BOS Meeting Minutes 04.02.2012


The Board of Selectmen met for their weekly meeting at 6:30 p. m. at the Campton Town Office.  Present were, Selectmen, Charles Cheney, Craig Keeney, Charles Wheeler and Marsh Morgan.  Selectman Sharon Davis was not present because of a conflict in schedule. The Board signed the manifest and reviewed the bills.  They signed 1 Notice of Intent to Cut, 1 Application for Current Use, 1 letter to the Clerk of the Works for the new Town Office Building, 2 Elderly Exemptions and 1 Building Permit.

Members of the public who were present at the meeting, but not on the agenda were James McGarr and Kelly Bolger.

At 6:45 p.m. Chair Keeney called on Senator Jeannie Forrester as their first appointment for the evening.  Senator Forrester explained that she wanted to give the Board an update on State issues and encouraged any thoughts or questions from the Board.  The big challenge she explained was balancing the budget the first session then focusing on jobs and assisting businesses with ideas for more cost effective methods for operating their businesses.  Also, a Certification Program has been established in an effort to assist Road Mangers whereby individuals are trained and certified to perform certain road repairs (such as culvert work) and at no charge to the Towns.

When the Senator asked if there were any concerns, the Board expressed the on going concerns of Northern Pass.  Senator Forrester expressed that this is her #1 priority as it will affect 60% of the communities she represents.  She did indicate that the State did block the eminent domain issue and they are working with an Energy Task Force on issues such as underground portals.  Senator Forrester encouraged the Board to discuss with their State representatives as to where they stood on the Northern Pass issue.  Senator Forrester also informed the Board to feel free to call her with any issues or concerns.  The Board thanked Senator Forrester for coming.

Chair Keeney then called on Sean James of Hoyle & Tanner and Matt Moore regarding the Blair Bridge Project.  Sean brought the Board up-to-date as to what has been accomplished so far and that everything is on schedule.  He did state that the Shoreland Water Protection Act Application has been rejected and he is working with the State and didn’t feel that it was going to be a problem.  Sean also stated that the Final Design approval has been received from the State and the DES Wetlands Permit is “all squared away”.

Chair Keeney explained that the Board had concerns about grouping the pre-qualification process with the Bath Village Covered Bridge Project.  The revised pre-qualification documents (which eliminated the Bath Project) were distributed to the Board this evening.  After discussion with Sean James, Matt Moore and the Board it was agreed that Sean would take out the sub contractors, add Matt Moore’s changes (which were e-mailed to Sean and distributed to the Board) and make additional changes pertaining to experience of potential contractors.  Sean will then, once again, present the revised pre-qualifications to the Board for their review.

Ann Marie indicated that at the Certification class that she attended, it was noted that a State Certified Appraiser needed to be hired concerning the value to be calculated for the easement.  Sean James explained that if the Town of Campton is willing to pay the minimum value, then an appraiser was not necessary; however, the property owner should be made aware that an appraiser could be used.

Chair Keeney then called for a Motion to approve the Minutes of the last meeting.  Selectman Morgan then made a Motion to approve the Minutes as presented.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Wheeler and the Minutes were approved as presented.

Chair Keeney then called on Ann Marie to review correspondence.  Ann Marie indicated that a notice was received from St. Jean Auctioneers regarding a NH Surplus Property Auction scheduled for Saturday, May 19, 2012, at the White Farm, 144 Clinton St., Concord.

An Open House invitation was received from the Grafton County Department of Corrections inviting the Board to the ceremony of the new corrections facility to be held on Sunday, May 6, 2012 from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

David Tobine sent a copy of a letter he sent to the Campton Water Precinct regarding the flow test results for the new hydrants for precinct insurance classification purposes. Mr. Tobine explained that this information was first requested last year at the Precinct Pre-construction hearing and he still does not have the results.  At this point, James McGarr, (a member of the public attending this meeting), also expressed concerns about the Precinct’s project with regard to quality of the water at the school, and when the sidewalk and entrance way will be completed.  The Board acknowledged that they need to get a completion date from the Precinct and confirmation that all hydrants are in working order.

Ann Marie indicated that Attorney Walter Mitchell responded to the Board’s question on the snow plow bidding question and whether the town was tied to a three year obligation.  It is Attorney Mitchell’s believe that the town is bound for the three years, “… as long as the contractor continues to perform his contract duties adequately.”   Ann Marie further read to the Board Attorney Mitchell’s complete explanation.

Ann Marie stated that a letter was received from Dr. Tracy Robinson-Wood, a property owner at 182 Windmill Road who expressed her concerns about the disrepair of the dirt roads this spring.  She specifically stated in the letter the following problems:   emergency repairs that needed to be done to her husband’s automobile due to navigating the dirt roads; noted problems that visiting friends had with two small children in the car when attempting to get to her home; her recent experience of trying to get her sick child to the doctor forcing her to add 15 minutes to her travel time in an emergency situation.   Dr. Robinson-Wood concluded that “every single year” they have to contend with difficult road conditions, and she requested that Windmill Road and Lower Beech Hill Road be paved.

At this point, Butch Bain, Road Agent, presented a letter from the McGrath family, property owners at 203 Windmill Road who commended the Highway Department for the excellent job performed during the recent mud season.  The McGrath’s also commented that this was their first experience with mud season in New Hampshire.

Ann Marie informed the Board that May Brosseau approached the Zoning and Planning Board members regarding their interest in continuing in their capacities as some member’s terms are expiring this year.  All three individuals expressed their desire to remain Board members.  After discussion, the Board agreed that they would like Ann Marie to only advertise for the 1 Fire Commissioner position and 2 Conservation Commissioner positions and the Planning and Zoning Board members will remain the same with alternates in place.

Ann Marie indicated that she had two versions of the new Personnel Policy on Visitors in the Workplace for the Board to review.  (One version that she drafted and one version that Laura Spector, Town Attorney drafted).  After review by the Board, a Motion was then made by Selectman Wheeler to adopt the Personnel Policy on Visitors in the Workplace presented by the Town Attorney.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan and the policy was unanimously adopted.

Ann Marie also stated that Hannah Joyce, Town Clerk/Tax Collector requested the extra key be returned to her. Ann Marie has had the key for past few years so Kurt could obtain access to server plus phone and alarm boxes are in her office.  The Board agreed that they are responsible for all Town Offices and need access to all of them, and therefore, will keep the key for that purpose.

Chair Keeney then called on Butch Bain, Road Agent to review costs pertaining to the mud season.  Spreadsheets were distributed to the Board by Ann Marie.  Butch explained that it would cost $32,000.00 to top dress Bog Road down to Sugar Bush with 6 inches of material.  Selectman Cheney suggested that a roller be used first to work in the stone as much as possible before applying the top dressing.  Butch will get a quote on renting a roller.  Butch also indicated that sections of Windmill Road will also need to be done bringing the cost up to almost $50,000.00.  Selectman Morgan asked Butch which roads he planned to pave this year.  Butch stated that he planned on paving Colonel Spencer Road, Beaver Brook Road and Parker Road.  The Board discussed and arrived at a solution to use funds out of the Highway Department Budget (even though it is over budget in some areas due to the mud season) and the Capital Reserve account.  The mud season this year caused an unexpected expense of almost $80,000.00 in the Highway Department budget.

Chair Keeney then proceeded to Other Business – Selectman Input.  Chair Keeney called on James McGarr who expressed his concerns about the high cost of the voting machine (which he was initially not in favor of purchasing) and high costs of printing of the ballots for the machine.  Mr. McGarr also questioned the procedures concerning the recent re-count of the election of the Road Agent.  He stated, and Kelly Bolger confirmed that the RSA’s state that a written request is required to be submitted by the requesting party and that the party had to pay for the re-count.  Also, Mr. McGarr inquired about his understanding that a Selectman was not allowed to count the votes because she arrived late and was not sworn in and that the Town Moderator had to appoint someone else to take her place.  The Board confirmed Mr. McGarr’s inquiries and he questioned the legality of the re-count under these circumstances.  Selectman Morgan stated that it was Attorney Spector, Town Attorney, who confirmed that another individual would need to be appointed.    Chair Keeney stated that the Board would look into all of Mr. McGarr’s concerns.

Kelly Bolger also presented to the Board thoughts on when they would like to schedule a groundbreaking ceremony for the new Town Office as he will make the necessary arrangements.

At 8:15 p.m. Butch Bain, Road Agent requested that the Board go into Non Public Session.  Selectman Wheeler made the Motion to go into Non Public Session under RSA 91-A: 3ll© regarding a personnel matter.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan and with a roll call vote:  Selectman Morgan – aye, Selectman Wheeler – aye, Selectman Cheney – aye and Selectman Keeney – aye the Board went into Non Public Session at 8:15 p.m.  The Board came out of Non Public Session at 8:25 p.m. and the Minutes were sealed.

There being no further business, Chair Keeney declared the meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Eleanor M. Dewey,

Office Assistant to Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator