Fire Commissioners Meeting Minutes 07.09.2012



JULY 9, 2012




Meeting was called to order @ 4:00 PM.

Fire Commissioners in attendance:  Kelly Bolger, BG King, Niles Downing, Jim Demeritt,

Also present: Chief Tobine

Manifest:  Reviewed and approved by the FC Board.

Old Business:

The minutes of May 14, 2012 meeting were read.  Motion to approve meeting minutes of May 14, 2012 was made by Kelly, and seconded by Niles. Voted 3 to 1 – Jim Demeritt abstained.

The minutes of June 11, 2012 meeting were read. Motion to approve meeting minutes of June 11, 2012 was made by Kelly, and seconded by Niles. Voted 3 to 1 – Jim Demeritt abstained.

The Intergovernmental Agreement was handed out to each Fire Commissioner.

Kelly will meet with Chief Tobine and Paul Hatch of Emergency Management once floor plan of town office is obtained to discuss generator grant.

New Business:

Chief Tobine handed out the Auditors report for Fire Commissioners to review.

Primex announced that it entered into a Risk Pool Practice Agreement with New Hampshire Secretary of State that includes a return of surplus to members this year through Premium Holiday.  CTFD qualifies for the Premium Holiday.  The revised invoice reflects contribution for 1/1/12 – 1/1/13 of $15,883 minus previously paid $11,911.  With the Premium Holiday of ($4,263.07) applied, leaves a credit of ($291.07) to be applied to 2013.

Review of Hardship cases – Six applications totaling $6,010.76

Four applications from one individual and two additional applications.

The one for $152.79 – total bill was in $2,000 range (this bill has been paid except for the $152.79).

Jim Demeritt made a motion to approve Comstar Run 7970 for $152.79.

Niles seconded motion to accept this application. Voted 4-0, passed unanimously.

Hardship Number 232887 for $1,051.63.  They do meet guidelines and proof of income was supplied. Motion by Jim Demeritt to accept hardship, Niles seconded motion.  Voted 4-0, passed unanimously.

Next individual has 4 runs totaling $4,806.34.

Motion by Kelly to go into non public session per RSA 91A:3,II(C).  All voted in favor of non public session beginning at 16:27.  At 16:39 the FC Board came out of non public session.  Motion by Kelly to seal minutes, seconded by Niles. Voted 4-0, passed unanimously.

Motion by Jim to accept 4 hardship applications, seconded by Niles. Voted 4 – 0, passed unanimously.

Discussion continued about our collection rate from billing company (Comstar).  Jim inquired about our rate of collection which is approximately 70%. Are we being aggressive enough with collections?  Chief will follow up with Comstar.

Chief discussed some trouble collecting on ambulance billing at times when insurance information isn’t obtained.  The procedure is for Julie to follow up with the hospital after the run to try and get correct addresses, phone numbers and insurance information.  Chief talked about community insurance available to patients without insurance but that doesn’t cover ambulance billing.

There was an inquiry from architectural design company doing work on covered bridge.  They wanted info on GVW and wheel base so they could try to update bridge so ambulance can use the bridge.

Rescue truck has oil leak from oil pan or gasket and the only way to change pan and/or gasket is to pull the motor or front end.  Estimate from Ford is $2,000-$3,000 to repair and approximately one week out of service.

Chief ordered two beds for rooms in back.  These are coming out of equipment line in budget.

Applied for Grants thru FEMA. Equipment grant we applied for SCBA (airpacks) $179,250.  If received, it is 5% or $8,962.00 which includes spare bottles and is currently in the CIP for (2013 & 2014). Chief went over the specs on bottles for weight and duration: 30 minute bottles and lighter than what we currently have (carbon composite bottle). Our current air packs are 14 years old and considered obsolete at 12 years old.

The second FEMA grant was for a vehicle.  We have applied for an ambulance (4×4 Type I Ford Chassis) – not a walk thru.  The price is $190,000.  We also applied for $71,000 in equipment for the ambulance and $7,200 for driver training.  If driver training is not included in your grant you will not be considered. The total for vehicle grant is $268,200.  If we receive grant our 5% would be $13,410.

Mileage was discussed on current ambulance (approximately 60,000+).

Under the equipment portion of ambulance grant is a defibrillator, a power cot and an auto pulse.  The power cots now have a new hookup that comes out of the back of the ambulance and you hook the stretcher to it, press a button and it hauls the stretcher with patient into the ambulance.  It can hold up to 750 lbs.  This will help with preventing back injuries.

Chief spoke about instituting a new policy for call company pay, not an hourly rate but for a stipend during the week.  Previously it was a 2 hour minimum.  Now we will give a stipend for weekday and weekends but there is no longer a 2 hour minimum. There is money in call company funds to finish the year.  Chief believes it will generate interest for additional EMT’s to sign on. The chief talked about maintaining the level of service we have and importance of a strong call company.


We have had some EMS people come in and apply.  We need to get about six EMT’s to join our service in an effort to prevent burnout. Previously we had EMT’s on call approximately 3 times per month.  Now some people are doing about 5 to 6 shifts per month.  Chief hopes the sleeping quarters will be an incentive along with the stipend to add some new people.

Niles inquired about call company pay and when is the last time they had an increase.  He asked if pay study will affect employees if both towns give 5% to town employees and the study is set up for 2% increase for FD employees.

Jim asked about the pay increase study and he asked how it would be administered. Are there certain standards to qualify for increase? Chief replied the review process would determine who was going to receive an increase.

On the full-time side it is different.  B.G. King questioned how the pay raise would work and if there was a performance review?  Chief responded yes.


A motion to adjourn was made by Jim, seconded by Kelly. Voted – all in favor. The meeting ended at 5:12 PM.


Respectfully submitted,

Julie O’Neill

Administrative Assistant