Conservation Commission Minutes 12.14.2011

Campton Conservation Commission  Meeting Minutes

December 14, 2011; 7:00 pm

Members present: Jess Halm, Jane Kellogg, Jules Doner, Melissa Greenawalt-Yelle


1)      November minutes: Jess moved to approve the November minutes. Seconded by Melissa. 3 in favor, 1 abstention.

2)      BWNA/PCP land management update:

  1. BWNA: 11/19 Melissa and Ian Halm cut a poplar tree leaning over onto The Red Sleigh property. 2 residents came over and expressed interest in helping to maintain BWNA trails. There was discussion about notifying the association through their new president, Loretta Muzzey, when we schedule trail maintenance days. Melissa will get together soon with another CC member to put up the winter parking lot cables and signs.
  2. PCP: On the parking area fence, Eric Wooster had previously mounted the property rules sign Melissa had made. On  11/19 Jess and Tammy did some trail cleaning-up and blaze marking. Some flagging was planned along the property boundary with the Kidney family, but none was done that day. Jules said he would go and place a few flags near a stone which marks the corner with the Kidney home for sale. Jess remarked on the wonderful aspects of the forested trails, and the potential for future student activities scheduled there.

3)      Power Point review

  1. Jess reviewed that at a Nov 30 work session held at the town office, there had been work on beginning to rough-out a Power Point presentation for the public hearing about the warrant article to be presented at Town Meeting. Jules had not been at the work session, so each slide was reviewed, comments or potential changes noted.
  2. At the completion of this discussion, it was decided that since there were no visuals it might be better to simply use the slides as guide notes and present the information informally.
  3. Jess had received notice from Ann Marie, that the hearing will be on Jan 30 at a regular Select Board meeting. She will take care of contacting the Historical Society for a location and placing public notices.

4)      2012 budget

  1. At last month’s meeting, the proposed budget was determined, but notice had just been received from the NHACC, that the annual dues will go from $225 to $235. Various options were discussed. It was moved, seconded and voted to raise the proposed budget figure by $10 to accommodate the increase in dues from a total of $1,075 to $1,085.
  2. Funds still available in the 2011 budget were discussed and it was decided to order another printing of the groundwater brochures from the UPS store. Melissa will follow up on this and arrange for billing to go to Ann Marie for payment from the CC budget.
  3. Jess will talk to Ann Marie about bringing the proposed budget to the Select Board at their convenience.

5)      Month by month calendar planning

  1. Jess had brought a 2012 calendar and offered it as a place to note dates and events of importance to the CC. Various things were recorded for the first 5 months of the new year. Some of them were the annual report due in January, town meeting in March, land management annual meeting in April, trail maintenance and road clean-up in May.

6)      New member recruitment:

  1. Jess, Jane Melissa all reported of some people they have spoken to or know who may be interested in joining the commission. There was discussion to continue in this quest, as there may be some reasons why some present commissioners will need to step down in the near future.

7)      BWNA summer programming with Rey Center.

  1. This was presented at the previous CC meeting. Melissa will follow up and email the Rey Center noting our enthusiasm and encouragement. There was some discussion about the need to raise some money to allow the program to function. Some ideas were discussed.

8)      Review mail/FYI

  1. A mailing had been received from the NH Association of Natural Resource Scientists which included an application to become a member. The CC had already joined. Some dates of scheduled seminars and their Jan 28 annual meeting were discussed.
  2. Jane reported of recent news of the announcement that much of the Dixville Notch land around the Balsams Resort will be placed under a conservation easement held by the Forest Society.

Meeting adjourned 8:45pm

Next meeting 1/11/12   7pm