BOS Meeting Minutes 09.24.2012


SEPTEMBER 24, 2012

The Board of Selectmen met for their weekly meeting at 6:30 p. m. at the Campton Town Office.  Present were, Selectmen, Craig Keeney, Sharon Davis, Charles Cheney, Charles Wheeler and Marsh Morgan. The Board signed the manifest and reviewed the bills.  They signed 1 Warrant Article regarding Waterville Estates property, 2 Building Permits and 1 Pole Location Plan for NH Electric Cooperative.

At 6:45 p.m. Chair Keeney called the meeting to order and inquired if there were any agenda changes.  There were no changes.

Chair Keeney called on Dick Giehl, Town Moderator regarding Elections.  Chair Keeney explained to Dick that the Board felt a meeting with “all election officials” should be scheduled before the next election to go over responsibilities and a checklist established.  Dick felt that was not necessary as long as the Selectmen read and follow the responsibilities listed in RSA 658:9, Pre-Election Procedures, Preparation of Polling Place which spell out exactly what the Selectmen are responsible for. Dick explained that he, as Moderator, will do his part to execute a smooth Election and follow through on communication with the Town Clerk/Tax Collector’s Office pertaining to their responsibilities for the next Election.  Dick presented a list of basics for the setting up for the next Election and a copy was given to Ann Marie for the Selectmen to follow.  Among some of the items on the list that Dick mentioned were:   guard rails being in place, 2 tables for check-in, 1 for check-out, cones in place, black arrow signs, stairs corded off, 5 garbage cans, pens and disassembling procedures.  Dick explained proper Voting Machine transporting is to have the machine in an upright position and strapped. Dick expressed to the Board that the Attorney General’s Office will be inspecting at the next Election so it is imperative that everyone does their part for a smooth Election Day.  Dick also mentioned that he, as Moderator, will make sure there is a “quiet” environment for ballot counting.  Chair Keeney inquired if the Clerks counting the votes could move to the Art Room. Dick will check with the State on this question.  Selectman Wheeler inquired if Dick could answer the questions in the letter that was sent to the Town Clerk/Tax Collector (by the Board) and also forwarded to Dick Giehl by the Town Clerk/Tax Collector for his response.  Dick informed the Board that he could not respond to the questions, as he was not present at the last Election for medical reasons.  Dick stated he would try to get the answers to the questions.  Selectman Wheeler discussed concerns of the Board that overtime compensation was being paid for staff for extended time spent for counting issues.  Selectman Wheeler explained that it was the Board’s understanding (when they voted to buy the voting machine) that it would speed up the process.  Selectman Wheeler stated that he did not see any time being saved and the costs involved for the operation of the Voting Machine are high.  There was also discussion presented by Selectman Cheney concerning an exact count and personal preferences vs. following the law which he believes added to extended time spent on counting.  Dick explained that he will get answers from the State and inform the Board regarding the “signing of the sticker” and use of the tally on the Voting Machine as verification, and when, he as Moderator, can have the Selectmen check out.  The Board then thanked Dick for coming.

Chair Keeney then continued the Meeting by calling on Bryan Christiansen from Comcast. Mr. Christiansen explained that Comcast owns the company and Time Warner Cable manages the system that the Town has. Mr. Christiansen explained that he is here this evening to seek renewal of the franchise with the Town.  Ann Marie distributed copies of the present Cable Agreement to the Board and also presented a map indicating the roads in Town that are not being serviced by cable at the present time.  The Board expressed an interest in expanding cable service in Town and Mr. Christiansen explained the heavy cost involved and the problem of who would pay for this cost. Selectman Wheeler inquired what the options are if the Town decides not to renew the Cable Agreement.  Mr. Christiansen explained the process; however, he felt it would be beneficial if he coordinated a meeting with Rodney (of Comcast) and the Board to discuss expanding the cable service area and creating a Cable Agreement favorable to all parties.  Mr. Christiansen suggested an extension be signed by the Town for the renewal of the Agreement; however, he explained that the present cable services in Town would not be in jeopardy during the negotiating process.  The Board agreed to meet with Comcast and the suggested 6-month extension.

Chair Keeney then called on Kelly Bolger regarding an update on the Town Office Building.  Kelly indicated that the last payout brought the building up to 25% completion.  He stated the shingles were now completed on the roof and the cupola roof will be completed soon.  Chair Keeney questioned how far up the ice and water shield went.  Kelly stated that it went up 6 feet.  Kelly informed the Board that the windows will be going in soon and the sheet rock has been delivered.  The final grade and asphalt will soon be completed. He also was happy to report that the State informed him that the unsuitable soil did not have to be shipped to Detroit and Butch Bain, Road Agent has cleaned up area and was able to make use of material for the salt shed (as agreed by Selectmen).  Kelly informed the Board that the cost for the weathervane for the cupola is the Town’s responsibility and he will supply a catalog to the Board for selecting a weathervane. Kelly then called on Selectman Davis regarding propane gas companies and telephone service for the new building.  Selectman Davis was happy to report that after extensive discussions with all concerned, (architect, engineer and oil companies) it was discovered that it was not necessary to have 4 propane tanks and 2 propane tanks would be sufficient.  Franconia Gas expressed that more than two tanks would be a precautionary measure for extra storage of propane; however, Franconia Gas explained that they deliver frequently in the area so extra storage would not be necessary.   Estimates were received from Rymes Heating Oil and Franconia Gas.    After comparisons made, Selectman Davis and Kelly Bolger recommended to the Board that the Town sign a contract with Franconia Gas to purchase 6,500 gallons of propane, at $1.699 per gallon and Franconia Gas will own the tanks, not the Town; therefore, the Town would not incur a $10,000.00 cost for the purchase of tanks.  The Board agreed that L.E. Johnson would bury the tanks in order to get the proper final grade around the building.  A Motion was then made by Chair Keeney to enter into a contract with Franconia Gas.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan, and the Motion was unanimously approved.

Regarding the salt shed, Kelly reported that Butch Bain has prepared the pad.  It will cost $3,000 for the concrete blocks and approximately $4,000.00 for the asphalt; however, Butch Bain believes he will have saved enough in paving costs to cover this item.

Selectman Davis also presented the proposal of Fairpoint Service Components and presented the advantages of switching to Fairpoint from Time Warner.  The advantages of switching are:  non-electrical service base; stronger, more stable bandwidth; provides caller ID service; and provides Police Department with voice mail.  Selectman Davis explained if Fairpoint is chosen the Highway Department would be the only department of the Town remaining with Time Warner services.   After extensive technical discussion, it was recommended that the Town go forward with Fairpoint.  The price would be $665.26 per month for 36 months, making a small increase in the Town’s present system by approximately $47.00 per month.   A Motion was made to sign a 36-month contract with Fairpoint.  The Motion was seconded, and the Motion was unanimously approved.

Chair Keeney then called for approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting.  Selectman Morgan made a Motion to approve the Minutes as written.  Selectman Wheeler seconded the Motion, and the Minutes were then unanimously approved as written.

Chair Keeney continued the meeting by calling on Ann Marie to review correspondence.  Ann Marie indicated that Beebe River Family Partnership, owner of some properties in Beebe River, did not want the Beebe River District dissolved and they are still filing documents to the Court.  Attorney Spector-Morgan is aware of the filing.  Also Danny Desrosiers advised Ann Marie that Community Guaranty Saving Bank’s Attorney is reviewing the issue of allowing the Town to assume the responsibility of Beebe River’s checking account so final bills can be paid and any balance returned to property owners.

Ann Marie indicated that a property in Six Flags has been Quitclaim deeded to Six Flags and the park owner has asked that taxes be abated.  The Board agreed to do so when deed comes in.

A notice has been received that an Economic Development forum will be held on October 25, 2012, from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., at the Holderness Town Hall.  An RSVP is required.  Please advise Ann Marie if anyone is interested in attending.

Ann Marie indicated that Butch Bain, Road Agent presented a proposal from Rines Paving and Construction, LLC for the reclaiming, compacting and paving 411 square yards of road at the Intersection of Donovan and Parker Road.  Butch stated there is money remaining in the paving account for the work and there still will be enough money available for the “table” for the salt shed.  The Board unanimously agreed to go forward with the proposal.

Ann Marie indicated that there was an issue involving a property tax bill not being paid on time because the owner tried to pay on line and incorrectly used the wrong account number. At present, interest is accruing as the check and money order were returned to the property owner.  Due to the circumstances, the property owner is contesting the interest.  The Police Department also became involved, but has now closed the matter as a criminal investigation and Chief Warn has advised the property owner that the matter is a civil issue and the personal check and money order was returned by the Police Department to the owner. Ann Marie indicated that Treasurer, Mary Durgin, was going to try to contact him in a few days if nothing is heard from him.

Ann Marie indicated that Tom Mullen inquired about his request at a previous meeting regarding Owl’s Nest Associates.  The Board agreed that Tom Mullen needs to either come in to speak with the Selectmen regarding tax agreements or filing abatements (after the fall bills are distributed).  Ann Marie will contact Mr. Mullen.

Ann Marie indicated that the list of properties that Hannah Joyce, Town Clerk/ Tax Collector previously provided to the Board was a list of properties she would like approval on abating – they were not a list of properties for deeding this year.  Ann Marie and the Board reviewed the properties to be abated at the present time.  Ann Marie asked the Board if they would like to abate those properties.  The Board agreed.

At this point Chair Keeney continued with Other Business – Selectmen’s Input and called on Selectman Morgan.  Selectman Morgan indicated that he wanted the Board to be aware that he spoke with Charles Brosseau, Compliance Officer regarding a property owner (on Sugar House Road) who wished to have the Town Line sign moved to accommodate the owner with moving his driveway entrance due to a steep slope.

Ann Marie indicated that notice was given by Butch Burhoe that he no longer will be snow plowing for the Town of Campton.

There being no further business, Chair Keeney declared the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Eleanor M. Dewey,

Office Assistant to Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator