BOS Public Hearing Minutues 2.15.2012





FEBRUARY 15, 2012

The Campton Board of Selectmen met at the Campton Historical Society Building for hearings on the Blair Bridge Project Bond, the proposed new Town Office Building Bond and the 2012 Proposed Budget.  Members of the Board present for this meeting were:  Selectmen Sharon Davis, Craig Keeney and Marsh Morgan.

At 6:30 p.m. Chair Davis called the meeting to order for the first public hearing regarding the Bond for the Blair Bridge.  Chair Davis turned the meeting over to Selectman Keeney.  Selectman Keeney referred to a copy of the Project Overview which everyone this evening should have a copy of.  He went down the overview giving an update as to what has transpired so far with the project.  Selectman Keeney further explained that the budget for the project is $619,900.00 over the original estimate.  Selectman Keeney explained that this overage has occurred  because of a pier scour protecting cost of  $353,300.00, which is an item the state added to the restoration plan, and the fact that the Town has been “forced by the State” to go into a Design Bid Built process which increases costs and  also increases engineering costs.  The portion of the overage that the Town will be responsible for is $123,980.00 (after anticipating Federal Grant Money and State Aid).  There was discussion about not performing the pier scour protection; however the option is not good as the Town would have to pay for the entire Pier Scour Protection of $353,300.00 if the process were postponed to a future date.  Other eliminations were also discussed such as lighting – $35,000, Protectowire – $35,000.00 and Sprinkler – $94,000.00.  Selectman Keeney stated that with the numerous delays involving the State, the project is behind; however it is hoped that construction will begin in the year 2013 with the anticipation of the bridge closed for that entire year.  At this point there was some discussion and a few questions from the public and then this first public hearing for the evening was completed.

After a short break, at 7:00 p.m. Chair Davis moved on to the second hearing to discuss the issue of a Bond in the amount of $950,000.00 for the construction of a new Town Office Building, which amount will be in addition to approximately $513,000.00 from the Municipal Buildings Capital Reserve to construct the building. Chair Davis then began the Power Point presentation by acknowledging staff, the Building Committee members and the public who have been working hard on this project.  Chair Davis went on to present the “Community Need” for this project being:

  • Projected population increase of 24% in the next 20 years
  • Increased impact on operations from growth; i.e. auto registrations building permits and fire calls
  • Projected staffing increases

Chair Davis went on to define the “General Findings” of the staff and Building Committee for the obvious needs for the new building:

  • Lack of space (storage, meetings, break time, privacy issue, and  projects
  • Safety and health issues
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Postponement of regular maintenance over the years which is now hurting the Town of Campton
  • Aging heating systems
  • Energy costs due to old equipment (electricity and oil)
  • Parking issues
  • Locations of buildings are centralized


Chair Davis continued to present “Core Recommendations” from the Building Committee’s studies:

  • The town should take an incremental approach rather than a “big bank” approach so that the buildings may be prioritized in the following order:

1.  Town Offices – full replacement

2.   Police Station – full replacement/merger with Fire Station footprint

3.   Fire Station – expansion


  • Chair Davis explained that the Town should take advantage of the already paid for Pike property (owned debt clear) and use it to create a complex for the 3 functions and the town garage; shared infrastructure (water/sewer).


Chair Davis further discussed “Construction Goals Developed”

  • Take a long term view – anticipating the building will be sufficient for 20 to 30 years
  • Cluster buildings if possible
  • Keep tax impact low
  • Energy efficiency
  • Water efficiency
  • Safe work environment
  • Healthy work environment
  • Meetings – Need space for Town Committees, i.e. Selectmen’s Meeting, Planning Board, Zoning Board, Supervisors of the Checklist, Campton Village Precinct, Human Resources, Conservation Committee, Building Committee and Cable Committee.
  • Building Aesthetics in keeping with local architecture, using the Campton Historical Society Building as an example


Chair Davis reviewed the progress of the project from 2007 to the present status:

  • Town has set aside $513,000.00 in Capital Reserve over the last 5 years
  • Went through a construction manager selection process and selected Conneston Construction, Inc.  (CCI) of Laconia, NH
  • Went through detailed budgeting with CCI and value engineering process to finalize budget
  • Joint meeting between Building Committee and Selectmen resulted in agreement to new Town Office plan with project deducts and value engineering

At this point Chair Davis called on Kelly Bolger, Chairman of the Building Committee who discussed the fact that the Committee explored a geothermal heating system and after research with the Forestry Service, it was found that the maintenance of same was quite costly. The plans now are to go with a high efficiency propane boiler.   Kelly also explained the cupola design was revised to save on costs.  Other eliminations to reduce costs consisted of asphalt sidewalks as opposed to cement; irrigation and ceramic tile flooring.  Some other deductions were the projection screen, operable partition in conference room and certain mechanical items.  However, Chair Davis expressed that it is hoped that the operable partition can remain in the plans as it will enable two meetings to be going on at one time (when the need arises).


Chair Davis continued on to list the “Reasons to Bring before Town Now”:


  • Need


-          Existing Town Hall will require investment in heating system, siding, roof, lighting, electrical and mold and mildew mitigation.  Chair Davis indicated that there is water that runs through the present Town Office basement.

-          Minimize utility costs

-          Eliminate rent in Modular ($8,200 a year and high electric bill costs, last month’s electrical bill was $589.00). The cost of operating the present Town Office last year was approximately $34,000.00.

-          Allow moving elections out of school solving security issues and stop school disruption.  Chair Davis called on Chief Warns who elaborated on the problems relating to security issues.

-          May be last year construction costs remain low

-          Borrowing costs are as low as we can expect

-          1st year bond payment is less than the $100,000.00 we have been putting in capital reserve and will go down each year thereafter

-          School Bond will be paid off in 2013.  This figure is running close to $300,000.00 a year.

-          This project by itself will not impact the tax rate


Chair Davis pointed out the “Total Project Cost” as follows:


  • Construction Total                                                                         $1,343,767.00
  • Total Soft Costs Include:  Contingency, testing, kitchen

equipment, office furniture, window treatments, telephone/

data wiring, security system, construction administration                119,000.00

  • Total project cost                                                                           $1,462,767.00
  • Less Capital Reserve                                                                         (513,000.00)


  • Bond Amount                                                                                   $949,767.00



Bond Amount rounded to:  $950,000.00


Chair Davis explained an estimation was prepared by Northway Bank for the Bond for a 15-year period at an estimated interest rate of 3.00%, Estimated 1st payment – $91,833.00 with payments decreasing with each payment with an estimated final payment of $65,233.00


After discussion there were a few questions from the public regarding square footage of the building (which is 8,500 square feet) and an inquiry was made about the present flow of tax revenue coming into the Town because of the concern pertaining to the poor economy.  It was also mentioned that the school has certain plans that were discussed at their proposed budget hearing.


After the conclusion of the bond hearing for the Town Office Building, Chair Davis then called on Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator, at 7:45 p.m. to review the 2012 Proposed Town Budget.  Ann Marie stated that copies of the proposed budget were distributed to the public who were present.  Ann Marie pointed out that the bottom line figure reflects that the proposed budget is down 1.08% from last year.  Ann Marie explained that she would go down each page and at the end of the page if anyone had any questions they could present them at that time.  Ann Marie went down the pages and briefly explained some of the reasons for increases.  She explained that there is a 53rd pay week this year which accounts for some of the compensation increase.  Also, the Board of Selectmen instituted an employee evaluation performance merit raise policy for all full time and part time year round employees and elected officials who receive full time benefits.  For all employees who participated, the increased compensation ranged from 3.00% to 3.75%.  It was also explained that Town employees have not received an increase in compensation for two years and have experienced a 7% out of pocket cost for their health insurance and their retirement contribution percentage has also increased.  Ann Marie gave recognition to Police Chief Warn for his assistance in the performance appraisal policy process implementation.


After the presentation of the Town Clerk Tax Collector’s budget, Hannah Joyce, Town Clerk/Tax Collector inquired how the $46,750.00 proposed figure was calculated for the Town Clerk/Tax Collector’s wages.  Ann Marie indicated the amount was figured on a 53rd week pay period at the same hourly rate of pay as last year and calculating $1,500.00 for the allowance of 4 elections this year.  At this point, Hannah Joyce respectfully requested that the Board reconsider her hourly rate with a 3.75% increase and the additional time be recalculated for the 4 elections this year.  Hannah Joyce also appealed to the public this evening to compensate her accordingly for her services.  Chair Davis explained to Hannah that a merit raise was not proposed for the Town Clerk/Tax Collector position (as explained to her at the Selectmen’s Meeting on February 6, 2012) because Hannah refused to participate in the performance evaluation process.  Hannah expressed that she, as an elected official, did not need to participate in the performance evaluation process as the public evaluates her performance every three years.  In addition, Chair Davis explained that Ann Marie did the best she could in calculating the additional hours for the 4 elections.  Chair Davis further stated that revised figures for the 4 elections were requested from the Town Clerk/Tax Collector by the Town Administrator but the figures were not forthcoming; hence, the line figure of $46,750.00 was used in the proposed budget.    Another line item that Hannah Joyce questioned was the Executive Secretary’s wage.  Hannah stated a “large increase is shown”.  Ann Marie indicated that in the fall an increase was allotted since the Executive Secretary has taken over many new duties since the Police Chief  began  performing prosecution duties 2 years ago.  It was explained that the Sergeant received an increase in wages for his added duties (at the onset) to relieve the Chief, however, the Executive Secretary had not been compensated until this past fall.


As Ann Marie continued line for line down the proposed budget she noted some overages that occurred (last year)  under Miscellaneous Repairs which were the results of 2 oil tanks  that needed replacing, bathroom repairs and roof leaks where needed in the Town Office in 2011.


Ann Marie also stated that a new line item, PB CAM (a Petitioned Article) has been added in the amount of $1,418.00 for Channel 3 broadcasting of various Selectmen’s Meetings.   A separate Warrant Article for $5,120.00 for the Town of Campton’s portion for staffing at the Thornton Mall was added.  The Thornton and Campton Boards have decided to reopen the Thornton Mall; however it would be “on a trial basis” seasonally from April 1st through the end of November, on Saturday and Sundays only and the $5,120.00 would be the Town of Campton’s contribute to the additional staffing for the reopening of the Mall.  Reverend Hancock (who attended this meeting this evening) expressed how much he was in favor of the Mall remaining open and felt sufficient notice was not given to the public when the Selectmen decided to close the Mall.  There was also discussion about liability issues, and safety and traffic issues that were the reasons for closing the Mall.


Ann Marie continued on with the review and noted a stipend was allotted to the Emergency Management line for $2,500.00 to compensate Chief Tobine for his numerous duties and time consuming tasks pertaining to being the Director of Emergency Management for the Town of Campton.


Some other significant information noted by Ann Marie was the Fire Department Sub-Station Bond will be paid off in 2016, the Covered Bridges Bond (Article 3, 2009) will be paid off in 2014 and the Kati A/Millie’s Cir. Betterment will be paid off this year.


Upon the completion of Ann Marie reviewing the budget at 8:40 p.m., Chair Davis declared the public hearings adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,

Eleanor M. Dewey,

Office Assistant to Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator