PB Meeting Minutes 12.13.2011



The Planning Board met this date with Stuart Pitts, Chairman, Greg Jencks,

Secretary, Charles Brosseau, Kelly Bolger, Chris Kelly, Tim Scanlin and Marsh Morgan.

Stuart Pitts opened the meeting at 6:30 PM.

First on the agenda, the Work Session Notes for December 6, 2011.  Marsh Morgan made a motion to approve the Work Session Notes for December 6, 2011.  Chris Kelly seconded the motion.  The Planning Board voted in the affirmative, unanimously.  The Planning Board did not have a meeting in November.

Next on the agenda, Meredith Miller, Boundary Line Adjustment, Beech Hill Road.

Roy Sabourn representing Meredith Miller stated that the purpose of the proposed Boundary Line Adjustment is to adjust the lines between Tax Map # 14.3.7 and #14.3.8.  Tax Lot # 14.3.8 will be reduced from 7.84 acres to 7.8l acres, and Tax Lot # 14.3.7 will be increased from 6.3l acres to 6.34 acres.  No new lots will be created.

Roy said that he has the septic plan ready to go to the State of NH, but he was waiting for the approval of the Boundary Line Adjustment.  The Planning Board did not see any problems with the Boundary Line Adjustment.  Kelly Bolger made a motion to approve the Boundary Line Adjustment for Meredith Miller.  Charles Brosseau seconded the motion.  The Planning Board voted in the affirmative, unanimously. The Planning Board signed the mylar and the maps

Next on the agenda, the Planning Board went over the amendment to the zoning, which is proposed by the Planning Board, and reviewed by the Town Attorney.

This amendment to Article IV, Section 7, would add the language as follows: (New language has been underlined.)

The renting of up to four rooms to no more than ten people and furnishing of meals to the residents in whole or in part shall be permitted only in an approved Bed and Breakfast.  More than four rooms may be rented by Special Exception.  A Bed and Breakfast may rent more than four rooms only upon receipt of a Special Exception.


Next on the agenda, the Planning Board went over the Budget for 2012.



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The Planning Board went over correspondence and mail.


The Planning Board adjourned at 8:l5 PM.


Respectfully submitted,

May Brosseau

Campton Planning Board
