BOS Meeting Minutes 09.10.2012


SEPTEMBER 10, 2012

The Board of Selectmen met for their weekly meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the Campton Town Office.  Present were Selectmen, Charles Cheney, Craig Keeney, Charles Wheeler, Sharon Davis and Marsh Morgan.  The Board signed the manifest and reviewed the bills.  They signed 1 Financial Report prepared by the Town auditors, 1 Memorandum of Agreement for Department of Resources and Economic Development, 1 Agreement from DOT regarding paving rehabilitation along NH Route 49 and Tripoli Road, 1 Tax Agreement and 3 Building Permit approvals and 1 Building Permit disapproval.

Butch Bain, Road Agent, attended this meeting but was not on the agenda.

At 6:45 p.m. Chair Keeney called the meeting to order and Ann Marie indicated there were two changes to the agenda.  Carol Moulton would not be in for her appointment as confirmed by Butch Bain.  Butch also confirmed that he had spoken to Carol Moulton concerning her request for a yellow line on Bog Road from Exit 27 up to the Beaver Brook intersection.  Butch informed the Board and Carol Moulton that he would review this matter to be considered in the budget next year as long as the Board was in agreement with the yellow line. Ann Marie indicated that the other change in the agenda was that Tom Mullen would be in this evening regarding tax matters.

Chair Keeney then called on Kelly Bolger to update the Board on the progress of the Town Office Building.  Kelly first inquired if there were any questions regarding the last pay out and there were no questions.  Kelly also indicated that the public, (after speaking with several individuals) inquired as to why the attic was so high.  He explained that the walls are high and in order to “keep everything to scale” the roof had to be kept in line with scale.  Kelly reported a “clean bill of health” from the State regarding the unsuitable soil issue and that the State was pleased how the Town handled the matter to resolve the issue.  Kelly also reported that it will be necessary to have four 1,000 gallon propane tanks (based on the required specifications for the boiler from the manufacturer).  He is now in the process of researching pricing.  Ann Marie mentioned having the revised floor plan for the Police Department available to the public.  Kelly agreed he would acquire an extra copy of the revised plan so that it will be available for viewing to the public at the Selectmen’s Office.

Kelly informed the Board that he and Butch researched and presented a price quote for the salt shed with a canvas tarp; however, the price was higher than the Board expected. The Board would like Kelly and Butch to get price quotes from at least two local contractors before making a decision.  Chair Keeney suggested Bob Davis and Chris Kelly.

At 7:15 p.m.  Chair Keeney then called on Paul Yelle of the Campton Historical Society (CHS).  Paul indicated that the CHS has received funds from the family of Lester Mitchell to repair the old hearse.  Paul indicated that Mr. Mitchell was very fond of the hearse and the CHS would like to do the repairs; however, he felt it necessary to get permission from the Board first.  The Board unanimously agreed to the repairs.  Paul also indicated that the Halloween event plans are underway to be held at the Blair cemetery and he asked the Board’s permission to have Wesley Avery do hayrides.  The Board was in agreement as long as John Timson was in agreement and suggested that Mr. Avery stay on the main roads in the cemetery.  Paul Yelle then thanked the Board for their time.

At 7:20 p.m. Chair Keeney then called on Tom Mullen.  Mr. Mullen proceeded to explain to the Board that Owl’s Nest Associates had applied for “EB5 funding” approximately a year ago and he explained some of the hurdles in this process. Mr. Mullen mentioned that Senator Sheehan was instrumental in resolving some issues.  Mr. Mullen indicated that he would be hearing soon on the decision for funding.  Mr. Mullen further explained that the funding would be in the amount of twenty million dollars and one of the requirements for receiving the funding would be to create 440 jobs.  He stated that if this requirement was not met, the funding would be lost.  Mr. Mullen also informed the Board that this funding could not be used to pay old bills.  With that in mind, Mr. Mullen explained he was here this evening to inquire if the Board would be willing to appoint one Selectman to meet with him in order to explore the possibilities of a tax agreement for Owl’s Nest.  Mr. Mullen also mentioned that he was willing to have a Non Public Session with the Board where he would disclose financial information if it were necessary.  Selectman Morgan inquired on the progress of the Water Park and asked if any EB5 funding could be applied to this project.  Mr. Mullen explained the issue of delays because of new investors; however, he felt “comfortable” that this project would move forward.  Mr. Mullen indicated that perhaps the costs involved in working with the Campton Village District regarding the water storage facility could possibly come under some of the funding.  Chair Keeney indicated to Mr. Mullen that the Board would discuss further his idea of appointing one Selectman to work with him concerning the tax issues.  Mr. Mullen then thanked the Board for their time and consideration.

Chair Keeney then continued the meeting by calling for a Motion to approve the Minutes and Non Public Minutes of the previous meeting. Selectman Sharon Davis made a revision to the regular Minutes and then Selectman Morgan made a Motion to approve the Minutes as revised and the Non Public Minutes as presented.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Wheeler and the revised Minutes and Non Public Minutes (as written) were unanimously approved.

Chair Keeney then called on Ann Marie to review correspondence. Ann Marie indicated that Hannah Joyce, Town Clerk/Tax Collector provided a printout of properties for the Board to review for deeding for 2008 tax deeds.  Ann Marie distributed the list for the Board to review and discuss next week.

Ann Marie also indicated that the Local Government Center (LGC) had indicated to her that Barry Cox would be conducting the Pay & Classification study for the Town and she should have a date tomorrow as to when the employees would be meeting with Mr. Cox.  Ann Marie explained that there were some delays because of LGC’s lay offs, (Mr. Cox was part of the lay offs); however, LGC confirmed that Mr. Cox would be handling this one study for LGC for the Town of Campton after all.

Ann Marie indicated that James R. St. Jean sent notice of the State of NH Surplus Property Auction to be held Saturday, October 13, 2012 at the White Farm, 144 Clinton Street, Concord.  All inventory will need to be checked in by Thursday or Friday, October 4th and October 5th between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.

A notice from Campton Historical Society regarding upcoming events was received. There will be a three church tour on September 15th starting at 9:00 a.m. and a Halloween event October 27th; and on December 2nd a Community Holiday Concert and Cooking Swap.

Ann Marie sadly informed the Board that John Dole passed away.  Mr. Dole was a long time Campton resident who served as a Fire Commissioner and Town Auditor.  He was also the Postmaster for many years.

Notice was received and published in the newspaper regarding the fact that the Town of Campton has commenced the Hazard Mitigation Planning update which is the required five-year update to the 2009 Campton Hazard Mitigation Plan.

New Hampshire Municipal Association forwarded a Voting Delegate Authorization for the appointing of an official Delegate at the 2013 – 2014 Legislative Policy Conference on September 21, 2012, at 9:00 a.m. at the Local Government Center.  Ann Marie indicated that Chair Keeney could appoint an individual, or attend himself.

Ann Marie advised that the Superior Court Judge dissolved the Beebe River Village District.  Attorney Spector-Morgan suggested getting all the items from the pump house.  Rick Davis will be gathering the items tomorrow to bring to the Selectmen’s Office.  Attorney Spector-Morgan will be drafting a letter to property owners in Beebe River to be reviewed and approved by the Board before it is sent to owners.

There being no further correspondence, Chair Keeney continued the meeting with Other Business – Selectmen’s Input and called on Ann Marie.  Ann Marie stated that the plans for the rehabilitation of the Blair Bridge Project have been received from Sean James and she distributed the plans to the Selectmen.  She indicated that Sean James and Matt Moore would be coming in to speak with the Board and the Board confirmed that they will need to review with Sean James and get an explanation for the apparent price increase.

Chair Keeney then called on Selectman Davis who discussed arrangements on the schedule for the attendance of the Selectmen at the Primary Election 9/11/12.

Chair Keeney called on Selectman Cheney who inquired about Rines Paving, as he was not present at the previous meeting when the Board unanimously approved the paving bid for Beaver Brook Road, Colonel Spencer Road and Parker Road.  There was some discussion concerning Rines Certificate of Insurance and Ann Marie will discuss this with Butch Bain.

Chair Keeney informed the Board that the Snowmobile Club had been informed by Wagner that they will be logging this winter and using the old Railroad Car Bridge.  Chair Keeney requested permission on behalf of the Snowmobile Club to use the Eastern Corner Bridge and the seasonal section of Eastern Corner Road.  The Board agreed as long as the agreement specifies the dates corresponding with “summer cottage road” dates.

Chair Keeney also inquired if snowmobilers will be able to park on the side of Gearty Way next to the railroad tracks, which is across the street from the new Town Office as they have in the past.  Selectman Davis expressed concern during the construction period; however Chair Keeney indicated that the railroad track does not open for snowmobile use until January 15th and the construction of the new Town Office is scheduled to be completed by January 9th.  The Board agreed that when the track opens the parking could be utilized where it has in the past but not in the Town Office parking lot.

Chair Keeney declared the meeting adjourned at 7:53 p.m., at which point Chair Keeney, Selectmen Cheney and Davis moved the Voting Machine to the school for the State Primary Election and posted required signage.


Respectfully submitted,

Eleanor M. Dewey, Office Assistant to Ann Marie Foote, Town