BOS Meeting Minutes 10.22.2012


OCTOBER 22, 2012


The Board of Selectmen met for their weekly meeting at 6:30 p. m. at the Campton Town Office.  Present were, Selectmen, Craig Keeney, Charles Wheeler, Charles Cheney, Sharon Davis and Marsh Morgan. The Board signed 1 Building Permit, 5 Abatements, 1 Agreement for Scope of Work for Hazard Mitigation Plan and 1 Purchase Order for Town/Clerk Tax Collector.

At 6:45 p.m. Chair Keeney opened the meeting and asked Ann Marie if there were any changes to the agenda.  Ann Marie indicated that Butch Bain would be in regarding the salt shed.  Chair Keeney then called on Kelly Bolger to give an update on the new Municipal Building.   Kelly indicated that he had received revised quotes for the alarm system and presented them to the Board this evening.  The quote for the Selectmen’s Office and the Conference Center and the Lobby (using the present equipment) came in at $1,166.00.  The Board agreed to eliminate the monitor ($336.00 subtracted from the   total quote of $1,166.00.  A Motion was made by Selectman Davis to accept the proposal for the Selectmen’s Office without the monitor.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan, and the Motion was unanimously approved.

The Board reviewed the Police Department’s proposal, which came in at $4,000.00.  The Board discussed the audio and visual needs and would like to speak further with Police Chief Warn regarding this issue before making a decision on the proposal.

Kelly informed the Board that the completion date for the new Municipal Building is now scheduled for January 8, 2013 and he would like to go forward with getting a quote on moving costs.  He explained that once this figure is in place, they would have a better knowledge of what is available for soft costs.  The Board agreed to have Kelly arrange to meet with all Department Heads to review all items to be moved.  The Board suggested that Kelly give notice to all Department Heads at least 2 days (preferable a week) before the movers review the Departments.

Kelly indicated to the Board that he met with Hannah Joyce Town Clerk/Tax Collector regarding plans to renovate the Police Department to meet her needs.  At the meeting, the Town Clerk/Tax Collector indicated that the square footage was not the same as what she presently has and that the square footage of the building would not meet her needs. Kelly expressed to the Board that he “needed to be told what to do” at this point.  Selectman Wheeler then asked Hannah Joyce to respond.  Hannah informed the Board that she was waiting for some sort of plans from Kelly to revise the square footage of the building to accommodate her needs.  Hannah inquired regarding the monies mentioned at Public Hearing that would be set aside for the renovations.  It was explained to Hannah that the monies are to be used for renovations inside the building and constructing an enclosure for the stairwell to the basement, but not to increase square footage of the building.  There was further discussion with Hannah concerning vault/security issues and the resolution of these issues with secured cabinet upstairs, and now, with their own building, housing solely Town Clerk/ Tax Collector staff, the building would not have any security issues.  It was also mentioned that the vault could be used for storage of documents not needed on a daily basis.  This will eliminate excessive traffic to the basement.

Kelly indicated that in order to create a floor plan, the “user group” needs to have a site visit of the Police Department.  Hannah agreed to the site visit, but also reiterated to the Board that there was not adequate space in the building for her needs.

Kelly also suggested to the Board that the walkway decking presently at the Town Office could be moved and used at the new Municipal Building for a future deck in the back of the Building.  The location of the flagpole was also determined by the Board this evening to be installed at the front of the building.  Kelly informed the Board of some add in costs and other places where reductions can be made to offset costs.

Kelly then called on Butch Bain, Road Agent regarding the salt shed.  Butch presented a proposal to the Board from Ted Hammond Construction in the amount of $26,500.00. After the Board reviewed it was agreed by the Board that the proposal was more elaborate then needed and asked that Butch contact Ted Hammond Construction to see if the quote could be revised to reduce the price.

Chair Keeney then call on Hannah Joyce, Town Clerk/Tax Collector to review properties up for deeding. After the Board reviewed the properties, it was agreed that 22 properties would be waived from deeding; 8 properties the Board agreed to deed; and the Board was pleased that 10 properties that were up for deeding now have tax agreements for payments.

Chair Keeney then continued the meeting by calling for the approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting.   A Motion was made by Selectman Davis to approve the Minutes and three sets of Non Public Minutes as presented.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan and the Minutes and 3 sets of Non public Minutes were unanimously approved.

Chair Keeney called on Ann Marie to review Correspondence. Ann Marie reminded the Board of the meeting at Waterville Estates Community Center, on October 24, 2012, at 6:30 p.m. regarding the property owned by Lewis and Christine Matson on Goose Hollow Road, in Thornton.  There was discussion regarding the necessity of attending and Ann Marie will contact Tammie Beaulieu regarding the attendance of the Thornton Board of Selectmen.

Ann Marie indicated a Verified Motion to Allow Late Entry of Appeal was received by Attorney William B. Parnell (the Attorney representing JFF/SWF LLC) regarding the matter of the Town of Campton v. Beebe River Village District.  Attorney Spector-Morgan has received copies of the Appeal.

Court Appointed Special Advocates for children (CASA) sent a thank you letter for the $300.00 contribution from the Town.

Primex forwarded their Workers’ Compensation premium quote and Ann Marie indicated that the premium has gone up slightly.

An invitation was received to attend Mid-State Health Center’s Annual Meeting which is scheduled for Thursday, November 1, 2012, at 101 Boulder Point Drive, Plymouth, NH.

Ann Marie indicated that Attorney Spector-Morgan informed her (by e-mail) that Don Jutton is willing to act as temporary Trustee of the Beebe River Village District if the Board is willing to move the Court to appoint him as Trustee.  After discussion, the Board agreed.  Ann Marie also informed the Board that Attorney Spector-Morgan filed a Motion for Order to Allow Town of Campton to Access Beebe River Village District Bank Accounts and Sell Personal Property.  The Board suggested not to sell the truck (at the present time).

Ann Marie suggested that the Board invite the School Board to a Selectmen’s meeting to discuss the use of the present Town Office Building after the move to the new facilities.

Selectman Keeney continued with Other Business – Selectmen’s Input.  Chair Keeney discussed the possibility of getting a second postage meter for the Town Clerk/Tax Collector’s Office.  The Board agreed since a second meter would be necessary after the move.  Hannah Joyce, Town Clerk/Tax Collector agreed to maintain the postage meter report and add postage to the meter as long as a written permission agreement was received from the Board for her to do so.  The Board agreed.  A Motion was then made by Chair Keeney to lease a second postage meter, the Motion was seconded by Selectman Cheney, and the Motion was unanimously approved to lease a second postage meter.

There being no further business, Chair Keeney declared the meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Eleanor M. Dewey,

Office Assistant to Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator