ZBA Meeting Minutes 10.19.2011




OCTOBER 19, 2011


The Zoning Board of Adjustment met this date with Sam Plaisted, Chairman, Paula Kelly, Martha Aguiar and Tim Scanlon.

Sam Plaisted opened the meeting at 7 PM.

First on the agenda, the minutes for the September l, 2011 Zoning Board meeting.

Paula Kelly made a motion to approve the minutes, as amended, for the September 1, 2011 meeting.  Martha Aguiar seconded the motion.  The Zoning Board voted in the affirmative, unanimously.

Next on the agenda, Stephen Massa, Loft Circle, needs a variance of 24 feet to meet the setbacks.  This house was built without a Building Permit.  Stephen said that he bought the property in 2008.  He was unaware that the home he started to build was closer to the road than allowed.  The paperwork that he received from the State of New Hampshire for his septic approval was marked “approved for building”, so he thought that this was also the approval from the Town of Campton.  Paula Kelly looked at the septic plan map, and noted that the house was not on the same location as the plan.  Stephen said that he had moved the house from the original site on the plan.  Paula wanted to know if he had a tank for his septic.  He said that he had an enviro tank.  Martha wanted to know if there was a lot of fill brought to the lot.  Stephen said there were many truckloads of fill brought in to the lot.  Martha said that the house was not built where it was supposed to be from the map. Kelly Bolger wanted to know who the contractor was.  Stephen said that Neil McIver did the septic site plan, and the excavation work. Tim Scanlon said that this could cause serious problems with erosion, as the house is to close to the road.  Tim went on to say that this doesn’t look right for other builders, and future variance applications.

Sam said that this was not a small variance, and the Zoning Board does not usually approve a large variance.  Kelly Bolger wanted to know if Mr. Massa had a Building Permit. Paula said that he did not have a Building Permit, and that was the problem.  If he had gotten a Building Permit, the set backs would have been measured, to meet the Town Zoning regulations.  Tim Scanlon said that he did not feel comfortable granting the variance.



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Sam Plaisted said without a Building Permit the Zoning Board’s hands were tied, and they could not grant the variance.  Paula Kelly made a motion to deny the variance for Stephen Massa, Loft Circle.  Martha Aguiar seconded the motion. The Zoning Board of Adjustment voted in the affirmative, unanimously.

The Zoning Board of Adjustment adjourned at 7:30 PM.


Respectfully submitted,


May Brosseau

Zoning Board of Adjustment, Clerk



