Conservation Commission Minutes 01.11.12

Campton Conservation Commission  Meeting Minutes For January 11, 2012


CCC Members Present:  Jules Doner, Jane Kellogg, Lea Stewart, Tammy Wooster


The Town Office meeting room was occupied at 7pm and so we met briefly in the space between the meeting room and the Town Clerk’s office. The January CCC meeting date was mistakenly written as the 18th, not the 11th on the meeting room calendar. Jules made a motion to approve the December meeting minutes and Tammy seconded the motion. All were in favor.


2012 Budget:  Lea reported that she and Jane presented the proposed 2012 CCC budget to the Select Board on January 9th with a modest dues increase of $10.00 from last year.   Ann Marie had asked how much  from the 2011 budget will be returned to the General Fund and Lea reported the amount as $32.00.


The meeting adjourned from the other room and Marsh Morgan asked the CCC if they had a key to lock up. Melissa, who has the key, was not present so we had to leave so that Marsh could lock up.


The last few minutes focused on two items requiring action by the end of the month. Jane offered to begin drafting the 2011 annual report and will e-mail Melissa for last year’s template. Tammy will review the 2011 minutes and send Jane a list of noteworthy topics. Jane will contact Mary Durgin for an exact Conservation Fund dollar amount to report.


Jane proposed that we schedule a final work session to prepare for the Jan. 30th Public Hearing. We will meet on Thurs., Jan 19th; 7pm at the Town Office. Tammy wrote the date on the meeting room calendar. Lea will talk with the Pemi-Baker Land Trust to ask for a real example of a land deal that used Conservation Fund money from a town not named as the easement holder. All agreed that there was a possible example in Rumney.  Tammy will send an e-mail reminding all of the work session and also ask Melissa if she can forward her PowerPoint presentation if she can’t make the meeting.


Meeting adjourned: 7:48pm.

Next Meeting:  Wed., February 8th 7pm