Fire Comission Meeting Minutes 9.12.2011

Minutes of the Campton-Thornton Fire Commission Meeting, 12-Sept.-2011

Commissioners present- Jim Demeritt, Lou Klotz, Kelly Bolger, Dick Giehl. Also present- Chief David Tobine    Excused, Niles Downing

Meeting Called to order at 1601 by Chairman Demeritt

Minutes of Aug. 8 2011 were read by Jim. Motion to approve by Kelly, 2’nd by Dick- Unanimously accepted.

Ambulance income for August

  • Campton   $1462.70
  • Thornton  $958.32
  • Ellsworth  $100.88

Old Business:     Kelly had passed thoughts on expansion to Ann Marie and Selectmen who in turn did not like the ideas. They suggested the Chief might spend more time at the Blair Bridge facility. All Commissioners and the Chief felt this to be very impractical for numerous reasons- The Chief should be in Campton!  The Chief displayed a resurrected 18’X12’ proposal to create a privacy office area. We need to decide the next steps.

Chief noted pay Class/job descriptions will be done by next  month.

New Business: Two trucks need exhausts- Will wait until December time frame.   Engine 2 needs rear springs, Double frame showing rust, Estimate=  $400 – $500  per vehicle before winter.

FEMA grants are due Sept 23.  Could use  funds to upgrade electric/generator ($24,432) and alarm system ($19,588) (up to $100,000 grant would require 5% match.) All agreed to proceed.

Pagers need to change to narrow band. Chief Tobine is looking into possible grants.

Air packs will reach 15 year shelf life in two years @ $6,500 each. Again, Chief Tobine will look into possible grants.

Chief Tobine noted the meeting with the Selectmen regarding the Inter-Governmental Agreement will be in Campton at the Historical Society building on Oct 3, 2011. A plethora of discussions around a broad array of subjects then ensued with a common theme that the Chief and budgets report to the Commissioners. Lou agreed to attempt to summarize these thoughts to be passed on to the joint Selectmen for discussion at the Oct. 3 session.

Lou motioned to adjourn at 1708 hrs and Dick 2’nd.  All agreed and meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Lou Klotz