BOS Meeting Minutes 07.09.2012


The Board of Selectmen met for their weekly meeting at 6:30 p. m. at the Campton Town Office.  Present were Selectmen, Charles Wheeler, Charles Cheney, Craig Keeney, Sharon Davis and Marsh Morgan.  The Board signed the manifest and reviewed the bills.  They signed 1 Notice of Intent to Cut, 3 Building Permits, 1 Health Officer Nomination, 1 Local River Management Advisory Committee Nomination and 1 letter to the Campton Postmaster.

Members of the public who were in attendance at this meeting were: Kevin Joyce, Audrey Johnson, Heidi Johnson and Police Chief Warn.

At 6:45 p.m. Chair Keeney called the meeting to order and called for a Motion to approve the Minutes of the Meeting on 6/25/2012.  After a revision made by Selectman Davis and Selectman Wheeler, Selectman Morgan made a Motion to approve the revised Minutes. The Motion was seconded by Selectman Wheeler, and the revised Minutes were unanimously approved.

Chair Keeney then called on Ann Marie to review correspondence.  Ann Marie indicated a letter was received acknowledging receipt of the letter sent to Premier of Quebec, Mr. Jean Charest, signed by the Board voicing their concerns regarding the Northern Pass Project.  The response letter acknowledged that Mr.Charest is under the mandate of Mr. Clement Gignac, Minister of Natural Resources and Wildlife, and that a copy of the Board’s letter was being forwarded to him for his consideration.

A letter was received from Time Warner Cable indicating that certain local stations may be lost, i.e. WMUR and Ann Marie reminded Selectman Cheney (as Chairman of the Cable Committee) that a public hearing has to be held before December regarding the negotiations of the cable contract.

A letter was received from Attorney John Curran regarding the case of Steve Dunshee v. Town of Campton and Robert Burhoe, Sr. notifying the Town that the case is being set for trial for January 2013 and he needs to set up a meeting with the Fire Chief and the Road Agent to acquire more information so he can file a summary judgment motion in order to seek dismissal of the Town in this case.

Beverly Chappel sent the statistics regarding the notice the Public Hearing scheduled 6/25/12.  239 e-mails were sent, and 101 of the e-mails were opened and 41 were returned with no longer valid e-mail addresses.

Primex sent notification of a credit of $10,337.71 due the Town as the Town qualifies for their “Premium Holiday” requirements concerning the workers’ compensation premium.

North Country Public Safety Foundation sent a nomination form for submission for their 5th Annual North Country Public Safety Foundation Awards that Ann Marie will pass on to Fire Chief Tobine and Police Chief Warn for their review and possible submission.

Ann Marie indicated that the next Loss Safety Committee Meeting will be held on July 18th, at 2:00 p.m. and Wynette DeGroot will be giving additional training on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace (a mandatory training that the Local Government Center (LGC) advises the Town to do once a year).   Ann Marie also stated that the LGC also sent her a thank letter for participating in the LGC focus group meeting that was recently held in Plymouth.

A letter was received from NH Division of Historical Resources stating that the Norman & Marion Perry House (now owned by the Demers) in Campton will soon be considered by the NH State Historical Resources Council for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places.

The Campton Historical Society newsletter was received and it was noted that the members of the Campton Old Home Day Committee are making plans for the annual Old Home Day event to be held on August 4th.

Attorney Spector-Morgan sent a copy of the Town’s Objection to Motion for Intervention and Other Relief regarding the matter of the Town, JFF/SWF LLC and Beebe River Village District.

Southern NH Elderly Housing has now provided further information and financial documentation regarding a tax exemption request and Attorney Spector-Morgan has reviewed this documentation.  It is now Attorney Spector-Morgan’s reverse opinion (after reviewing additional documentation that SNHED provided) that unless the Town wants to be a test case regarding this matter, the Town should grant the exemption at this time.  Selectman Morgan mentioned that when SNHEH went before the Planning Board it was the Planning Board’s understanding that they would be paying property taxes.  Selectman Morgan will have May review the Minutes of the Planning Board.  Also, Ann Marie stated she has placed a call to Sam Greene at the DRA concerning this matter. The Board agreed to wait until they hear from the DRA before making any decisions.

There being no further correspondence, Chair Keeney then called on Sean James and Matt Moore regarding the Blair Bridge Project.  Mr. James informed the Board that they are now in the final design stage and all permits are in order and they are working on the right-of-way certificate.  Mr. James also stated the deadline for the final plans is August 24th, and they should be on schedule to go out for bid by the middle of September.

There was then discussion pertaining to signage on Route 93 to divert traffic to help alleviate a local traffic problem that Sean James will check into.  It was also suggested by Selectman Davis that the business owners of the Country Cow be invited to a Selectmen’s meeting to keep them informed on the project.  Chair Keeney also stated that the Board has made some suggested changes to the design and requested an update from Sean James on these issues.  Some of these discussed changes were:  how necessary the stainless rods are as opposed to a more economical material, the sprinkler system (using plastic, black iron or galvanized pipe), the siding, (making use of old siding vs. new).  The Board decided on new. The other changes were the possibility of narrowing the windows (the Board agreed) and there was also discussion regarding the “head knocker”.  Sean James will inquire with the state on the clearance requirements.  There was also discussion about a sink hole in the vicinity of the bridge (which was confirmed by Chief Warn) that needs to be addressed by the State.

Sean James also discussed the possibility of the Town also getting an easement on the West Shore (where foot traffic already exists) for possibly light equipment or just manpower.  Also, Selectman Morgan suggested staking the boundaries.  There was discussion about the on-site position (a 32-34 hours a week position overseeing the project).  Sean James stated the cost of this position is figured in the quote and it will be listed as a separate line item.

Sean informed the Board that 12 requests were received to apply for the construction project; however 8 were submitted, 3 did not meet the requirements and there are now 6 to review.  The Board agreed, along with Matt Moore, that Matt would make the calls on all references who submitted Prequalifications and he will get back to the Board in two weeks and then the Board will meet with Sean again to go forward with prequalification process.  The Board then thanked Mr. James and Mr. Moore for coming.

The Board then met with Matt Moore for further discussion. Mr. Moore discussed his concern for “saving money” and he was questioning whether or not the Board would be in need of any further services from him.  The Board decided that they would like to have Mr. Moore continue on board with the project and Mr. Moore agreed to do so.  Mr. Moore stated that he would discuss the 32-34 hour position more fully with Sean James.

At 7:55 p.m. the Board met with Kelly Bolger regarding an update on the Town Office Building.  Mr. Bolger informed the Board that when excavation began it was discovered that the site has stumps, asphalt, concrete and piping in the area.  Excavating was then stopped and a geo-technical engineer was called in to look at the site.  After digging 5 test pits the conclusion was that in order to have the area meet “virgin soil status”  some compaction soil needed to be hauled in and other soil on the site can be sifted.  Kelly will have a change order ready for signature this week in the amount of $36,000.00.  It is also confirmed that this amount is within the budget.  The Board agreed that either Chair Keeney or Selectman Davis (whoever is available) will have authorization to sign the change order.  Selectman Davis informed the Board that she now has more time available to assist with the building project and is willing to do so.

Kelly Bolger also updated the Board on the Fire Department meeting.  He indicated that Chief Tobine completed the grant for air apparatus for 100%.  The new ambulance grant in the amount of $200,000 is complete and the total contribution from each Town will be $13,000.   The Board then thanked Kelly for coming.

At 8:10 p.m. Selectman Davis made a Motion to go into Non public Session under RSA 91-A: 3, ll (b) regarding a personnel matter.  Selectman Wheeler seconded the Motion and with a roll call vote:  Selectman Davis – aye, Selectman Morgan – aye, Selectman Wheeler – aye, Selectman Cheney – aye, and Selectman Keeney – aye, the Board went into Non Public Session. At 8:20 p.m. the Board came out of Non Public Session and the Minutes were sealed.

Chair Keeney then continued the meeting with Other Business – Selectmen’s Input.  Selectman Davis inquired on the status of the wage study.  Ann Marie indicated that it was put on hold and the Board now agreed to commence with the wage study.

Ann Marie indicated that Butch Bain’s lap top came in and Kurt was able to get a good price for it.

Chair Keeney then called on Audrey Johnson, a Hebron resident and mother of Hannah Joyce, Town Clerk/Tax Collector.  Audrey indicated that the Board made a decision for “repurposing” of the new Town Office building in the amount of “over a million dollars” without holding a special Town meeting and the public is furious.  Audrey asked the Board to reconsider and schedule a special Town meeting or she would do it by Petition from the public.  Audrey also stated that if the Board does not do something, “you are in for a fight.”   The Board then explained that they did consult with Town Attorney before any “repurposing” decision was made and it was confirmed that they had the authority to do so.  Selectman Cheney indicated that the Board meets every other Monday night throughout the summer and the public is certainly invited to express their opinions as they were at the forum held on 6/25/12.  Selectman Wheeler indicated that he has personally spoken with a number of residents and while at first they were not in favor of the “repurposing”, they did in the end change their minds after further discussion as to the reasons for the Board’s decision and agreed it is in the best interest of the Town.  Chair Keeney reiterated that an inquiry was made with the Town Attorney before the decision was made as to whether or not the Board had the authority to make the “repurposing” decision and the Town Attorney confirmed that they did have authority.

Audrey Johnson also inquired if the Town had a resume on file for Kelly Bolger.  Mr. Bolger is volunteering his services and has an extensive background in the field.

There being no further business, Chair Keeney declared the meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Eleanor M. Dewey,

Office Assistant to Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator