BOS Meeting Minutes 11.14.2011


The Board of Selectmen met for their weekly meeting at 6:30 p. m. at the Campton Town Office.  Present were, Selectmen, Charles Wheeler, Sharon Davis, Charles Cheney, Craig Keeney, and Marsh Morgan.  The Board signed the manifest and reviewed the bills.

A member of the public who was present at the meeting and not on the agenda was Will Lambert.

At 6:40 p.m. Chair Davis called the meeting to order, while waiting for some other people to arrive, Chair Davis called for a Motion to approve the Minutes and Non Public Minutes of the previous meeting.  After revisions by Selectman Morgan and Chair Davis, Selectman Morgan made a Motion to approve the Minutes as revised and approve the Non Public Minutes as written. The Motion was seconded by Selectman Wheeler and the revised Minutes and Non Public Minutes as written were unanimously approved.

Upon the arrival of an additional guest to take part in the Campton Farmers Market presentation (CFM), Chair Davis explained that the Campton Farmers Market was formed in 2010 with each vendor paying a vendor fee and having the understanding that if there were any monies available at the end of the season a donation would be contributed to the Campton Resource Center and the Campton Corner Pantry.  Chair Davis was happy to present a check in the amount of $100.00 to the Campton Resource Center and another $100.00 check to the Campton Corner Pantry. Present for this presentation were May Brosseau, representing the Campton Corner Pantry and Michelle Betts and Michelle Bilodeau, representing Campton Resource Center.  Chair Davis also introduced Steve Nelson who was a loyal vendor participant for the entire 20 weeks at the CFM and also owns a pastry business.  Chair Davis also introduced Martha Aguiar who worked hard as a volunteer at the CFM assisting in set up and breakdown.  Chair Davis also stated that Jim Aguiar was a very much-appreciated contributor to the CFM with his music and singing.  Pictures were taken this evening of the presentation and will be published in the newspaper.

Chair Davis then called on Tom Jantell of Squam Trail Busters who requested permission for Squam Trail Busters to have snowmobile access to the bridge on Eastern Corners Road.  After discussion by the Board and concerns resolved, it was agreed by the Board to authorize Squam Trail Busters access on to Eastern Corners Bridge. A Motion was then made by Selectman Wheeler to authorize Chair Sharon Davis to sign a Permission Form to provide Squam Trail Busters access commencing December 11, 2011 and end April 9, 2012. The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan and authorization was given to Chairman Sharon Davis to sign the Permission form was unanimously approved.  Tom Jantell also provided a signed agreement to the Town acknowledging that Squam Trail Busters will be responsible for any repair if damage is caused by snowmobiles or grooming equipment during the riding season.

Chair Davis then called on Ann Marie to review correspondence.  Ann Marie indicated that she received two quotes from W.B. Mason regarding a replacement copy machine for the Selectmen’s Office since the old copy machine (which was donated to the Town) is not repairable. Ann Marie explained that a color copier would be too costly to operate.  The black and white copier will accommodate 11” X 17” paper and has maintenance and supply costs of only $.02 per copy.  W.B. Mason has available a used copier for $750.00, or a new one could be purchased for $3,100.00.  The Board agreed to purchase the used copier for $750.00.

Ann Marie indicated that at the recent Loss Safety Meeting that Ellie attended, Butch Bain, Road Agent inquired if the Board would agree to pay for his staff to receive hepatitis shots.  Ann Marie is waiting to hear from R.J. Dragon as to possible insurance coverage for the shots, and she will check with Fire Chief Tobine as to how the Fire Department handles this issue.  It was also suggested by the Board that the Highway Department have gloves available to be used as precautionary measures.

Ann Marie reported that Butch Bain calculated approximately 20,000 miles of driving on the white Town truck and that approximately 5,000 of those miles were used for errands.  The Board previously discussed the possibility of having a small used vehicle available to the Highway Department to save on gas rather than using the large equipment all the time.  Selectman Morgan pointed out 5,000 miles are not enough miles to offset the cost of an additional vehicle.  After continued discussion, it was then agreed by the Board to have Butch Bain inquire about prices and availability of a vehicle at the White Farm.

Ann Marie explained that a letter was received from Flynn, Riedel & Young, Inc., Insurance Adjusters authorizing the second payment to 3-G Construction in the amount of $30,367.50 for the repair work to the Blair Bridged caused by Storm Irene.

Ann Marie also explained that she received a posting that will be placed in the newspaper by the Town of Thornton regarding recruitment for a committee to be formed (made up of volunteer residents from Thornton, Campton and Ellsworth) to be able to offer new ideas and recommendations for improvements and the possibility to continue service of the Mall at the Transfer Station.  Ann Marie explained that the goal of the committee would be to report to the Public on Town Meeting Day, 2012 ways the service could possibly remain in existence to the communities of Thornton, Campton and Ellsworth.   Any interested person who would like to serve on the committee should contact the Thornton Town Hall at 726-8168.

Ann Marie also discussed with the Board the “Unofficial” tax rate computations provided by NH DRA, and she will contact NH DRA concerning the Board’s goal in keeping the tax rate down to a minimum.

Ann Marie also discussed the calculated repurchase that she computed for property to be repurchased as a result of tax deeding.  Ann Marie indicated that she was able to calculate a monthly payment figure below $1,000 a month (as agreed upon by the buyer) for a period of 18 months.  The Board also made suggestions to Ann Marie as to what figures should be upfront costs and what figures needed be calculated into the total purchase price for amortizing.

Chair Davis then called on Ann Marie for discussion on the 2012 Budget.  Ann Marie explained that she would like to go over budget figures that stay consistent and discuss any necessary increases or decreases.  She indicated an interpreter fee for Town Meeting needs to be added to the Executive section, the Property, Liability, Auto & Bond line was increased to $32,000.00 and Worker’s Comp increased to $15,459.00.  Advertising & Regional the Board agreed to hold to the 2011 Budget figures with the exception of $500.00 to Mid-State health Center and the Chamber Dues to $795.00.  The PBSWD dues, line 4324.1 was reduced to $3,112.66.  Other figures that were agreed to be held to last year’s figures are Health Officer, Voices against Violence and Bridge House.  The Board agreed that they will focus on a high and low range figures to be set for employees’ compensation within the specific designated positions. Ann Marie indicated that COLA is set at 3.6 by the Social Security Administration for the coming year.

Chair Davis then proceeded with Other Business – Selectmen’s Input. Chair Davis indicated that she would be out of state for Thanksgiving and would not be able to attend the November 28, 2011 Selectmen’s Meeting.  The Board will make a decision next week as to whether or not they will actually schedule a Selectmen’s Meeting on November 28, 2011 due to holiday conflict schedules.

Chair Davis discussed moving the Boards mail boxes to the Selectmen’s Office rather than keeping them in the present space.  The Board unanimously agreed.

There being no further business, Chair Davis declared the meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Eleanor M. Dewey,

Office Assistant to Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator