Fire Commission Meeting Minutes 10.11.11

Campton-Thornton Fire Commission  Meeting Minutes   October 11, 2011

Meeting called to order by Chairman Jim Demeritt at 1605 hrs.

Present at meeting:  Fire Commissioners Jim Demeritt ,Niles Downing, Kelly Bolger ; Chief David Tobine, Deputy Chief Ian Halm, Rebecca Farnsworth

Minutes of the Sept. 12,2011 meeting were read and approved with corrections unanimously.

Old Business: The Pay and Job Description study is done. There will be a representative from the Local Government Center at the station on October 25 to review the study with the Commissioners.

Engines 2 and 4 will be scheduled to have their frames repaired and painted next week.

New Business:  Car 2 (old Tahoe) is having the old reflective stripe removed and the door bottoms that are starting to rust will be repaired for a cost of $300.00. No charge for the stripe removal by Finishing Touches.

The 2012 Fire Department Budget was worked on. The treasurer was in to see if she would be considered for a raise in the budget this year.  It has been a while.  She was advised to attend the meeting with the LGC on the 25’th to determine where her position fits in to the Job Description study.

Jim brought to the Board a request or inquiry from  a couple Selectmen regarding benefits of National accreditation.  Chief Tobine advised that he had been to the meeting that explained the process and that it takes several years to meet the requirements and a major commitment of personnel.

Chief Tobine advised the Commission that some form of recruitment and retention program needs to be started immediately as coverage for  ambulance call is waning as the personnel experiences burn-out from being on call all the time.

The Chief discussed the need for the Towns to set aside a percentage of the Ambulance income for the replacement of the ambulance. It is paid off this year and should be replaced a lot sooner than the proposed 10 years. There is an increase in the number of times a call comes in while the ambulance is unavailable due to another call. A back-up unit is needed for those instances and for when the ambulance is out of service for maintenance or repair.

Ambulance income from Sept. to Oct 10, 2011                     Campton=       $7299.55,                       Thornton=            $4782.47,   Ellsworth=            $503.42           Total                $12,585.44

A motion to adjourn was made by Kelly, Seconded by Niles, approved unanimously to adjourn at 1725 hrs.

Respectfully submitted,

Niles Downing