Fire Commission Meeting Minutes 04.9.2012

Campton-Thornton Fire Commission  Meeting Minutes  April 9, 2012

Meeting called to order by Chairman Jim Demeritt at 1600 hrs.

Commission members present= Jim, Niles Downing, Dick Giehl, Kelly Bolger.  Lou Klotz absent work related. Also present Chief Tobine, Deputy Chief Ian Halm and Lt. Phil Defosses

Old Business:  Ambulance income report for previous month=  Campton- $7,826.42, Thornton- $5127.66, Ellsworth- 539.75  Total:  $13,493.83

Chief Tobine reported that the AutoPulse CPR machine was back in service. 4 new batteries replaced by the company.

Apparatus and fleet vehicles had their State inspections.  This was more costly than usual as repairs were necessary for some vehicles. All work has been completed.

The Ambulance needed ball joints. Other issues were covered by warranty.

There is still some interior paint work and other minor work to do to complete the station renovation project.

There was a furnace problem in the Thornton station Thursday (4-4-12) and it was down for 2 days,

New Business: Chief Tobine will be attending a weekend class on Juvenile Fire setters at the State Fire Academy 4-14 and 15, 2012.

Also, Chief Tobine and Lt. Defosses will attend a 2 day course on Fire Codes 4-24 +25 at the Academy.

At this time, a motion to go into non-public session was made by Jim and seconded by Kelly and approved unanimously at 1615 hrs. to discuss a personnel matter.

Resumed public session at 1625 hrs. A motion was made by Jim and seconded by Kelly to seal the  minutes of the non-public session which was approved unanimously.

A motion to adjourn was made  by Dick and 2’nd by Jim  and passed unanimously at 1628 hrs.

Respectfully submitted,

Niles Downing

The April 9,2012 minutes were read and approved at the May 14, 2012 Commissioners meeting with the addition of the last sentence prior to adjournment regarding sealing the minutes of the non public session.    ND 5-14-12