BOS Meeting Minutes 12.12.2011


The Board of Selectmen met for their weekly meeting at 6:30 p. m. at the Campton Town Office.  Present were, Selectmen, Charles Wheeler, Sharon Davis, Craig Keeney, and Marsh Morgan.  Selectman Cheney arrived shortly after the meeting began.  The Board signed the manifest and reviewed the bills.  They signed 1 Notice of Intent to Cut, 1 letter to Grafton County Commissioners and 1Tax Abatement.

Members of the public who were present at the meeting, but not on the agenda were Marie Hixson, Lucy Burton, Heather Mclean, George Wright and Kelly Bolger.

At 6:45 p.m. Chair Davis called the meeting to order and called on Mike Scala, U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte’s Special Assistant for Casework and Projects.  Mr. Scala explained that Senator Ayotte has elected to have a representative visit every Town in New Hampshire on her behalf to get feedback from the public.  The Board voiced their opposition to Northern Pass and discussed with Mr. Scala the issues concerning their objection which centered on eminent domain, the route of Northern Pass going straight through the Landfill and the fact that the economy has not recovered in New Hampshire. The Board expressed that the Northern Pass Project would delay recovery even further.

Chair Davis then opened the discussion with Mr. Scala to the public.  George Wright further discussed issues concerning Northern Pass and legislation centering on eminent domain.  Heather Mclean discussed the importance of objecting to Northern Pass and stopping this project; however she expressed a general feeling of the public losing faith in government when the issues of Northern Pass are presented. Mr. Scala explained that Senator Ayotte is opposed to Northern Pass and he assured the Board and the public that Senator Ayotte would be made aware of concerns discussed this evening and he would get back to George Wright on specific issues that he discussed.

Chair Davis then called on Marie Hixon who explained that she was here this evening representing Grafton County Snowmobile Club, (GCSC) a non profit organization.  Marie stated that the GCSC is asking for continued financial support from the U.S. government and she is specifically presenting this request this evening to Senator Kelly Ayotte for support. Marie explained that she has previously discussed the importance of continued financial support with Senator Ayotte while she was recently in Washington.  Marie explained if government support is discontinued, the organization will be crippled.  Marie explained that the GCSC brings recreation and a large amount of revenue to the State of New Hampshire; however the expenses are numerous for equipment to maintain the trails throughout the area; hence, the need for continued government support.

Ann Marie expressed to Mr. Scala the importance Senator Ayotte’s support for the proposed bill to lower the payroll tax.  Ann Marie expressed her concern that working individuals cannot afford any more tax increases out of their paycheck.

The Board thanked Mr. Scala for coming, and Mr. Scala expressed his appreciation for the “good feedback”.

Chair Davis then called for a Motion to approve the Minutes of the last meeting and the Emergency Meeting on December 6, 2011.  After revisions made by Selectman Morgan to the regular Meeting Minutes, a Motion was then made by Selectman Wheeler to approve the Minutes as revised, and the Emergency Meeting Minutes as written.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan and both sets of Minutes were unanimously approved.

Chair Davis then called upon Ann Marie to review correspondence.  Ann Marie stated an October 2011 Nor’easter booklet was received from Public Service of NH informing the public about the work they performed during the October storm.

The Campton Historical Society (CHS) provided a copy of the Articles of Agreement which were prepared by the CHS and Ann Marie commented on how well organized the document was written and that the CHS need to be commended for a job well done.

The Town of Sugar Hill sent a letter acknowledging their opposition to the Northern Pass Project (NPP).  A survey was also sent pertaining to what has been done in our area to oppose the NPP; any future plans and information about how future plans would be instituted.

Dennis Mires, P.A. sent an updated bill for services regarding the proposed new Town Office Building.  Ann Marie indicated that she would like someone to review the bill for approval before it is paid.  It was decided that Kelly Bolger, Chairman of the Building Committee will review the bill.

Ann Marie indicated that the Community Action Report was received from State DRA Monitor, Sam Greene.  It was reported to Ann Marie that Commerford Nieder Perkins LLC did a good job and there were “no substantive error rates” reported by Sam Greene.  Ann Marie also expressed that it was indicated that Jason Bickford is doing a fine job collecting data.

Plodzik & Sanderson, PA, Town Auditors forwarded information pertaining to “Fund Balance Policy” and Ann Marie proceeded to read to the Board the five categories of Fund Balance classifications in accordance with the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 54, “Fund Balance Reporting and Government Fund Type Definitions”.

A copy of a letter was received from the NH Local Government Center to 3-G Construction enclosing a check in the amount of $29,367.50 which serves as the final payment for all services rendered regarding the repair of the Blair Bridge from damage caused by storm Irene.

Ann Marie indicated that the Conservation Commission has requested to have a Public Hearing on January 30, 2012, (along with the Board’s regularly scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting) to present the Conservation Easement to the public which was previously discussed with the Board.  The Board agreed to the January 30, 2012 date and Ann Marie will see if the Campton Historical Society building is available.

Additional information and a bill were received from Hoyle, Tanner Associates, Inc. regarding the Blair Bridge Project.  Ann Marie will submit to Matt Moore for review.

Ann Marie indicated that she was able to determine that funds from the George V. Durgin Trust may be used from the Trust for the Fire Department renovations and she discussed this option with Mary Durgin.  Mary Durgin expressed that she has no problem with that being done.  The Board then discussed the fact that they would like Laura Spector, Town Attorney’s opinion on labor law with reference to whether or not Firemen sleeping at the Station rather than waiting for a call at home have to be paid. The Board assured Kelly Bolger, Fire Commissioner that they were unanimously in support of the renovations; however, they did not want to have any issues arise involving the Labor Department.

Hannah Joyce, Town Clerk Tax Collector provided a copy of a letter she sent to Brown’s River Marotti Co. commending the company on the spectacular job done restoring Town Reports and Inventory.

Ann Marie indicated that she received her Certificate of Completion from the Local Government Center Academy for a course pertaining to “Financial Account Reconciliation” that she attended.  She also indicated that she will be able to get Town reimbursement for the $100.00 book that was purchased for the course, but not used.

Ann Marie distributed to the Board ballots and encouraged the Board to vote for the Campton Corner Cupboard Food Pantry Christmas tree which is on display at the “Festival of Trees” at the Common Man Inn & Spa.  Voting ends January 1, 2012 and the public is also invited to vote at the Common Man Inn & Spa, in Plymouth.

Ann Marie indicated that the class presented by Chief Warn with the Heads of Departments went well and Chief Warn did a good job.  Chief Warn will also be providing Ann Marie with Self Evaluation forms.

Ann Marie distributed to the Board updated 2011 Budget information to be placed in the Board’s notebooks.  Certain line items were discussed pertaining to fuel and the need to increase the amount for road signs as size specifications are being revised so all road signs will need replacing.  There was discussion concerning radio communication equipment and Ann Marie stated that Butch Bain will be coming in to discuss this issue with the Board.  The approximate figure for this equipment is $8,000 to $10,000 as quoted by Butch.  Selectman Cheney suggested that Butch get a quote from Lily Ponds Communication as the Board felt the $8,000 to $10,000 figure was high.

Chair Davis then continued the meeting with Other Business – Selectmen’s Input.  Chair Davis distributed to a Board a spreadsheet on estimated 2012 Salary Percentage Increases to help assist in budgeting.  After review and discussion, Chair Davis called for a Motion to vote on the maximum percentage increase of Town employees, (after the Performance Evaluation is completed) to be no higher than 3.75%.  The Motion was made by Selectman Wheeler, and seconded by Selectman Morgan, and the maximum percentage of 3.75% was unanimously approved for the 2012 budget.  It was agreed by the Board that the Performance Evaluation be completed by January 16, 2012.  The Board also agreed to instruct Heads of Departments, while preparing their budget, to keep their payroll figures flat until after evaluations.

Chair Davis inquired if the Board would like to keep the payroll period weekly or to change to bi-weekly.  The Board unanimously agreed to keep the payroll period weekly.

Chair Davis called on Selectman Keeney who inquired as to how the four contractors were selected for interviewing for the Construction Manager position.  Chair Davis explained that two of the contractors were picked by the architect.  The other two contractors were contractors who applied when the original bid was put out in 2009.  Chair Davis stated that no public notice was put in the newspaper.  Selectman Keeney suggested “transparency” on all selection procedures regarding the new Town Office Building.  Chair Davis informed the Board that there will be a Building Committee Meeting at the school on Wednesday, at 6:30 p.m. and everyone is welcome.

There being no further business, Chair Davis declared the meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Eleanor M. Dewey,

Office Assistant to Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator