Fire Commision Minutes 10.15.2012



OCTOBER 15, 2012



Fire Commissioners in attendance:  Jim Demeritt, Lou Klotz, Kelly Bolger, Niles Downing, B.G. King

Also present: Chief Tobine, Julie O’Neill

Meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm.

Minutes of September 10, 2012 Fire Commissioner’s meeting were read.  Jim Demeritt motioned to approve minutes as written, seconded by Kelly Bolger. Voted 5-0.

Manifest: Reviewed and accepted.

Old Business: Truck inspections were completed with no major issues to report. One engine needed batteries replaced this week.  An exhaust manifold gasket was replaced on the ambulance because of the smell of diesel in back compartment.  The Rescue truck has had an oil pan leak and after tightening bolts the leak seems to be better.


As of January 2013 the trucks are going to be inspected once a year instead of every six months.  Preventive maintenance will continue with company that does inspections. Chief doesn’t foresee any change in budget.  B.G. King inquired about the cost of an inspection and currently it is approximately $120 for each truck inspection.  “Burn-off” is a new problem for trucks in fire service. If a truck needs to be burned off during operations at a fire it takes over and burns off the carbons inside the exhaust system.  Chief said there is an override thru NFPA for trucks at a fire scene as a safety issue.


Jim Demeritt discussed Thornton Fire Dept. furnace being cleaned November 1st.  

New Business:

Kelly made a motion to enter nonpublic session per RSA 91-A:3 III – seconded by Jim @ 4:50 pm.  Voted 5-0 all in favor.


Motion to exit non public session made by Jim, seconded by Niles. Voted 5-0 all in favor. The board exited nonpublic session at 5:10 pm.

Kelly Bolger motioned to Seal the minutes of nonpublic session per RSA 91-A:3, III  as divulgence of information contained in the minutes would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person other than  a member of this board. The board voted 5-0 to seal the minutes.

Chief’s Report

LGC Board of Directors have announced they will return 20.8 million in surplus back to the risk pools for property liability trust in the form of a contribution holiday.  This is similar to the contribution holiday from Primex we received few months ago. The Fire Department is with the SAU 48 risk pool.  On the health insurance a contribution holiday of 1.7 million is being given back.  As of today, we do not know the exact figures.

Lou asked if we can get numbers for insurance increases.  Chief responded yes, hopefully for next FC meeting we will have those numbers.  Chief distributed budget worksheets to the Board for review.

The account for “Special detail” will remain as is (same as 2012)  Lou asked how that number remains the same throughout year end.  Jim Demeritt inquired about line item for support staff.

Chief has completed worksheets for budget.  Fire commissioners discussed pay increases for 2013. Chief said the average pay for full-time fire fighter is $22.00 an hour and we are nowhere near that.  Lou asked about the policy implemented for steps.  Niles said that if they do well in the evaluation then there will be a step process, but on top of that we vote for a cola increase for employees.  Lou said it is reasonable to accept the 2% step and then a cola.   The cola would be retroactive to January but the step wouldn’t be implemented until review is completed.  Chief explained that at some point you have to do a cola because otherwise salaries are not keeping up with other departments.

Lou asked if Chief could do a justification line for the next meeting for each line item on worksheet.

Decision to change name of Line Item .02 to Off Duty Ambulance Coverage instead of weekend call.

Chief said to keep in mind of the increase in the call company.  The largest increase in the payroll portion of budget will be that.  If we increase the full-timers pay it will add roughly to the budget with the steps and the cola.

If we look at other items that need to be increased in the budget we would be looking at ambulance revenue – 72% return on billing. Insurance is medicare plus 35%.  We have a lot of elderly patients.

Chief reported we are meeting weekly on web design with Ron Reynolds.  Ron is donating his time for this project and hopefully the web site will be up and running by year end.  The Fire Commission agreed to do a group picture to add to the web site.  Next monthly meeting the picture will be taken.  Caption could include name of each commissioner and year appointed.

A brief discussion about the figures within the CIP in Thornton.  There may be changes made to the CIP which may involve the plans for the Fire Department.   Chief mentioned that Engine 5 is due for replacement in 2015 and needs to fit in the building in Thornton.  Lou Klotz said the Fire Commissioners need to do the right thing for the Fire Department.

As there was no other business to discuss, a motion was made by Kelly to adjourn, seconded by Jim Demeritt.  Voted 5-0 in favor.  The meeting concluded at 5:50 PM


Respectfully submitted,

Julie O’Neill

Administrative Assistant