BOS Meeting Minutes 2.13.2012


The Board of Selectmen met for their weekly meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the Campton Town Office.  Present were, Selectmen, Charles Cheney, Craig Keeney, and Marsh Morgan.  Selectmen Charles Wheeler and Sharon Davis were not present due to conflicts in schedule.  The Board signed 1 Notice of Intent to Cut.

A member of the public who was present at the meeting but not on the agenda was Michael Baumann.

At 6:30 p.m. Acting Chair Charles Cheney called the meeting to order and stated that the Thornton Board of Selectmen and the Campton Board of Selectmen will vote this evening on the Petition to Alter Boundary Line in Waterville Estates Village District, regarding the Matson property. Present at this meeting representing the Thornton Board of Selectmen were Selectmen:  Tim Tyler, Alfred Burbank, Roy Sabourn and David Joyce.  Also present were Laura Spector-Morgan, Town Counsel, Town Administrators Ann Marie Foote and Tammy Beaulieu, and Minutes secretary, Eleanor Dewey.

Acting Chair Cheney then opened the meeting to the two Boards for discussion.  Acting Chair Cheney called on Selectman Alfred Burbank who stated:

I move that we approve the petition to modify the boundaries of the Waterville Estates Village District as submitted by the Commissioners because the services provided by the district, including roads, water and recreation, are available to the Matsons’ new lot, regardless of whether the Matson’s plan to utilize those services at this time.

This approval is conditioned upon the Grafton County Superior Court affirming the right to access this lot via the 20-foot wide driveway and upon the Thornton Planning Board decision being affirmed by the Thornton Zoning Board of Adjustment and/or the Grafton County Superior Court

The Motion was seconded by Selectman Keeney.  Acting Chair Cheney then proceeded to go around the table for each Board member to comment.

Selectman Burbank stated that while he is not in favor of people being forced into doing things, his decision this evening is based on what he heard at the meeting on January 26, 2012.  He stated the defining moment was obvious to him that all parties had a clear understanding of what was proposed, even to the point that the Matsons signed a written agreement as to their intentions.

Acting Chair Cheney stated that his decision this evening is based upon the State Statutes that the reasons for forming a District are to provide services, i.e. roads, water and other amenities.  Even though the Matsons state no water service is available to that lot, it was clarified that water, is in fact, available to the lot, along with the other amenities.

Selectman Keeney stated he is basing his decision upon the fact that again, water is available, being approximately 90 feet from the property.  The property is buildable, and an agreement was signed by the Matsons as to what would happen and where it would take place.

Selectman Sabourn concurred with the previous three Selectmen who just spoke above.


Selectman Tim Tyler concurred with the majority.

Selectman Morgan expressed that he had a different point of view. He stated that when buying a piece of land and the local government decides that, “they want more money”, it is a misappropriation of government authority.

Selectman Joyce stated that while he is in agreement with Selectman Morgan, he has to concur with the majority after hearing some of the evidence at the meeting on January 26, 2012.

A vote was then taken to approve the Petition to Alter Boundary Line in Waterville Estates Village District and the result was as follows:  From the Campton Board of Selectmen, Selectman Cheney – yes, Selectman Keeney – yes, Selectman Morgan – no.  From the Thornton Board of Selectmen the vote to approve was unanimous.   The approval of the Petition to Alter Boundary Line of Waterville Estates District was then approved.

Acting Chair then called on Corey Smith who requested clarification of the conditions of the approval.  Laura Spector-Morgan clarified the conditions.

At 6:50 p.m. Acting Chair Cheney called on Paul Hatch and Fire Chief David Tobine regarding Emergency Management.  Mr. Hatch explained that in 2007 the Town of Campton completed a Hazardous Mitigation Plan.  Mr. Hatch further explained that the plan has to be updated every five years.  He expressed that the good news is that grant money has been allocated to the Town of Campton for the cost of such update.  This evening he would like to get an affirmative vote from the Board to accept the $5,000 grant money to complete the updating of the Plan.  Mr. Hatch also explained that a contractor will need to be hired by the Town in order to assist in completing this task.    Once all the paper work is completed a Committee will be formed. Mr. Hatch expressed that it is hoped that a representative from all Departments of the Town will attend the Committee meetings together with a representative from the Selectmen’s Office and Planning Board. Mr. Hatch felt the whole project should take about five to six weeks.

Acting Chair Cheney then made a Motion to accept the grant from NH Department of Safety, Homeland Security and Emergency Management in the amount of $5,000 to update the Hazardous Mitigation Plan. The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan and the acceptance of the grant was unanimously approved.

There was then discussion pertaining to the duties of the Emergency Management Director.  At present, the sole Director is Fire Chief David Tobine.  Mr. Hatch suggested appointing a backup person for Chief Tobine.  He also explained that the duties of the Director ranged from (but not limited to) attending meetings, training courses, follow-up with FEMA after a disaster occurs, and extensive paper work. Mr. Hatch also expressed that Chief Tobine is the most experienced Director he has. After discussion, it was agreed by the Board that $2,500 be allocated in the Budget for the Emergency Management Director position.

Chief Tobine also invited the Board to view all the work that has been done at the Fire Station, and he expressed how pleased he was with the citizens and contractors who have been working very hard, some on a volunteer basis.  Chief Tobine also stated that a mold issue has been discovered during the renovation that has to be resolved which will increase the cost of the project slightly.

At 7:20 p.m. Acting Chair Cheney called on Lloyd Wiley regarding Waterville Estates’ roads and FEMA money.  Mr. Wiley distributed a copy of “A Cooperative Road Paving Program for Mutual Benefit” which he prepared to present to the Board this evening.  The program presented would involve a joint venture with the Town of Campton contributing $250,000.00 and Waterville Estates Village District contributing $250,000.00 for paving roads in the Waterville Estates Village District. (Some roads owned by the District and some roads owned by the Town). Mr. Wiley expressed that with an extensive paving project (such as this) to be put out for bids would be, “a way of getting greater efficiency with the money.”  There was discussion about FEMA funds available; however, it was explained to Mr. Wiley that the FEMA funds were not encumbered and these funds went into the General Fund to help replenish the Town’s fund balance that is used to help lower the tax rate.

Selectman Morgan brought to Mr. Willey attention that while he appreciated the list of roads that Mr. Willey presented for priority paving,  there are other roads in Town, not just in the Waterville Estates Village District that also need attention. The list presented here this evening just involves already paved roads.  Selectman Morgan expressed that there are unpaved roads that also justify priority in other parts of Town, with full time residents living on these roads, as opposed to the large percentage of seasonal residents living in Waterville Estates Village District. Selectman Morgan further commented that some of these unpaved roads have a high volume of usage due to population expansion.  At this point Selectman Morgan invited Ellie Dewey’s comments since she is a resident living off these unpaved roads.  Ellie expressed the problems that occur, especially in the spring when the roads are soft even with the Road Agent’s diligence at applying stone and gravel she expressed that neighbors have gotten stuck and encountered hiring a tow truck to pull them out.  Selectman Keeney also expressed that the paving projects have to be spread around the Town to try to “keep everyone happy.”  Mr. Willey did acknowledge the situation and thanked the Board for their time.

At 7:45 p.m. Acting Chair made a Motion to go into Non Public Session under RSA 91-A: 3, 11© regarding a tax matter.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan and with a roll call vote:  Selectman Morgan – aye, Selectman Cheney – aye and Selectman Keeney – aye, the Board went into Non Public Session.  At 7:55 p.m. the Board came out of Non Public Session.

Acting Chair Cheney called for a Motion to approve the Minutes of the previous meeting.  Selectman Morgan made the Motion to accept the Minutes as written.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Keeney and the Minutes were unanimously approved as written.

Acting Chair Cheney called on Ann Marie to review correspondence.  Ann Marie indicated that the auditors have completed their work in the Town Office and recommended that the Town devise a policy for capital assets.  Ann Marie distributed a spreadsheet of the Police Department vehicles and Highway Department equipment for the Board to review.  The Board suggested that the computer system itself and perhaps buildings and bridges should be included in the fixed assets.  Ann Marie will check with other surroundings Towns to get a better idea of what assets to include.

Ann Marie indicated that the “Mall Committee was going to file a Petitioned Warrant Article regarding the reopening of the Mall; however, they decided not to do it, but the Committee wanted the Board to see all the signatures they received from residents who are in favor of the Mall reopening.

Ann Marie informed the Board that Dennis Prescott was in the office recently and mentioned that it was found that the property adjacent to his also has hazardous waste material on it.  It is Mr. Prescott’s belief that if he had to clean up his property then the adjacent property owner should also have to clean up his property.  Ann Marie indicated that Planning Board will be discussing this issue tomorrow.  Upon discussing this issue, a question arose as to whether or not a Building Permit can be denied if there are delinquent taxes on property.  Ann Marie will contact Laura Spector-Morgan on this matter.

Ann Marie indicated that Hannah Joyce, Town Clerk/Tax Collector provided the Board with the Old Home Day account information requested at the previous meeting.  Ann Marie indicated that Kevin Hamilton contacted her and stated that the Committee appreciates the fact that the Board would like to see the Old Home Day event eventually become self-sustaining.  In light of that, Kevin expressed that he is happy with $2,500.00 being placed in the budget this year.

A memo was received from Hannah Joyce, Town Clerk/Tax Collector regarding the fact that her office will not sign off on any revenue from the Selectman’s Office unless it is physically brought over and verified while the designee from the Selectmen’s Office is present.  Ann Marie informed the Board that there would never be any revenue placed in the mailbox designated for the Town Clerk/Tax Collector’s Office in the Meeting Room and the current revenue policy will be followed.  Acting Chair Cheney suggested that Ann Marie confirm this information in writing to Hannah Joyce (on the Memo provided by Hannah Joyce) in addition to the e-mail that Ann Marie already sent to the Town/Clerk Tax Collector.

Acting Chair then called on Ann Marie to review the Budget for Wednesday night’s hearing.   Some of the items discussed were that the Bonds have been included in the budget; $1,418.00 was included on Page 5 for the Channel 3 broadcasting figure; and the fact that the Emergency Management figure of $2,500.00 will need to be added in.  Ann Marie indicated that John Timson felt the bandstand was not in need of replacing; (contrary to the Board’s opinion) however, he would like to take out of the cemetery funds money to clean the stones.  A question arose as to whether or not the Town would be allowed to clean cemetery stones.  Ann Marie will contact Laura Spector-Morgan to inquire.  There was also discussion pertaining to office supplies being split allocating $2,500.00 for the Town Clerk/Tax Collector and the remaining figure as part of the Selectmen’s Office supplies.

Ann Marie informed the Board that the 53rd pay week this year represents a total figure of $13,376.23.

There being no further business nor Selectmen’s Input, Acting Chair Cheney declared the meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Eleanor M. Dewey

Office Assistant to Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator