Fire Commission Minutes 02.13.2012

Campton-Thornton Fire Commission Meeting Minutes  February 13, 2012

Meeting Called to order at 1605 hrs. by Chairman Jim Demeritt.

Members present-  Jim Demeritt, Lou Klotz, Dick Giehl, Niles Downing and Kelly Bolger   Also present were Chief Tobine and Deputy Chief Ian Halm.

Ambulance income from January   Campton:  $4162.24, Thornton: $ 2726.99, Ellsworth: $ 287.05

Total $7,176.28

Reading of the minutes from December 12,2012 and January 9, 2012 were read and approved with minor corrections. Passed unanimously.

Lou requested that copies of the minutes be forwarded to the Thornton office at

Old business:  The new floor grates have been installed in the Thornton station.

A lot of progress has been mad renovating the Campton Fire Station. The Chief will soon have his own office. The bathroom, day room, dormitory and storage areas are coming along nicely.  There have been several weekend work sessions besides what gets done  during the week by the day crew and contractors. Most of the work is being done by volunteers. Some pre-existing structural damage has been uncovered fortunately and repaired.  A special thanks to the volunteers that are helping to make this project possible. Also a special thanks to the Durgin family for their generosity with the Durgin Trust.

Chief Tobine is concerned with some parking lot issues, particularly the drainage or lack there-of. .

Jim revised the Thornton procurement policy  to be more  in line with  the purchasing practices of the Fire Commission.  This will be reviewed by the Commissioners  by next meeting.

The meeting with the Selectboards of Campton, Thornton and Ellsworth to finalize the budget went well and the budget next goes before the voters.

New Business:  The NHMA requested  the treasurer  for the CTFD (Becky) to provide  the  Auditors with insurance information.  Chairman Demeritt signed the authorization.

March is State inspection month for apparatus. Two trucks will need brakes and rear springs.

Chief Tobine reported that the department has had a rash of cardiac arrest calls lately.  They had one save, which is always  a reason to cheer.

Motion to adjourn was made by Jim, seconded by Lou.  Passed unanimously at 1635 hrs.

Respectfully submitted,   Niles Downing.