Fire Commision Minutes 12.12.2011

Campton – Thornton   Fire Commission Meeting Minutes       December 12, 2011

Meeting Called to order By Chairman Jim Demeritt at 1600 hrs.

Members present= Jim Demeritt, Lou Klotz, Dick Giehl, Niles Downing, Kelly Bolger.     Also present Chief David Tobine

Reading of the minutes of 11-14-2011 and 11-28-2011 were read and approved as read  unanimously.

Old Business- Chief Tobine reported that he spoke with the property owner where the ambulance accidently clipped an overhang bringing it down. The owner  will not file a claim against the department but instead, made a donation.  Thank you .

Kelly reported that due to computer issues, he was unable to get out a draft letter to the Selectboards  that addresses a concern of the Commission.

Chief Tobine reported that there may be funds available to cover the renovations to the Campton Station through the Durgin Trust. The Campton Selectboard will vote at their next meeting.

Ambulance income For November… Campton   $2907.90,  Thornton  $1905.17, Ellsworth  200.54   Total, $5013.61.

New Business:

Chief Tobine gave a breakdown of the Fire and EMS call volume for the year.  52.2% Campton, 38.09% Thornton and the remainder divided between Ellsworth, Ashland, Lincoln, N.Woodstock, Waterville Valley, and Plymouth.

Lou reminded the Board of the meeting with the Thornton Selectboard on Wednesday night 12-14-11 at 1900 hrs. to discuss the budget.

Niles brought up Thornton’s new policy on equipment procurement and asked how that affects the Commission and the Fire department day to day operations.  Jim will write up what our current policy is.

A motion to adjourn was made by Lou, 2’nd by Dick. Vote to adjourn was unanimous at 1645 hrs.

Respectfully submitted,

Niles Downing