Planning Board Minutes 09.11.2012





The Planning Board met this date with Stuart Pitts, Chairman, Greg Jencks, Secretary, Charles Brosseau, Chris Kelly and Tim Scanlon, Alternate.


Stuart Pitts opened the meeting at 6:30 PM.


First on the agenda, the minutes for the August 14, 2012 meeting.  Charles Brosseau made a motion to approve the minutes for the August l4, 2012 meeting.  Chris Kelly seconded the motion.  The Planning Board voted in the affirmative, unanimously.


Next on the agenda, the Work Session Notes for the September 4, 2012 meeting.  Greg Jencks made a motion to approve the Work Session Notes for the September 4, 2012 meeting.  Charles Brosseau seconded the motion.  The Planning Board voted in the affirmative, unanimously.


Next on the agenda, Gordan Lasher & Jamie Beaux, Site Plan Review for 1322 NH RT 175.  They would  like to open a Hair Salon, part time with one hair station.  Stuart Pitts said that the Planning Board had received a letter from Any Oesch, the owner of the Campton Cupboard store.  He was unable to attend the Planning Board meeting.  The letter from Mr. Oesch stated that he has concerns over the parking. He said that he understands that the property they are renting has access to a few parking spaces on his property, but he would not allow any signage on his property.  The spaces were designed as overflow parking, and if they put signage on the lot “For Salon parking Only”, it would create longer parking time on my property than overflow parking would.  Chris Kelly said that they need to find out how many spaces they actually have to work with.  Terry Qualters who is representing the owner, Ron Smith, said that she would research the deed and get back to the Planning Board. Charles Brosseau asked if they had a letter from the owner, Ron Smith, giving them permission to operate the hair salon.  Gordan Lasher said that he has a letter from the Mr. Smith stating that he has permission to open the hair salon, if all permits, approvals and insurance coverage

would be obtained before operation of the commercial business.  The Planning Board has a copy of the letter.  Stuart Pitts said that the septic would be a state issue.  Charles Brosseau said that they would need a sign permit.  The Planning Board asked them to come back to the Work Session, October 2, 2012, with a sketch of the layout of the hair salon, and the parking spaces.


Next on the agenda, Paul Zimbone, Cetaz LLC, Site Plan Review, 24 Southmayd, formerly the GradyBuilt/Sherburn Building.  Mr. Zimbone would like to continue renting out the office and/or

Rental space.  Stuart Pitts said that he has plenty of parking.  Mr. Zimbone is trying to decide whether to have three apartments or one large apartment.  He is looking into the costs of engineering and septic. Stuart Pitts said that he should verify whether the lot would accommodate the septic for three units. Paul Zimbone said that there is no documentation on the second septic system, and he is trying to make a financial decision, and might leave the building as it is.

Stuart said that he should come back next month with the revised Site Plan.


Next on the agenda, Corey Smith, inquiry of 1994 US RT 3 , formerly the NH Homecraft schoolhouse building.


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Corey has purchased the property, and wants to put in a small scale ice cream and food service in the back of the building and bring the home crafters back to the front part of the building.  Charlie said that Corey has a Building Permit for a 16 x 16 porch, and it does not meet the setbacks.  Charlie told the board that Corey owns all around the homecraft building, and he could apply for a variance.

Chris Kelly said that is was an odd shaped lot.  Stuart said that he thought a Boundary Line Adjustment would be a better solution, as he owns all the land around the building.  Corey asked about the sign, and Charlie told him that it was a grandfathered sign, and he would be responsible for keeping it up. 

Corey said that he has spoken with the state about the driveway, and he will probably have to change it. Corey said that he will speak with Roy Sabourn about doing the Boundary Line Adjustment instead of the Variance.


Next on the agenda, Donald McAllister, JCM Auto Repair, has applied for a permit to operate an automotive inspection station at 1866 US RT 3.  The Planning Board will send a memo to the Town Clerk/ Tax Collector stating that this he is in compliance with the town zoning.


The Planning Board went over the correspondence and mail.


The Planning Board adjourned at 7:45 PM.


Respectfully submitted,



May Brosseau

Campton Planning Board

