Fire Commission Meeting Minutes 11-14-11

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Campton-Thornton Fire Commission Meeting Minutes    11-14-11

The meeting was called to order by Lou Klotz for Chairman Jim Demeritt who was excused  from the meeting at 1610 hrs.

Present at the meeting;  Commissioners Lou Klotz, Dick Giehl, Kelly Bolger and Niles Downing. From the Fire Dept. : Ch. David Tobine, Deputy Ch. Ian Halm, FF Josh Fitz, Treasurer/Book keeper Becky Farnsworth.

The minutes of October 11, 2011 were read and approved unanimously.

Old Business:  Chief Tobine advised that the Selectboards from Thornton and Campton  visited the stations for an equipment inspection.   At that time, Chief Tobine advised the Thornton board that the Thornton station is required to have a containment tank to capture water and contaminants from the bay area  per State law.  Also, it was evident that the bay floor was failing under the weight of the apparatus. The equipment portion of the inspection went well.

Chief Tobine reported that the work on the frames of Engines 2 and 4 was completed.

Chief Tobine reported that he was notified that the Selectboards would not review the Wage and Job Description study until the Commissioners had a chance to review it.

New Business:  There was some discussion on mis-communication between the Commission and the Selectboards. It is the Commissions position that requests  for the Chief to attend meetings or other demands on his time outside of his normal duties  should follow  the established Chain of Command .   This would involve notifying the Commission when  there is a need for an unscheduled meeting requiring the Chiefs attendance  during his off-time. A motion was made by Dick and seconded by Lou that Kelly would draft a letter to the three Selectboards. Passed unanimously

The Commission  voted to hold an extra session on November 28, 2011 at 1600 hrs. to finalize the budget in preparation for the Dec. 14, 2011 budget meeting in Thornton and the December 5,2011 Campton Selectmen’s meeting.  The motion was made by Dick, seconded by Kelly. Approved unanimously.

Chief Tobine has initially figured the payroll budget by using the wage study minimum levels plus one step.

Budget discussion: The Secretary position has been moved from the Support Staff line (4220.05) to Payroll-Full Time in line 4220.00.  The remainder of the Support Staff line is for the Treasurer/Book keeper.

Regarding the Wage and Job Description study, Dick made a motion to accept it, seconded by Kelly and approved unanimously.


Campton Thornton Fire Commission  meeting Nov. 14, 2011                                   Page 2 of 2


Chief Tobine reiterated the need to be setting aside money which he feels should come from the Ambulance generated income to have the least impact on the budget  towards the purchase of the replacement ambulance in the future.  There is also concern that there is no money available in the budget for the replacement of a defibrillator should one fail catastrophically. They are running around $27,000 now and the ambulance is required to carry one.  The Commission is aware of the Selectboards position on setting aside a portion of the Ambulance income. It presently all goes in to the general account.

Chief Tobine requests that funds from the Equipment and rescue Supplies line be used to purchase tires for the front of the Rescue vehicle and winter tires for Engine 3. The cost is estimated to be $3600.00.

A motion was made and seconded and passed unanimously to get the tires.

A motion was made by Dick, seconded by Lou to adjourn at 1745 hrs. Approved unanimously.

Respectfully submitted

Niles Downing