BOS Meeting Minutes 03.19.2012

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes for March 19, 2012

The Selectmen met for their regular meeting at 6:30 p.m.  Present were Selectmen Sharon Davis, Marsh Morgan, Jr. Charles Wheeler, Charles Cheney and Craig Keeney.  Also in attendance at the meeting were Butch Bain, Road Agent and Kelly Bolger, Chair of the Building Committee.  Later in the meeting Town Attorney Walter Mitchell joined the meeting.

The Board spent the first 15 minutes reviewing and signing the manifest.  They also approved a Veteran’s Exemption, signed Intent to Cut, a Tax Agreement, and a piece of correspondence to a taxpayer.

At 6:45 p.m. Chair Sharon Davis began the meeting by asking the Board to review last week’s minutes.  She provided some revisions that she would like to suggest.  With a motion from Selectman Morgan, seconded by Selectman Wheeler, the Board approved the minutes with the revisions.

Correspondence was next.  There were only two items in the correspondence folder this week.  A letter from the State of New Hampshire’s Department of Environmental Services to Bill Dauer at the White Mountain National Forest  Service, with a copy to the Town of Campton.  In this letter, DES advised that the Campton Pond Dam has been reclassified from a Significant Hazard Potential to a High Hazard Potential Dam.  Water levels and velocities that could cause failure or misoperation of the dam were cited as a reason to upgrade this potential as well as water levels rising above the first floor elevation of habitable residential, commercial or industrial structures.  The third reason was any circumstances which would result in one or more deaths.   Tropical Storm Irene, and the evacuation of Six Flags Mobile Home Park which experienced flooding in several mobile homes was given as an example as well as similar events in 1936,1938, 1959 and 1987.  The letter advised the White Mountain National Forest that they could appeal this decision.  As a result of discussions with the Federal Emergency Management, it was agreed that Emergency Action Plans need to be reviewed and updated.  The other piece of correspondence was additional emails from Sean James, Engineer for the Blair Bridge Project.  The Board was happy to see that progress was being made with the State, but they were concerned that the pre-qualification for the bids for the contractors to do the work on the bridge, had not been started yet.  The Board asked Ann Marie to contact Sean about this concern.   Ann Marie also asked the Board how they wanted to handle the temporary easements needed to gain access to the river.  The Board suggested that letters be sent to the two property owners along with a copy of the easement, and suggest that they meet with the Board.

The Board then discussed the Selectmen’s assignments for 2012.  Selectman Cheney made a motion to nominate Craig Keeney to be Chairman this year; it was seconded by Sharon Davis, and voted in the affirmative by all.  Selectman Wheeler made a motion to nominate Sharon Davis as Vice-Chair, seconded by Selectman Keeney and voted in the affirmative by all.  The Boards then discussed the different positions on other committees.  Selectmen Keeney and Wheeler will continue to be the Human Resource Committee members.  Selectman Morgan agreed to continue to be the ex-officio for Planning Board, Selectmen Davis and Wheeler will continue to be on the Parks & Recreation Committee, and Selectman Davis will continue on the Building Project  along with Kelly Bolger.  Selectman Wheeler requested that someone else consider being on the Cable Committee.  Selectman Cheney agreed to head this committee.

Selectman Wheeler then made a motion to go into Non Public Session under RSA 91-A: 3, ll c for a Personnel issue. A roll call vote was taken and all voted in the affirmative to go into Non Public Session.

The Board came out of Non Public Session at approximately 8 p.m.  Selectman Davis made a motion to seal the minutes, seconded by Selectman Morgan with roll call vote, all voted in the affirmative to seal the Non Public minutes.

At this point, the Board request Attorney Walter Mitchell to explain the recount procedure as none of the Board Members had participated in one before.  He indicated that the Board of Selectmen, the Town Clerk and the Moderator participate in this count.  Each candidate was allowed to have one observer to be able to oversee the count.  This observer could be themselves, their attorney or anyone that they choose to do this.  The public is allowed at the count, but cannot participate, and has to stay within an area designated by the Moderator.  Selectman Wheeler indicated that he cannot be available at 5 p.m. due to work commitments.  Attorney Mitchell indicated that he would send an email to Ann Marie tomorrow to better clarify the procedure after reviewing the State Statutes.

Under other business, Selectman Morgan proposed that Kelly Bolger be appointed the Clerk of the Works for the new Town Office Building.  Mr. Bolger has offered to do this at no cost, and has extensive experience in this field.  He only requests that upon completion of the project that the Board gives him a letter of recommendation.  All Board Members agreed, and thanked Kelly for his services.

With no other business to be discussed, a motion was made by Selectman Keeney, seconded by Marsh Morgan to adjourn.  Motion passed, meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Ann Marie Foote                                                                                                                                                                          Town Administrator