Conservation Commision 5.9.2012

Campton Conservation Commission  Meeting minutes For May 9, 2012; 7:30pm


Members present:  Jane Kellogg, Jules Doner, Lea Stewart, Tammy Wooster

Others present: Audrey Eisenhauer, from the Margaret and H.J. Rey Center


1)      Minutes:

Jane suggested that we have a copy of past meeting minutes to reference at our meetings Tammy said she would create a minutes notebook which we will keep in the CC filing cabinet.

Jane made a motion to accept the April meeting minutes. Lea seconded the motion and all were in favor.

2)      Rey Center Nature Nights Program:

Jane explained a recent development in the new Rey Center Nature Nights program to the group. She was contacted by Ann Marie who said that the Select Board read our minutes and had concerns over the recent CC vote to make a $500 expenditure in support of the program. Jane attended the May 30th Select Board meeting and explained the specifics of the program to the board. The Select Board were in favor of the program but consensus was that they did not think the CC should make a $500 expenditure to a non-profit organization and that they themselves have avoided making these types of expenditures especially in the current economic climate.

The group maintains that this is an appropriate Conservation Fund expenditure, particularly since it is an educational project to be implemented by professionals and made available to Campton residents for free. NH Conservation commissions regularly make expenditures for these types of educational programs. Additionally, the expenditure amounts to less than 1 % of the current Conservation Fund balance. Discussion turned to possible alternative funding sources.  In light of the fact that there is an imminent timeline and the CC has made a commitment of support to the Rey Center, all agreed that the project should move forward as planned, but with an alternate funding plan.

Jules made a motion that given the Select Boards recommendation, the CC will try to secure sponsorships to help fund the Nature Nights program. Additionally, if sponsorships fall short of the $500 committed to the Rey Center, the CC will contribute the remaining amount from the Conservation Fund. In the meantime, the CC will seek advice from the Local Government center to verify and support our belief that this is a legitimate expenditure. Jane seconded the motion and all were in favor. A list of potential sponsors was generated and CC member assignments were made. All agreed that sponsorships should be paid directly to the Rey Center, and sponsors will be told that their donations will be tax deductible. Audrey confirmed that any money collected throughout the 8 week program from non-resident suggested donations will go back into the Conservation Fund. A June 1st deadline was set to secure sponsors so that they can be acknowledged in any promotional materials.


3)      Bog Pond Outreach letter:

On April 25th, the CC held a work session to begin an outreach effort to Bog Pond area landowners. Since Jules was unable to make the work session, Jane brought him up to date on the project and explained that we are targeting Bog Pond area landowners to begin a conversation and get a feel for what their conservation thoughts might be.  Bog Pond was chosen as an area of focus since it was identified as having a high conservation value by the NH Fish & Game’s Wildlife Action Plan. At the work session tax maps were consulted and a list of landowner names was generated. Since the work session, Lea has created a landowner database and Tammy drafted a letter and questionnaire which was circulated before tonight’s meeting. All reviewed the letter and made edits.  Lea will research pricing for photocopying the questionnaire on cardstock, and Jane will work on creating a new CC letterhead. Tammy will finalize and circulate the letter and we will address the letters for sending at our next work session on May 23rd, 7pm at Jane’s house. Once the letter is finalized, a copy will be given to Ann Marie to share with the SelectBoard.

4)      Planning Board Update:
Jane recently attended a Planning Board work session to learn more about the proposed hotel/conference center/indoor water park project. Jane reported that the project is quite extensive and is being developed by Apollo Global Management which recently purchased Gray Wolf Resorts. The project as proposed will have its own sewer complex, water tank and possibly underground parking. Tom Mullen is assisting the developer in working through the state and local permit system. Jane said that she was under the impression that the businesses within the resort such as restaurants may not be open to the general public. Nothing was decided at the work session, but rather it was learned that the project location would straddle two zoning types, resort residential and commercial. The project will have to adhere to whichever zoning type that has the more stringent requirements, and various impact studies have been requested. Jane requested that environmental impact studies also be completed.

5)      Mail:

Two Forestry Notifications were opened and filed.

6)      FYI:

  1. Water Conference:  

Tammy attended the 2012 DES Drinking Water Source Protection conference on May 5th, courtesy of her employer. She learned about the prevalence of arsenic in NH groundwater which is reported as being present in 20% of private wells. The newest research suggests that the current safe drinking water standard needs to be lowered. Tammy also learned of a newly emerging contaminant called 1,4 Dioxane which is showing up in NH groundwater and is a known carcinogen. The contaminant forms as an impurity in the manufacturing of many personal care products and will likely be regulated in the near future.

  1. Saving Special Places Conference:

Jane attended this conference and came away with resources that we can we can potentially use in our landowner outreach efforts. The new NH Wetlands Mapper can be used for conservation planning around wetlands. Jane also attended a Local Fundraising for Conservation projects session, where she learned of ways to secure more money for large conservation projects to supplement Conservation funds.

  1. PRLAC

Jane reported that Lisa Morin from the Belknap County Conservation District spoke at the last PRLAC meeting about a new outreach campaign.  The Upper Merrimac Watershed was recently identified as 4th in the state at risk from changes due to development, and landowners along the river are being targeted for outreach. An informational meeting and supper will be held at the Jellystone Campground in Ashland on June 21st.  Jane suggested that we all share this information with known Pemi River landowners.

Before the meeting was adjourned, Jules asked whether we should be considering dismantling the PCP Blanchard House.  All agreed this is something to plan for at some point, but maybe after the pumpkin patch project is complete, since the project may spur other ideas for use of the building.

Meeting adjourned: 0920 pm

Next meeting June 13th, 2012 7:30pm


Respectfully submitted,

Tammy Wooster