BOS Meeting Minutes 10.31.2011


The Board of Selectmen met for their weekly meeting at 6:30 p. m. at the Campton Town Office. Present were, Selectmen, Charles Wheeler, Charles Cheney and Marsh Morgan. Selectman Keeney and Selectman Davis were not present due to conflicts in schedule. The Board signed the manifest and reviewed the bills. They signed 3 Building Permits,
1 Intent to Cut and 1 Employment Contract and 1 employee’s leave request.

Members of the public who were not on the agenda but attended this meeting were: Erika Sutherland, Sami Gilmore, and Lynn Sutherland.

At 6:45 p.m. Vice Chair Wheeler called the meeting to order and made a Motion to go into Non Public Session under RSA 91:A,ll© regarding a tax matter. The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan and with a roll call vote: Selectman Morgan – aye, Selectman Wheeler – aye, and Selectman Cheney – aye, the Board went into Non Public Session. At 6:50 p.m. the Board came out of Non Public Session.

Vice Chair Wheeler then called for approval of the Minutes and Non Public Minutes of the previous meeting. Selectman Morgan made a Motion to approve the Minutes and Non Public Minutes as written. The Motion was seconded by Selectman Wheeler, and the Minutes and Non Public Minutes as written were unanimously approved.

Ann Marie indicated that regarding the Non Public Minutes dated October 17, 2011 Town Clerk/Tax Collector pointed out a correction. Ann Marie distributed the revised Non Public Minutes to the Board. Vice Chair Wheeler then made a Motion to accept the revised Non Public Minutes dated October 17, 2011. The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan and the Non Public Minutes dated October 17, 2011 were unanimously approved as revised.

Vice Chair then called on Ann Marie to review correspondence. Ann Marie indicated that she had some good news and that was that Beebe River Village District has submitted the necessary documents to NH DRA so that the tax rate can be set.

Ann Marie indicated the bad news is that Grafton County Treasurer submitted their invoice for the Town’s portion of the County Tax for 2011 and it has increased $64,285.00 (an approximate increase of 12%).

Ann Marie indicated that Kevin McGuire, Transfer Station Manager, sent a note indicating that he is taking full responsibility for the closing of the “Mall” and was sorry for any misunderstandings. Kevin further explained that money is being lost each week and he did not have the manpower to police it. Ann Marie indicated that a vote would be taken on Wednesday, November 2, 2011, at the Thornton Town Office regarding the possible closure of the “Mall”.

Ann Marie indicated a letter was received from Concord Regional Solid Waste/Resource Recovery Cooperative (“The Cooperative”) encouraging membership to the “Single Stream Recycling Facility”. Ann Marie read to the Board the benefits of membership that were pointed out in the letter.

Time Warner Cable sent a letter indicating a fee increase and the increase will be effective December 1, 2011.

Ann Marie stated that the Snowmobile Club has submitted 2 Notifications of Trail Development to the NH DES and sent copies to our office.

Lakes Region Mutual Fire Aid Association sent a 3rd quarter bulletin and Ann Marie showed the Board pictures (that were in the bulletin) taken at the Campton Dam during Storm Irene.

There being no further correspondence, Vice Chair Wheeler continued with Other Business- Selectmen’s Input. Chair Wheeler indicated that a meeting of the Cable Committee has been scheduled for November 7, 2011, at 5:30 p.m., at Owl’s Nest and all committee members have been notified and copies of the present draft contract of the Town of Thornton has been provided to each member.

Vice Chair Wheeler then proceeded to sign attendance sheets for two students who attended the meeting this evening in order to complete a high school project. Vice Chair Wheeler explained to the students that the Board was going to go into Non Public Session once again so the students could leave the meeting at this time because the Board meeting would be adjourned after the Non Public Session.

Vice Chair Wheeler then made a Motion to go into Non Public Session under RSA 91-A: 3,ll(a) regarding a personnel issue. The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan and with a roll call vote: Selectman Morgan – aye, Selectman Wheeler – aye, and Selectman Cheney – aye, the Board went into Non Public Session at 7:05 p.m. The Board came out of Non Public Session at 7:08 p.m. and the Non Public Minutes were sealed.

There being no further business, Vice Chair Wheeler declared the meeting adjourned at 7:08 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Eleanor M. Dewey,
Office Assistant to Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator