BOS Meeting Minutes 09.17.2012


SEPTEMBER 17, 2012

The Board of Selectmen met for their weekly meeting at 6:30 p. m. at the Campton Town Office.  Present were, Selectmen, Sharon Davis, Charles Cheney, Marsh Morgan.  Selectmen Keeney and Wheeler were not present due to other commitments.  The Board signed the manifest and reviewed the bills.  They signed 1 tax abatement, 1 approved Building Permit and 1 disapproved Building Permit.

At 6:45 p.m. Vice Chair Davis called the meeting to order and inquired if there were any agenda changes.  Ann Marie indicated that there were no changes.

Vice Chair Davis called on Kelly Bolger as the first appointment for an update on the progress of the Town Office Building.  Kelly indicated the progress on the project is going well.  Kelly reported that he, Selectman Davis and Ann Marie went over the costs on the project on Monday and there is $82,000 remaining in the project budget for possible soft cost use.  He did indicate that there might be an additional $2,000.00 that will be needed out of this figure.  Other than that, he doesn’t anticipate any other costs to be deducted out of the soft cost figure.  Kelly was happy to report that the curtain divider for the meeting room and granite curbing is still included as part of the project.  Kelly stated that the windows will be delivered tomorrow and the roof and cupola materials will be delivered on Wednesday.  He informed the Board that he will be meeting with AmeriGas tomorrow.  He will also be meeting with the architect regarding a vinyl siding (design) issue tomorrow.  Kelly indicated that there is adequate access to the attic for a cat walk for easy maintenance of electrical etc. and access to the cupola.

Regarding the salt shed, Kelly stated that, upon Selectman Cheney’s suggestion, and discussion with Butch Bain, the Highway Department will install an asphalt base with concrete blocks around the perimeter.  Kelly is working on getting two contractors’ quotes for the carpentry to build the building and get a roof on.   The Board then thanked Kelly for his update.

Selectman Davis then discussed contacting Attorney Spector-Morgan regarding possible recourse that the Town may have regarding the unsuitable soil issue.  Selectman Cheney expressed that it may be very hard to prove.

Vice Chair Davis called on Sean James and Matt Moore regarding the Blair Bridge Project.  Mr. James indicated that he was here this evening to discuss what is left to do and any general questions.  Vice Chair Davis expressed to Mr. James the Board’s concern regarding increased estimated costs.  Mr. James distributed to the Board a breakdown of available funds from Federal, State and the Town and the costs arrived at.  Mr. James explained that the increased costs estimate was calculated by comparing other recent projects that the same pre-qualified contractors have been working on.  Mr. James explained that it may be a high estimate (reflecting an adjusted increase in costs estimate of approximately $220,000); however the Town’s portion still remains the same.  Ann Marie expressed that so much time has elapsed to get to the present point in the project that she was concerned about the bond rate changing.  The Board suggested she send a letter to the bank updating them on the progress of the project to date.

Sean James indicated that the next step was to present the final plans for the Blair Bridge Project to the State.  He anticipates that the project could go out for bids just before or after Thanksgiving.  Mr. James indicated that a pre-bidding meeting would be held at his office and he would notify the pre-qualified contractors when that will be. There was also discussion concerning material removal and what procedure the Town wanted to follow.  Matt Moore expressed the problems of keeping any materials such as storage issues and the material being in the way of contractors.  Sean James stated, at present, the contract states that the materials would be removed and taken away by the contractors.  After discussion, Board agreed not to save any materials and for the contractors to remove the material.

Selectman Morgan inquired about advertising for bidding.  Sean explained that Hoyle & Tanner will provide the ad to be placed in a state-wide newspaper.  Matt Moore suggested the use of the NH DOT web site also be utilized for advertising.  Sean James agreed that would be possible.  The Board agreed that the bids would be opened at a Selectmen’s Meeting at 6:30 p.m. and the deadline for submitting bids would be 5:00 p.m. on the same day of the Selectmen’s Meeting.

Sean James also mentioned that the agreed upon detour signage (that was discussed previously) would be placed on Route 93 (including the Country Cow’s Restaurant request to indicate business is open).  The Board then thanked Mr. Sean James and Matt Moore for coming to the meeting to clarify increased costs and update the Board on the project.

Vice Chair Davis then called for approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting.  Vice Chair Davis indicated that she had some revisions and went over the changes with the Board. After revisions made by Selectman Davis, Selectman Morgan made a Motion to approve the Minutes as revised.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Cheney, and the revised Minutes were unanimously approved.

Vice Chair Davis continued the meeting with discussion concerning issues at last week’s Election.  She indicated that Dick Giehl could not be here this evening but stated some of the items the Board would like to discuss with him are:

Will he run the meeting with “all election officials” that the Board wants to hold   previous to elections?

Issue of tables down

Possibility of moving Town Clerk’s staff and ballot counters to the Art Room for counting

Appointing people to take Selectmen’s place.

Voting machine vs. ballot clerks

Why did the count take so long?

Why didn’t Town Clerk ask for help with counting?

What were you looking for?

Why wasn’t courtesy given to those waiting to inform them as to what was going on?


Ann Marie also mentioned an issue with the pens and signs. The ballot poll pens are in Ann Marie’s possession and the signs are at the school.


The Board requested that Ann Marie draft a letter to the Town Clerk/Tax Collector (for the Board to review) regarding the various issues mentioned above concerning the Election.


Vice Chair Davis then called on Ann Marie to review correspondence.  Ann Marie distributed a copy of a draft letter from Town Attorney concerning Beebe River District to be forwarded to all Beebe River property owners and signed by the Board of Selectmen.  Ann Marie indicated that there will be no tax rate reflected on the fall tax bill for Beebe River property owners.  Ann Marie stated that there is $12,821.00 remaining in funds at Community Guaranty Savings Bank in the name of Beebe River Village District and there is approximately $1,400.00 of outstanding bills remaining to be paid.  Town Attorney advised that the remaining funds will need to be turned over to property owners and Danny Desrosiers is assisting Ann Marie with this procedure.  After the Board reviewed and discussed the draft letter to be forwarded to Beebe River property owners, the letter was then signed by the Board this evening.  Ann Marie also indicated that Attorney Spector-Morgan is filing a Motion for Summary Affirmance and Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion for Summary Affirmance in order to stop any further appeals.


Ann Marie stated that a thank you letter was received from the Campton Area Resource Center thanking the Town for their support to local businesses for Farmers’ Market Day.


A notice of a Public Hearing of the NH Local Government Center (LGC) regarding rate setting for LGC Property-Liability Trust and LGC Health Trust coverage was received.  The meeting is scheduled for September 27, 2012, at 6:30 p.m. at LGC in Concord.  Comments will be received on the same day, at 10:00 a.m., at the Lincoln Town Hall, Lincoln.


Northern New England Telephone Operations LLC has filed an abatement for a new assessment on telephone poles. Mitchell Municipal Group, P.A. has filed their Appearance on behalf of the Town and there are 10 other Towns involved.


Ann Marie again reminded the Board that Hannah Joyce provided a printout of properties for deeding.  The Board agreed that they would discuss deeding at the next meeting when there is a full Board present.


A letter was received from Time Warner concerning customers switching over from analog to a digital system.  Time Warner will offer (free of charge) through November, 2012 a Digital Adapter.  For more information calls can be made to 1-855-286-1736.


North Country Council, Inc. has sent a letter concerning holding a series of public meetings this fall to gather input for an update of the regional plan and enclosed posters requesting that they be displayed at the Town Office concerning the “look of the North Country in 20 years”.


Ann Marie indicated that Barry Cox of LGC will be meeting with employees at the Town Office regarding the Pay Study on Tuesday, September 18, 2012.  The Town/Clerk Tax Collector arranged a meeting with Mr. Cox on September 21, 2012 as the 18th was not convenient for their office.


Ann Marie reminded the Board of the Meeting at Waterville Estates Conference Center concerning the Matson issue which is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on October 24, 2012.


There being no further correspondence, Vice Chair Davis continued the meeting with Other Business – Selectmen’s Input.  The Board requested Ann Marie send a letter to Hannah Joyce, Town Clerk/Tax Collector concerning the vault in the Town Clerk’s Office.


Vice Chair Davis called on Selectman Cheney.  Selectman Cheney inquired if Rines Paving would be doing the road paving.  Ann Marie confirmed that the appropriate Certificate of Insurance was received and the road paving will be done by Rines Paving, as voted by the Board.  Selectman Cheney also mentioned to the Board the request that Tom Mullen made at the previous Selectmen’s Meeting concerning appointing one Selectman to review possible tax agreements concerning Owl’s Nest Associates.  The Board agreed that they would discuss further when a full Board is present.


Vice Chair Davis called on Selectman Morgan who inquired if the Farmers’ Market is still open.  Vice Chair Davis indicated a few vendors are still open on Fridays.


There being no further business, Vice Chair Davis declared the meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Eleanor M. Dewey,

Office Assistant to Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator