to go into Non Public Session, under RSA 91-A:3, ll (c), seconded by Selectman Morgan, roll call vote, aye Selectmen Keeney, Davis and Cheney.

The Board came out of Non Public Session at approximately 7:10 p.m.  Selectman Davis made a motion to seal the minutes, Selectman Wheeler seconded it, roll call vote, and Selectman Keeney – aye, Selectman Cheney – aye, Selectman Morgan – aye.  Minutes are sealed.

Selectman Keeney had a packet from Hoyle, Tanner, and Associates that he took with him to review.  He indicated that Matt Moore, our consultant and Sean James from HTA have been working on separate spreadsheets to come up with a figure for the project, and then compared their numbers.  Matt had found some missing hours that Sean had not included, and Sean added those in, they agreed to go with the higher price, but not to go beyond that figure. The next step is to get approval from the State, and then the bids can go out for the project, with a deadline sometime in December.

I told the Board that I had spoken with Kurt Smith about the work he needs to do in reference to the new back up process for the Town’s computers.  The Town Clerk had some concerns about it being done on Monday before the Election so it was decided that the best day to do it was on Election Day when she and her staff will not be in the office, and Kurt can do the work without disturbing her programs.

The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator