Fire Commission Special Meeting 11-28-2011

Campton-Thornton Fire Commission Special Meeting 11-28-2011

This special meeting of the Campton-Thornton Fire Commissioners was for the purpose of finalizing the budget for presentation to the Campton BOS on Dec. 5 Selectmen’s meeting.

Meeting called to order by Chairman Jim Demeritt at 1600 hrs. Present were Commissioners Demeritt, and Lou Klotz, Dick Giehl, Niles Downing, and Kelly Bolger.    Also, Chief Tobine and Deputy Ch. Ian Halm.

Chief Tobine advised  that the price of gas has been locked in at $3.13 at the state sheds.

Budget discussion ensued and numbers were plugged in to the budget. The members agreed to attend the Thornton budget meeting in Dec. 14 at 1900 hrs.  at their request.

Kelly  reported on his inquiry for a cost estimate for the proposed  fire department  renovations  for the Campton Station 1. Bldg materials- $6150, Plumbing 2431, and electrical  $3220. This will be presented at the Campton BOS on Dec 5 2011 for their consideration.

Chief Tobine reported that Engine 3 and the Rescue have new winter tires.  Also, the Ambulance sustained minor damage  in an accident.

Ads no other business was forthcoming, a motion to adjourn was made by Lou, seconded by Dick and approved unanimous.

Adjourned at 1635 hours.

Respectfully submitted,

Niles Downing