BOS Meeting Minutes 12.07.2011

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes for  December 7, 2011


The Selectmen met for an emergency meeting on the above date at 10:45 a.m. to discuss the general contractor for the proposed Town Office building.  Present were Selectmen Sharon Davis, Charles Wheeler, Craig Keeney and R. Marsh Morgan, Jr.  Also present was Chair of the Building Committee Kelly Bolger.

Chair Davis explained that the Building Committee met and interviewed four companies to be considered as the Construction Manager for the Town Building.  Cobb Hill Construction, Inc., Conneston Construction, Inc., Milestone Engineering & Construction, Inc, and North Branch Construction, Inc.  The Committee unanimously voted in favor of giving the position to Conneston Construction, Inc. (CCI)


Kelly Bolger explained that some of the reasons for picking this company were that they did not ask for any funding for pre construction services, and were looking at an overhead profit on the project of 4.7%.  Some of the applicants were looking for a higher percentage, and fees for pre construction plans.  One applicant dropped out because they were maxed on their bonds due to the amount of work they have scheduled.


Other reasons cited for picking them was that they have been the Construction Manager for the Campton School, the Thornton School and the Lamson Library for PSU.  They are also well known for hiring local sub-contractors.  Fire Chief Tobine has done inspections on these buildings and according to Kelly was impressed with their work.  DeeDe Joyce, who is on the Building Committee, indicated that they were very good when working on the school.  She is the Campton Elementary School’s secretary and CCI always gave them advanced notice of any work that they were doing on the building that might disrupt the school day and kept the days the school was closed due to this to a minimum.  Thornton School had an issue with their addition last winter, and CCI responded within a half hour.  The committee was looking to get approval  from the Selectmen as soon as possible as they are hoping to meet again next Wednesday with CCI to get this project set up and ready for presentation at Town Meeting.  The Committee was also looking at holding an informational meeting before Town Meeting.  With the clock ticking, they need to get CCI to work at once.


With a motion from Selectman Wheeler, and seconded by Selectman Morgan, the Board agreed unanimously to hire CCI as the general contractor.


This decision will be announced at the regularly scheduled meeting on Monday night as well.

The meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m.


Respectfully submitted



Ann Marie Foote

Town Administrator