BOS Work Session 10.03.11


OCTOBER 3, 2011

The Town of Campton Board of Selectmen met at the Campton Historical Society Building at 7:00 p.m. with the Thornton Board of Selectmen, Ellsworth Board of Selectmen and the Campton and Thornton Fire Commissioners.  The following is a list of the individuals present:  Selectman Davis, Selectman Wheeler, Selectman Keeney, Selectman Morgan, Selectman Tyler, Selectman Burbank, Selectman Joyce, Selectman Sabourn, Selectman Benton, Selectman O’Brien, Fire Chief Tobine, Fire Commissioner Halm, Fire Commission Klotz, Fire Commissioner Giehl, Fire Commissioner Downing, Fire Commissioner Demeritt and Fire Commissioner Bolger.

Chair Sharon Davis of the Campton Board of Selectmen opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and explained that this meeting was a work session for the 3 Boards of Selectmen (Campton, Thornton and Ellsworth) to review the updated Intergovernmental Fire/Rescue Service Agreement and the Intergovernmental Agreement for Disposal of Solid Waste.  Chair Davis stated that the first agreement reviewed would be the Fire/Rescue Service Agreement and would be reviewed paragraph by paragraph and she would do her best to recognize Board members who wished to speak and try to keep the meeting running in an orderly fashion.  After the Boards completed their reviews, then members of the public and the Fire Commissioners can make their comments.  Chair Davis then explained that there would be a short dinner break with sandwiches, snacks and beverages that Ann Marie and Ellie arranged after review of Fire/Rescue Service Agreement.  After the break, the meeting would continue on reviewing and discussion of the Intergovernmental Agreement for Disposal for Solid Waste.

Chair Davis then proceeded with going down the Intergovernmental Fire/Rescue Service Agreement with all individuals present having a copy to review and insert changes.  On Page 1 there is a zip code change for the Town of Thornton.  Also on Page 1 there was some additional wording in paragraph 3, 3rd line adding the words “hereinafter Selectmen” after the word Selectmen the Term of the Agreement was established for 1/1/2012 through December 31, 2014 (3- year term).  Under #3 Administration it was decided to take the 1 Ellsworth representative out for this term.

Page 2, Section “d”, Chair Davis suggested the title of the RSA be added, “Access to Governmental Records and Meetings” and Section “b” 8 was to remain with the word “monthly” deleted and quarterly inserted in its place.  #6 under Budget change, the word December 1 changed to November 1 (line 2).

On Page 3, second paragraph.  There was discussion concerning clarification of this paragraph concerning the mediator issue. Clarification and proper language will be discussed with Attorney Laura Spector.  Also, at end of sentence add RSA 31:b.

On Page 3, #8 it was agreed to get Attorney Spector’s clarification on the words “Action to be taken” in RSA 31:95-b 111-a.  Could “action to be taken” be determined to be “acceptance of grant” only, and not apply to apply.

Does the title of the agreement have to conform to Fed I.D. regulation name.  On Page 4, #12, first line, it was agreed to keep the word “excluding”.  Also Attorney Spector is to be contacted to find out if the Town of Ellsworth should be taken out of the title to read the Campton, Thornton Fire and Rescue affect the Federal I.D. number.   #13, 5th line adding the words “and apparatus” (after the words personal property).

At this point the review of the Fire/Rescue Service Agreement was complete and Chair Davis asked the Fire Commissioners if they had any questions or comments. Commissioner Kelly Bolger inquired about approval of grants of under $500 needing both Boards’ approvals.  Mr. Bolger expressed that in some instances the grants do not have a long time span processing and he felt too much time could possibly lapse with this procedure.  Chair Davis read the process required under RSA 31:95-b III (a) and (b) with regards to receipt of unanticipated moneys, and suggested that Attorney Spector be contacted with regards to the meaning of “action to be taken”.

There being no further questions or comments on the Fire/Rescue Service Agreement, Chair Davis stated they would now take a dinner break and all was welcomed to join.

At 8:00 p.m.  Chair Davis proceeded to continue the rest of the work session meeting by reviewing the Intergovernmental Agreement for Disposal of Solid Waste.

Page 1 the zip code of Thornton needs to be corrected to 03285.  Chair Davis stated that the title of the Transfer Station needed to be consistent throughout the document and it was determined that it would be “Recycling Center/ Transfer Station” together with consistency of the title of the Manager of the Transfer Stations to be designated as “Transfer Station Manager”.  Also Page 1, #3 Duration to be a 3 year term (with the same dates as the Fire/Rescue Service Agreement).   All other typed changes were to remain as written on Page 1.

Page 2, Section B3 change to Transfer Station Manager (delete the rest).  Section C, the word General was to be changed to “Specific”.  Section D, was reworded as follows:  “Contracting – The Selectmen may outsource services to perform work in connection with the operation of the Recycling Center/Transfer Station.  All other typed changes are to remain the same on Page 2.

Page 2 the mediator issue needs to be addressed with Attorney Spector as was the case in the Fire/Rescue Service Agreement.  All other typed changes remain the same; however the consistency issue of the Transfer Station Manager is to be corrected as mentioned.

Page 5, typo #9, 7th line after the words, “in accordance with” add Chapter 7.  All other typed changes remain the same.

Page 6, paragraph 6, second line, delete the words “real and personal” after the word property.

Page 7, the initial R. is to be added to the beginning of Marsh Morgan.

Page 8, the Ellsworth Board of Selectmen need to be added along with Leonard Clayton, as Chairman.

At this point, Chair Davis stated the review of this document is complete.  Ann Marie indicated that Selectman Keeney had another issue to review with the Thornton Board of Selectman.  Selectman Keeney indicated that he witnessed an individual bringing a bed, a couch and TV to the Transfer Station and unloaded it at the Mall rather than paying a fee.  Selectman Keeney expressed concern that revenue was being lost by these actions, money was being spent for disposing of these items and traffic jams were created.  Selectman Keeney stated that he discussed this issue with Kevin and he was in total agreement with the possibility of eliminating the mall because of these issues.  After discussion, the Thornton Board of Selectmen and the Campton Board of Selectmen agreed to place this issue on their agendas for their next meeting for a vote.  There was also some discussion about a problem with tire disposal.

There being no further discussion, Chair Davis declared the work session adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,




Eleanor M. Dewey

Office Assistant to Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator