Fire Commission Monthly Meeting 08.08.2011

Campton – Thornton Fire Commission  Monthly Meeting     August 8, 2011

Meeting called to order by Chairman Jim Demeritt at 1602 hrs.

Commissioners present-  Jim Demeritt, Niles Downing, Lou Klotz, Kelly Bolger.  Also present- Fire Chief David Tobine

Reading of the minutes of July 11, 2011 =  Approved as read- Unanimously

Ambulance income for July=  Campton  $4,375.73

Thornton         $2866.85

Ellsworth         $301.35

Old Business-  Kelly discussed his findings to date regarding portable office buildings.  Some discussion followed and suggestions for more references were offered. Research to continue.

The status of the Intergovernmental Contract  update was discussed. The Commissioners would like to be in on the meeting before final approval goes to the Attorney General’s office.

New Business:  Chief Tobine  reported that there are two firefighters enrolled in the Firefighter I class. One is attending at the Fire Academy in Concord, The other at an Outreach Program in Bristol.

Also, there are two full-time firefighters enrolled in a Haz-Mat  Technician course. This is  a four week 30 hr/week course that will certify them as Hazardous Materials technicians.  Their shifts will be covered by qualified Call personnel.

Two hardship case applications were reviewed for ambulance service.  Case #’s  10-172 and 10-367 were both approved unanimously after a motion to approve write-off was made by Jim and 2’nd  by Lou.

The fire dept. secretary spoke with the LGC regarding the progress of the pay and job description report. It should be ready by the next Commission meeting.  Maybe.

As  no further business was brought forward, a motion to adjourn was made by Lou, 2’nd by Kelly and approved unanimously at 1650 hrs.

Respectfully submitted,

Niles Downing