FC Meeting Minutes 08.13.2012





Meeting was called to order @ 16:00 hours.

Fire Commissioners in attendance:  Kelly Bolger, B.G. King, Niles Downing, Lou Klotz

Also present: Chief Tobine

Manifest:  Reviewed and approved by the FC Board.

Old Business:

The minutes of Fire Commission meeting of July 9, 2012 were read.  Motion to approve meeting minutes of July 9, 2012 was made by ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Kelly, and seconded by Niles.  Voted 4 to 0.

Lou asked where the sealed minutes were being kept. Chairman Bolger will check with Attorney Laura Spector-Morgan regarding same.

Niles inquired if figure on CIP of $82,000.had been revised for year 2020. Chief had met with Thornton Board of Selectmen and the figure will be changed to $182,000. Chief will follow up when new CIP is complete.

The minutes of Fire Commission meeting of July 30, 2012 were read. Motion to approve meeting minutes of July 30, 2012 was made by Kelly and seconded by Lou.  Voted 4 to 0.

New Business:

Lou inquired about traffic study for Campton resort project that was discussed at the July 30th meeting.

Discussion about Thornton proposed campground and Campton project continued about what effect this would be to the FD.  Kelly mentioned that nothing formal has been filed yet with the Town of Campton. Niles thought any changes for FD could be a condition of approval of project.

Chief’s Report:

The pump testing for Engine 1 & 3 will be done. There is a lack of funds to do other 3 engines this year.  Niles asked about how frequent pump testing should be done and Chief answered yearly.  We haven’t done them for two years. The vehicle maintenance line has $3,600 left in it.  The cost per pump test is $250.00.  Chief doesn’t think the engines will fail the pump test but there are other issues that can come up.  There is always the chance of a failed valve which puts engine out of service until repaired.  Niles asked how much we would need to include during budget process to finish the pump testing and Chief said $1,000 per truck.

The issue is what Jim mentioned last month that the maintenance budget was too high.  Niles said his interpretation was the maintenance budget isn’t high enough.  We are going through the money too fast because of equipment failure.  Jim thought to get our equipment purchases on a more rapid turnaround so we are not spending more than we should on maintenance due to the age of the equipment.

Chief Tobine mentioned springs on Engine 3 that were 9 years old.  These trucks are holding 1,500 gallons of water which causes the springs to wear out faster.  Another factor is the road conditions. Lou didn’t think skipping any preventive maintenance because of funds was a good idea.  Chief thought we should get through September inspections first and then look at it again.  Kelly questioned if having a separate line item within budget for pump testing would be beneficial.  Lou thought the money should be available for preventive maintenance within the budget.

Radios are being changed over to narrow band today.  Lakes Region has trained two personnel from dispatch center to come out and do changes at no cost to department.  All radios must be in compliance by January 1st.  The Town of Campton has a frequency now so the Highway Dept. can communicate with fire and police.  Thornton already has a local frequency that we can use to communicate with highway and police.

We have five new EMS applicants interested in joining our call department. Niles inquired about the expense of physicals for new members.  Chief explained it is only for firefighters that we do the basic NFPA physicals.  We are pleased to have new applicants and to have another paramedic joining our department.

Chief met with Campton Board of Selectmen, B.G. King and Kelly Bolger and all agreed the Rescue truck be replaced in 2019.  Also discussed the utility truck being replaced next year.  Chief also met with Thornton Board about same. Chief informed the FC’s that a member of the CIP, Tammie and chairperson from Thornton Board of Selectmen are to meet with Campton Town Administrator, Ann Marie Foote, to go over CIP process in Thornton.

Niles asked about the Publications & Software line item.  Chief explained the NH Firemen’s Association and NH Retirement (benefit for call company) life insurance policy has come from this line item.

Discussion ensued regarding the stipend for weekday and weekend shifts.  Chief believes we need to have an incentive to keep call company strong.

Kelly mentioned he witnessed a call of the Swift Water Team.  He thought the Department needed to be recognized for keeping up with current times.

A time change has been proposed for future fire commission meetings.  Motion made by Kelly to change fire commission meeting time to 4:30 PM, seconded by Niles.  Voted 4-0.

A motion to adjourn was made by Kelly, seconded by Lou. Voted 4-0. The meeting ended at 5:14 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Julie O’Neill

Administrative Assistant