BOS Meeting Minutes 06.25.2012


The Board of Selectmen met for their weekly meeting at 6:30 p. m. at the Campton Historical Society.  Present were Selectmen, Charles Cheney, Craig Keeney, Charles Wheeler, Sharon Davis and Marsh Morgan.  The Board signed the manifest and reviewed the bills.  They signed 2 Building Permits, 1 Sign Permit, 1 Tax Agreement and 3 granted abatements.

Members of the public who attended this meeting were:  Sandra Morgan, Gregory P. Jencks, Kathryn Joyce, George Wright, Chris Kelly, Karen and Gerry Rienzo, Robert and Angela Bain, Mary Durgin, David Bartholomew, Paula Kelly, Suzanne Silvesteri, John Whitney, Priscilla Whitney, Ann Verow, Ron Crowe, Christine Cavacchi, George Cavacchi, Richard Giehl, May and Charles Brosseau, Carolyn Hill, Alan Hill, Wink Van Knowe, D. Robitalle, Trudy Cote, Sally Moulton, Cliff and Judy Barber, Ted Hammond, Eric & Debbie Johnson, Dan Bergeron, Pam and Mark Troiano, Linda Dupere, Martha Hulsman Roseanne Woodard and Robert Pulsifer.

At 6:45 p.m. Chair Keeney called the meeting to order and called on Ann Marie to review correspondence.  A letter was received from Southern New Hampshire Services, Inc. regarding the elderly housing property on Owl Street.  They are seeking a payment in lieu of taxes in the amount of $7,752.00 based on rental income potential.

A thank you note was received from Pemi-Baker Home Health for the donation presented by the Town in memory of Sidney Cheney.

Ann Marie indicated that the Temporary Construction Easement Deed has been signed by Mr. Quinn for the Blair Bridge Project.  Also a letter has been received from the Department of the Army, New England District, and Corps of Engineers stating that a Department of the Army permit will not be required for the proposed work for the Blair Bridge Project.  Ann Marie informed the Board that Sean James will be meeting with the Board on July 9, 2012.   Ann Marie also indicated that she received notice from NH DOT that the reimbursement request for preliminary design costs in the amount of $87,830.63 will be directly sent to the Town within three weeks.

A copy of a letter was received from the NH Department of Resources and Economic Development, Division of Forests and Lands congratulating Fire Chief Tobine on his re-appointment as Forest Fire Warden.

The annual Trustee’s Accounting has been received from Charter Trust Company regarding the George Durgin Trust as the Town is listed as a receiver of funds.

A copy of a letter was received from Six Flags Mobile Home Park thanking the Police Department for changing their “lives in a positive way” and expressing that they now have their neighborhood back due to a recent drug bust.

Butch Bain received a check from P.K.’s Salvage to present to the Town for some scrap iron in the amount of $378.80.

There being no further correspondence, Chair Keeney then called for a Motion to approve the Minutes of Meeting of June 11, 2012.  Selectman Morgan made a Motion to approve the Minutes as presented. The Motion was seconded by Selectman Cheney, and the Minutes were unanimously approved as written.

At 7:00 p.m. Chair Keeney then informed the public that the purpose of the forum this evening is to let the public know “where they are at with the new Municipal Building and that Selectman Sharon Davis will do the presentation and after the presentation the forum will be opened for questions and comments from the public.

Selectman Davis began the presentation of the Reallocation of office space by following a prepared presentation packet which was distributed to all members of the public to follow as she spoke. Selectman Davis reviewed the Building Committee Study and thanked the Building Committee for all their work and acknowledged the members at this meeting.  Selectman Davis continued the presentation by reviewing Department sizes.  The Departments being the Selectmen’s office, Town Clerk/Tax Collector’s Office, Police Department, Town Road Department and Fire Department.  It was explained that the Road Department building is adequate for the future; however, a new salt storage facility needs to be erected. The Fire Department has recently had interior rehab done, which has extended facility adequacy for future needs.  The present Police Department has 720 square feet – not including the basement.  The building has truss construction – none of the walls are weight bearing (all walls can be easily moved.  The basement is dry and adequate.  The building has a new heating and air conditioning system.  It has a secured service window and its own alarm system.  Selectman Davis continued by explaining that the space originally planned for the Town Clerk/ Tax Collector’s Office at the new facility amounted to 1,366 square feet, use of one-half of the vault and would have combined use of work area and kitchen area with Selectmen’s Office. Selectmen Davis explained that the Police Department needs more room to accommodate 10+ at a time.   An interview room and booking and detention area is needed.  Currently anyone in custody has “full run” of the building.  In the current facility, children cannot be protected with certain specific guarantees as required by law, which results in violations of sight/sound.  Selectman Davis then proceeded to discuss the needs of the Town Clerk/Tax Collector’s Office.  Those needs being:  an adequate space for 3 employees and equipment; dry and adequate storage area; security service window; and alarm system. In conclusion, the reallocation of office space was based on the following:

  • The space requirements of the Town Clerk/Tax Collector’s Office can more than adequately be accommodated by the present Police Facility
  • The new space originally planned for the Town Clerk/Tax Collector’s Office, will adequately accommodate the Police Department needs and bring the department into compliance
  • Town communications can easily be tied through conduits
  • By taking this action, the Town will save anywhere from $500,000 to $1,000,000+ costs for future expansions/construction
  • Fulfill the goal to have all Town departments on one campus


Chair Keeney then asked each Board member to speak to express their reasons for the reallocation of office space.  The general consensus of the entire Board was:  to save dollars and cents; avoid borrowing more money for another construction project to keep the tax rate from increasing; avoid having to rent a space for the Police Department to avoid “out of compliance” issues.  All Board members expressed that it all made sense when Kelley Bolger, Clerk of the Works, presented the idea to the Board for their consideration. The Board members further expressed that the present Police Department would be an ideal facility for the Town Clerk/Tax Collector’s Office because it would fulfill security concerns voiced by the Town Clerk/Tax Collector, the facility is dry and adequate for storage space, and the building has its own alarm system.  All Board members expressed the huge cost savings that will solve present and future costs burdens facing the Town.

Chair Keeney then opened the forum up to the public to discuss.  Chair Keeney called on Pam Troiano who inquired how these changes will hit the budget with additional expenses and where is the money coming from to pay for the renovations of the Police Department.  Chair Keeney explained that the new municipal building project is $100,000 under budget; however, this money cannot be used for renovations to the Police Department (acknowledged by Town Attorney), but the anticipated $15,000 to $20,000, which is needed for the renovation, will be paid for through the George Durgin Trust fund account.  Ann Marie also confirmed that there is actually $55,000 available in the George Durgin Trust fund at the present time.  Also, it was confirmed that through conduit the present computer server will service all three departments.

Chair Keeney then called on Judy Barber who was concerned about Police compliance issues and wanted to know how that is being handled at the present time.  Chief Warn explained that at present he calls on other Police Departments for use of space when needed.

John Whitney was recognized by Chair Keeney to speak and he stated that the statutes state that the Town Clerk’s responsibility is to “safe guard Town records”.  He voiced that he did not feel the basement of the present Police Department was a correct environment for record storage since a large sum of money has already been spent preserving records.  Mr. Whitney also expressed that he felt the Board was treating the Town Clerk like she is a Town employee and he stated, “The Town Clerk is not your employee”.  It was stated that a vault would be built as part of the renovation of the building.

Chair Keeney then called on Cliff Barber (a Building Committee member) who explained that some people in Town are accusing the Building Committee of making the reallocation of office space changes.  He expressed that that there were two issues here. One being, the process used to come to the reallocation decision was not transparent and felt the Building Committee should have been informed so when questions were presented to them they would be well versed on the reallocation rather than not having any information.  Mr. Barber expressed that he felt the process has been “flawed”. The other issue, of course, is being the actual decision itself. He expressed concern about growth for the two departments and inquired on the bank loan rate which was confirmed at the lowest rate the Town has ever received at a percentage rate of 2.28%.  Mr. Barber did acknowledge the savings and acknowledged he was in favor of the decision; however, he wanted to express his concerns with the process by which the determination was made and he felt there seems to be a “trust issue” now caused from the “flaw” in the process.

Selectman Morgan was recognized to speak by Chair Keeney.  Selectman Morgan indicated that he didn’t realize the Board had to report back to the Building Committee.  Selectman Morgan also indicated that the growth rate anticipated is for 20 years as there seemed to be a discrepancy in the growth rate amount.  Selectman Davis confirmed the 20 year growth rate and stated that the Board was grateful for the Building Committee getting the Town to the present state regarding the new municipal building; however, the Building Committee’s job has now been completed.  Selectman Davis also commented on that fact that the time frame that the Board was working under was very short and they did the best they could with the time they had to inform all necessary individuals.

Chair Keeney called on Dick Giehl who expressed, from the standpoint of his position as Moderator, he was concerned about “voters’ intent” which the voters voted on at Town Meeting and has now been revised.  He stated he has a call into the Attorney General’s Office for comment on this issue and he was told he would hear back from the Attorney General’s Office on June 28th.

Chair Keeney also recognized George Cavicchi who expressed that he didn’t understand how 5 Selectman could change what the voters voted on without another public vote.

Chair Keeney then called on Gerry Rienzo who also expressed that the plans voted on at Town Meeting have been changed and he expressed concern as to “how do we know what we are voting on?”, as the Article presented at Town Meeting did not designate these changes.

Chair Keeney recognized Linda Dupere who stated it is a “no brainer” after considering the cost savings factor and she thanked the Board for seeing this savings before thousands of dollars were spent.

Greg Jencks was recognized by Chair Keeney to speak and he expressed that the Board is voted in by the public with the anticipation to do a good job for the Town and he is sorry that the Board is being “beat up this evening” because he feels the Board is doing an excellent job.

Chair Keeney then called on Charles Brosseau who also felt that the Board is doing a good job and commended the Board on making the decision to save the Town money.

Chair Keeney called on Robert Pulsifer who expressed that the intent of the public was what was presented at Town Meeting and when it was changed it was not fully disclosed to the public.  He also expressed that for this reason he was ashamed of the Board and that “they know better”.

Chris Kelly was recognized by Chair Keeney and he thanked the Board for saving the Town money and supports the Board in their decision, especially with the anticipated growth rate.

Chair Keeney then called on Police Chief Warn who explained that Kelley Bolger was not able to attend this meeting due to a family emergency, but Chief Warn expressed that he wanted to point out that Kelley is not the “bad guy” and is working extremely hard for the Town.  Chief Warn explained that this whole idea came forward when he asked Kelley (as Clerk of the Works) if there would be a room available at the new Municipal facility that could accommodate the Police Department when needed.  It was then that the needs of the Police Department and  the floor plan of the new Building was reviewed by Kelley for the possibility for changes and the costs that would be anticipated.  After review, Kelley presented the information that he had gathered to the Board to either disregard or to consider.  Chief Warn explained that he did not know about the Board’s decision until very recently.  Chief Warn expressed that there was no conspiracy going on here even though his officers have been approached by the public on this issue.  Chief Warn then gave a little history on the present Police Department Building indicating that the building is strong and safe.  Chief Warn also added that his staff will continue to do a good job for the Town wherever the Town decides to house the Department.

Chair Keeney recognized George Wright who inquired if the new plans will be available to the public and if so, when.  Chair Keeney indicated that as soon as the Board receives the plans they would be available to the public.

Chair Keeney called on Karen Rienzo who confirmed that sometimes there are up to 12 people in line in the Town Clerk/Tax Collector’s Office.  She also expressed her concern and was upset about having to leave the building while waiting on a customer to go outside to get to the entrance of the basement to reach the vault.  There was then discussion concerning the entranceway to the basement being changed so that access could be reached inside.

At 8:00 p.m. Chair Keeney declared the public forum and Selectmen’s Meeting adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,

Eleanor M. Dewey,

Office Assistant to Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator